Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1922, p. 11

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FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1922, er vo------ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. From the Countryside | i . _ Frontenac BUNKER'S HILL. April 18. --The sap is still run- ning. In many places the roads are in a very bad condition. James Wil- son wio has been sick, is somewhat improved. The ice is starting to move out of the lakes. ! residents have their summer wood cut. There are a number of sales this spring as well as some people moving. 3 3 FLORIDA. f : April 19.--~The weather continues rainy. The men are pike-fishing, while house-cleaing is the order of the day for the women. WMiss Nellie * Lucas, Maple Avenue, is spending "Bastér week at Damon Martin's. Mr. and Mrs, Oharles Cur), Yarker, vis- , ited one day last week at Mrs. M. .Redden's. Miss Eliza Davy and Miss Mona Kenneban, Verona, are visiting at John Peter's. Mrs. Damon Martin ~ is visiting friends at Whitby, Stuart Martin spent Sunday' at D. Martin's. ; JOYCEVILLE, ". April 15.--The recent rains have left the roads in a very bad conal- 4stion. Our school has closed for Ea- «#ter. The teacher, Miss Blair, 1s spending the holidays at. her home in Perth. The young people from -here attended the dance in Seeley's Bay on Easter Monday. Mrs. Josepn Keyes spent a few days at Mount Chesney lagt week. Mrs. D. McCarey Is visiting amilton. Alex. Milne, JAleville, has returned home after wisiting friends here and at Brew- er's Mills. ECHO LAKE. April 14.--W. Hicks passed away this morning after a long fliness. Mrs. L. Switzer has been poorly for a long time. 'The recent snow storm and rains have left the road in a dreadful condition. A severe electric storm passed over here Saturday ev- ening. Some of the farmers here shipped pigs on Saturday at twelve and a half cents a pound. Visitors: Mrs. C, Cox and E. McCleod at J, Cronk's; Mr, and Mrs. G. Kelll and ' daughter, also J. Syitzer, at L. Swit- ser's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cronk at D. McCleod's; D. McCleod at A. Wag- 'ars; B. Babcock at C. Cox's. 3 PARHAM, April 12.--The U.F.0. shipped hogs and calves on Saturday. Mrs. "Allan is at home at the parsonage again after spending the past three " month" with her parents at Aurora. "The recent rains have made the "roads very bad. Mr. and Mrs. 4 George Paterson are at 0. R. Clow 4. r. and Mrs T. 'Bertrfm Rive rented a farm at Long Lake and will move | there soon. James Howes spent the | week-end near Perth. Mrs. L. B. i Bateman, is at Sydenham. Mr. ana Mrs. Dewitt Leslie at W. Clow's. | Edna Clow at B. Cornwall's. Mrs. | Frank Wagar spent Wednesday with Mrs. T. E. Wagar. | PITTSFERRY. | April 18.--Easter service was held {in St. Lawrence church on Sunday Most of the| morning, with a large congregation. | der is on the sick lst. { An anthem was rendered by the {choir. Miss G. Bell, Kingston, is { spending the holidays with her sis- | ter, Mrs:\§yilliam Brash. The many | friends of Annie Orr and. Mabel | Spence are glad to hear that they are | both recovering after successful ap- | erations in the Kingston General { Hospital. Richard Paddle and Miss {| Annie Genge were entertained at the |tea hour, at'the home of Mrs. Paul | Eastwood. A successful bazaar and jtea was held by the Ladjes' Aid of i St. John's church on Tuesday after- noon and evening at David McClem- ent's. Mr. and Mrs. .H. Scott and {Miss Emma, spent Sunday in King- | ston, {daughter, Louisa, have moved their new home below Gananoque. OATES, April 17.--The last few days has dried up the mud considerably and the farmers will soon be able to start operations on the land. The wood sawing is about completed in this vi~ cinity. A large number'from here at- tended the euchre and dance held in Sydenham on Monday night. Miss Marcella Golden, Burridge, returned home accompanied by her sister, Mrs. F. J. Walsh. Miss Helen M. Harte, Ottawa, spent the holiday at her home here. James Koen, Queen's University, Kingston, spent the week-end with his parents. The Misses M. and L. Johnston, Notre Dame Convent, Kingston, are spend- ing the holiday at home. Mrs. L. Burns is visiting relatives in this vi- cinity, I. Domaghue, St. Augustine's seminary, Toronto, spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Bert Koen; Miss M. Nolan at J. A. Koen's; Mrs. J. Johnston and Mrs. William Koen spent a few days in Kingston. to ARDEN, Arden, April 19.