WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1922, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. « | . \ Nel I : PHONE : The Famous Russian Brothers Report on Welcome and Wel- | aturd | at the Grand on Tuesday | fare Work--Address by | ay S1( : qa e If Evening. | Miss L. Ryder. La Popa] H F bs i em test Popular Hits . ....... .. seraierersro. Four For One Dollar The first notes of the National An- | 5 The rural deanery of the county ot : ; them played at the openius of the | Frontenac was held in the city on| All regular 40c. and 50. hits included. concert in the Grand Opera House on | Tuesday and Wednesday. Rev. Rural | : Tuesday evening, told the music lov. | Deas r oF Oriap, iki Preidod at | LADIES' HOME JOURNAL FOR MAY NOW 15¢. ers present of the treat in store for |the sessions. On Tues ay morning at | si them in the programme played by | 30 o'clock holy communion was Back to the 1907 price--the publishers have brought out for | the Cherniavsk fo, Tt usic of | cei in St. George's chapel. An | . S . DO ie A a Quality | address by Conon > Fitzgerald | J May one of the largest numbers ever printed--over 180 pages. | all its own. In their hands the instru- | and a business meeting followed. At | Customers are advised to secure copy Jow to avoid disappoint- YOUR FURS ARE INSURED AGAINST [| cls ors; in iets hands sensi do business men afternoon, the | ment. | hearts. Technique of a wonderful | members of the dean | perfection is there, but is only the at the Frontenac club. At 2.30 pa, MOLLY-O ELECTRIC DOLL LAMPS, $2.50 means to the end of interpreting the | Rural Dean Crisp gave an addréss on | FIRE, THEF § ' Lg | must in their souls, and in the mind ["The State of the Church in the | Cheer up the room with one of these cute' lamps. Formerly {Of the composer whose conception | Fromtenae Deanery" (based on per<} | they reproduce. fodical returns), A very interesting | sold at from $9.00 to $ | 5.00. MOTHS ' | . Mendelssohn's beautiful "Trio in [Meeting was held at 4 p.m, wes! 5 C. Minor" showed the wonderful' en. | Déan Starr presided at a session of : {semble of the musicians and they |the "Social Service Council", Miss | THE COLLEG B 2) : | were recalled witth vigorous ap- Seine. gaeratary of ke elses, E OK STORE iplause. Then Mischel Chernlavsky | an elfare, work reported as fol- . hi Le - OHN M KAY Ii : d [took his violin cello and hig brother, | lows: { FHONE 919. OPEN NIGHTS Cc ' 1mite |Jan sat at the plano and together| "The work of the Welcome and | Fa they made music of rare beauty, To | Welfare secretary and committees | | watch the cellist with the big instru- | for the last six montHs consisted in Manufacturing Furriers [ment in his arms almost, 'while his | caring for comers from over- | |seas and for' those coming to the | 149-157 Brock Street - - Kingston, Ont, | mobile face expressed every mood, | | ' |and the whole man seemed to draw | towns and cities from other places In| (the very soul of music from the Canada. The sick in hospitals are | ---- strings was wonderful. He layed | Visited, new comers in search of Pp 'three numbers, two of them "yito" | Work cared for and found employ- iE \ : |and "The Spinning Wheel", the | ment when possible. The Girls Angli- i R ; 2 A NEW DEPARTURE F : works of his old master Popper. Jan [can Club of Queen's university, a lf il y { Cherniavsky, whose accompaniments | live organization, formed by the sec- ENB \ : > retary, has done excellent work. Wel- J i bh : : have the rare quality of subordina- | For Afternoon Teas, Parties, etc. we [08 12 [20 sole instrument, lu u |Gomte Gay Nie mule sre | wy : {pianist of sympathy and ski, pers Wor ngin the parishes o St. | I , ! have manufactured an entirely {haps less simple in his manner than | George's Cathedral, St. James | 4 > Taig AN IMPORTANT SALE OF WILTON li | hig brothers, but no less of a musi- rages, RInsaon, St. Johu's sharel 4 AND I 3 cian; he played several Chopin num- rismou . Peter's reh, Brook- i dat: ER GS new (ine of | bers dE and with an ori- | Ville, Christ Church, Belleville, and RL AXM NST! RU . READ l { ginality which never became an ex-|St. Mary Magdalene's Church, Nap- y, ; y _ COCOANU I MACAROONS [ centricity. In reponse to the applause |2nee. The secretary has paid 181 vi- | AON of New stock, new patterns, new colors and : |of the audience he played a well [Sits and cared for 108 persons as . y their case required, since November, ' new low prices. & The delicious little confec- have no hesitation in recom- | known