TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1008: HL The New Prayer Book | for the Church of England in Canada in all bindings and ¢om- bined with the Hymnal. | STORE OPEN FRIDAY , H An opportunity to make selections from the several bind- | ings and styles of type and to avoid the rush of Easter Saturday. TORONTO and MONTREAL DAILY PAPERS There being no mail deliver y: extra copies of the daily THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. er ---- eee -- [the organist and choir, the Woman's | Auxiliary, the Guild, and the Altar | Chapter. Special votes of thanks ee ---------------- WANTED r FH URS PHONE 603 FUR DEPARTMENT BROCK ST, KINGS ON, Car SOHN MSH AY Lomo CASH DUYERS ET Te ra ¥ = VESTRY MEETINGS HELD ! {were passed to Henry Milton, for | at Christ, Cataraqui. | Stanton, Jr., and W. A. Milton, for} ; held Monday night | confirmed. { and improve- i | ments in that time, Principals. | {the church wardens. The wardens (was well filled on Monday evening Bhi s Booklets, Post Cards, Folders and Flat Cards. | i Steady Improvement at 8t. his generous financial assistance dur- | Luke's Church--Progress |ing the past four years, also to Ii. A | | services rendered in connection with | . | | i | attended the annual vestry meeting | : Wmeating. was enthus ge] 9 | in St. Luke's tic and most encouraging, and op- {church hall. After the opening pray- timistic regarding the future, | ers by the rector and chairman, Rev. | ne m------ | the previous meeting were read and EASTER MONDAY CONCERT WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES [0 his five years' pastors aneterred | Miss Edna Reid, Toronto, and - : = Ki many of he rare Miss Jean Ohown, the | Sergt.-Major Clark reporteq for | | papers will be received. the auditors and A. J. Shannon for | Sydenham street Methodist churca | EASTER CARDS | referred to the strenuous year that | when a concert was given under the | | had been experienced, owing to un- of 'the city Methodist | settled conditions, but noticed re- ichurches. Miss Edna Reid, Toronto, | i | cently a staady improvement in ¢ol- land Miss Jean Chown, "The Canad- THE COLLEG BOOK STORE lections and attendance. {lan Contralto," were the soloists and | d Koa / / H. Jennings reported for the choir, |Miss M. Shaw, organist of the | PHONE 919. 2 ? OPEN NIGHTS ! (1 W. Connor reported for the Sun- (church, 'the very efficient accompan- | : |day school and Dramatic Club and ist. Miss Reid is the pc of EE -- tii | Mrs. T. H. Rider for the Woman's a powerful soprano of good range, ~ { Guild. Mrs. John A. Caldback, for [the notes of the lower and middle | TE ---------------------------------- the Woman's Auxiliary, St. Agnes | register being pleasing. lier clear, Guild and the Sanctuary Guild also |distinct enunciation added to the | {dramatic rendering of some of the | i presented reports, | A. J. Shannon was reappointed | operatic numbers won her hearty ap- | people's warden and George Compton |planse and she responded with sev- {was appointed rector's warden for |eral encores. Perhaps her best lik- {ed numbers were "The. same old, | | the ensuing year. George Holland and Sergt.-Major | dear old Place" and "When You and |I Were Young, Maggie", which she | Clarke were appointed auditors. The ;8ynod representatives are J. M. sang with sympathy and charm. | Watts, H. Jennings and T. H. Rider. Miss Jean Chown, whose beautifui | | The rectory lands representative 1s voice is growing still more beauti- | | ful, its range increasing and its tone | Sergt.-Major Clark. | becoming even more exquisite, sang Delicious refreshments were serv- A ed by the ladies of the congregation [two Italian numbers, two lovely "sea | pictures" of Elgar's, a delightful | | at the close of the meeting. | {song, "The Blind Ploughman," 'The { i THE ELECTRIC SHOP Y > Oall and arrange for a tree trial of the A.B. C. ELECTRIC WASHER 116 Broek Street. Phone 1545. W. C. CANNOY ¥. J. GRACE Christ Church, Cataraqui. | Night Nursery," a dear little song, congregation of Christ [gpg by request, "Three Fisher's," never had better | which not only showed the depth and | Easter festivities. The church Was | sweetness of the girl contraito's | | beautifully decorated hi with flowers | voice, but her great dramatic sense; | Our Showing of Dainty Summer Materials Easily Leads the | and the singing was most jubilant, | per singing of this gem was a treat Procession and the attendance above the aver- ! indeed. "Will 0' the Wisp," light and | S ue . » " » Canadian and English Ginghams in small Checks and Stripes. {age. The offerings were very 8en- airy, finished this group, and Miss | S » ~--Swiss Spot Muslin | erous. {Chown was recalled to sing "I Passed | At the vestry meeting Monday ev- | by Your Window." Miss Shaw added | --Ripplette