Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1922, p. 9

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+ ' THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1922. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Tue Sa ENTIFICALLY Buit WATCH || | MAN 100 BIG F OR GOD al CHASE | FY J! BOR Es | doomed man, an outtast henceforth | | until death. In pride he hag vault- | The International Sunday School Lesson for April 23rd Is: 4 Ligh, offending the honor of the | "Uzziah's Pride and Pun ishment."--II. Chroni= | King of kings; but he had bean! cles 26:1-27 | brought low. Would that his tragic | jo - - | fate might be a warning to all who By William T. Ellis. ! [ fail in reverence to the living God | s 4 Since the new director general of | Nile, as a fighter, a builder, a great (Copyright, 1922, by The Ellis the motion picture industry in|and constructive statesman. Service), America, Mr. Will Hays, is a Sun- | | ¥ we )] | ] FR day School man, and knows his Bi | | ra gra n t - © Fe | O us ble, it 18 to be hoped that he wil! | A "Biggoty" Big Man. i BRIEFS FROM WILTON turn to the dramatic events in Old Southern colored folk have a de- | T | seriptive word of their own coin- A rd | Ts " : lestament history for better mate-!Bcript . | Tower on Methodist Church will | } ¢ pi the | Ing,--""biggoty. That describes | Undergo Repairs. | |] 2 rs | Rn * Ca | on S rial than is commonly put on y . es | screen. The story of King Joash| the type of person who, whether big | Wilton, April 19.--The public was gue such drama; that of hig|Or not, feels and acts "biggoty," OT school closed for the Easter holidays, | x ¢ | grandBon, King Uzziah, was anoth-|self-important. The self-made Man [Miss Darling has returned to her | ' g ler, even more humgn and generals prone to become 'biggoty," or, 8 home in Moscow. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. | TTT FLOWERS FOR EASTER THE SOULFUL EXPRESSION OF THE DAY The only sweet thing God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into. A Order your Easter supply early. See our choice selection of Roses and Carnations. -- Easter Lillies and all kinds of Pot Plants. By means of the another homely designation has it, |Asselstine are spending the holidays | in its appeal. story of Uzziah there may be + often satirized lt. | ( picted the career of the modern | common; olten zed as a "self- Chatham, Ont. Visitors: Miss Gladys | What Twenty-five Dollars America self-made man, who riges| made man proud of the job." How | Costley, Campbeliford, with her sis- | » terling qualities obscured |ter, Mrs Bernard Davy; Mrs. Saun- : | from strength to might, and then, | Often are s y L : . Will Purchase {at his height, falls into folly. by this spirit of vanity and boast. | derson, Peterborough, with her dau-| | ghter, Mrs. H. J. Latimer, at the | = Iness. . . | A page from real life is this story, | fu : : S TT VENTY.FIVE dollars will buy life- to be duplicated in almost every city| Because men have risen above parsonage; Mr. Shibley and Miss | l, A WSON . . | ime. It" + vith the | thelr former circumstances, or | Dorothy Neilson, Kingston, at the! long Waltham accuracy in a watch . fot our ume SANs out Ww | above their surroundings, they home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs, FLORIST STORE: C yi 3 o 3 above the common obligations and | Kingston. with her daughter, Mrs RE: Corner Wellington and Brock Streets. Phone 770 trecord of a devout youth of noble! It has come to|K. N. Storms. Mr. and Mrs. Joh CONSERVATORIES: Phone that is backed by Waltham reputation. [aoaey oe roe Sf Solis ireicle i d /ith | do ? th rribl nd of Uz-| moralities of life. = 98 Centre Street. 