waltz of Chopin's. pol Are now on sale at all } | leo Cherniavsky is a master vio-|1921, the leading groceries, and wo mending thom. | linist and exquisite indeed were his| The Counett of Religious Pduca- . . | three numbers and his encore. Again |tion in connection with the deanery Allover Persian patterns--two to ne centres--colored borders with They are just a little different from the average line of | : the Trio played and were recalled | of Frontenac met in St. John's church . . you . Waesrgans and ws know that 94 will by delighted with them. {and 80 ended a choice enjoyable con- | hall, Portsmouth, Wednesday even- deep pile. A big assortment for th € living room, dining room or bed- ing. F. H, Hamilton presided and | the devotional exercises were in| room, Boy STEALS HANDBAG Hinge of Rural Dean Crisp and Rev. | | Hilyard Smith, | C T | FROM UPTOWN HOUSE | Mies a ot ihe. Vietotie. bab. RO HERS | D d Helps, school sat, gave a very scholarly | AXMINSTER RUGS : Opens Front Door an €Ip8iand comprehensive talk on "Teach. Special $35.00 Size 3 x3} yds. Special $55.00 y 1 Himself--No Money in [ing The fundamentals of the sub- | Size 2{x3 yds. etter eee ee -- Made in Kingston by cere. Established 1860. ject were dealt with ably and impres- the Bag. sively by the speaker. Miis Bureau's Size 3 x3 yds. Special $45.00 Size 3 x4 yds. Special $60.00 | Fe ------ ipful dis- | One of the most daring thefts ro. [HE called forth much. belpte . . | cussion, | ported in some time took place on] A round-table conference followed, | Ruesday afternoon shortly after four | WILTON RUGS Se d {led by Rev. T. W. Savary. o'clock when a young lad entered | Dainty refreshments were served [the vestibule of a Princess street [by the ladies of St, John's at the close Size 21x3 yds. Special $35.00 Size 3 x3} yds. Special $60.00 | resident, who resides near the cor- [2 the evening | ner of University avenue, and carted | Canon Gould M.A., addressed the ional Prices away a handbag. There was no mon- | } 1 1 x 30x33 N : . I Hanlias. There way 60 ino: a/clerey on Wednesday morning at Size 3 x3 yds. Special $50.00 | Size 3 x4 yds. Special $75.00 3 on-Skid s'aisletmlainis lnin.a/s', , $10.75 | opened the front door of the home, eleven o'clock, Vulcanizing a Specialty [Fad fo Soe weetiute, sud some W CLI COUNCIL COUNCIL MEETING Aatioad of Oilcloths and Liscleumy jo Show you. The prices oe the ladies of the house heard the . . OHNS ] ON door open and when there was no response to her call-as to who was Miss I. J. Mackenzie Chosen . , / - k * ee ad made his escape. This should ---- |be a warning for people to keep) Most encouraging reports of the ADE IN | their doors locked, work carried on during 'the year Telephone 881w. 70 PRINCESS STREET there, she made an investigation President Encouraging |] | | were received at the annual meeting i with the result that she found the : I KINGSTON { KINGSTON ROTARY CLUB. of the W.C.T.U. held on Tuesday af- _ Kingston's Big House Furnishings Store ~~~ | bag missing. By this time the laa Reports Given. | y 82700--Montreal Street--brick, | Mahe, © Piece. bath, electric | Prof. L. T. Goodwin Will Be Speaker | Special mention Is due the work : ollingwood Street--de- [i Bell | at Friday's Luncheon, carried on among women in the pen- Armaes, clove ian hi hot air i} eville Creamery 38c. | At the weelly luncheon of the itentlary. The workers are allowed ---- Sellar, | Pure Raspberry Jam, 4s. . . 82¢, | Kingston Rotary Club on Friday, Ro- [to visit the penitentiary for an hour |tarian (Prof.) L. T. Goodwin will be |oach Saturday between 12 and "1|Mrs. M. B, Lyon; recording secre- To BT | Pure Strawberry Jam, 4s, .820, | the speaker. His subject will be (o'clock, and are given a| tary, Mrs. E. 3. Lake; treasurer, Enlek," 10 reon . | "Wealth and Research." address the women and to distFib-| Mrs. Joseph Wilson. ea electric ane Ror wood / Large juicy Prunes 2 Ibs. 89¢, | It is hoped that as many as possi- [ute literature, At Christmas time A county convention Will be hela BR. . 58 Alon Sap por Wenth,. Powes, [1 500 tins Kipper Snacks 10c, ea. [ll| P1® of the members of the club will |the members also remember the wo-| at Lansdowne on duns a M154 Bagot Street -- Furnished sae! [ll] |80 to Smith's Falls on Friday even- | men inmates in a suitable way. Then | MacKenzie will be a deleg J, Ja to Sept. 15en. I . Jil ing, May 19th, for the "charter |38ain, some of the workers see the convention. : : house Hf | pight" of that club. Arrangements | Women ofr on the train, and also . t ~l Ro": Yoile Jut » on a. Canned Peaches (2s.) ...24c. {are being made for the Rotarians to | write to friends of the women and . A Glance Will Suffi Front cS t 'Bonne; & rooms; Jume 1st to Sept, i . 