Crepe » a DI ~--Plain Voile | ening, the wardens,*Women's Gulld | greatly to this most enjoyable con- | --Fancy Voile jand other reports showed a total Te- cert by her sympathetic accompani- --Embroidered Organdie tinspun The | church, Cataraquli, | and Coal Keeps Sowards all kinds of CutWood PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. * A A Briscoe portunity There are several Briscoe Cars in service in this viel that have travelled over thirty thousand (30,000) miles and still running well. One car, an improved model 4-34, ran all last season at a cost of 2%c. per mile. Experts admit it has a truly wonderful motor. Owners are enthusiastic. | re-elected people's warden. The foi- We can sell you a brand new model 4-34, five passenger | lowing sidesmen were a ointed: Touring Car at the bargain price of $995.00. All charges pers | James Grant, Andrew Black, Sidney |; A Interesting debate was held on No other car on the market has made such a reduction in Mier, Bdward Riley, Robert Mc- (Monday night, uder the auspices of price. { Michael and John H. Simpson. Alfreq | the Christian Endeavor Society of ANGLIN BROS. i ! tional church. The | the Synod, the other delegates being | Bethel Congrega «" ) {the Synod, the other delegate being | 7UeStion under debate was, "Re- GARAGE, BAY STREET - - KINGSTON, ONTARIO {There had also been imporant ex- | : t penditures during the year, such as | --Indian Head the pointing of the church tower, ro- | AN INTERESTING DEBATE P Im Be h {newing pinacle, decorating interior | HELD AT BETHEL CHURCH --fa ac and repairs and improvements to the | | rectory. The sum of $400 was spent "* - | in necessary work and improvements. On Resolved, That Home Mis John Clarke was appointed clergy-! sions Has Larger Claim on Our Support Than Foreign Missions." | man's warden in place of Alfred Ba- | j venue of $1,400.00 during the year. | ments. | | ker, retired ,and John Heaton us| ~--Ratine, etc., etc, All the wanted shades, including White. Prices start at wv + 256, Ived, that home missions has a | B. Lancaster and Colin Clarke, 50, ' A very hearty vote of thanks wag | 18T8er claim on our support than | foreign missions.' tendered to all church workers and The affirmative was taken by Wil- | officials. which was heartily endorsed max | by the rector, Rev. J Austin Smitn, |}18R Brace and James b. the | ' . os ' |negative being taken by Aubrey St. Panl's Meoting Adjourned, | Williams and Ronald Metcalfe. + The vestry meeting of St. Paul's The judges, A. S. Duncan, Dr. E. church has been adjourned for a |J- Lake and Robert Treneer, decided {In favor of the negative. The side : brought out many interesting Trinity Church, Wolfe Island. points, both in regard to home and foreign missions. The annual vestry meeting of |fOr®! || Trinity church, Wolfe Island, was While the judges were consider- ~ Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" FOR SALE | © #5/000--Union St. W.--De- 'tached brick bungalow, living- room, dining room, kitchen, 4 BELLEVILLE FINEST CREAMERY BUTTER week, bed-rooms, finished attic, hot 'water furnace, hardwood floors, electric light, gas, 8R400--Victoria Street-- De- tached frame, cement founda- tion, 7 rooms, toilet and unfin- dshed attic. Lot 33 x 132. TO LET Alice Street, large detached brick house, with tennis court. June 1st to October 1st, Bagot Street--Furnished flat, Ji living room, bedroom, bath- [i room and kitchen. May 1st to {Sept 15th. Victory Bonds bought and sold. RH. Waddell The McCann Agency - Phones 820-896, 86 Broek St. 3 toes Eggs Extra fine, White Rose Pota- v2. +. 2Bc. peck, $1.40 bag i held on Easter Monday with a good attendance and satisfactory reports. Robert Horne and George Friend || Were re-elected as wardens and the ll 1atter was also appointed delegate to | Synod. The vestry unanimously re- ll | solved to hold the annual meeting in {| January of each year in accordance ll | with the permission given by the ca- {| non passed at the last session of il] Synod. St. Mark's, Barviefield. The annual vestry meeting was f | held on Easter Monday evening, the || rector, Rev, A. 0. Cooke occupied the chair and addressed the vestry on {| work of the past year. After reading i the minutes of the last meeting, which were confirmed, the vestry re-elected Capt. Vokes as vestry, clerk for the ensuing year. The auditors' report, presented by J. M. Stuart, showed an expenditure of $2,194, there still remained a de- fieit of $75, which outstanding en- velope collections covered. It' was urged by the vestry that more of the congregation should use the en- velope system and thereby assure the treasurer of a stated sum for each Sunday, which at the end of the year could be counted on as rev- enue. Ing the merits of the debate, Herbert C. Treneer, Toronto, rendered