Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1922, p. 5

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TUESDAY, APRIL 85, 1024, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. DRAW. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Phone 363 | | Dorner of Johnson and Wellington | HEADS THAT ACHE AND PAIN It is hard to drag along with a head {that aches anc pains all the time In nine cases out of ten, persistent { headaches are due to poisoned blood, ithe blood being rendered :mpure through some derangement of the tomach, liver or bowels, but no mat- {ll ter which organ is to blame the cause FOR CHOICE MEATS md FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein 282 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 | | | | li i i i ------t For moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS and CARTAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. Evenings 2331. 183 WELLINGTON STREET Dr. Waugh ™ Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 "PHONE 291 For Furniture or Baggage Transfer. ring with motor truck or horse drawing vehicles. Motor Cars and Livery of any kind in connection. Saddle Horses a specialty. Pre-war prices, FINKLE & CO. 130 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont, -------- nt WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res,, 11387, W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. COAL Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us, TH & CO. Grove. Inn Yard Phone 138 DOUBLE DWELLING ON MONTREAL STREET Investment pays 12%. Double Dwelling on Quebec Street. Investment pays 12%. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street ~~ Phone 424 DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstaf's Glager Marmalade. Wagstaf's Pineapple Marmalade. Wagstaf's Bramble Jelly, Wa also have a full line of other reiaible makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale ate-- BON MA GROCERY Cor. King and | Earl Streets License N 5-27140 Phone 1544. ® New and Second Hand Lumber; Iron Siding and Koot- | M.R. McColl. must be removed before permanent relief can be obtained. : BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS which has been on the market for the past forty-five years, removes the cause of the headache by starting the organs of elimination acting freely and when the impurities are carried off from the system, purified blood circulates in the brain- cells, and the aches and pains vanish. Miss Clara Murphy, Centre Dum- mer, Ont, writes:--" "My system was greatly run down and my blood out of order. I suffered a great deal | from severe pains in my head, which | made me feel very miserable. After | having tried other remedies I. pur- chased a bottle of Burdock Blood Bit- ters, and was very glad to notice a | decided improvement in my health, 1 | took another bottle and it has done | me an &hormous amount of good. I { have recommended it to some of my | triends, who were In a similar condi- | |ticn, and they all say it is a wonderful | remedy." | B. B. B. is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing, Also Organ Work, All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2397Tm, IF SKIN BREAKS OUT, ISFIERY, ITCHY OR ROUGH, USE SULPHUR Just the moment you apply Mentho-Sulphur. to an itching, burn- ing or broken out skin, the itching stops and healing begins, says a | noted skin specialist. This sulphur | preparation, made into a pleasant | cold cream, gives such a quick re- | lief, even to fiery eczema, that noth- | ing has ever been found to take its | place. Because of its germ destroying | properties, it quickly subdues the | itching, cools the irritation and | heals the eczema right up, leaving a | clear, smooth skin in place of ugly eruptions, rash, pimples or rough- ness. You do not have to wait for im- provement. It quickly shows. You can get a little jar of Mentho-Sul- phur at any drug store. i The Telgmann School of Music Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art.. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ace cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325;. WHEN GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER, WHAT DO THEY DO 7? THEY SMOKE! Stock--"Get Together' and buy at JACK ELDER 260 Princess Street L. C. HEMSLEY from R. J. RODGER 'WATCHES and CLOCKS REPAIRED at shortest notice 149 Sydenham 8t. Kingston and Vicinity ] 1 your measure your Is a Western Editor. business chest George de St. Remy, a Kingstonian, is the alert and popu- i would do in a too-small coat. It will lar editor of the Enterprise, Dins-|shrink out of sight where no one more, Sask, | will notice it. Let your business | -------------- | throw out its chest-and see that its Will Sail For England. | clothes (advertisements) are big en- Edward Anderson, of the firm of | ough to grow in. Anderson Bros. Limited, and son Robert sail on May ©&th, on the Think He Is Right. steamer Montcglm for the British] The Brantford Expositor says: Isles on a holiday trip. | Proessor Morison of Queen's Uii- | versity, speaking at the general ses- sion of the Ontario Educational As- | the study of Prices Arc Steady. The local retail grocery. dealers|gocfation