--The Easter par- ty at the Empress hotel, given by Miss Litas Greene, for the young people, on Saturday evening, was largely attended. Al} reported hav- ing a fine time. J. J. Post is spend- ing Easter at Wallaceburgh, with his daughter, Mrs. S, Smith. Mrs. enry Hannah and Mrs. G. Steele, called on Mrs. B. F. Delton on Fri- day, D. Hecht is spending Easter with his family in Montreal, Miss Bella Bost is clerking in his store during his absence. Miss Laura Greene and H. Wright, Toronto, ii This is to IPR ERRAA EAL LIE MRERI TT ree by ta ¥ AT ALL BURNS Gentlemen BRITISH DRUG CO. WELLAND, ONT. DRUGGISTS 1. un. sediagten. Torsste. THE MAGIC HEALER * S FOR PILES ZEMA CUTS-BOILS certify that 1 : RINGWORM damon PIMPLES BUR NS ABCESSES 1 « Gonadisn Distributor. FL Fie TTT TR Mr. and-Mrs. A. Roberts and { ¥ from high school, Belleville; uy and spent Easter at C. M. Greene's. Nor-| {man Heigns, Smith's Falls, and Flor jence and Cecil Steele spent Sunday {at A, Bteele's. Mrs. (Rev.) Stocker {returned home from Tweed on Sat- urday much improved in health. We are glad to say Willet Scott is slow- ly improving after an attack of | pleuro-pneumonia. Master George | McCutcheon, Burketon Junction fis spending a few days with his grand- father, 8. Alexander. Harry Alexan- WAGARVILLE, | April 17.--Mr. and Mfrs. W. D. | Black spent Easter Sunday witn ir, |and Mrs. G. Howes. Mr. Howes is {still about the same. Dr. and Mrs. |G. 8. Cronk, Belleville, and daugh- ter Harriet, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cronk. Su- gar making is finished. The cheesé factory will open the last week in April and every one will be glad it is starting so soon. F. G. Kirkham is somewhat better of neuritis. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes spent Easter at her omg near Napanee. 'Miss Martha Wagar is at her sister's, Mrs. Victor frkham's. Russell Jackson, who spent a few weeks at home, has re- trned to Hamilton toMissume his old position. Miss Edna Wagar, King- ston, spent last week-end at home, Mr. and Mrs. M, Kirkham and son spent Faster Sunday at F. G. Kirk- ham's. Roy Howes is at his broth- er's, E. Howes' ~ H. Leslie at BE. Cronk's. L. Cronk has sold the Al- ton property to F. Good. No service was held here on Sunday on account of bad roads. Edward Kirkham spent last week with his sister, Mrs. J. Vanvolkenburgh, Moscow. 4 ¥ OROSBY. April 18.--H. B. Pyne is loading a carload 3f calves at th@ station to- | day. Roy Tedford, Lyndhursy, 1s | visiting friends in this locality, Miss Lucy Pyne is spending Easter holi- days with her sister, Mrs. E. Mec- Eachern, Ottawa. Bdgar Leggett, Ottawa, spent Easter at his home kere. George Stout, Kingston, is spending a few days with bis aunt, Miss E. Bass, who fractured her hip recently, Mrs, John Paul returned to Gananoque on Monday, Miss Win- nifred Mustard was the winner of the diamond ring in a contest held by W. A. Singleton recently, The juve- nine choir supplied the Easter music in the church here on Sunday. Miss Surfina Singleton, Toronto, spent the holidays with her parents. Miss BEl- len Bass is resting as well as can be expected under the care of Dr. King and Nurse Moray, Brockville. Miss Lizzie Darroch, Montreal, is spending the holidays with old friends here. Leeds & 2 » . Lanark . 1 BELL ROCK, April 17.--Dr. Lawson gave a fine discourse in Bell Rock church on Easter Sunday. The frequent rain falls are keeping the water in the drowned land very high so there is no crossing over the long bridge. John Pomeroy lost a valuable cow last week. Holiday visitors: Miss Gertrude Thomas at her home near Sydenham; Miss Flora Percy is home lan, Mrs. W. A. Walker, Cataraqui, nt Easter with friends here. Mrs. Dam- April 19.--Fine weather re) i Quality you'll approve and appreciate, backed u satisfaction that will hring you back. We think the Suit on the figure. What do you think ? No Man Ever Became A Card Expert Playing Solitaire and many a man who has bought some place else for years buys at the Lion to-day. Are you playing solitaire somewhere? Now your chief concern is to get the very most in Clothes for whatever you have to spend, and ours is to show about LION PRICES because Lion Prices aren bd p by a reputation that will bring you in and the figure on the Suit is just as important as you how, where and why. We're not yelling 't BIG ENOUGH to YELL ABOUT. We merely want to remind you that everybody's getting his and it's high time you were getting yours. The Lion Model Clothes are marked right here by us for you as low as we can pos- sibly afford to mark good Clothes and remain in business and we're offering you a little more than you really expect because we ask a little less than you expect to pay. That's all. SUITS THAT SET THE STYLE STANDARD Fellows, you'll say these Suits simply talk "Class." If you like snappy models you 'will find ours have the stamp of fashion written right on them. ~ HAVE YOU GOT YOUR VAN HUSEN COLLAR : YET ? The Soft Collar the whole world is talking about, which does not wrinkle and looks like a Linen Collar across the table. Get yours! MEN'S EXTRA STRONG WORKING TROUSERS Regular $2.50 values. SPECIAL $1.79 Others up to $9.00. Sizes 32 to 50. GET A GABERDINE The only Coat for Dress wear and which is waterproof also. The largest