Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 May 1922, p. 14

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© 4 GAN DENSED RATES: ADVERTISING ' word HELP WANTED. a EXPERIENCED warn MRS. BR,» Oh WANTED, APPLY HOUSER LPVER sMALT AED WE Sr vAnLE MIDDLE ANTE D MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO take i 8 4 LADY PREFERRED, ME SI pe and Whig Office t DENTS! wards MARE MONEY AT TOME, $15 (0 860 for your Spar ARF paid writin Mi LIABLY esa a agent for each ty or territory (ghte, good pi r atives Write foronto, Ont SALES Lepr n kx Al COR- of a a am BAagol HANGING on to Street \PER AINTING drop a ¢ \ifred AINTING AND P ard Phone S66m FOR PAINTING AND PAPE RHA NG 3 ing get my Ey Wall I'aper month; w It mar err ee BARGAINS IN WA hanging and p sonable prices; teed gatisfactory y phone 1361w or street, all POSITION WANTED. RESPECTADL position, any Whig Office ANDY MAY SEEKS capacity 1 SITUATIONS VACANT. DISTRIBU sehold mand; pleasant on wou ell-Known sities; tremendous de tory arranged; work pay "liberal even for spare ur experi ence Or capital unnecess Brad ley Company, Brantford ario CARPET CLEANING -- -- ont MULLER"S informatic cleaning meth and olleloth laid 471-3 King stree Eames UPHOLSTERING. BICYCLE WORKS, carpe CALL f To Ww. '. CARD fe CL ------------------ | CALL OR DROP A 3 216 Bagot Gavine, uphoisterer W, HAROLD FOR YOUR uP holstering and general repairing leave orders at or drop a card 104 Clergy 'street sere ------ . A v-- COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- der In all popular shapes and siz: Upholstering and repairing done J. Goodridge, 244 Universit nue. Phone i833J. DRESSMAKING. C DRESSMAKING OF ALL at reasonable > eéntion to remac £54 Rideau En TERS SRT CARPENTERING WHEN You WANT fTHE CARPENTER see James Selby, Contractor, 21: University Avene. Phone 1898w. F. ces. Spe elllr Fh Telephone Lindsay. Ltd ~ MILLINERY. MRS, McLAUGHLIN, 112 William Street, will take for making, trimmi ing hats. Terms moderate PI KINDS DONE | ! CHARLES § and remedel- | WANTED GENERAL ~ b 2000 WILL "ANY ARM PROPERTY ¥ TO RENT A GARAGE: MUST BE REA- . . 2 tween 6 100 LOADS CLEAN ASHES AT THE f I agent) BY Apply CATT LY PASTURE f water n FOR THE CHEF IN HOTEL t reference Offic OR POSITION AS Ww, ATC H a DOG, Appl Whig ot A Goon ME N AND novs w ANTED TO TAKE B } GET IT REPAIRED--LAWYN MOWERS WANTED TANK, A TRON WATER Fivk a WANTED GOOD FOSTER HOMES 1'OR . &ht a Ars 5 WANTED, A FIRNISHED HOUSE FOR CUSTOMERS FOR SHOE REPAIRING k and eat Rub Hee wh ge ranteed Street Y ou licited Wor ashiv gua Montreal Street SALESMEN Ka r AND SALESLAD AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE onbE: ns SALESWOMEN v fa tra ls L & W rs. 22 Butterw tawa $50.00 WEEKLY ta cal to make State Experience s Winston Co, Dept Teront IN A PROF commission busi Every property owner ie. of our nine hundred hardy Red Tag trees No capital pment and : Dominion AN ENERGETIC ma business o handie' an oid estab- duct, In continual use by of the population Steady and good p 8 d pr ome CHIROPRACTIC WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Ph. ©, Cor- ner Princess and Barrle Streets. 2nd Barrie St entrance, Kingston < sasultation free. Telenhone 1to 6pm DR. JENNIE A, Specialists and 39 Begot stree: between Princess and Brock. Tele- phone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 am. to 9 pm. Spinal analy ation free. Residential " 1s by appol n 'tme t rL ANS--SU ny iE S_ESTIMA ATES A 8. Seq B.: Sec Mem AT AR Qu " marriage licenses. ¥. ont, issuer of By ARCHITEOT SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- Merchants Rank CARRIAGE Davies, ¢o Road Telep ne 483M new equipmer Satisfac- guarant i Business or plea- ? CArS vs moderate NZD kins & York and tire NER $3, 700--BRICK VENE ODD LOTS Do you need a half or: quarter ton of Coal to put you through the season? kv A good chance to give us a trial. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson St. tet og STOVES While the (ast, you may have one reasonable, as that is my EN EVERYTHING } PISne- X -- "Dg WARWICK BROS, FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROY A CARD TO W. ois. coll 23 John Strewt. | | Chambers | | THE PEOPLE'S I FORUM FOUND PAIR OF GOLD RIMMED SPEC- tacles in case Owner may ame Vhig=Office BEADS, oN Apply phor ON CORRI Jiave same at have ROS ARY Street GOLD RIN Owr ma y Stre GENTL. EMAN'S SCARF Clergy street betweer cess and ok have same shaw's office..C FOUND ARTICLES ADVEKR. TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to British Whig. The adver- isement will 'be printed in this | smn free of charge. | "Found articles" does clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ete. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for {a the "Lost column re e-- not in- A Gol. D BRA ACE- ) Finder FOR 480 be hOURE A SAP Princess A GOLD TIE " WITH ¢ retury 0 rew ard WILL SENTLE MAN WHO TOOK \ ta THE 5 PAIR OF GOLD RIMMED SPEC TA- cles 4 3 S¢ alk near Hal i ay. Ap ) seen picking tr to Wi ft FOR SALE. VEN BAGS OF SEED POTATOES AD 185 Montres Stree ALES, Na ba YON St PAIR OF AP "LY BARBY € \RRI \GF In FIRST CLASS ndition Apply at 23 la t LAWN Ss dai ition CLASS CON- cheap. Ap- 1190w IN FIRST se COND HAND DAY TON « OMPUTING FRAME BUNGALOW, sun room ed rick anc dq FIVE ROOMS, . kitch y Thomas streets marTRE on u ADE FOR SALLE, A 100 ACRE CIALLY id Jac kages for gardens, r Maple Leaf Lime ying. Ph 373 Dom- nical Compa Wel- ROOMED FRAME HOUSE; tric ligh:, gas for codking hath and hot air furnace, l irs, also a NINE elec piece EVENSON SQUARE cellent © dition; octave fully Terms Ltd, 1m CORDWOOL $10, $11 cord stovewood it cord; not split, $4 and delive red in rear Bruton, ess Street AND $12 PER! $5.00 per all measured | Yard Ne FOR SALE AL LL KINDS OF geconl-han furnitire ani stoves. - Any person having stoves | and farnitare to dispose of, we will May hignest J. Thompson 333 Phone 1600w D CARS AND PARTS $150.00 up. Wi HAVE good Used Car and Salvage Co., Lud. Corner Bagot and Queen Streets . Str ananoque comprising 20 lots Brick resi- de: equipped with furnace 'and el ric lights; goad barn and gar- splendid orchard and a fine ning centre. Apply to Frank Gananoque, Ont age garde Keyes DETACHED air bath, toilet stairs, hardwood 8s. deep lot with ice $5,300 Apply Agency, §6 Brock hot tric piece separate, back downstal rear. Carroll TWO STOREY store building, double frame ing lot, prop 38, 000 DWELLING AND )n & corner, also iwellings on adjoin- y all in good re- for all or will sell ¥easl) rental $1,080 is good Apply Carroll 68 Brock Street. i Ager icy, BATEMAN'S RiEAi. ESTATE, FOR SALE. SR; 7 ROOMS; piece bath room; gas; garden. 3 stable; good -- $4,600--BRICK: 7 ROOMS; 3 PIECE bath; hot air furnace; near the Col- ! legiate Justitute, $2,400--FRAME; § r NOOMS, BARN; B. and C ; electric lights; easy terms FRONT; SEMI, DE- ns to'lane; large gar-| $4,000--BRICK V. tached; io r age and op SEVERAL FARMS | FOR SALE | 81, 700--FRAME BU INGALOW 5 3 ROOMS, nearly new. 7 BRICK BUNGALOW, 7 ROOMS, H. W floors throughout; built in book cases and mirrors, gas and electric light, stationary tubs and hot wa- ter in cellar, large lot, fruit trees and shrubs; a perfect home a: a bargain. HOUSES TO RE » 10 ROOMS, ALL MOD Envy I™- vements; hot water heating; garage. Good location. pt large ! ROOMING HOUSE, 18 ROOMS; ALL IM. ! | GARpEN LOTS; LARGE OR SMALL. | | JAMES HARRIS, ELECTRICAL CON-| provements; _Cenipal, BATEMANS REAL ESTATE i 159 Wellington Strest 300 furnace, | FOR SALE Ew, ULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 330w. DISPLAY AD, ON PA TWO. corr, FOUR YEARS OLD, Single or double; SEE = BROKEN weighs 1,600 lbs K. Morton, York Road I, Co OWN- p for quick er no further use. | 1 Couper St Morden, HAVE YOU A ( AR YOU W OLLD LIKE to trade for a good 8% ! Write Box A-29, Whig G By WHITE ENAMEL, | Yar upholstering; perfect cons. dition Apply Box D-22, Whig Office STUDEBAKER SPECIAL model; price $1400 F tion apply H. A. Nor SIX, yr demonstra Phone § THOROU GHBRED WHITE LEGHORN setting eggs, $1.00 a