Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1922, p. 14

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THE D AILY BR ITISH WHIiG. CONTROL | TC 1 TROL OF LIUR | 1S DRURY'S PLAN Newspaper Carries Despatch From Montreal, Ontario Is Staggering Under Hydro CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First izser , lc & word Zach coun- SecLlive insertion thereafter, half cent a word Minimum charge for une insertion, 23c; three irsertiona, 50 cents "he abuve rates are for caan or TO LET. NT OVER CLAR-| Phone 1994 | HEA ence street garage ROOMS, CENTRALLY LOCATED, FOR office only Apply Dr. 4G. C. Dewar 200 Princess street GARAGES; RENT REASONABLE. AP- p Kingston Aparimenis, Ltd, 69 Brock Street. Phone 237 rete eee EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, HARDWOOD floors. hot water heating Posses- sion June 18> Phone 147 retrace LL THREE OR OUR UNFURNISHED > rooms. suitable for & oouple; al conveniences. Phone 1783J LODGE ROOMS ON KING STREET, formerly occupied by the 1.0.0.F Apply to Cunningham and Smith FIRST CLASS ROO all improvemes ed. Apply 243 Un! fr 63 RIDEAU STREET, STONE HOU SE €iglit rooms, three piece bath gas iinace Apply 47 Rideau Stree: WAANTED. CLERK: APPLY baroum"s Bakery . FOR AMATELR FINISHING, AP- ply Ringst Art Stud A COOK, WANTED AT ONCE, APPLY Queen's Hotel, Brock Stre AN EXPERIENCED pl Hemming AL. A ng Stree GENER en 8 13 K MAID VOR LIGHT three in fainily: a Apply phone 2322] HOUSEWORK, nings frge Aberdeen MB "AND BOARD: centrally loca:- p-- - versity Ave. GOOD WwW ane ape Harrowsmit MAKFK MONEY AT ROM, 815 UNFI NISHED ROOMS; sUIT- pald weekly for your s # 'for ifght ho isekeeping Ap writing show cards for 0 30 Plum _sirpet, or ue vasaing instruct to 880 rHRER n po . ph WeSt-Angus Show -- ol -- meme mmetistoaismomias 7 Colborne Bid, To- IR SALE, SUMMER COTTAGE a Loughboro Lake, fully furnish- 5 " vol RELIADLE ALK v ce and skiff. Apply Agent for each ut yreseuted coun ty or territory. Kxciuplve selling fr RNs, good pny io energetic ren- resentatives. Our agency Is | anhle Write 1'elham Nursery 'Taranto, Ont . Cor. BRICK, wil RENT MAY For particulars apply at Gil- Lert's Grocery, 194 Barrie Str Phone 254. NINE ROOMS, 44 UPPER 'am street, hot water heat ng. Possession me Ist. Apply Upper William 0 SERVICE es the FLD y AR over who can furnish TH: LL. porat Luss age; -------------------------- FOUR ROOMED eniences; hot to White's ON JUNE 1st, 3 apartmer all conv water heating Apply ance Agency wishes a permanent connection s.ncere and honest worker Is sure of advancement Apply 10 am at corner anéd Bagot Top floor. = 4 from to Princess ------ 12 ROOM HOUSE, ALL conveniences: newly deco- hardwood floors Apply 116 Ph m, modern SITUATIONS VACANT. ated ~~ iore S r-------------- -- € 518 ALBERT STRE Tr, ed « ached brick, semi-bungalow: 8il improvements Possession June ist Apply 183 Clergy Street TO DISTRIBUTE known MHne household neces- tremendous demand; ter pleasant; yp me, experi- - *s8ary. brad-| PTHRER rio " Or JR WOMAN fes; ri- r arranged; or itheral even tur spare CAPITA; Line Company, Bran: i EE AGENTS WAMNIED ROOM ARTMENT, OAK three plece bath electric + 88g and heated. Apply No. 1 r street, or phone 1324 NO. 423 JOHNSON STREET, ing eight rooms. every mod- convenience; possesston June Apply 425 Johnson S FOR FURNITURE airy rooms and spaces; iock and key. Frost's Storage, 299-305 Queen St. Res. 989w ------ HOUSE, PROFITABLE bus. ness : perty huudred Tag trees IS A commission Kvery pi needs some of our ni varieties of hardy lea and plants. No capital needed. Uimplele equipmen: and {nsiiu- tion free. Write Dominion Nurser. 