Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1922, p. 15

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FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1922, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ny vo vos B90 GRAND Toth & Str = E P E OP LE 'S F OR UM = ER The Rex Stock Co. Presenting - Br ietig ovr toniny "GOING SOME" in 4 Acts 333 Pe Breet Bow | VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS wid PRICES: 2 30¢,, 30c. Gallery 10¢. Saturday Matinee 10c. FOR SALE OR 0 RE RENT CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES : WANTED GENERAL FOR SALE | First irsertion, ic a word Sach con. -- rear tt = Sev nee entre RR GE STONE DWELLING, 98 EARL secutive insertion thereafter alt] . TO PURCHASE FOUND E. WwW. mt L LIN & SON | LARGE ST lately painted Gwe a cent a word Minimum charge 'for | W d tot 10th 1 ] PERSIAN LAMB GLOVE, COR- Real Estate and Insurunce Hrokers | ed, McClary Sunshine furnace: one Insertion, 26c; three insertions, 3 T.18 vhig : ner of Albert and Princess Phone 538w. 5 | plece toliet; good garage; stables ie Sets, 1 f h o ------ i t ts Owner may have SEE DISPLAY AD, ON PAGE TWO. | and yard; open grates upstair ha above rates are for cash only. | YTS LONE WOULD SHARE re at J. H. Jarvis' confec- -- { own: make a fine rooming house : are doubi house wit wo ladles or rie 1 store, Princess St AN UPRIGHT PIANO. APPLY 41 & could be made into two dwell- ple. App ' | D'S RAIN CAPE ON George Street ings. Terms reasonable. Apply at een. s Street, Saturday | --------------------------------r | 3 s G , 194 Barrie St. ( wa Ea Eins - { Lp TE tL Aply a LIS YL Eu WANTED. w ANTE D TO RENT A THREE ROOM. , I vy have same at 585 BICYCLE, IN GOOD ¢ 'ONDITION, AP- Nn Dh rnished J n the ground ' street ply 16 Nels MAID FOR LAUNDR) work. , 3 4 &5ry Hie ground eet BN wNion : : ply to Kingston General Hoapha . F : : Apply at "Calder- BABY BUGG WHITE WICKER, Se ¢ i Ww ni ioe Tr > "heap Syde Street SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, ON JOHN- A 1 filet of g mam X mn [GENER 4 not sr: 2 Re] ¥ TH P MNGHY o 'HE BY DE PICK - ---------------------------------------------------- | son street; all conveniences. Phone A dramatic conflie o a woman's App rs ¢ ¢ K Must EY DINuNY LEATHER REY BOLDER od E HOUSEHOLD | 12% wW. fe'n faith--no good that Sen: erat rig 13, Whig Of- an secure same A&t 216 F re at 247 Brock eee mrt ere youll w to wee her Im _ { WELL. FURNISHED 7 - ROOMED more ike oo TE born 1 St 8 | r © 2, AN EXPERIENCE . AP : ti BABY'S WHITE MITT ON THE || WHITE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, | house to let for the summer | ply 107 Bag ngs . TO BUY CANOE, 16-FOOT- corner of Queen and Division in good condition Apply 558 / months. Apply 55 Lower Alfred St.| \ 0 i r Town: must be in good i streets. OWner may have bert street ---------------------------------------------- and cheap. Salling equip- 28 ( r es ~-- | ROOMS, CENTRALLY LOCATED, FOR ng np Jame aL 228 Quean slr hay MOTORCYCLE WITH SIDE CAR, EX- ye Mewar cels in f WOMAN rom ¥ § es } jesired. Box V-1§, Whi ARGE K SUNDAY, ; A small family : a AR ey Er t class condition. Ap- 200 Princess street Street roke Street " 3 "HE SU : streets Apply at Whig Of- ) t Cl let Garage | TI Trercen : [To Revy 'wom THE -SYMME t URNISHED BUNGALOW, #25 FER Ins . mot d, a