1174J. Se ae Movement on, the side 1s mide Wi one aie be almost an accepted condition that | Henderson and son, Bill, Millhaven, SO It will buy "good looks" that go deeper than the | eager to do the right. There was painstaking care. ziah in the oarlier career of the boy {king of Judah, who came to the|the big business and public men, |at the home of James Davy, Edward | It will Ruy many years of ie Satistaction, i {throne when but sixteen years old. | 3nd writers and others in the peo-| Parrott spent a few days at the home | place after the Easter morning ser- | little sparrows that it has become ne- cause a Wa thar Nn watch 1s famous for its low up- | He was ambitious only to serve his jple's eye, shall not feel themselves | 1 1 y th. Ist- | vice 1 is hurch, ¥ to repair their home. The I | He w i v © Bath The christ- |v ce at the Methodist chur h cessary e r e F . | country and God. So fine was his| bound by the conventional code of |ening of John Bernard, infant son of | The tower of the Methodjst church | Pepper Bros, Napanee, have the con And ty-fi doll ill h in this | carter" Pecoia that Be oe among | conduct. It is almost expected that (Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Davy, took | has so long been the dwelling of the [tract for rebuilding the same, nd twenty-five dollars will purchase ir { T : . : ie Waltham in a value in I that is [the most constructive of his nation's |they shall regard themselves as : : | 3bove the law." Even the Church without question unexcelled. , sometimes winks at moral and eth- Ask your jeweler to show you this fine time-plece. tical laxity in big men--which is a He knows Waltham watches. | » A Farmer-Strategist King. | de- | "too big for his boots." The type is |with their son, Oliver Asselstine, of | sometimes feel themselves to be !K. N. Storms; Mrs. B. B. Shibley, TTT history. | horrible sin on the part of the | "He loved husbandry," {a one church. Write for a valuable booklet that isa liberal "Watch" education : t A Now this seems to have been the 7 7 ~ imi characterization of this king, as we i Sent free on request, The Walther Watch Co., Limited {read of his plantings and his en. State Into hich Kins gl had : : largings. He was a builder of cities, | BTOWN. ter half a century of no- da y jae a restorer of waste and captured | P1® reign, he fell a prey to sinful , | laces As a soldier, he equipped | Pride. His vanity destroyed in a : his forces well, and took advantage | 937 the good name of fifty years. > rE Recollection brings to mind more of the latest invention§, in order to THE WORLD'S WATCH OVER TIME fortity Jerusalem anew. 'He made|!han one figure of our own time, A CANADIAN INDUSTRY in Jerusalem engines, invented by|Once held in honor, who now walk Makers of the famous Waltham air-friction quality Speedometers and skillful men, to be upon the towers|2Part from their fellows, unwept, Automobile Time-pieces used on the world's leading cars and upon the battlements, where- unhonored and unsung, because L | they thought themselves able to GIFTS THAT LAST ' reat ite Shoot arrows and. fren flout the laws of God and man. They Tzziah | C85t Off the marriage ties, they aban- These giant catapults 1% Uzziah donied the ideals of their youth, KINNEAR & D ESTERRE with our own world war i they profaned the sanctities, only to ; 3 one other phrase in the Jewelers 100. Princess St. | | which is Aikely to be overlooked-- (1eATR at the end that no man is "He bullt Elath, and restored it to|87®at enough to take liberties with ------ Slath, | : -- iE | Judah" Now Elath was the scene | the eternal integrities. "There is a ws f some of the most romantic and| VY that seemeth right to a man, 0 | but the end thereof are the ways of least known episodes of the war in death." N the East. The town, mow a poor bs = Hh SHI a EZ gat gt - toni Capen] Arab village, lies at the