advocated report that during the past week | gn the prices remained very steady. The | Canada. There is no doubt he is dealers are well stocked with eggs!right, for the French are here to and butter, | stay, so are the English; and it must ere {be an accepted fact. The advantage | Floors Were Painted. | of knowing two languages is obvious. During the Easter vacation, the | caretaker at the Board of Education | rooms painted all the floors. The | {place now presents a very fine ap-|tjon with the work of the | pearance. | cadets in the city is that all the unit { will be inspected torether + ithe date for which will be May 24th School Cadet Inspection. An interesting feature .in connec- school s Writing on Examinations. glish ard, French by the people of | | [and informed by Justice Latchford former | business will do exactly what you | that" it' is no longer necessary for a | jury to be all of the samé mind in BUILDING or RE-BUILDING | We have a large catalogue illustrating fine colonnades, finding a verdict but ten of them | choice panneling, built-in buffets, cupboards, etc. may do so. Later the jury brought in a verdict for the plaintiff for $500 and costs. | | { | A' Troublesome Dog. | Some few days ago, a dog owned | by a lady living on Wellington | | street, attacked a citizen, and when | {the case came before Magistrate! Farrell, the owner~of the dog was | | glven orders to send the canine out | of the city or have it"killed. It is | {claimed that the order has not been | carried out, and furthermore that] the dog made an attack on a local | %etter carrier. The case Is now safer! investigatiom mil ninco Caught California Message. R. M. Davis, Union street, one of the local wireless telephone operat- ors, recently picked up a message] {sent out by Dr. A. E. Banks, . San O. J. Henderson, Carleton Place, |1n other years the various we... and Miss Mabel White, Pakenham, | jig have been inspected separately are candidates in Queen's University | hut the new departure will be a de- | Arts examinations in Almonte. Rev. cj {J. D. McCrae is presiding. Is Against the Law, | Some people in the county, who| { have been in the habit of fishing by {artificial light, had better cease the | practice as it is against the law nd the police authorities are on the trail of offenders. - Salg'of Silk Shirts, We recefved a shipment of Tooke"s silk shirts, which will be put on sale at a reduced price. Regular value $6 each; our price $3.50 and $4 each. It is a great bargain. Prevost, Brock street. © | 8 hi 1 d Ww Still Ordering Coal. Many citizens have had to order extra supplies of coal during the past week, owing to the cool weath- er prevailing. This has been an ex- ceptionally good winter for the deal- ers handling '"'black-diamonds." Mrs. John James, Sr., Dead. Mrs. Elizabeth James died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. James, Hopetown. = She was born in King- ston in 1829, her father being the late William Ramsbottom, sergeant of Queen Victoria's bodyguards. Back at Their Studies. The Collegiate Institute and pub- lic schools re-opened on Monday morning after the Easter holidays with a good attendance and it is needless to say that the "kiddies" enjoyed their holidays. Excavating Proceeds, The work of excavating for the paving work on Brock street is pro- gressing very fast since the heavy plow has been put to work on the job. The first section will probably be ready for the blocks in a couple of weeks, Buining of Rubbish. Complaints have been made to the police about citizens burning rub- bish too near buildings. There is a by-law governing this matter, and action is to be taken against the|' guilty parties if the regulations are not strictly adhered to. Reduced Their Prices. The majority of the Kingston bar- bers have now reduced their prices for halrcutting, and it is most wel- come news to the people of King- ston. Even the young ladies who are having their hair bobbed from time | give | youngsters the opportunity |pare the units when on parade to- gether, action for damages for the seduction of his daughter, Miss Ada Ferguson, w against tho defense. vere shortly afterwards called .back ~~ * | Diego," California. Mr. Davis In- '| formed Dr. Banks that he had caught the message, and he has just recelv- ed an interesting letter describing the doctor's transmitting set, which is 20-watt, continuous wave. This is a remarkable receiving record for an amateur outfit, ded change for the better, and will everyone interested in the to com- v James Clazie Died, James Clazie passed away at Belle ville on Saturday. He had been ill for several ycars. Death was die to nyocarditis, Deceased was a native of Cobourg and was a son of the late William Clazie of Scotland. He was born sixty eight years ago. He spent his early days in Thurdlow as farmer and latterly had been engaged in carpentry. Verdict for 8500. At the Lanark assizes at Perth an as brought by Willlam Ferguson John Greer, both of South herbrooke, the alleged seduction aving taken place on March 28th, 921. Three witnesses gave evi- ence for the plaintiff and two for! The jury retired and Is Your Blood Good Blood Or ls It