furr t (ER SPECIAL SIX, ipip FURNI 5 re i GIRL TO Asx wir : . containt Ave bedros * y AKER y a sy y. Ap : "nls AL al Hing vs Dedr Don- BRAC E L ET, NEAR ST. M ARY s | 1; ce $1400. For demonstra- ply Box X-19, WHig \ y » rimr I cathedr Ownér can have apply H. A. Norton. Phone 978.] v month; 5 rooms ge garden. STRAND TO-DAY = GLORIA SWANSON "HER HUSBAND'S TRADE MARK" A Vivid Romance of Modern Married Life evenings to #41 Brock Stree i i ten island, N.Y 1 I 1s t 1 Is d, 2 same Division Street. -------------- . >, : erm ; ¢ i ------ _-s iARAGES; RENT REASONABLE. AP- A PLAIN COOK FOR ABOUT EL PHRES GOLD RIN G, ON CORRIGAN 5 |p THORO! GHBRED WHITE LEGHORN ¢ by Kingston Apartments, Ltd, 69 arti 3 t eggs, $1.00 a setting. Ap-| Brock S t. Phone 2 2 2 <a weeks pply Mrs one y . ing -- C i ¢ : 1 Li street. ly H. Kelly, 650 Montreal Street SL Pa Ee --] -- -- Ea EE corner K d Maitland Sire r 3 it r ; Th g ¥ r_Heéls Eg § SCARF' ON || bit = ee ws Your phironage : Se pant oC --e------ Seen ELEVEN ROOM BRICK HOU MAID FOR GENERAL BL I teed. TE ateet between Prin: || Wi ARE WRECKING A FORD TOUR. | FLEUR, CoO or Siuy Mineing cies A430 Wama) . ' n, Charl tre 1ear have same ateJ. W. Brad. ER An aye I oy aus Park. Apply King & Smythe ply Mrs, F ays, \ « OF 18 4p ve. seme . * oF ile 'almer, corner Be t ee Bs Hoge t LODGE ROOMS. ON KING STREE Street ne -- si PERSIAN LAMB GAUNTLET eo ------------ ~ RE EPRE SE N vy ATIV ES WAN TED BY | ¥ wt eat. The ln 20 - . formerly occupied by the 1.0.0.F MR OH OY rie Oy AAs) REE ager 'vorporation fi ti ies dan have same at The | | STEEL TANK, WOULD sxswik FoR| 1550"th Conthgtam'a Bmitn | 5 SO ------ | one with experience preferred \p have same at the ater ugh; capacit gal- r re « « s o = okice station, | ; S t + ng wages expected t nly I wom 2 ! 1 18, > 2 FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; ~~ aig Oftice ey & dy er hy 1 swe 8 WEpLovemiels, SInUANY Jocat:] , Dancing Instruction ---- ] fe: ' 1 in em ree ed. 1 versity Ave. rE ; g cane EN STEWARD, A : RE 2 > i app Sick street. Apply Whiz || yx ROOMED, HOUSE AND LARGE ed. Apbly 43 Uni 3 LOOK! LISTEN ! ) 0 be made in writing, ing ex- ¥ Er ant . P A lot. Drice $1,400; $300 down; easy go RIDKAU STREET, STONE HOUSE Spring Time is Painting Time, Let h + bar expected : { FOUND ARTICLES ADVES. | rms. Apply 54 John Street, . off eight rooms, three piece bath, .gas,|| us figure om that job of yours. ? J Given in the Gardea Hall ton Branch RYT a koe " | atrick furnace. Apply 47 Rideau Streel. | We will save you money. | I8 All i AUTOMOBILE WANTED -- ADVER- TISED PRER fmm ry TIRE A NEW | me rere oor err {| prompt. attention' and first' cians MAKE MONEY AT | HOME, $15 to $00 timer would 1 de ite mo ! +d ne Minding anything and = aj "w quick sale. Apply BRIG M01 SE IL DAN STRERY work SYRTRRI st, pald weekly for your spare tim z . . o Nh pod to reach the owl oF may 9 L r Union, corner Wellingt particulars enquire at 174 Princess . H. FRANCIS Ls Mra. 8. Cohan, Instructoress | wriiing show cards for u s. No can- fcLaughln $ nde st 0 $0 by reporting the facts to || S ot 35 SIXTH ST. Phone 2090J. : ] vassink We instruct and suppl ' de meclianicaily Thea Priva) Whis, Tie adver ' da street, | Hall Phome 307. Res. wm SE ang JRpLY therwise fered n " tisement' wil rinted in this RA AA AAA A ---------- {th work. W Angus Sh x oe or ean 2 : ; > V' SYURAGE *FOR FURNITURE AND the Iatest dances for 1922. By appointment only, 111 Breck Street, Yas 4 ; s Sho s asse Y i rent : A , 'ard Sarvice. 