1€3, Montreal A your Clty Phous LA ir furnace, elec- good cellar, good trees Apply RELIABLE, RE. SEV sponsible man, preferably with large acquainiange, hoth UL ess and social, to handie an old estab- lished product, in continual us by over 50% of the population. Stealy income and good promfts. A quic seller to both the reiail stores ar consumer, ddress; Mr. West, P S: onto ENERGETIC, FURNISHED st ages at "The Cove on shore of! Sydenham Lake; tennis court, fuel and ice supplied. Apply Mrs J.-P. Lacey, Portsmouth. Phone 492m MMER COT- is E SIX ROOM APARTMENT, ONE four room apartment, corner Bar- rie and Princess street; all conven- | iences; hot water heated Apply 1 Cohen & Co. 276 Ontario St | WANTED GENERAL TO RENT A GARAGE; MUS) BE REA- sonable. Phone 1021. between & and 8 p.m, ---- a -- m---- POSITION AS CHEF IN HOTEL OR GOING TO BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN, | 4 aterence. Apply Motor-Bicycle outfit: new jhatitucion em Seen. Ppl Briggs-Stratton Motor Wheel; new -------- Double Bar Indian Bieyele; guaran- | WANTED TO RENT, SUMMER COT- teed first class shape. Treadgold's tage for two or three summer onan hy ¢ Pe 'hi AN APARTMENT OF FIVE ROOMS, dhl Bux Jt wig hardwood floors, electric light, gas IN ROOM HOUSE, WITH range, refrigerator, fireplace, tiled modern conveniences, on south bathroom Apply Kingston Apart- side of Princess Street Apply M ils Ltd, 69 Brock Street Phone B. Calhoun, 768 Princess 8 eee MEN AND BOYS WANTED noilce that J. W. Curzon has mov- ed to 23 Brock Stree: cut 28c. Boys, 20c 8 a ------------ a GET IT REPAIRED--LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired; saws filed Knives and scissors ground. Drop a card to/G. W. 27 William gtreet IF YOU NEED AN EXPERT G ARDEN. er to attend your garden and lawn and keep them In good shape all season, drop a card 10 MH. E. Smith 102° Willlam Street Terms very reasonable ) TAKE | NEW SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, hardwood floors, Cyprus trimming, | iwo colonial arches, lights, was, | block from car Rent thisty dol-| lars Apply Bagot Phone ' 851w 202 FURNISHED HOUSE FOR months, from 1st of July; ideal lo- cation, balcony, shade trees, Lake- view, near Queen's college, with Without garage. Apply Box K-5 Whig SUMMER Bateman, Upper Rh i -- | MAY 1m, APARTMENT oF THRKE OR our roome--kitchenette, 2 fire places, 3 piece bathroom. Price in- nudes electric lighting, hot and cold. water hot water heating, large recreation grounds King Street west. Address P. O. Box 112 == "CUSTOMERS FOR KHOE REPAIRING. work done chiy and neatly Rubber Heel ut on while you A Wait ONT airgn solicited Workma gvaranteed A Goodwin, Street. Mantreal Street, \ A -- CARPENTERING UWANT THE CARPENTER . Contractor Phone Ea near SALESMEN AND saiksLapies IN| . E n Ontario to sell an electrical Spparatus known ar Viole: PIANO TUNING. | oR FIRS SRE HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED BY OUR expert, Mr. Flynn. Telephone 1644 C.'W. Lindsay, Ltd Ray, highly recommended for rheu- matism. nervousness, headaches, Oulds, asthma, bronchitis; wanted in &¥ery honie. Send for literature Demonstrations free Attractive proposition. Apply E. C. Smith, 199 . Colborne Street. ! DENTAL. . Ah ECE | DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE CIVIL ENGINEERING, | 38 Princess Street. Phone §52w. ---- ----" SURVEYS--ESTIMATES ™~ DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. Scoit, BA, BSe. Mem. Eng tists, 159 Well} 8 ngton street, corner Inst 134 Earl Street. Phone 647 | of Broek. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, ne! Princess Street. Phone 1880. Open | «venings by appointment. | DE. AYKROYD, DENTIST UAS RE. sumed practice at 93 Princess Bt, | grey Ban't of Nova Scotia. Phone 160 MARRIAGE LICENSES CMARLES ¥' ADAIR, CATARAQUP unt, of marriage licenses. une 23687 r 12. J PERSONAL | HAIR /""WoLES, Ark skin can Moved permanently, glasses fitted and furnished after CIhSrs have failed. 'Goitre removed d Solleitor. Law uffice, corner uf 35 yea Xperience. Dr. Elmar J ing and Brock over Koyal Bank Lake W Nose. Throat, Skin : oney to loan Phone 1999. 258 Bagot Stree: Phone 101. i 'ODD LOTS | Do you need a half or quarter ton of Coal to put you through the season? | A good chance to give us a trial. J | § James Swift & Co., Limited | Foot of Johnson St. & SMITH, BARRIS. solicitors, 9 Clarence Kingston. A. B. pining WARTS, SIRTH. Cers, scars, etc, re- | reet | m Satistactor | ham, K.C; Cyr' M. Smit AMBROSE SHEA, JA, BARRISTER STOVES | I | rl £5: | 'While the, .ast, you may have ret {| CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. @0ll-32 Joba Strest. PAIR OF GLOVES AND HAND- kerchief at corner off Bagot and Gore Streets. Apply M Aubin, 196 King street ia SWAGGER STICK, ON KING street. Apply 75 Gore street, or phone 2224] HUB CAP FOR DODGE Owner may have same Muller's Bloycle Shop GOLD BRACELET, APPLY Whig Office ON CLERGY STREET WEST, | between Barrie and Division sireets, a grease cup, belong- ing to an automobile Pwner may have same at Whig Of- CAR, at AT fice, ROSARY BEADS, ON KING Street Apply phone 2224J. GOLD RING, ON CORRIGAN oT. Owner may have same at 1332 Clergy Street. GENTLEMAN'S Cle r . Owner may 1 sume at J. W. Brad- shaw's office, Court House ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and Wishing (oc reach the owner may do so by reporting the facilis Ths British Whig The adver- tisemen( will be printed In tas tuiumin free of charge. Found articles" Coes not n- clude iost dogs, cattle, horses, © These, if lost, may be ad- \ for ia the "Lost column Fouap eriised KEY, ATTACHED 7T0 "inder please return to the ) HT, AT GRAND Opera House, wide aisle, black um- brella with silver ring handle, Kindly leave at' Whig Office. ON FRIDAY IE STREET, BETWEEN VY. A. and St. Mary's Cathedral pair amethyst rosary beads. on chain with enamel cross * return to Whig Reward ON BARR MC FOR SALE. ONE HORSE, WEIGHING 1,200 LBS, Ais0 one Spring Waggon Apply to J. M. Mchendry, Battersea stage driver SECOND-HAND DAYTON COMPUTING scale, 30 1b capacity; - slightly used Price reasunable. 11§ Col- borne Street, Kingston FIFTY ACRES OF GOOD LAND; HALF $00d garden land; t noted #ardeniug ventre, qui Ap- Fly to Box N-s. Whig Office HENDERSON FOUR CY LINDER MO- tor-cycle and side car. Cheap for cash or will take "Light Weight" in part exchange. Jarvis, 621 Princess Street TWO LOTS IN COAL MINING TOWN in Alberta, 3% miles from city of 60,000; sell cheap or exchange for Ford «a Apply Box 0-8, Whig PRINOESS STREET, NE 6 roomed brick veneered dwe! electric lights, gas and toilet, - 000 Apply J. K. Carroll Agency 66 Brock Street. ling -- MATTRESSES FOR SALE, OR MADE {o your order, any size, any quan- tity, lowest factory prices Also renovating. Frontenac Mattress Company, 377 King Street Phone 1961J FERTILIZERS SI-ECIALLY PREPAR- ed packages for gardens, lawns and flower beds. Maple Leaf Lime Sul- »phur for spraying. Phone 373 Dom- ion Chemical « ompany, 233 Wel- lington Street. MATERIAL FOR SALE--HARDWOOD stairway, hardwood flooring, beav- er board, window sash and glass wo tables, office desk and chair screen doors and coal bin, Apply No. 1, Couper Street Soe -- ------_{ COLLINGWOOD STREET, NEAR Union, a seven roomed brick ven- eered dwelling, hot air furnace; electric lights and gas, large ver. andah Price $4400 Apply J. K Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Street. NINE