Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1922, p. 14

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FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1024. THE DAILY BRITISH ry session 4th div. court; $2.2v, McMahon snow shovelling; $50, Frank Wallace, balance salary collector. Council adjourned to meet in Harrowsmith, Monday, May 1st, 1 p.m, FLT BTR TIT 3 SME | Township Comes ST. JOHN TO LIVERPOOL April 22 .... Empress, of Rritaln ST, JOHN, HAVRE, GLASGOW 21 . PORTLAND Verona, April -3.--Members all .Corsican | 1 i ek present. 'A by-law was passed auth KINGSTON orizing the township to borrow from 28/June 2 . --8icilian | the Bank of Montreal, Verona $6 |sawing proving slowly. The sap buckets SL LAWRENCE SAILINGS { for! current expenditure and schoo ve all been gathered after a plen- Quebec--Cherbourg-- Southampton =| 01€rest, 6 per cent. Fred Kerr was |j H May 3{May 30|June 27 Empress Scotland [tiful yleld of sap. he roads are ambourg engaged to furnish engine belt and | - arance | il to operate stone crushing plan: May TO duly ol) Embrens Frans | during Yoze rate of wages, 60 cents still in a poor condition, owing to May 23[June 23|July 21 Empress Britain | per hour. Accounts paid for scho | continued rains. A number Montreal--Liverpool - $190, Thos. Cowdy, sec. treas. 8.8 jirom here attended the party at Mr. May 5/June 2/June 30 .. Montcalm 3; $250, Dr. T. 8. Genge, sec. {Frink's on Thursday evening, in hon- i of their nephew, Clifford Frink, May 1... onan Minnedosa | NO. Yr. ¥ May 19/June 16[July 14 . - Montrose! treas.; S. S. No. 12; $200 Harry Wat- |or $250, G:. |who is leaving the neighborhood. { The funeral of little Grant Freeman July 7 Montelare] yon sec. treas. 8.8. No. 6; Montreal--Glasgow 8.8. No. 16. : tian | For township, 0, Frank O'Rielly | was largely attended. School has sia closed and Miss Willard, teacher, y 6lJune 3/July 1 . treas., ay 13)J. May 20,0 snow shoveNing; $15.20, Le Roy ! | has left to spend the holidays at her $2.2 : - | Lamkin, snow shovelling; $22.10, May 4[June 10 . Scandinavian Guy Lee, snow shoveling; $6 Thos. |home, Amherst Island. Miss Helen Wallace, Kingston, spent the week- ¥ 24|June 21 July. ella |; veque, snow shovelling; $6.15, ry slaug 2 9sa end at home. Mrs. Switzer is re- road; $4, Arch. Wilkins, clerk, Jan- [ported to be very low yet. Er -------------------- Notes From Brooks.uc, Brookside, April 19.--Archie Bab- | cock had the misfortune to 'cut his 00 [nip badly while working with the machine. His condition is Apr sates ST. JOHN, BOSTON, HAVANA, Apr. sec. | Metagama|F. Storms an 19 . Thos. Bauder, gravel, High Falls July 3 cui Bo MONTREAL---NAPLES May § vaisssves Montreal . MONTREAL, NAPLES, GENOA June 22 ... Montreal Apply Local Agents or H. B, Beaumont, Gen, Agt., Pass. Dept 1 King St. E. Toronto Adelalde 2105 Canadian Pacific Raflway . Traflte Agents The Cunard-Canadian liners have, in appointments and equipment, everything to make your ocean voyage one of uninterrupted pleasure. And there is, too, the Cunard spirit that is carefully fostered and guardegeby the Company's officials -- a continuous effort to make life on the Cunard steamers en- joyable and congenial. On the Cunard boats you will meet the best of people and make many new friends. Your entertain ment and happiness is part of the Cunard- Canadian Service. See the Cunard Agent in your town, or write to-- The Robert Reford Co., Limited General Agents Mantreal, Teronto, Quebec, it. 8pecial attention given 'your family or friends going to or returning from the Old Country, Pr NO TRUNKS AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES LILWAY Cag % Ba, For Information and rates apply to J. P. HANLEY, G.P. and T.A.G.T Ry., Kingston, Ont Open day and night. 'PHONE eit TRANSATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS St. Lawrence Route, Season 1922 Sailing Lists Now Ready C. S. Kirkpatrick Agent - - 36 Clarence Street time DAVID SCOTT ? Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work a specs falty, All rk guaranteed. Ad- dress 145 Frontenac. Street. Phone 1277. THE NEW ROUTE * WINNIPEG SASKATOON PRINCE RUPERT BRANDON CALGARY VANCOUVER REGINA EDMONTON VICTORIA EVERSHARP FE Waser rorits P ENCILS 3 CHOICE OF ROUTES "THE CONTINENTAL LIMITED" is the premier train REPAIRED | of the Canadian National Rall ways It leaves Ottawa daily at 12.20 am. for all western points. Standard Sleeping Cars, Tourist and Colonist Sleeping Cars, Dining Car and Com- We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils, We carry a supply of parts. partment, Observation, Library car -- all medern steel Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. From Toronto through standard sleeping car to Winni- 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, peg is attached to train ledving Toronto at 8.45 p.m. daily, also Tourist Sleeping Car Toronto to Winnipeg on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, connecting at North Bay with "The Continental Limited." In addition, "The Na- tional," a solid through train, leaves Toronto at 10.35 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays via Port Arthur for Winnipeg. SUPERIOR DINING CAR SERVICE For toed xgaervations and all information apply to City Agent, 217 PNncess Street, Kingston, Ont. Every man knows best where his other's told, " NAVY CUT CIGARETTES '| Williams. spent Saturday in King- NEWS FROM DESERONTO, | Mrs. John Thompson Passed Away | | Suddenly. | on Deseronto, April 1%.--Mr. Mur- | phy, a C.N.R. district engineer, from Ottawa, was here last week, looking jover the old B. of Q. coal dock. Mr. { Murphy found everything favorable land expects that the dock and coal | | holst could be put in shape at very | | little expense. The C.N.R. Is consid- iering bringing their coal in here by | {boat and transferring it to coal cars, | | whence they will ship it where re. quired, | | The services on Easter Sunday ! {were well attended, and the music| {was excellent at all the - churches, | {Several of the boys and girls who | {are in the city, came home for the | | Easter holidays. Joseph Nafin and | | Miss Ella, of Kingston, also Mar- | {guerite Nafin, of Toronto, were vis- {itors at Jas. Nafin's. Miss Irene |Hearns and Miss Bessie Dow, of Tor- | onto, were also in town. Orland | | Joyce, formerly of the Standard | | Bank here, is spending a few days | jat home. A Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thompson and little daughter] of Cenfreville, were | recent visitors in town. Mr. Lock. {wood had a sale on' Saturday after- {noon of his household effects. Mr. | land Mrs. Carscallen, of Thomas | | street, received the sad news yester-| |day, that their son-ig-law, Harry Woodcock, .of Huntsville, had died rather suddenly. | Mrs. Woodcock and her two small | sons arrived this afternoon 'with the | |remains, and the funeral has been | {arranged for tomorrow - afternoon | {from Mr. Carscallen's home. The! |citizens and neighbors were shock- | {ed this evening at 6 o'clock, when it] |became known that Mrs. John | Thompson had suddenly died while {reading the * newspaper. Mrs. | Thompson was 74 years of age, and had been in her usual health. | A wayward youth in our town has | been giving his parents considerable | anxiety and his case is to come up | next week. | -------------- ! EASTER AT HARTINGTON. ------ 1 Special Services Were Held in the | Methodist Church, | Hartington, April 19.--Easter ser- | vices were conducted in the Methodist | church. Special Easter music wag | rendered at both. services.: The church was well decorated with pot- ! ted plants. Rev. Mr. Armstrong, | pastor, preached on the subject | "The Living Christ." | Visitors during the holidays in- cluded: Mr. Robert Gardiner, Kempt- | ville, with his sister, Mrs. D. Frew: man; Mrs. T. Guess, Cataraqui, at | M. Cloakey's; Leslie Patterson, Plev- | na, with his parents; Dora Campsall, | Peterboro, Mildred Sigsworth, Catu- | raqui, Ada Sigsworth, Kingston, .at home with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Shellington visiting at M. Trousdale's. Elmer Truman and family, Frankfort, with relatives. Miss Meta Campsall left Monday as a delegate to the U. F. 0. convention held in Toronto. Born, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Walk- er; a son to Mr. and Mrs. George Trousdale. Mr, and Mrs. Benn, Mos- cow spent Sunday at Mrs. T. Sigs-| worth's. The cheese factory opened | Monday the 17th. Mrs. Stanley | Woodman returned home on Tuesday after spending three weeks with her sister, who was ill. William Medcofr, Queen's University, at Mrs. T. Trous- dale's. Bethel News. April 18. --Seme of the farmers have started to