17 Colbor 31 To. wil ) ph mu twice t column free of charge. n pi ® . | yard Servi . 11 ne Bld. Ti p 0 1 in or ""Found articles" Bes not 'n- es pas tA merchandise; clean and dry. Me- AUCTION SALE ¥ ; arrange for intervie hon § | clude lost dogs, vatile, horses, » Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, Cann Agency, 86 Brock Streel | come aX e Ale SALES etc. These, If lost, may be. ad- 5 rock Street Phone 326. | Tuesday, April 25th, at 1.30 p.m. at th « fled oe) a : N vertised for in the "Lost column SEIT . Se ------------------ omplled at reasonable rates. pipresented Stun ESMEN AND SALESLADIES IN| -- SEMI- nrc K HOUSE, WITH GAR-| g1x ROOMED FRAME HOU IN Ome gf iit: haw, w { W. H. SPENCE ty or territory E tt e a ios zastern Ontario t 11 an electrical - Ee » 3 : mprovements; must De provements, gas and electric li ight i senate 4 & wih . | . . rights; good Pay id ene Ay pi med'cal appari ROWR ag Violet) | s Par aving town. Apply | Possession May 1st Apply 34} onsisting of mahogany parlor suite, 102 Victoria Street resentatives. Our agency is valu. Ray. highls ded for rheu- | LOST . ! t Frontenac street. | mahogany gramaphone (value $300) B c----c--m------ NAN Nl able Write Pelham Nursery Co matiam ST es headaches * { > | oil paintings, sewing machine, oak ex- braento, Ont 12. asthma Neh ! | eee eee et U 2 ; tension table and diners, china cabinet | colds, ¢ . smchitis; w n . " . URNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR e and diners, T ne NG WANTED, TL Ve $ or | Henied i DIAMOND Be ARF PIN. REWARD AT A : X t 2 3 without board; modern conveni- China fase und Fiver wars, beds and [AN Amr . te Onstre 18 Attractive whig Offic EE term : J , ences; reasonable. Apply 89 Lower | bec ing and 'a host of. other articles YY ¥ man ly > ha x . 5 . Ply B.C. Smith 188) -- x rere ST Agency, f Ir Union, rner Wellington Street. | Also McLaughlin Roadster | PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING K A ( ; f Colborne Str A GOLD WwW r IY n BRA T. R "= -- - mers - ------ eee ete et eee eet BEDFORD, the Auctioncer. aad spare t je.) rful ony I A vard if returned to King St Ww NE 1 RINT pa. STORAGE FUR PURA ITER CuEAN Phone 1721. PLAYER PIANO ADJUSTING y i i LE k 3 1 {enum - slze re sheels or r rooms an spaces; ir | J. R. Watkins Com; ei CHIROPRACTIC A Gol D CRESCENT PIN, SET WITH e fo purposes. | a A ne rece TH | NORMAN MH. BUTCHER 1 Wednes- Apply British Whi & Office. Storage, 289-305 Queen St. Phone 27 PINE STREET - PHONE 1810w Hamilton, Untario | pearls Se ay 9th, Kinder please leave Res. 989w. ---le A, - \. MARCELL, D. . Cy Cor-| Sarria ig Oftice : "IDEAL" FIRST CLAS a : : : "hel princess ats parr Streets Gna _ ll : -- > TELL BO a ym 6 fia : FURNISHED HOUSE FOR TWO OR | HoH Grass 'W. KENT MACNEE --~ . Barrie St. entrance, Kingston : ; I . 9 a , SIL 4 ly A : I 3 three months, from , July 1st, . ation free. Telephone \ Cover . L T gs at 181 Queen Stree tor front: balay large lawn -------------------------------------- : are. 1 to 6 p.m robably in R ) and trees: with or without garage. | | Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and rere. ete | . 