head of the A Common Insult To God. Ton Gulf of Akaba, which is the prin- Perhaps the commonest heresy of ouT TODAY cipal arm of the Red Sea, forming * Ameri church 1i » > M ° the Sind! Peninsula. So wonderful hoi xe Sa 4 pron 94 She do Complete ay List Is the harbor, as King Solomon ell terms, that God is especially pleased Columbig Records knew, that great ships may anchor |, bave the approval of rich or emi- - is . - My Skin 18 Clear Soe 10 TO oe British nent 'persons. When the minister BE Ss * » " " at Last . speaks of "our best people" he too landed arms and supplies and gold often means onl y the richest people. il Ski and men, for the romantic campaign So far as I have been able to ob. Dance Records Pimples, Boils and o am of the Bedouin against the Turks serve, in a rather wide experience Eruptions are caused by im- and the Germans. The whole region | yp go "leading laymen" oo Song of ig Riddle Biking Orchestra rr pure blood --often due to [1s one of mystery and elusive charm; wealthy laymen, Tt oonroten i De oa Wild Rose--Fox- J . Indigestion or Constipation it was better known to Moses thanl, 7 H leadership 'or piety or re- Virginia Bluese--Fox-Trot . § The Columbians | A-3570 : to the British war office. Directly ligicus zeal. Who has not heard the Dear Old Southland--Fox-Trot The Columbians Abbey's Effervescent Salt up.from it lies the wonderful rock politician 'or other public men > : . : Lola Lo--Fox-Trot Ray Miller and His Black and White | ssc is the simplest and most city of Petra, lost to human kewl quoted flatteringly becauss he has Melody Boys | A-386 efficient blood purifier ge oo housand yous. Some!onc, averney B patronisingly Doo Dah Blues--Fox-Trot Ray Miller and His Black and day students of the Bible may travel White Melody Bo can be used; and freely in this region: I escaped a o? religion? yp y : 3 8! This fashion of patting the Lord : : d Xyl is the ideal tonic. massacre by only one day when I| ,, ghty on the head Is enough Isle of Paradise--(Waltz) Hewajlan an Cultus: a5) ylophones, # laxative for the went there. he patia knew 2 to bring swift punishinient for sacri- Susquehanna--Hawaiian Guitar Duet, Ferera and Franchini Ea 2 whole system. ia, 8 Juke oe than- the mo po lege, even as it did in the case of She's a Mean Job--Fox-Trot Frank Westphal and His EIN 4 121 wor nows etra's name. 1is Uzziah. God asks o x, La | A-33560 5 = ar TXEAAE, hm allegiance from % Sap [HE TTA, riff | fame ran from the Euphrates to the high as well as from low; the prac- If You Knew--Fox-Trot Frank Waobo Drehastia Ann alu GG; mine SG Meanie EA A tice of some churches of making ,Raipbo Orchestra . . Re mm FRE CKL ES |cticonodon out or "infinential™ California--Fox-Trot Kalckerbocker Orchestra | A-3578 Sa-- men who have not confessed Christ An Old Fashioned Girl--Fox-Trot Knickerbocker Orchestra | ~ 88¢ Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Re-|and are not members of the church move Them With Othine-- Is wrong, root and branch. When Out of the Shadows--Iutro. "Southern Memories," Medley } A-3876 This sro rile Strength treatment S Sorquered .femeral approached Rio 'Nights--Waitz : : Prince Pas Orchestra . » CONTRACTING AND REPAIRING of freckles is usually so successful in | >P0leon und Plsied his Land, the ~, removing freckles and giving a clear, | ®@Peror replied, according to the Angel Child--Fox-Trot , . The Columbians ) A-358 Distributors for beautiful complexion that it is sold |®tOrY, "Your sword first!" We can- Angel Child . Comedian, Al Jolson [ BSc EDISON MAZDA LAMPS, APEX VACCUM CLEANERS, under guarantee to refund the money not be on terms of friendship with Love Daps--Fox-Trot 4 ' Pail Biese's Ore A H ; h SUNNYSUDS ELECTRIC WASHER if it fails. God until we are first on terms of --~ 7 . Ce 4 