ROOMED FRAME HOUSE; electric lign_, was for cooking, 3- piece batn ana hot ajr furnace, hardwood flours downstairs; alse a 8004 barn with stable Apply to 96 Victoria street, near Mack Street. TORDWOOD, $10, $11 AND $12 PER split. $5.00 per cord; siovewood, cord; not split, $4.50; al} measured delivered. Phone 1611m Yard In rear of 244 University. . Bruton, 261 University, Quebec, May, 9. --A special de- |spatch to Le Soleil from Montreal a {states that the government of the LAY TIN AGE TWO. Province of Ontario has decided to | - | @8sume control of the sale of liquors | j ROLE ri AR et wn pi ARSE Just as the province of Quebec has | Kincaid, Portsmouth, done. The despatch reads as fol- | HAVE YOU A CAR YOU WOULD LIKE | lows: i to trade for a good §% Investment?| «g is averred that the province | | Write Box A-19, Whig Office. ~ | of Quebec HES been at times fhe ob- ONE SIX-YEAR-OLD GENERAL PUR-| ject of violent attacks, it finds its | Dose 238s 1.300 Jos; and. 155 | revenge today in the admiration | | FTUDRBARER Precis: en | Which . is expressed for it by those sT DEBA nn ro For demonstra. | Who, for political motive, or through | | tion apply H. A. Norton. Phone 978 prejudice, has tried to weaken its WE ARE WRECKING A FORD TOUR. | 800d credit, Ing car and have many used parts | "We learn from an authoritative | Palmer, corner Bagot and source that the government of the | province of Ontario, of which Mr. | FORD FULTE, Fhe sale. Apply | PTUry is the prime minister, has de- | 89 Lower Union, corner Wellington | cided to take control of the sale of Street. | Hquors in that province, ELBCTRIC INCUBATOR AND BROOD-| "It appears that financial reasons | *r, 65 size.' Best condition. Rea- have inspired this act, as/ a result Stree Offer taken. 4% 'Orchard; | fabulous cost of the' hydraulic BLACK ANT WHITE Role Te | enterprise, whicti"uccolinted for an suitable Yor SaTE | deer. Can be | aPPropriation of $75,000,000. On- seen at 241 Alfred, between 2 and | tario, it is said, will be obliged to and 3 pm, or phone 1062w. imitate the province of Quebec, | SHEETS OF WHITE NEWSPRINT PA-| where the liquor commission, prop-| |erly organized and well conducted, per; size 17" by 23"; 500 sheets for 40c. Suitable for many purposes. reaps precious revenue, particularly | crisis when for sale. Queen. IKE A NEW Apply British Whig Office. [SMALL FRAME moUSE, cmarHAm QUTing this period of | street. with good lot suitable for ; rice-$860.00.-- Easy terms. | Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 656 Brock street "A prominent politician, visiting | Montreal, gaid in this connection: "The government of Ontario cannot [do otherwise than follow the ex- {ample of Quebec, where control has | had such good results.' | "At all events it is the only means | that the Drury government has at | e millions | AT NEW LUMBER YARD ON CON- cession street, rough lumber, dif- ferent kinds and ranks, also Shingles. Apply at the yard or 8 St. Catharine Street. | BRED BARRED ROCK' EGGS | hatching, $1.00 for 13; White | $2.00 for 13; 3 settings for | its disposal to pay off th CI Barrie Sitter O'nous| Suk in the Hydro. ; "This news does not require any comment. It proves in a striking manner that the Taschereau law | was the most practical and the wis-| est that could have been passed, | "Quebec started an admirable | movement, which will probably ex- tend to all the provinces of the do- minion, and which probably will serve as a model for the United | States." |8ays Weather Too Fine | To Send Men To Prison | PURE for 1 Rocks, THRE VERBEARING strawberry "Americus, Pro- 8ressive and Suberb--plant them Tow. $3.00 Per 100. Apply S. Mo- Cormack, 86 Collingwood = Street, Kingston. plants | BUILDING OT, 668x132 PTOWN-- west side--gas, water, sewer, pave- ment. Will give the lotg and $1000 cash and take a mortgage from a responsible builder. Apply Box M-5, Whig Office, WI HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF seconl-hand furniture and Any person having stoves and farniture to dispoge of, we will Duy highest prices. J, Thompson, 333 Priucess Street. Phone 1600w. } tr NEW MOTOR BOAT, LARGE, 20 FT. x| Ottawa, May 9.