4 ido it properly. i 5, 1923. FRIDAY, MAY THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. New Spring Styles In Men's Hats Soft Felt Hats colors brown and green-- sizes 6% to 7}. Extra special ...$2.00 Hawes' Celebrated Hats .... $4.50 Colors: Pearl, Sand, Coffee, Browns, and the Canadian 'Brack: at ...$6.00 Try one of Van's New Hats ss 0 8 es George VanHorne's Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES MADE **T 0 assure satisfaction that's all we do, but we Boudoir Lamps These Lamps" have very pretty Silk Shades in Old Rose, Blue, Mauve and Old Gold colors with mahogany, cream finish and china stands. Very suitable for gifts. CONSULT Registered Optometrist 140 Wellingtor St. Opp. Post Oftice | nee Ss Rey Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 Princess Street, Kingston ® TEN ROOMED CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE with garage, on corner of Patrick Charles streets, for sale or to let. Immediate possession. Apply: and Nash' s Ry PARLORS 183 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON Kingston Jement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 09 Patrick Street Phone 780w. | | He is In the water up to the neck, and is clamoring for a drink. We specialize on Painless Extraction, | The paper is patient and the pen | Latest Pyorrhea Treatment and | is writing. X-Ray work. ~ A ----------------------. i( -- OPEN STOCK PATTERNS in DINNER WARE We are now able to supply our customers with ROYAL MILTON =< ROYAL ANESLEY FLORES GOLDENA These are all Johnson Bros. goods, which means the BEST. | Come in and sort up with what you need. Robertson's Limite 73 Princess St. Easy To Wear--Hard To Wear Out ~HURLBUT ~CUSHION-SOLE SHOES FOR CHILDREN _ (MADE-IN-CANADA) Wo carey a conpletomaaetivent. Allan M. Reid SHOE. STORE fl | health A ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Lecturer Says It Ils the Science of Spiritual Under- standing. First on A lecture was given in the church of CHrist, Scientist, Thursday evening by Ezra W. Paim- er, C.S.B.,, Denver, -Colorado, mem- ber of the Board of Lectureship of ithe Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mas sachusetts. It was entitled "Christian rSicence the Science of Spiritual Un- {derstanding ; The lecturer was introduced by A Victor Gilbert, first reader of tlie {local Christian Sclegce church, who | isald in part: "Christian Science, as revealed to this age through Mary Baker Eddy, | offers to any sincere truth seeker health and happiness by giving him some understanding of his true re-| {lationship to the Supreme Being. In | this, it positively fulfils the promises {of joy and peace which the Bible {hold§ out to those willing to live in {accordance with the law of God, and {we all know that we must have in order to have joy and| peace. In Isalah we read, 'The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousnss, quietness and assurance for ever,' (Isaiah 32 {17) but even on a bright day of sun shine a person must keep his eyes open in order to know that there is light, and similarly, Christian Sci- ence shows us that we reap the bene- fits of the ever-presence of God whao¥nmde many Is infinite Love and has all when we recognize humbly and un i derstandingly that He {is the Su preme Ruler over all." Mr. Palmer spoke in part lows: People agree that God is Spirit power, as fol- and that Spirit is omnipotent, omni sclent and omnipresent. They agrea on these three great fundamentals be- cause they are taught in the Bible, and because on no other basis can | we conceive of a Supreme Being. We cannot divide God's power and still {have Him supreme, and if His pow- fer is divided, to whom will we as sign the power taken away from God? If we assig it to another agency called evil, we divide the whi- verse; the one God, the great I am | would no longer be supreme, and {there would be two powers arrayad against each other, the powers of good and evil with the result verse of conflicting forces, of chaos and disorder. Christian Science ac- {cepts and teaches these three great ER REE be of Spirit, omnipotence, omni- | | resent, omniscience, not theoretical ly nor abstractly, but as living reali- J ee, and it teaches that in the un- | derstanding of these fundamentais | [Ties the solution of all human prob- { lems. | faces sickness, he relies on the omni- | potence of God to heal it; if he faces {a condition where ignorance pre- | valls, he turns to God and relies on {the ommniscience--the infinite all- knowledge of God--to supply him | the wisdom , and light to meet the [ situation. Tt evil seems to hold sway {he knows that God is omnipresent, {universal good, and that the divine | presence as at hand to destroy evil. On the other hand, the adheér- ents of current religious teachings !do not as a rule rely wholly upon | the all-power, all-presence and all- knowledge of God. If sick, they wil: usually rely upon drugs or other material means and turn to God only {as a last resort when hope of reliet | from other sources has utterly van- ished. And so, likewise, the mater- | fally minded