4 B. FAC- x W MAY WE HELP YOU King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327y, | SIX ROOMED FRAME HOUSE, Apply Box W-19, Whig Hotel and - ing tenac Park; 3-piece bath ---- i WITH YOUR PRINTING General Insurance Agency ntenac DR. GEORGE F. L iy L Y, DR. JENNIE A, eive. ro¥ 5 : ag 1 zr ¢ Ju] - ' r " DISTRICT AGENT Ry RE A, ; do and electric lights: ge for cook-| LY jaf, APARTHENT OF 5 ROOMS, REQUIREMENTS! | Writing: Automobile, Fire, Acoldant Graduate Nurse Bagot strast, | FUR SALE . hardwood floors, RE Sas Ri 243 Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. a hetwe srinde. . SALK. SRI TP range, refrigerator, replace ed le C FOR ween Pr oss and Brock, Tele pl . 3 5 EB Gre Bpnly kingston Apart-| ing &~ | tHtepresenting Only Reliable Companies. phone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1 to : 6. and to 9 pm. Spinal analysis HORSI APPLY 8 se ments Ltd] 69 Brock Street. . | NO JOB TOO SMALL | ® consuitat free. Residenti id, es et is withir ve: : rd er er | i Kingston and hi Sede ntment. Residential mies 2m I roll Agency, 56 Brook FIVE FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT-| NO JOB TOO LARGE | : fr -- : $ | able for light housekeeping; elec-| Our Prices are Right 1 le; 3 1k é ig y % nt yr tric light; gas; phone; three on| | Frontenac County sed. rea 1 ¥ MOVING WAG + PLEA« bathroom flat; suitable for young | : Q ® - Ei i British Whig Publishing Co. || ' van, new spring wagon. lum-| couple. Box Z-20, Whig Office = ne =e . oka -- --" ) wagon, rubber tired surrey, ------------------------------ | Liberal guarantee, with First S Scott. BA. B.S aa : FERTILIZERS SPECIALLY 3 ingle harness. $8 Collingwood | ONE SIX ROOM APARTMENT, ONE 306-8-10 King St. E. " INCOME TAX SPEC 1 oi Mr Mctorm apartment, corner Bar-| AAA AAA AAA ed packages for gardens, four room Ee Assessor Income Tax De- Year and Renewal Commis- } t | 3 : flower beds. Maple Leaf Lim ONE 2-C YLIN- rie and Prifcess street; all conven- | sions. Apply to: bhur Te 'r Spray one . E ' ienges; hot water heated. Apply I . d \ et 3 | r fr ur hors and Han ~ 2rP'Y : tin, ion IPRRY. 2 TL BOE De nt Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. eCl or datur ay | partment of Federal Government. C. D. DEVLIN pe er Lo hs go Q power. Apply W. B. West: THRER ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR|| Frult Centred Chocolates ..4sc. Ib. { Taxation return compiled at reason. Ss intendent for Ontari marks, skin cancers, scares, etc. re- cornwooD, #10, su AND az ; Portsmouth light housekeeping, on bathroom || vo oy (0 he | able rates. Superintendent for Ontario, 4 h at + ord: OVEWO0O0 y1it ere rise ee ol rs do ing:} Tahaan . Pp moved permanently. Satisfactor r BL By OUR NEW VICTOR BICYCLE fat; goog locality. gas for cooking: ! ee "mm. || Office: 86 Brock Street. 'Phone 320 i Apply Box H-8,| | ro" ------ Confederation Life Association glasses fitted and furnished after : ; , . 16 : . al gents for Perfect, Y ' * others have failed. Uoitre removed. and delivered. Hak, sn w rd | "Olt fain 28 iho Hey ton <1 hished bed hig || Peanut Brittle : in . 2 L Toronto, Ontario. f 38 SOIR Siler ieng BF Briton, 261 University, ! Muller's Bioycle Warks, 371-3 Rina | reer een » x ' | O t th - , Ya, ' . . . 