--"The weather is 4 ft. 8 Ins; built last year; engine tog fine to send a iN A al Loar man to penitenti- | arke Make-and-Brea + never 1 stope; painted and just overhauled; | 8TY, which you deserve, but I Will } ¢ushions Apply W. Westlake, sentence Jou to six monthe in jail,' Portsmouth, stated Magistrate Roland Miller of SUMMER COTTAGE ON WOLFE 1s. Hull, in disposing of the charge of Good well Targa"? vorunian i; | 0Viaining money under false pro- of land, good fishing. = Price tences, lald against R. H. Simpson of $1200. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, | Ottawa. Simpson was found gullty -... 58 Brock Street. ; [ot having presented a worthless | CORDWOOD, $12 PER CORD; STOVE. wood, split, $5.00 per cord; not $4.50; all measured ang de-| 1ivered. 24d one im. Yard in| -------------------------- rear Iniversity. . C, Bru- | ton, 261 University, y ™ | At Poole's Resort. --e yi | Poole's Resort, May 6.--Arbor Day NTS, ® FT. 6" BY 12 FT. BY 7 pr. 3 ft. wall; 8 oz. duck; complete with Was observed at the school yesterday poles and poss; lala down King- | by the teacher and pupils, Mrs, Mary stor 22 cash, ' wit v} Pak W. Cooke, 219 Bagot his Poole and daughter, Miss Edna, have Kingston. Phone 436. returned to their home, after spend- ing the winter at the homes of Mrs. | Poole's son i Poole, Toronto, and Mrs. William | ; } Hoffman, New York. Stephen An- | and trim; large verandah, cor ? lot. APply 48 Pembroke street ar | #ress visited at Walter Williams' on | _88 Frontenac N. (Sunday. Deepest sympathy is ex- | {pressed "for -Mr.-and Mrs. Hulbert | [Root, in the death of their daugh- | ter, Mrs. Gove (Florence), dria Bay, N.Y. | . iy Lindsay' Boy Drowned. | Gentleman's Bicycle §i2 Lindeay, May 9.--The Scugog ! Organ--419 river claimed ifs first victim last Several Pianos cheap. night, waen Gregory Kelly, aged | | Oombination Book Case and Desk, $15 seven years, lost his life. He was | Rugs--$3, $5, $§. | returning from school when he tell | We buy all kinds of Furniture. into the water and was drowned. | ed a loan of $22 on it. | ---- HOUSE, NEW | SEVEN ROOM FRAME electric light service for cooking, 3 plece bath, hot air furnace, sta- tionary tubs, natura] wood floors BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC, Refrigerators--$s, $10, $12 Davenports--89, $12 Ye "" Dressers $5, 37, $9 | LESSE'S ANTIQUE sHoOP | Phome 1045w, CARPET CLEANING, | CALL MULLER'S BICYCLE WORKS, $07 Princess Street! ° /] FOR SALE OR TO LET on WOLFE Island. near Spoor's dock landing. WO summer cottages of five rooms each. One for $500, the other §1,. 000, or will rent flor $150 each for season Apply' J K Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Street ---- USED CARS AND PARTS $150.00 up. Tourings Roadsters, Trucks Used paris good as new GEO, A. PALMER. BATEMAN'S kEAL ESTATE. FOR BALE. $3,700_BRICK VENEER; piece bath room: gas; garden. 