seiting Ap- ply H. Kelly, 680° Montreal Stree! ARE WRECKING ng cdr and have »r sale. Paimer, ¢ ton WE ny used rner Bagot parts and v ' LIKE A NEW sale Appl Wellington FP "ORD COUPE. Jl sT car, cheap for « Union, corner #0 ACRES TILLADLE acres pasture, good buildings $6.500 Apply J. K. Carroll Age! 58 Brock Street LI IGHT Fou R McLAL VGHLIN ( CAR, perial bicycle; both !n good Apply by phone 1318w gam and 6 P m en mo YOUN COWS, rade; in a1 yearii J. Halpir AND DRILI > equipment; K. Carroll PP. GAS TRACTOR z outfit ¢ Pp siz 3 ; 500 sheets for Suitable for many Apply British Whig Office ROADSTER: and engine; g wy ADOT iS, eat 1 exhibit 13. Apply ohnson St ALL Bur This farm five miles 'arrol 56 Brock aT MING EGGS FROM PRE > To Ba 1 8 CORNE R KING AND omprising old THE PRE MISES § . Re- gar- « n g Giibe res Phone Leave 194 s at Street. orde Barr CORVPW HOD. waod, aut $2.4 5 00 per words all measured and ivered Phone 1611m Yard rear of 244 Umiversfty. W. C. Bru- ton, 261 University. v TENTS, p FT. BY 12 FT. BY 7 FT.) 3 ft. wall; 8 oz. duck®complete with poles and pegs; laid down Kin ston $2250 cash, with order. Frank W, Cooke, 219 Bagot street, Ki ngston Phone 436 stment?| 1919 ON A FORD TOUR- | | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, purposes | ¥ TO LET. LOC ATED, FOR . Dewar ROOMS, CENTR iL L X APD! ¥ rT NG a ow, garder 00 FURNISHED monthly MacDonald rge AP- | EIGHT ROOM floors, hot 1 June HOUSE, water 1st oH AR] DW oon T 'occupied Hy Apply to C unningham and FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: all improvements; centrally ed. Apply 243 University Ave. SIX ROOMED HOU SE, NEWLY DEC ged Ba cay Bagot and 137 Ordnance St: rated , corner streets Apply STREET, STONE HOUSE, oms, three plece bath, gas, Apply 47 Rideau Street 63 RIDEAU eight ro furnace. i LARGE STONE HOUSE TO RE 1st | bert's Grocery, | Phone 254 194 Barrie Street! FOUR ROOMED apartment; all conveniences; hot 1 water heating Apply to White's Insurance Agency. JUNE 1st, A NICE, BRIGHT, FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board Reason- able Apply $89 Lower Unior or- ner Wellington Str FOUR ACRES GOOD GARDE NL aD. Park and McDonald stree lHamsville Apply T 320% Princess Street INGWOOD STREE' plece bath, electric cooking, good cellar Apply 87 Collingwood St Col room gas "for garden CLEAN rooms and spaces, and key. Frost's 2 289-305 St Res 980W ary, alry Queen OF HARROW! od frame house, 1-4 acre den, stable, water at door asgonable Possession 19 Union St. city. ur room apartment, » and Princess Street; | G O1%e AT A BARG Ay, outfit new mod t Motor W Dx jess Bar Indian Bic) HE teed first class shape. Trea« ROOMS, ; in at once Phone UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; gas electric on bathr n flat; » double- room, fu shed ed-sitting room, furnished 260 Colborne Street. Phone I OR fire A¥ rooms 3 plee lectric hot ation four MAY recre DENTAL. | DR, A. E. KNAPP, DE 258 Princess Stree. TIST, Phone 652w. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 Wellington street, of Brock. DEN- corner | DR. RUPERT I'. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street: Phone 1850. Open evenings by appointment. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, UAS RE- sumed practice at 92 Princess St, oer Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone 1502 PROPOSITIONS I IN plac Verona, Od Camden East, Syd- issippi and Battersea, the city. Apply J. K. Carroll 56 Brock Street THE Agency PRINCESS STREET ~ SOL mn, brick elght room house with all im- | provements; hot air; good size lot and garage Terms to sult pur- Chaser Phone 37 or eall 90 Barrie WING FARM P) PROPERTY 65 acres tillable, balance Good buildings. Will ex- ge for city property. Price $6. - 500. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 66 Brock Street IN THRIVING VILLAGE, AN UNDER- taking business and carriage shop with stock and equipment com- 1 1 hearse, p with all necessary Apply J. K. Carroll blac tools and ete Agen 6 Bre B ARGAINS IN ¥ UR) Ice Box $5.00 a $150 Coil Oil Stov Curtains-- pair- 2 and 3 burner and $15 Sideboards, D ng room Several Panos Davenports, $12, es, $7, §8 $7 and chairs, $9 oak, a set, $15.00 cheap $15 Combination Book Stoves $9, $12, $15. We buy all kinds of Furniture. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Phone 1045w, 507 Princess Street 'ase, $15 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE --FOUR hundred acres in King Township County of York Lots No. 17, 18, 19 and 20 On highway from Young street to town of Bradford 1: mile from: rallway station and about thisty Hu!ldings: frame dwelling, and a modern farm dwelling 40x20, two stories. with 20 one store attached; drive she large frame barn, 350x150; cattle barn; horse barn. Automatic wind nil. Would take as part payment $10,000 of city property. For full particulars apply D. A. Cays, §7 Brock Street, pean Estan, Ont em FINANCIAL MRS. H, S. CRUMLEY, FIRE. AUTO. mobile and Casualty Insurance. 429 Far] street. Phone 1782M. | SYRANGHK & STRANGE, INSU RANG agents; esiablished in 18560; the most reliable conipanies rel sented. Office 35 Clarence sire opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- ment Societ incorporateg 1861. President WF Hjexte, K.C.: vice AW on city and ies, municipal and county) debentures; moriga ges (JuiStased, nvestment bonds for sale: deposits received and interest Allowed R C. Cartwright, manager, 37 ence street Kingston. AUTO PAINTING. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND FIN- ishing a specialty. Queen street, rear of Abernethy's be Store ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING tractor Phone | 1673w. 4 Couper St also good, miles from Toronto. ! 20x25, milk house' Cuhningham. | far Clar- i Gordon Young. | preset | PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, waART"T marks. skin cancers, scars. etc. re- moved permanently Satisfactor/ glasses fitted and furnished after others have falled. Goitre removed 85 years' S¥perience Dr. Elmer J Lake Bye Throat. Skin 258 Bagot BIRTH. & and solicitors, Street, Kingston. ham, KC; Cyr'I M A Cun De Smit h [ AMBROSE SHEA, 8.A, BARRISTEN and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock over Royal Bank lone: loar Phone 139 A, i EDICA AL. M.D. 305 10.20-12 Phone BARRIER am ot 1646 . M., hours 7-830 pm 79 WIL- 11-12 I'hone MABEE street 2-4 pm, H. C. liam am, 286 DR. G. W. MYLKS REMOVED ¥ ROW Milam street to 122 W t Phone 119 Res) ngton Avenue Pt WOMAN BLUEBEARD HELD Several Husbands Died Under Mjs- terious Circumstances. Cleveland, May 3.--A woman, who County Prosecutor Edward GG. Stanton sald was suspected of com mitting a series of murders in order to collect $11,000 in dnsurance, i being held in jail. Th woman is known to have been married five times, he said, and vas .declared to have acquired a sixth husband recently. She divorced her first two husbagyds, wh#le three oth- ers died under mysterious circum- stances, Stanton added. Two children by the woman's first hysband died of poison some years ago, Stanton said. The explana- tion at that time was that they had accidentally eaten poison tablets. She married her first four has {Bands in Pittsburgh, where the 1i- vorces were granted, Stanton said. The third and fourth, as well as the two children, died there. The third hurband was insured for $1,600 ani the fourth for $5,000. Seven months iafter the death of the latter, the woman married an cx-soldier in Pittsburgh and cz2me to Cleveland. He is said to have' been insured for 5,090 three months before his sud- iden death. No physician was call- ied, Stanton said, the womam claim- !ing the man had suffered as a result of being gosed overseas. With the arrest of the woman on charges involving theft, two children iby the woman's second marriage ware left practically homeless. The !Red Cross volunteered to take care 7» | vestigation unearthed several sus- locat- For particulars apply at Gil-| OFFICE r | for such purposes. of them, Slanton said. A routine in-|¢ 'or WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1922, GRAND