'ho 2 " J 5 ! | Phone 1o3zw. int, APARTMENT OF THREE OR || Peanut Candy ......ic......15¢ Iy S €eopa VY 353 Bago; Stree A 100 ACRE FARM, REASONABLE | = en A 3 3 2A JH 5 ride GALE FOOTRE--Kitehene tie; 2 fire | = a ee pmb La = iistance fre he cfty. Build ' AC PE MOTOR FI 2% us " . - > > nee MARRIAGE LICENSES Bad ste of 'repairs tine air ive] | ft Jou. 3 It. 8 ina. wide: Npiates, § pick bathroom. Price in. | The science of healing DY adjusts AGENTS WANTED ' | EB stale oO pal , cle motor: speed. § miles . cludes electric lighting, hot and CANDY ment of the body. Osteopathy ad- . =m " grock, dmplems nl cycle na RS De top ae: | old water, hot water heating, AND justs, nature cures. The Osteopath EAC ra : » CHARLES" F. CATARAQUD Aus. he SON } sv Chas. Bow 294 dt large recreation unds. King is trained through four separate 0s a ERNLY SELLING Ae unt, issuer o rrigge- ~{icenses. Age , Brock Street ply Chas. Bowen, 324 King St | street west ro Q. Box 112. FRUIT years of nine months each, in all ents col 'hone 12. 24 mer tt = me ce set wo - a ees ena | -------- hn sre he al scle Dy For pAruoniare mnd "ki Ll NINE ROOMED @RAME HOUSE; WHITE WYANDOTTES; BRED FOR == | STORE dial Sulensen sacept rugs free sample write B. & E. Manu- electric lign., yas for cooking, 2- ekg production and to win. hateh- | MILLINERY. 68 PRINCESS ST. PHONE HL : facturing Company, Dept. P., Lone ARCHITECT :. piece bath and hot air furnace, ing eggs from Ottawa winner. \ 2 don, Ont : hardwood floors downstairs; alse a $3 28 per 5% hv star pen, $5.9 Per | MRS. McLAUGHLIN, nt LOWEN Twelve years' success in Kingston. | a ; eV " ¢ barn with stable. Apply to 96! 15 oseph W e, Portsmouth, On William Street, wi take orders Mechano-Therapy --Electro-Therapy " POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- good ¥ » TH=GET IN A PROFITABLE . . 3 % Victori treet, ar Mack Street | msm -------------------------- for making, trimming and remodel- 2 - AGH f tects. Merchants Bank Chambers. A sitet, near . BUSINESS PROPOST IN THE ing hats. Terms moderate. DRS. ROBERT and EDNA all. year commission business of | 4 . . your own. livery property owner! vorner of Brock and Wellington PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSE FUR- following = plae rerona, Odes-| ome oo ome mma | ASHCROFT needs some of our nine hundred © nishings--upright piano, so hd oak | s Wille den Syd- | rs ~ - | chairs, CL enham, Mi issippl and lattersea,| ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING | 204 King St. between Earl & Gore o varieties of hardy" Ited Tag trees > dining table and a plants. No capital needed CARPENTERING desk, dressers, easy ES ie ugs aiso in the ity Apply J. K. Carroll | Phone 447. Complete equipment and instru - 1 other 11 ticles. Apply Agency, if rock Street { 2 ALLE s \ a tion rey Write Dominion Nurser-; WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER ait Sher val articles 4 rs y -- | JAMES HARRIS, BLE TRICAL ey Ge J les. Montreal see James Selby, Contractor, 212 Sm A tree hlreal. LON --_ | SOLID BRICK HOU TEN ROOMS, Tetsw. 4 Couper St hone from R. J. RODGER n | ) sity Aven Phone 1898w ALBERT STRE D ACH all modern imp ements; hard- : pA ---- N 3 ot R re a nog brick, 8 x rooms, hot alr furnac ) loar s H _e. Rs ga Ak | WATCHES and CLOCKS > . | - y AINTING. sctric light, 3 piece th, toil street, near Collegiate. ly n { ; large 'acquaintance, ho usiness AUTO I G ate vk 3 Di ir s, et . 