7 ROOMS; 3 DOUBLE each; B. and FRAME, ¢ Rr nd C electric light C.. gas in one and in one outbuilding. $3.400--FRAME; § ROOM S$; BARN X and C.; electric lights ] ND SEVERAL FARMS FOR saALg $L,700-FRAME BU NGA LOW fearly new. +3 Rooms, 8 ROOMS; oom. 3 piece hot floors up right of way le 1t. NEER, Sun room and store r bath, electric lights, heating, hardwood throughout; 800d lot; $2500 down will hand BRICK BU NGALOW, 7 ROOMS, 5 floors throughout: built ip cases and mirrors, gas an » Stationary tubs and hot wa- ter. in cellar, large lot, fruit trees and shrubs; a perfect home a; bargain, -- ENT MODERN Inv HOUSES TO Ri BRICK, 10 Ryans, ALL Ot water heatin : Good location. °F provements; large garage. ROOMING HOUSE, 1s ROOMS; ALL ™. proventents; ces gral. > GARDEN LOTS; LARGE oR SMALL. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 159 Wellington Street 500 PRINCHSS STRemy ------------ i D MILLINERY. = PRIN STREET -- sou; brick eight room house with ali im- provements: hot alr: good size lot and garage. Terms to suf: pur- chaser. - Phone 37 or call $9 Barrie Street. : stable; good i ; easy terms a 7 for information on our new carpet cleaning methods; also linoleum and oficloth laid. Phone 1032w. 371-3 King street. UPHOLSTEKING. A | CALL OR DROP A CARD TO Ww. 4.| Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. | polstering and genera) repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- | der in all popular shapes and sizes. Upholstering and repairin | E. J. Goodridge, 244 | | | VALUABLE FARM Fon SALE --FOUR hundred acres in King Township } County of York. Lots No. 17, 18 19 and 20. On highway from Young street to town of Bradford | 3 mile from rajlway station and about thirty miles from Toronto buildings: frame dwelling, 50x26, and a modern farm dwelling 40x20, two stories, with 22x20 one storey attached; drive shed; milk house; iarge frame barn, 50x180; cattle | §, barn; horse barn. Automatic wind ill. Would take as part payment $10,000 of city property. or full particulars apply D. A. Cays, §7 Brock Street, Kingston, Ont. AUTO PAINTING. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND FIN. ishing a spégialty, Gordon Young, | Queen street,® ir of Abernethy's | Shoe Store. done. # o University Avenue. Phone 18 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING OF ALL KINDS DONE at reasonable prices. Special at- | tention to remodelling. Mrs. Jef- frey, 254 Rideau. Phone 20187. { Ee i PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING FOR PAINTING AND PAPERHAN { Ing Fo my prices; complete line of Wall Paper. Special prices this | month; workmanshi guaranteed. 8. . Lyons, 314 rrie Street Phone 358w. | l T957. | BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER; PAPER | hanging arid painting done a: rea-| sonable prices: all work guaran. teed satisfactory. H. owley. | phone 136lw or call at 138 Bay Street. i PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, DECO- | rating, glazing, hardwood floor fin-/ ishing, ete. first olass work, rea. sonable prices. Ne alipager samples. | Estimates submitied. . Mounteer, 208 Alfred Street. Phone $56m. CHIROPRACTIC WM. A. MARCELls, D.r. ! | -- | FINANCIAL ERS. H. 8. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. | mobile and Casualty Insurance. 420 Earl street. Phone 1752M. i STRANGE & STRANGE, agents the mol | > | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVE: ment Society. incorporatea President W. F. Niele, A resident, A. . v issued on city and arm properties, municipal and eoungy | debentures; morigages purchased, | investment bonds for le. deposite received and Interest allowed i U. Cartwright. manager, 37 Clay. | ence sireet, Kingston. MEDICAL. MB. 365 DARRI 0.2012 am. 3- pm. 7-8 pm. Phone 1646 H.C. MABEE, Mm. C.M, 79 WIL. lam street. Dice hours , 11-13 am, 2-¢ pm, 7-830 pm. Phone Mone C. K. ROBINSON, Street. Hours 4 7-%.30 i 1to6pm DR. GEORGE ¥. LUCY, DR. JENYIE A. Lucy. Chiropractic specialists and Graduate Nurse 233 Bagot street, | and Kk. Tele- | ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING | | JAMES HARRIS, ELECTRICAL CON- | tractor. 