are prone to rely on {human means for help when disaster | {appears Instead of turning unreserv jedly to God. They rely on others | {trust to human will and human in- | genuity to ald them, although ex-| perience has proved time and again fsplendid success, over 60 visitors ba-morial tablet |that these material agencies afford | no sure and genuine relief. The teachings of the Bible are perfectly clear on this point. Over and over a me need. "Put not your trust in| princes;" "Woe to- them that go down to Egypt for help;" "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" are some of the ad- monitions of the Bible. The great | difficulty mortals have experienced | ifn the past is that they have not seen clearly the difference between | relying on Spirit and on human | agences. The adherents of scholas- tic theology and the materially minded have failed to grasp the real meaning of the First Commandment, "Thou hsalt have no other gods fore me." They have not made a clear distinction between matter and | spirit. Christian Science draws a clear and unmistakable line of de- | marcation between the eternal things of spirit and the false evid- ences of the physical senses. "God {5 {Spirt," as Jesus declared, and man and the universe are mental and | spirtual. But the five corporeal | senses do not see spiritual things; to | them, Spirit and spiritual things do! not exist; they cognize the oppos- ite of spirituality, the false belie! of De. idles, ence' guessing {It is a play full of mystery, ;audience {plot unfolds { House of a Thousand Candles" jers are land takes the {Zana Vaughn as ** {as usual {Glenarm," |Glemarm Mansion, | a unt. | Thus if a~Christian_ Scientist | {auspices of | Quebec, | visitors including Most Eminent Sir | Knight Abraham Shaw, REX COMPANY AT GRAND Producing "The House of a Thousand Candles," For Week-end. a Thousand Can- Rex Stock Com- senting at the Grand Op- for the week-end, is which keeps the audi- from start to finish. and the a thrill as the | se of Hou which the pany is era House production a gets many It is impossible to deseribe with. for those who have not seen it. However, the Rex Play- | all included, and fill their parts to perfection. Our friend "Rex" | fills the role ¢f 'Bates, the Butler," part as only he cai. Marion Devereaux" the girl in the question, is splendid | Florence Winters, "Mrs. the whimsical filled her part out spoiling it | well, The Park Kiddies put on a special- [tr between acts 'which was warmly | |applauded. | Mr. Snelgrove announced that on | Saturday, May 13th, his company will play for the last time this sea- }éon He stated that since coming to {Kingston nine months ago, the com- | | pany has established a record which | would be creditable to any of the {larger cities. ('Rex stated that all the members of the company have friends while in the | {eity, and while they are absent their - {thoughts will many times return to and their | ithe Grand Opera House, {many patrons and friends. | His remarks were met with lou! applause when he announced that the Rex Stock Company will return next fall. This is indeed good news, as hundreds of people have been In the habit of going to see the Rex Players every established in Kingston, Many have been wondering for weeks whether "Rex" and his company would be back again for the fhext season and will be more than delighted to hear that they are returning after the summer, | "The House of a Thousand Can- |dles" will be presented again" Fri- |day evening and Saturday afternoon {and evening. - | REGRET AT OTTAWA Over the Sudden Death of ex-May or | Abraham Shaw, Referring to the death of ex-Mayor {Abraham Shaw, save: | Ottawa receptory, and other officers of the-order from this city attended | the gathering inv Brockville Wednes- day night. Some of them accom- panied the late Abraham Shaw to the station and witnessed his sudden death. Mr, Shaw still wore his re-' galia, but a friend was carrving his sword. At the station the friend was just returning the sword to its owner when the latter collapsed, The Ottawa knights and all who had as- sembled for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Gondemar | Preceptory in Brockville, were deep- ly grieved at the sad termination of { the evening "Robert Shaw, of the department Ottawa, on of -the of customs, is a s¢ | deceased." His Death Regretted. The Brockville Recorder-Times of | | Thursday has the following The field day held here yesterday of afternoon and evening under 'the| Gondemar Preceptory | No. 16, Knights Templars, was a Kingston, | the ing here from Ottawa, Belleville and, Picton, Kingston, | Past Grand Master, whose sudden gain, the Scriptures cail |death at the Union Depot last night |»n m to rely wholly on God for every | when he was about to return to his | Ramsay Duff, Major J. 