Weak, Sluggishy Thin, Watery, back. I could eat regularly and Without any Snap or Vitality? > heartily, fou* can tell by the way you feel. Hood's Sar- You need Hood's Sarssparilla to saparilla make your blood rich, red and pure, Buitt Up tingling with health for every organ My and tissue. You need it if weak and Whole System, tired day in and day out, if your appetite 1s poor, sleep unrefreshing, -- made me for humors, boils, eruptions, scrofula, able to work rheumatism, headaches, nervous hard and prostration. It is simply wonderful sleep sound- to give strength to your whole body. ly. I certain- Why should you not get all the he! ly thank you Mrs. Buxton did and more? Re x for making her letter : 80 good a 'I had that tired feeling, and medicine.' when I went to bed I could seldom Mes. A. E. get to sleep or have a good night's | BuxToN, Rear 526 Queen St., East, rest. I had no appetite, and what | Toronto, Ont. little I did eat caused me distress. Hood's Barsaparilla has been *'The first bottle of Hood's Sarsa- | known as a good family medicine for nearly 50 years. You need it now as a tonic and blood purifier. Mas. A. E. Buxton 'parilla did wonders. fof me. The tired eeling went away, my appetite came ~ PAINT UP! CLEAN UP! Is the order of the day, and you will find everything necessary to do your work here. We carry a full line of Crown Diamond Ready Mixed Paint, Varnish Stains, Floor Varnish, Johnston's Floor Wax, Brushes. Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINC ESS STREET to time are rejoicing over the news. Pleased Over Gifts. The children of the Orphans'p. Home very much appreciate the large swings which were donated by the firm of 8. Anglin and Company in memory of the late Mrs. Anglin, wife of the founder of the firm. The swings will each hold four child- ren. , Coming From Toronto. The Kingston Yacht Club will re- ceive a consignment of fifteen d¥n- ghies from Toronto in the course of a few weeks. Arrangements were made to purchase these boats some time ago, and they will be shipped Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. | Packing Eggs Yet? This is the best time to get the freshest Eggs, with the best flavor and at the right price too. WATER-GLASS is the best egg preserver, and we have new stock in one pound and two pound tins, with full directions on each tin, Buy your WATER.GLASS from-- . PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Cor. Clery and Princess Sts. il| as possible, be the restoration to Sunday _serv- the burning of the High school. to Kingston on one of the vessels of the Canada Steamship lines as soon -- To Replace the Trains. ' It is understood that when the summer timebill of the Grand Trunk goes into effect on Sunday, April 30th, included in the changes will ice of trains Nos. 9 and 10, Bperat- ing between Montreal and Toronto, which have been withdrawn during the last few months, Death of Alfred Deline. Alfred W. Reline, Consecon, pass- ed away of injuries sustained when he fell on the ice in the early part of the winter. Hislarm was injured 50 badly that it had to be amputated, from which he never recovered. He was sixty-six years of age ,and was quite well known. Date' of Annual Mecting, A meeting of the executive of the Athens High School Alumni Associa- tion was held on Wednesday and it was decided that the ang _meet- ing of the association would be held on the Wednesday evening week in which October 27th oceyrs, this date being the anniversary' of Business Chest Measure. Have you ever tried to that is several sizes fortable--not! See How Ironized Yeast Clears Complexions And Grows New Firm Flesh on Thin, Pale, Nervous and Run-down Folks EdFETE 4 Hi ! i I / Bh EB 7 § 4 y i 3 2 vd 2 i 7 1 ! i f | Bf oF Pt i § } I ' Would be pleased to show you designs and furnish esti- mates of anything special needed in the above lines S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lamber Yards, Say and Weinngton Strects, KINGS10N, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1410, THE ELECTRIC SHOP Call and arrange for a free trial of the A.B. C. ELECTRIC WASHEK 115 Brock Street. Phone 1543... ~» F. J. GRACE W,C. CANNON FRAME HOUSE, barn and hen house, om Quebec Street; Improve. ments. Price $3,000, FRAME HOUSE, Alfred street, improvements. Price $8,100, BRICK HOUSE, Montreal Street, ali improvements. Pyice $2,500. SOLID BRICK, Frontenac St. electric lghts, &%s, 3 piece bath, hot bavi heating, hardwood floors, fire place, deep lot, new garage. Price ishta, gas, 3-piece bath, Alse twp wtorey frame TRUMPOUR SOLID BRICK, Frontenac Street, electric 1 hot water heating, hardwood floors, fireplace, house on sume lot. Price M. P. 237 Bagot Stree INSURED AND STORED Gourdier's BROCK STREET, Easter Suits and Top Coats MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. . (One door below Randolph Hotel), 4 Cretonnes, Chintz and Scrims - This is the season to renew your Window Draperies. We have a big variety of all these seasonable goods at very attractive prices. SCRIMS from ....15c. a yard up CRETONNES from 22c. a yard up ' \ . N. Linton & Co. | Phone 191. The Wadron Store. Ii 7 a a 2

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