'ooke. Phone: office 503w;! DENTAL. REPAIRED and social, to handle & ld estab- FAINTING ND FIN floors downstairs. deep lot with residence S42w i t - : re R. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE : > ay t at shortest notice lished product, in cont - barn at rea P 5,300 A Iv over 50% of thé popu Gordon Young. Fm Arce 353 AME DETACHED BRICK HOUSE, NINE! 258 Princess Street. Phone 662W. income and good profits. A quick teen street, ar of Abernethy's § rooms, hot water heating, hard-! : r wood fl electric light and gas, DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. 149 Sydenham St. aXl seller to byth the rejaiEstores an consumer Address: Mr. West, 5 - EET, NEW SOLID BRICK "Hot SE, SEVEN separate bath and closet; largeayer-! tists, 133 Wellington street, corner| andah Apply 92 Clergy Kreet of Broc! Phone 2056J. Pearl, Stree Toronto. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING rooms; attic; hot wate heating; ah Apply 92 ° - i = - - ¢ cit new . wes ---------------------------------------------- S = piper a hr id 8 Sry; new barn; gar i | DK. RUPERT P, MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 ervice WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR & fuse; vhe 1€ 05! 200 PRINCESS STREET -- SOLID Princess Street. Phune 1850. Open 4 - . _ : Paperhanging done, drop a card to properties in the west end; Albert) / faht Fo " h | venings by appointment. | HAVE YOUR PIANO TUN . Mounteef, 208 Aifred Street. Street, near Victoria Park. Apply | brick sigh Toon house with a) In - La 1 a A ; Suh! J. B. Cooke Office phone 503w.;| provements; hot air; good size 0G Sp ly iCROVD, DENTIST, UAS RE-| | ] M "lynn. Telephone 1544 §66m . ? . ' rage . t - . Mr. Fly elephone 154 residence $42w. and garage. Terms to Suit pur sumed practice at 92 Princess St. | A L L , Ltd hg . > - a indsay. Jaa mEET-------- SE : B tre PHONG $7 Or wall 90 Bartle, over Banc of Nova Scbiia. Phone . | BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER; ROOMS USED CARS FOR SALE . \ | 1502]. 24 Hour Da Service | | > 3 red $5.00 per room, includi Li -- EE os a 1 mp------ T-- y BARBER Papered 5 Coane 29 Sens $150 buys Ford Touring Car, : J FARM PROPERTY. ! . : bf he YS ANY Tr Tek rp paint "also done at reason- 200 bus Por 9 . 103 ord C hi 1 Tos Jiilable. Daianes/ LEGAL J) i ; MEN AND BOYS W TAKE a il H. © Rowley. I'hons| $200 buys Ford Truck. ur Good bulldings Sig ox mm ---- poilce that J. W. Curzon has mov- % 1361w oigull at<13s Bay Street s buys Ford Roadster Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56, CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIS. ed to 23 Brock Street Me k I 1) I Boy Shave . By Brock Street t d lcitors, 79 C1 nce - Gh : n rock Stre | ters and solleitors, 73 Clarencell qumgyLEY & LAWLESS THE JINANCIAL Ké63 McLaughlin Roadster | Street, Kingston Fl | IN THRIVING VILLAGE, AN UNDER-| ham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith or 'HOLSTERING. : ETC pr Marine Engine. taking business and carriage shop, Hair Cutting 35¢ Y MRS. H. S. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. h' sto p 0 . : 1 . CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J, mobile and Casualty Insurance. 