in- strumental and vocal numbers, which were greatly appreciated. ---- eine. Supper at the Y.M.C.A. Rev. W. E. Kidd addressed the seplor Bible class at the supper ses- sion on Monday evening, his subject being "The Practical Value of the Resurrection." The remarks of the speaker were of a very helpful na- ture in that they capitalized the facts of the Resurrection as a source of confidefce to the Christian in the battle of life, with the constant com- panionship of a living Christ. A special Easter supper was serv- ed, after the class, by a committee from the women's auxiliary, 'com- posed of Mrs. E, Ruttan, Mrs, John Wright and Mrs. R. N. Douglas. A A aan ne HAH -------------------- CLAIMS CITY DOES NOT OWN POLICE PATROL The Contention of City Solici- tor Whiting in a Damage Action, On Tuesday morning there were j rumors to the effect that the case of Edmund Aiken vs. the Corporation of the City of Kingston, which was slated for the non-jury sitting of the supreme court before Justice Middle- ton on Tuesday afternoon at two { o'clock, would not be proceeded with. It is understood that J. L. Whiting, K.C., who is acting on behalf of the sity, will contend that the plaintiff has no ,elaim against the city tne police patrol, which is charged with {running into the automobile driven | by Edmund Aiken, is the property of the police commissioners and the ac- tion should be brough against that body and not the corporation of tne city of Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, |K.C., who is representing the plain- tiff, will move to have the police | commissioners made a party to the action. $4,500--VICTORIA STREET Detached frame, 9 rooms and 3-piece bathroom, gas and electric lights, hardwood floors, hot furnace; stable and large outbuildings; lot 34x132, In beautiful state of repair, $6,000--ALBERT STREET -- Near Johnson Street, new detached dwelling, 4 bedrooms annd sunroom; living-room and library, dining-room with doors, kitchen, Mantry; hot water heating; floored. Driveway and good yard. $7,300--OLERQY STREET WEST-- Semi-detached brick, with extra lot, 10 rooms and gas and electric lights, combin- In excellent condition, { 3-piece bathroom, ation furnace, attic. MODERATE CASH PAYMENT ONLY E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS solid brick fireplace in sliding attic Rombough-Marshall Wedding. An interesting event took place on April 5th at the Methodist parsonage, ceeded 1 ear's by a small amount. The specfal Baster offering amount- ed to $88.74, which Included a don- ation from a former resident of Bar- Corner Johnsen and Division Streets = = Phones 530w and 5803, hi voluntary collections ex- What Good Is A | Good Book strain your eyes when you read? And it is so easy to have good Syesight by having the right If you have to . us examine your eyes and + by fitting right glasses, make reading, A writing and all your eye work a source of profit and pleasure to you - Consult; riefleld and member of St. Mark's, now living in New York eity. The treasurer's report was very encouraging after taking into consia- eration the many demands made up- on the limited treasury and the loss of several families from the congre- gation, The members "of the advisory board, the wardens, the treasurer and auditors were re-elected. The delegates to the Synod were also re- elected, The following were added to the Yist of sidesmen: EB. Volks, A. Murray, and F. Maller. S. Bibbit presented his with reference report Deseronto, when Miss Pansy Mar- shall, only daughter of the lats Caled R. and Mrs. Marshall, formerly of Frince Edward county, was united in marriage to 8. A. , Fred- erfoksburg. The bride looked charm. ing in her travelling suit of sand homespun, with brown trimmings and hat to match, wearing a bouquet of lovely spring flowers. Her maid of honor was Miss Madeleine Provins, Deseronto, while the groom was at- tended by Bert Davey, Napanee, The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was 8 bar pin of gold set with pearls, and a tie pin went to best man. After the ceremony, performed by Rev. R. Bamforth, Queen's It was announced at Queen's Uni- 7 "UNAPPROACHED IN NEWNESS" The New Patent Leather Onfords FOR GROW ING GIRLS Girls who lead in style.overywhere are now wearing the new Patent Leather Wal king Oxfords, with fiat hesls, They are especially adapted for street wear, having the mew round toe with no tiv and a broad, flat heel. Al sizes 23% to 7. Specially priced at 2 versity on Tuesday morning ; oF Chancellor E. W, Beatty would be ; present for the annual convocation, . which take§ place on May 10th. A number of honorary degrees will be conferred, The list of honorary de- grees will be announced on Wednes- day J. S. Asselstine, D.0S. . BEGISTERED OPTOMETRIST 'PHONE 101%w. Phone for