0 {make the trip by automobile, endeavor to do all they can to help "Ath, Canned Plums (2s.) " fll 'The Kingston club has received an |them. The gatherings held for mo- IN MARINE CIRCLES Detached solid brick dwelling, 10 rooms, 3 io, Mack Street opposite Vietoria § Pineapples! 1 | invitation to visit the Rotary Club [thers and little children are .most 3 fF Park. Fura tohed or ntermishe 6 Wadanicg a , | profitable. The election of officers | 4 piece bath, gas, electric lights, garage attached 3 ts. Nivtory Monde Bought and sola. 'and it is hoped thet every member | resulted as follows: It is understood that the steamer twa ob will be able to go. Ot.| President, Miss I. J. Mackensle; |g; Lawience will wot be pvt sol to house, outside entrance to cellar. Hot water [tawa, Brockville, and Ogdensburg, | Ast vice-president, Mrs. Geor , ! » ' rg, ' , 89 | commission this season. R H Waddell ll |N.Y., Rotarians have also been in | Bateman; secrotary, Mrs, W. . v There was a report going the (| furnace. Excellent cellar, Hardwood floors . il vited, Chown; corresponding secretary, rounds to the effect that the steamer . ' ; Prose e McC - Broek 8¢, | Thousand Islander paid Je beought 2 fireplaces, sunroom, attic finished in two ; " "" : here from Chatham, bu 8 : : y TRANS.CANADA" | 1LDHITED | fbat there is nothing in this report. || rooms. Beautiful garden and side lawn, House ! J. F. Bowards has purchased a new 2 All Slecping Car Trata, Toronto- slesm-barge for the on, de toll in perfect condition, Newly decorated, One : Montreal a will go in ommis- . » . of the best built houses in the city ........ $9,500 Famous for Their Worth--Worthy of Their F, | Beginning May 21st, from Toren- "re {to, 9 p.m. daily, via Canadian Paci. ON So) ob. Glisten paid a : BT iam, 37 down this morning from the head of | ' e the lakes to Montreal. i ge 3 The Susie Chipman cleared today E. W. MULLIN & SON 3 x for Toledo to load soft coal for King- - BXCLUSIVE AGENTS nents! journey. Train carries first- eh atoh class sleeping-car passengers only. UVES The steamer Concretia was float- Corner Johnson and Division Streets ~ . Phoues 589w and 3893, A _, 0" doh ed from the government drydock this ; The County Rate. morning. --f The Finance Committee of the The steamer Jeska arrived yester- ' County of Frontenac met on Tuesday " day and cleared for Smith's Falls ££ and decided to leave the rate for the ve with part of her cargo of coal. year unchanged, at 10 1-2 mills. The Buena Vista arrived yesterday Twenty year. debentures are to be ' : from Seeley's Bay. N put on by the six south townships dor : Capt. Frewer, gopernment : and Portsmouth to provide for the * pass inspector, is in Kingston with ootwear : \ Payment of the provincial highway rls . Matthews of the Matthews : : : cost for 1919 and 1920, which totals : Line. . When this trademark is on the leather you cam rest assured $102,000. Dr. Spankie, chairman, : p ------ Authentic in style and quality. Patent leather leads the ' Way, and the new flapper styles are the vogue for women of all you have the best Hat the world produces, | Warden Drew,' Halliday, Hamilton, E=|Clark Gray and Parks were in at- ¥ | ; ages, who like the nowest and smartest in footwear, See thesg tendanee. oN new styles. Priced at ..., cammimciom se iasiase, $4.50 : + = EE -------------------------------- | Come in and try on some of these y Girl Guides Hold Shower. (1)~Ladies' Patent Colt P » wide ome strap Pumps celebrated Hats. The price is now - The local committee of Girl Guides ; with bright buckle; sewn leather soles, cut-outs om side, and the : / [met at the Collegiate Institute on : mew low flapper heels. All sizes 234 to 7. Priced at .. $4.50, dommto............ $7.50 / = | Tuesday afternoon, when the com- . Ye a i 4 9 : lt roy mittee held a tea-tow . . "U, ppr ch in N i > ; = ; .G. : (2)--Ladies' Patent Colt Peggy, wide one-strap Pumps, with Crrterecsamiiage,, $250 UP = oy I the chair, } plain neat toes, large bright buckle on straps, cutouts on sides, SE wy transacted. : sown leather soles, military heels. All sizes 23% to 7, PHAM .yoepesv ovens Sw. Gea see. sere $4.50 BELL BROS, jimi sf ctee lr sa] J. MARTI Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers : : . ; ; . ' a * 180 PRINCESS STREET - . - PHONE 2210 {Atif