plow. John Jayne | and Miss Gladys Warner attended | the Timmerman-Peters wedding m | Kingston last Tuesday night. Visit- | ors: Clarence Allen at his father's, | W. Allen, Moscow, on Wednesday. | John Simmons, Camden East, with | his daughter, Mrs. William Jackson, | Miss Olive Salisbury, Stella, at her | home here for the Easter holidays; Mrs. Mary Alkenbrack and Miss | Helen of Mount Pleasant at her sis- | ter's, Mrs. W, McWilliams, for a cou- | ple of days. Gordon Dickinson, Camden. East, at Fred MeWilliams. Carmen Salisbury and George Lewis, of Queen's are at their homes here for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mec- ston. Russel Gilligan and wife are spending a few days at his home here. -« ---------------------- Budget From Morton, Morton, April 19.-- Mr. and Mrs. Albertus June, Briar Hill, spent Sun- | day the guests of Mrs. R. Wills. J. | N. Somerville has sold his fine driv- | er to W. Chesney Edge, Albert Hill | is placing lumber on the. ground for the erection of a new barn. . Mr. and Mrs. John Slack, Lyndhurst, were retent visitors at J, Coon's. Miss | Jennie Henderson, Brockville, is spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Henderson. The Ladies Institute held their an- nual monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Coon on Wednesday last. C. Dewolf and two daughters, Forfar, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. H. Sly. Miss Estella, telephone opera- tor at Franktown, is spending Eastor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Sly. Mrs. Robert Scott and three children of Watertown, are spending a few week's visiting friends in this vicinity. Our teaher, Miss Owens, is spending the helidays with her par- ents, at Forfar. | Nell Somerville, Charles Hill and Miss Pi York, Athens high school, are spehding the holidays at their respective homes Here. J. E. John- ston, Bellmay's, was a recent visitor with his daughter, Mrs. George Roantree. Y Plevna's Newsy Budget. Plevna, April 17th.--Sugar mak- i = AN ¢ ee eS her 5. 3 SIS Re a (LENGLISH AND SCOTCH WOOLLEN C0. Jf/™= With Every Suit or Overcoat DOUBLE OF YOUR Made-To Measure Here is an exceptional opportunity for YOU to get double the value for your money. With every Suit and Overcoat Your Measure English & Scotch Woolen Co. are giving an extra pair of Pants FREE. To the man who wishes to be well dressed in the season's newest fabrics and smartest styles, this means clothes economy at rock bottom prices. Our specialty is making Made-to-Measure Clothes for men who appreciate the value of custom tailored garments. Every. man who buys a Suit or Overcoat Made-to- Measure at any one of our Coast- to-Coast Chain of Stores is guaranteed fullest value and 1007, satisfaction. J,, A. Gareau. Undlaimed | Spring and Fall "Suits Overcoats | Oddments | COATS $5.05 | PANTS 3.50 VESTS 1.50 Cloth We will supply the cloth by the yard If you wish. rite for samples. Per up 1 8 1 . | | Mail Orders OUT-OF-TOWN MEN: Write to 851 St, Cather- ine Street East, Mont- real for Style Book, free samples snd self-meal surement forms, Fit and satisfaction guar anteed. fs In most shades and wise! «+. 830.00 A few uncalléd-fors. Values up to $30.00, Spe- clally priced to clear $15.00 Values up te To clear at ENGLISH AND SCOTCH WOOLLEN CO. yard, from ....8$2.50 ing is about over, It has been a poor year on account of so much rain. Miss Jean Bradley went to her home in Toronto for the Easter holidays. Miss Grace Armstrong, The Moun- pected after Easter. The will go to the hall for a while until the new wing is built to the school- house. Miss Etta Ohlman, home for id The belle and Theresa, visiting at J kis visit- | Brouse's. Ottie Ward and Henry Plevna. | Green took tea at J. Brouse's, Sy: : day evening. The youug people spent W are visiting la pleasant evening at E. Watson's friends around Plevo/ Mountain' Miss Etta * ing her sister, Mrs. T Mr. and Mrs. Johr and Mrs. Gordon The little ones {home tain, is spending the holidays at her at Sharbot Lake. Two new teachers for Plevna school are ex the holiday, is returning to Toronto today. Michael Ohlman, Rocking- ham, is apending a few days visiting at James Stalks Beech Corners. [last Monday night John Card i Mrs. C. Ohlmas, . A the Misses Isa- | still sawing lumber, 4

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