WESLEY BARRY in "SCHOOL DAYS' In the Most Lovable Screen Classic Prices: Ground Floor 33¢, Balcony 23e, Gallery 15. Children 1je. GRAND Thursday, Friday, Sat The Rex Stock Co. Presenting THE BEST « "THE HOUSE OF A VAUDEVILLE PRICES: Z0c., 30c, 0c. Gallery STRAND LAST TIME T0-DAY "FIND THE WOMAN" WITH ALMA RUBENS BETWEEN ACTS 10c. TO-NIGHT LAST SHOWING any seat JF MYSTERY IPPLAYS THOUSAND CANDLES" Saturday Matinee 10c, and 20. ea a THUR., FRL, SAT. BETTY COMPSON in "The GREEN TEMPTATION" > ADAPTED EROM oi Soeo] | "WILDFIRE By ZANE GREY ROMANCE x Story of am unbeatable "Wildfire" -- and of an --8 romance that horse -- unsurpussable you will envy, _ RIDES GLORIOUS yoo» FREE PUBLIC LECTURE on Christian Science by MR, PALMER, CSB, Colorado EZRA WW. of Denver, Member of the Board of Lecture. ship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mas husetts, in the Church Edifice, 95 Johuson Street, om Thursday, May 4th, 1922 at 8.15 p.m. The public is cordially invited. PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING and : PLAYER PIANO ADJUSTING NORMAN H. BUTCHER PINE STREET PHONE 1810w LOOK! LISTEN ! Spring Time is Palating Time, Let us figure on that job of yours. We will save you money. 'rompt attention and first clans work guaranteed. FRANCIS Phone 20004, A i Tondip of Kingston Court of Revision a ay yy € TION Ss AL © On Friday, May 5th, 10 am, at Barrie Street suite, 4 ¢ 228 pic cook 4d other articles WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer a a mt Dominion Meat Store 1268 sealers ar Phone Opp. Y.M.C. Tomorrow's Specials Stewing Beef .. N Boiling Cuts Hamburg (good) Sausages Tomatoes Peas Corn Catsup (large) Campbell's Soups PROMPT DELIVERY 1 icious more thorough in cire MANITOBA CAMPAIGN. Conservatives Declare Norris a Sate- Ilite of Mackenzie King. Winnipeg, May Declaring that it would be a sorr for M itoba if the Norris government w¢ returned to power, its would be dictated by Prem kenzie King and his 117 the House at Ottawa, or, K.C.. M L.A. for Prairie, leader of th Conservative Party meeting herc last night W. J. Tupper, ML. accused Premier T. C tempting to make political out of the natural resources which, he said, was not a question at all, as 1 4 natural resources was supported by a An re as party transf of of tl 5 Hint Condemn Sunday Windsor, May sday concerts «wrinl Aesocintion equesting citizens ing advaniage Corcorts, to i he Lord's D opies of resnia- ons wi ba sent all clubs and rgaaizations, 0 walnut guestioa T ATTENTION! 114 have a sick person or a party and yom lke to be satisfied beiping them with fruit in time, try wll kivds, also at popular prices, Watch for our freah Pinenpples and Strawherries at the end of the week, 4lno n special lime Home-made Candy. Call atr The ve in AND 86 PRINCESS ST. you our cholee fruits, FRUIT STORE PHONE 273 iw. KENT MACNEE Bank of Comraerce Bullding, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 'or 133271, General Insurance Agency &.--Automaobile, Fire, Acoident. i ess, Plate Glass Burglary, ete enresenting Only Hellable Companies. A A SA Aree ------ HIGH CLASS RINTIN MAY WE HELP YOU WITH YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS? Ring 243 NO JOB TOO SMALL NO JOB TOO LARGE Our Prices are Right British Whig Publishing Co. 306-8:-10 Kind St. E. Dotiaion Dominion | Taxi Service | EE. PHONE 116 | 24 Hour Day Service named 5 @ f ug can afford to shirk we it to our friends, our families. and most of all to our- selves, to keep in fighting trim for e of iife Are you 100% ef- If not, try Osteopathy to and stay well when one passes forty, the best preventative medicine is an ostedpathic treat- ment once a week DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT 204 King St. between Earl & Gore " ec 447 ine J A A AA tnt THE BELMONT DINING AND TEA ROOM Why not dine here where Quality "and Service is Supreme? Home Style Cooking Lunch 12 to 2 p.m. Dinner 6 to 8 p.m. A. Tierney, Prop.

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