range in the city. CAPS WITH PEP " We want the fellow who sees yours to see ours when he's ready to get his. That's why the Lion features styles that are different and none that are indifferent. Want the newest ? .YOUNG MEN'S FIRST LONG SUITS We are showing a dandy suit ~for $18.50 Sizes 34 to 40. We are showing the largest range of real snappy YOUNG MEN'S SUITS in West of England Worst- eds--at those same low prices Also a nice range of conser- vative Suits. SPECIAL! MEN'S TWEED RAINCOATS Regular $15.00 and $16.00 values. To go at $10.00 THE BOYS' SHOP 'ues between Toronto and DOUBLE THE WEAR WITH' AN EXTRA PAIR The only way to buy Boys' Suits to-day -- double the value of your Suit 'with an extra pair of Bloomers-- ge twice the wear for your dol- lar. The best Boys' Suit val- Montreal without a doubt. Made with care for style and wear. BOYS' ALL WHITE .. BLOUSES have arrived in fine Madras. Upstairs "+ We carry a good range of BOYS' SEPARATE BLOOMERS Sizes 22 to 36. Also Big \ Boys' Suits up to size 36. 'THE LION CLOTHING HOUSE "LOOK FOR THE LION IN THE WIND OW" :. € Adams and Mrs. W. H. Kinnear were recent guests of Mrs, 'Margaret Do- BLOOMFIELD. prevail- on Ball, and baby Mae, Verona, at M. Percy's; Mr. and Mrs. BE. L. Amey, Verona, at D, L. Amey's, em -- MABERLY. April 14.--The farmers have been well pleased with the sugar making season. Miss Pearl Morrow has re- turned home from Kingston (General hospital, where she underwent a successful operation for appendicitis. Miss Lila Munfoe visited friends at Wemyss! Miss Edna Strong, West- port, is home for her Easter hoi- ed on Easter Sunday, but om~Mon- day a heavy rain accompanied by gales of wind came, and the land is soaked with water, . What promised 'to be an early spring, will be a late one, Peter Burr and wife, who have resided here for a number of years, have left to live in Toronto, Ronald Burr, Peterborough Normal School, is home for Easter. John Rundle, Toronto, is spending Easter holidays at Abram Rundle's. Sheldon Stor- ey and Rodhey Rundle have gone to California. . W. J. Gerow and wife, 356 KING ST. KINGSTON You Can Make a Fine Beer RITE-GOOD Malt Extract and Hops makes $1.00 Package 2% Gallons Here's one of the finest drinks you ever tasted. A full strength, You can make Good" me, this brew in your own home with "Rite- and what's more--you can do it legally. refreshing Beer, equal to the best. days. Kenneth McLeod visited friends here, Mrs. James Buchan- an, Montreal, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan. Miss Syleng Briggs, Ottawa, is home for her holidays. Mrs. William Lilie spent a few days recently with her sister at Verona. Miss Evelyn As a result, the manufacture of paper. Si: Perth Colllege, is home for = 1 is one of the key of the holidays. Miss 1d, teacher A Sodey wi industries 'here, has gone tb her home. Mr. ang ! BE Mrs. D. A. Greenlaw returned home 'The 7% First Mortgage Bonds with triende at Midian. Mies Ors : of the Canadian P an aperboard Company Jackson, sehool teacher, Toronto, form a sound and well-secured investment. was the guest of Misses Edna and Evelyn Strong. Miss Gertrude Duffy - The Company's assets and ome- : Toronto, are spending a few days with friends here. Miss Sylvia Stark has entered the empldyment of John Eaton's gro- cery® _ Nellis, the four-yeariold daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Cooper, died on Thursday and the fems mmr PREPARED BY -St. Lawrence Preserving Co. Regd., Quebec, P.Q. Postage Prepaid by Agents D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SONS KINGSTON, ONT. Lave eseyeTEa we SE ir Ge NE. FOOTWEA ALL THE SMART SPRING STYLES in Ladiés" | or 2 Strap Pumps with high or low heels, in Black Kid or Brown Calf. Well made Ladies' Oxfords in good taste for all out-of-door oc- is home for the holidays. Miss Eve lyn Strong was the guest of Miss Marjorie McTavish, Kingston. casions--just the type of Shoe for well-dressed women. Men's Tan Grain Brogue Ox- fords al Men's Brown or Black Calf Oxfords SEH . Much sympathy will be ex- . the bereaved ones, The The Sawyer Shoe Store aco 0 Sutuniay aud 184 Princess St. son, Gordon, have secured the i > ------ = route by way of the third con-| 8nd : : bi . - : cession to Weller's Bay cheese fac- tory. Our teacher, H. R. Hopkins, is - Fetablished 1QIO 36 KING ST EAST -------- funeral was'held on Saturday to the|and family, have returned home af-i Haight, Toronto, is visiting at Wil- Universalist: cemetery. Homer White ter spending the winter in England.]irid Haight's, Harry Dunning 7 is part of his Easter holidays was very sick last week but is mow |Clarence Marshall lost a valuable | home from Picton hospital and his 7 with friends at Gerow Gore, Mrs. 8. improved. Edward Pearce, and wife|horse last week. Miss Esther! foot is now getting well, 8 Hote : Corn :

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