'home has occasioned deep regret among his many acquaintances here, "The | ' owner of | week since they haye |! the Ottawa Citizen | ie Clark, preceptor of the | iwas held in SHOES Ladies' Patent Oxfords--French Square Toes, Brass Eyelets, Yellow Stitched Soles. Something real up-to-date . . . . . BE Also many styles of Patent Strap Shoes at . You can now buy many styles of up-to-date Shoes at $4.50 od $5.00. Some stores advertise them as bargains at $4.95. Do not be misled as to prices! Abernethy's Shoe Store y = to the Bio] Gives Warning, 1 Kingston, May 5.--(To the Edi-| {tor): As the ice cream season is! just beginning, 1 am taking the lib-| erty of using your valuable paper to} vvarn the vendors of ice cream, who sell same in bulk, such as half-pints, pints and quarts, and use paper paiis yr cartons for measuring same. } Vendors who use these paper. pails | or cartons as the. basis of measuring | their ice cream, should be sure that hey contain the quantity they are represented to do, otherwise he or she will be liable, under the Weights nd Measures Short Weight Acts, to | prosecution for giving short meas: | e ne same will a uther article or cartons. I am giving this warning so that e merchants handling sales in this | mrarer may be advised of the con- {ec mences should the containers used them be found to be short me :s- res apply to the sale of ny sold in paper pais bh» F. T. HART, inspector of Wa'ghts and Measures, Kingston. ENTIRE FAMILY ARRESTED. | | [Claimed They Resisted Officer Making Arrest, David S. Brant, his wife, beth, son Burton and his daughters, who are alleged to have resisted an officer of the provincial police in an effort to arrest D. S. Brant, were arrested late yesterday near Deseronto on the Indian Re- serve, to which the family belongs. Magistrate Bedford allowed the three daughters to go on their own recognizance until next Tuesday, but | the father, mother and son are on the hill at Belleville until next week when they will be taken back to Des- | eronto to stand trial before Magis- trate Bedford on the charge of re- ting, It is said that Brant and the fam- ily resented the appearance of Pro- vincial Constable Fred Hughes and Chief Bowen, of Deseronto, when . they sought to execute a warrant for Eliza- three | committal in the case of the failure Brant to pay a fine, Unveiled a Tablet, The ceremony of unveiling a me- in the Ancient St. John's Lodge 'No. 3, AF. & AM., the lodge rooms on | | Thursday evening. The following | names of members who served in the | war and who were killed or died, are the tablet: Lieut.-Col. Hugh McDonald Mowat, Capt. Roswell McTavish and Lieut. William Hazlett, ~~ The Physique Type System of Tailoring: it means perfect proportion for every figure The right from the sort of Clothes must come Designer and Cutter: the high-priced man in any good tailor . shop was 'a matter world and matter creation. | 'Seeing only material things, the ob-| !jectification of his own corpprea' senses the materially minded maa relies on these instead of turning his | gaze spiritward and depending whol- ly on God. A man has made a great discovery when he learns to rely on spiritual sense instead of physical. | Through spiritual sense. man learns | that he fis Immortal and perfect. | Spiritual sense gives man a correct | view of the universe and of God. The | physical senses give him a distorted | view of all things. They tell him. that man is mortal, physical, subject to sin, disease and death. This view is temporary and must yield to the eternal fact that God, man and ta® real universe are imperishable. 'Select your wife with your ears rather than with your eyes. ! i "Scientific the Mutter; he could strut. designing, based on seven distinct types of humanify, has reduc- ed the cutting to a mechanical cer- tainty. It's the Designer--the man who can draw artistic pictures with paper pat- terns--who earns a large salary. Let us show you how perfect is the harmony of design in each and every tvne of th e Semi-ready Tailored Suit. GEORGE VANHORNE 213 Princess St. Attractive Furniture Opportunities For Every Home and Room 100 PURE FELT MATTRESSES -- we will place on sale next week One Hundred Mattresses made of pure felt, covered in Art Fancy Ticking. Ask for Simmons' White Label. Only $10.75 James Reid, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER | --Phone 147 for Service. 7 Announcement to Ice Cream Dealers Masoud's plant is now running full capacity and we are able to supply all Ice Cream Dealers with the same delicious flavors and the same quality as before, Geo. Masoud 238 Princess Street Phone 980. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA LINDSAY SERVICE YOUR . SATISFACTION All three are important Vactors in the world of Music, made possible by the reliability of the second--Lindsay Service. You can buy a Columbia Grafonola from hundreds of dealers throughout Canada, but you cannot buy the Lindsay Service. Lindsay Service is contained in every Grafonola de- livered by us. It i= an assurance that the machine is awless in details of mechanism and cabinet finish, It bs the fact that the huge Lindsay orgafiization is be- /hind your purchase and that the third factor in our list above is an absolute certainty. Therefore, buy your Columbia at Lindsay's. TIT IIIT RE fl Lia] = ot ~ SAY -- ~ TE KINGYTON 121 PRINCESS STREET