Don't hide your freckles under a submission to him. Even the mil- Little Thoughts--Fox-Trot Paul Bitse's Orchestra y= 85¢ 14 4s | Jv Uy °o veil; get an ounce of Othine and re- lionaire is not exempted from this urxe nlectric Co. picatons should show a wonder], To, (here are" congreeaion : ul 74 PRINCESS STREET « « . PHONE 433 improvement, some of the lighter| " ¢"® non-Christian office-holders Song Hits Oper a and Concert freckles vanishing entirely, 866 no incongruity 'in laying down ° ot - eee . a course of conduct for the church ues --Comedia. . Sole Mie--(My Sunshine] Soprane and Be up to ask the druggist for the Virginia Bl ns, | Contralto Duet, Rosa wl } 4me3 double strength Othine; it is this| Tembers! Van and Schenck | A-3877 Carmela Ponselle | $3.00 A long tongue {is the sign of Y A friend that you buy will be that 1s sold gy the money-back guar- . Carolina Rolling Stone-- Comedians, 8 . er ehort hand. bought from you. antee. Ministers Who Had Backbone. Vaa and Sashinint rs from, *Tndim Lave Liat So distorted were Uzziah"s ideas, She's Mine, All Mine! T. Solo, 1 Louis Gen in his vanity, which is commonly a ' Foor) Crumit mild form of insanity, that he even Ha! Ha! Ha! Tenor Solo, Prank Crumit presumed to enter the holy place of CanHl Light Broad the temple, to usur] . You ave Ev on Broadwa fice of the Pay | BO actea ot. (Give Me that Tite Light at Home) | A-3574 ining a rom . Tenor Solo, Billy Jones 88¢c upon the altar of incense. In short, Time After Time Tenor Solo, Edwin Dale Maiden's Wish (Chant Polonaise) in O. he really thought himself great y Major, Piane Solo, Jose! Holmann enough to revise the laws of God: Alabamy Mammy -- Tenor and Baritone Butterfly-Spinning Song--Piano Solo, he deemed Uzziah so big that he was Duet, Charles Hart and t Shaw Josef Hofmann not bound by the prescriptions of | Pick Me Up and a 4 Me Dow (Ia Dear One Sweetly Solemn Thought-- | Mother <O'Mine Baritone Solo, A-3873 | 8S¢ S150 Jehovah. The delusions of abnormal | Od Dixieland) -- Vernon Dalbart Van Gordon Contralto Solo, Cyrena egotism often take this impious | . 1 Love to Tell the Story--Contralto Solo, form, Uszziah profaning the temple Don't Leave Me Mammy-- Tenor and Cyrena Van . Gordon of the Lord is a terrible figure, but Baritone Duet, Charles Pan 30d Shaw Same Thats Days -- Contralto and nevertheless a type. - diana Lullaby--Tenor 85¢c ylang A-3589 While we contemplate this splen- fin + Billy Jones a Baritone Heab'n--Contralté 8c did king gone wrong, and ruining a great career, let us turn aside to a COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, TORONTO 209 a ------------------------------. - A-3861 $Lo noble spectacle, the conduct of the priests of the temple. Led by Aza- riah, eighty priests rushed after the | mad and sacrilegious king, and| forbade and withstood him, He was | : : ; » . s gi. = ninatilt | Treadgold's Sporting Goods Co, DO man In matters spiritual. With . : fine courage and fidelity th - Col 1 eco buked the king in rr er ll : Agents for umbia R rds ~ ordered him out of the sanctuary. 2 wa S O He might rule an army and a na. | : tion, but his authority ceased at the | . . . : doors of the house of God. { W : Wo think of John Knox and C. j *» Lindsay, Limited Que:n Mary as we 'read this thril-| ling story of the brave priests who ..| Every time you buy "SURPRISE" i ae Iateuren Headquarters for Columbia Records . . y ities of religion. In © house o you get a big, bright, solid bar of | i Es Sot borate Columbia Records on sale at . . the rd there no distinction of . the highest grade household soap. Fog 20 Sokacoen The ]. M. Greene Music Co., Ltd. a i ment was awit and ghastly, for on | 166 PRINCESS STREET the spot, and before the indignant - A

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