4 Couper 8y Phone | 1673w. , and t » : and consuitatio { EE i calls by appointment. ARCHITECT m2 LOWEN take orders WER, SON AND DREVER, ARcHl.| tects, ants Ban Chambers, d rem: MAS. MeLAUGHLIN, ge Street, will orm: trimmi 1 Raking, ng | s| PO |cheque for $150, and having réceiv- DRAMA EY HAVE NEVER TOUCHED BEFORE THA? budgets are so difficult to balance. |, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1923. GRAND--TO-NIGHT x 815 THREE GREAT ARTISTS --LEO, JAN and MISCHEL 'CHERNIAVSKY VIOLINIST PIANIST 'CELLIST "Three of the most remarkable young men in the World of Music."--**The Standard," London England. DO NOT MISS THIS WONDERFUL SPECIAL PRICES: 23c., 50c., 78¢ CONCERT ., $1.00. SEATS NOW. ON SALE iri GRAND Mw. Fri, Satwdy | Matinee Saturday at 2.30 FAREWELL LAST PLAY OF THE SEASON The Rex Stock Co. Presenting oornons "The House Of Lies" UNDERWORLD NO CHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN YEARS ADMITTED Gallery 10e¢. Matinee Saturday 28e¢, TODAY ALLEN TODAY "GRAND LARCENY" ELLIOTT DEXTER and CLAIRE WINDSOR REACH HEIGHTS OF ACTING IN THIS POWERFUL PRI TO-DAY DREAM STREET The Wonder Picture of the Year 1 Pe re EL a ST.LUKE'S LATEST || meer. 45770 am, at f Mr. John Fleming, Street Upright Plano, ow last fall), airs, oak side oak Sser, writing desk, Above articles ail tion, Attend this Wa, MURRAY Avetioneer. PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING "Mary's Millions" | m2: mer OF Tap] table ang a chiffon (Comedy in 3 Acts) by and other articles. In first class condi "ST. LUKE'S DRAMATIC CLUB" St. Luke's Hall, Nelson Street, Wed, May 10th--Thurs., May 11th at 8 o'clock General Admission reens We. | -- an AYER PIANO ADJUSTING NORMAN nH. BUTCHER PL end daughter, Burtis | - Alexan- | gagnionpe® 479% In the height of Ihe painters' union to hear about | 27 PINE STREET PHONE 1810w LOOK! LISTEN | Spring Time is Pata ™ us figure on that Job we ime. We will save you meney. Prompt attentd work guara teed. Brat 'viney W. H, FRANCIS 35 SIXTH sT, Phone 2000, i IE ee ea -- | 2% KENT MACNEE ng, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 13951. ora Gen, ce Agency Writing: --Automobil Sickness, Plate Glas Aoaident, Let Fire, urglary, et Representing Only Reliabre Comation. rr G . PP HIGH CLASS RINTIN MAY WE HELp You WITH YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS? Ring 243 NO JOB TOO SMALL NO JOB TOO LARGE Owr Prices ore Righe, EE ------------ British Whig Publishing Co, 306-8-10 King St. B. | Teen | FRESH FRUITS || are good for everybody at Any tense || --ftor children ana adults, for heal- thy and sick--eats for any of them No storeach troy doctor We alsv-keep the Dl, ja 4 n an. CANTY a vw y of oe -made a CERTAINLY THE HElGNT " "Well, yeo--she wears 'em to the knee," "How oid de you think | am? "1 don't dare think." none of ug can afford to e owe it to our Hes, and most of all to our- in fighting of 1 try isa a shirk. trim for fe. Are you 100% ef- If not, t and stay well. forty, the best preventative medicine is an osteopathic treat. ment once a week. DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT 204 Ki bet Gore Bt A NONUNION PAINTER "I hear that you painted the town last night." "Mum's the word; | don't want Our Motto: "Cleanliness and Civility," and we try te lve np to it in every way, Frank Robb's BARLER PARLOR 185 WELLINGTON TREET (Next to Bank of Nove Seotin) A ¥ HARD TELLING "Anybody gone wrong at your bank? Yo y "Can't say; sxamination terday." we haven't had an Since day before yes

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