429 Ford Chassis. or nad pment a AN a altar RATE Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. | Karl street. Phone 178IM. D435 MclLaushiln: Touring Car, Chal) blacksmith shop with all necessary | King and Brock over Foyal Bank. | Next to Sargent's Drug } » Pe NGE RAN y Sp: | mers six cylinder and many others; tools and etc. Apply J. K. Carroll | Money to loan. Phone 1999. Toistering ana "seneral repairing a at En reiANC: Chevrolet Shock Absorbers and many | Agency, 56 Brock Street T } Store Leave orders at or drop a card to 25s ut relinbie conmipant. - "Lg. : | . - . MEDICAL. 104 Clergy street a od. Office 35 Clarence : s ATTRACTIVE PROPERTY IN CITY 19 Montreal St. -- opposite the post office. *EO. A. PALMER. Hmits--3 acres and. 7 room Shidid C.K. RUBINSON, M.D, 365 BARK COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- y Car and Salvage Co. Ltd. house, poultry house, stable, work-| C. K. A N. MD, ° a on { sho la a Street. Hours 10.30.12 am. 2- Ushilstering ana "repairing done. BR ene SooleLy neoTPOratTe ane). | Corner Bagot aud Queen Streets trees. Dont gyrden,, eronard, ser pm. i-8.30 pm Fhone 164% i gh zene' | DINING AND TEA ROOM . J. Goodridge, 244 University P dent W. F. Nicxle, K.C.; vice | A TWO. ST REY 200 for quick sale Apply W, C - - - i 5 " Avenue. Phone 1833. Pregigent al BS alia. TVG STOREY DWELLING AND Hutcheson & Co. real estate and | H.C; MABEE, M.D. C.M., 70 WIL. Notes From Charleston. . Why not dine here where pps Se FET Money issued on city and iarm| double pn NT Ba a se} insurance, 269% Priicess Street | Jam hgh oo house Phone | Charleston, . Apri . 19.--The, ice i I J. BRADLEY, GENERAL CABINET properties municipal and Sounty | Te ol De Ee jon = mg { .m., 2-4 pm, 1-530 pm. "" | went out of the lake on Saturday. | Quality and Service is Make All kinds of antique furni- debehtures; mortgages purchase air 8,000. ¥ ATCHING FROM PURE p ammo RA----- ture ® opnired and upholstered investment bonds for sale: deposit Pa peor AL oe wil Sel} bred White Racks and Barred, i | Mr. Hazel arrived Saturday at his Supreme? equal te new. Also general house received and dr Easy terms. This is good. Apply! Ro eks faom CAnads's best poultry | Tamworth Happenings |cottage, Camp Vega, Mrs. J. A. . repairing. 32 Ontario Street, King- C. Cartwright, m » pe 4K Om 1 A c 56 { yards 00 for 13, or 3 setting= : : > Aion Phone 473w. - ence street. Kingston. Si, Carroll Agency, 58 Brock $5.00. Just the price of one sei.| Tamworth, April 20.--C. A. Jones | Flood, suffered a severe attack of Home Style Cooking < . ing if you Sent away for such igh and wife, Toronto, Is visiting Miss | throat trouble but is better. The {ce Fon -- CR 2 ss class stoc Orders left at Gil- : ota > . BATEMANS LEAL ESTALK. berts Grocery, 194 Barrie Street, Maggie Jones. Joseph Hunter is vis- jd, considerable dumyge to i dar Lunch 12 to 2 p.m. # will have careful attention. |1ting his mother who has been quite ark wharf and a number of boat Dinner 6 to 8 p.m. FOR SALE. in. George Hawse is making im- | 'houses. Mrs. Mulvenna and daugh- | { T, | $3,700--RRICK VENEER; 7 ROOMS; 3 yALUARLE FARM {ter, Miss H h . Ls " FOR SALE --FOUR | ter, 88 attie, ave returned to A. ODD LO S | plece bath room; gas; stable; sood hundred acres in King Townehip | provements to his house. The wonky Te re Ae pT Tierney, Prop. | { | | garden. County of York Lots No. 17, 18. engineer has a staff of men engag oy 19 and 20. On highway ron] widening the county road from the {all winter, The sound of the motor BY Do you need a half or quarter ton of imei Soud (JR| | Tounf street tp JoNn of Hradtota,|poypdury luo east. John Pearson | VOL Is again heard on Charleston) 31 b { legiate Institute. } about thirty mil i t Saturday mornin Daéoas Coal to put you through the season? : te. LE ll fief on Sucurday morsing. Debote |: oping ond betde-ive taken ¥ ~ : * ! n mode v. + A good chance to give us a trial. | $2400 BANE; >: TE two stories, with 22x20 one storey |fuheral took place to the Methodist UP residesice at Long Point. On Choice Western Beef i attached: drive shed; milk house:| hypch on'Monday. Rev. Mr. Clark | Monday evening about seventy large frame barn, 350x150; cattle friends and neighbors gathered to . ! ! $4/000--BRICK ¥. FRONT; SEMI-DE- | ba fliciated the service, Oscar Wood- | . James Swift & Co., Limited Mone: ios vin to lane: rps Bar| iNT Would take sn Aare arene coon wed wife: Odbawa, stionded th Vid them welcome and give them a || Corned Beet age and sho 10,0 2 ! * * { , o & P. $10,000 of city property, For ul ' 1 Mr. and Mrs: J motoy- | Shower," when they received many Stewing Cuts Foo of Johnson St. particulars "apply b. A. Cavs, . Mr. SEVERAL FARMS Ss FOR SALE. Brock Street, Kingston, Ont. ed to Toronto for Easter. Donald Sifts of a useful and costly nature, | "vou Lamb, Pork, all . gv ts Shs nA Mrs. Fl including cash and cheques. They ' y , | | BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC. | Wells accompanied them. Mrs. Floyd |, 0 op "Sith them an abundance of |] kinds of Smoked Bacon-- sil FRAME BUNGALOW, 5 RooMS,' ; nearly new | Two Sofas, $3.00 and"35.00, aud S4RSRIA ary visling frenan {dainty refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. || kinds of Canned Goods. ngston, [H. Halliday, Brockville, spent Eas- W (yi. creamery Butter . 48 BRICK BUNGALOW, 7 ROOMS, Hi. w.| Sideboard, $7.00. fire on Tuesday night from a defec- = . the former's parents, Mrs, oor athroughout; gas and electri Cook Stoves, $3, 312. $15 ana $18. tive chimney but the villagers turd- |v 4u)10,y went to Toronto today Mght, stationary tubs and hot wa. . " ed out and soon extinguished the jo, _'o. pton' ders-- ter In cellar, large lot, fruit trees| Sor cr®l Planos cheap. : blaze. Owing to high water in the | : - Mdpten's Jelly Pow and sh 5 x . ¥ { and ney rubs; a perfect home at a Bedroom Suite complete, $30.00 _ {river A. B. Carsca' had to put on 8 packages for 25¢. While they .ast, you may have -- Baby Cariage, $9.00, { men to save his dam). Swallowing a silver tube which Q » { 4 one reasonable, as that is my 2 HOUSES TO RENT had been i : placed in her throat to aid motto, A ROGMING HOUSE, 18 ROOMS; ALL ) Organ, $10.09 : Winston Spencer Churchill, secre- | her breathing by doctors at a Mon- J. - -- Ome Strotter, $1.59 tary for the colonies, was severely treal hospitai who were treating her - TURK Phone 705 GARDEN LOTS: LARGE OR SMALL. We buy all kinds of Furniture.. {Shaken up by a fall from his hogse | for diphtheria, three-year-old Char- Western Meat Market - ! . 112 Clergy St. Phone 2011. CAL! "W nmor A CARD TO W. DRIS- BATEMAN'S . . while riding Thursday at Eton HAIL lotte Filion choked to death on eoll 23 John Street. 138 Welln Sens TE I Phone ESE" ANTIOEE Hop Street | Chester, England. Thursday. '

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