Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1922, p. 9

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SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1022, FOR CHOICE MEATS and UNABLE T0 WALK FOR A YEAR FIRST QUALITY Paralysis Entirely Relieved WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein 282 PRINCESS STREET : PHONE 1182 --" : For moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS and C ARTAGE oF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. Evenings 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET DRAW. WINNEIT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets La Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 PHONE 291 | | | { | | | | | | Phone 363 | { { t For Furniture or Baggage Transfer. | wing with moter truck or horse drawing vehicles. Motor Cars and Livery of any kind in connection. Saddle Horses ® specialty. Pre-war prices. FINKLE & CO. 120 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont, WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1187, W. R McRae & Co. COAL Cholcest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 183 PRIVATE SALE W. H. GODWIN & son Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street Phone 424 ' | 821 Main Street. by "Fruit-a-tives" The Wonderful Fruit Medicine Paralysis is a break-down of the Nervous System and affects the vie- tim in various ways. Sometimes, nervousness makes itself known by hyste- ne, insomnia, constant headaches, or it may be 50 bad that ene is partially or completely helpless in some part of the body, just as Mrs. Heacock wag. Savur Ste Mans, Orr, "When I was twenty-eight years of age, my doctor advised me to have an opegation, which I did aad it proved very serious, leaving me weak and unable to walk for a year. Seeing your "Fruit-a-tives" advertised in the papers, I decided to try them, I continued to use them regularly, and today I am able to go about my home duties and care for my family", MRS. J. W. HEACOCK. Any form of Nervousness is often caused by, and is always aggravated by, Constipation, which poisons the blood, irritates the kidneys and in- flames the nerves. "Fruit-a-tives" stimu lates the.action of liver and bowels, kidneys and skin--tones and sweetens the sto- mach--keeps the blood pure, and builds up the entire nervous system. In a word, "Fruit-a-tives" has proved that it is the most scientific and effective remedy in the world for Nervousness or a disordered condition of the nervous system. B0c a box, 6 fer $2.50, trial size, 250. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. "a mA, PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markfand St. Phone 2397m. ~~ CHANS Em REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Phowe 1670. DAVID 8COTT Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work a spec ialty., All work guaranteed. Ad. dress 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277. GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted, Parts supplied, Saws filed, knives, scissors and edge tools ground. Locks repaired. Keyg fitted to ail kinds of locks, All makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and re- paired. We can repair anything that is repairable. J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 2036J. EASTER GREETINGS A box of Neilson's Chocolates will please your best friend. Fresh stock to meet the de- mands of those who want to Ji give "THE CHOCOLATES | THAT ARE DIFFERENT" -- Neilson's. Neilgon's Chocolates and Ice Cream are known for quality, Sold by:-- M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist Corner Princess and Clergy Sts; Phone 82. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Kingston and Vicinity 18 Keep Your Overcoat, Many citizens who put away their | overcoat for a few days, were quite cooler weather. Here From Dental College. Alan Cooke, a son of J. B. Cooke, Union street, has returned home from the Dental College, Toronto, "tor a short Easter holiday. Unpaved Roads Very Muddy. Many of the unpaved streets of the city are in a shocking condition, since the recent rains. King street heads the list for mud-holes and \ water, Say It With Flowers To the dead omnes, but tell it in the classified advertisements to and for and of the live chaps. and business like and sure it is. C! leaning up the Parks. { A gang of men employed by' the | city parks committee have been busy | for some days cleaning the parks. | During the winter months a lot ot | waste matter gathers on the ground. ! Prosecution to Follow. Complaints have been lodged with !the county magistrate against per- {sons who have been smashing down muskrat houses and it is likely that the case will come up for trial next | j week, Rendered a Fine Solo. At the Rotary Club luncheon on the singing was of a very | | } | Thursday, fine order. Many of the Rotary songs | | burgh, expects to leave for Ottawa Concerning them, | were rendered with fine effect. Har- {old Singleton was the leader and ne | contributed a fine solo. G| Suits for Easter. | If you are thinking of buying a suit for Easter we would advise you | to see our range of men's ready-to- | wear suits, colors, grey, brown, | tweed mixture and navy blue. Prices from $12.50 to $25.00. Prevost, | Brock street. Fined a Resident. Game Warden Davidson was in | Tweed and as a result of his visit a resident of Stoco was fined for trap- ping muskrats without a license, Mr. | Davidson is going to take up his re- | sidence in Tweed. Sale and Concert. he W:P.A., St. John's church, Portsmouth, will hold their annual Do You Feel Like This When You Waken? Do you feel blue, sickly, heavy, too tired to get up? If so, it's probably your liver which is slow, and needs to be toned and stimulated by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. It's a wonderful | change Dr. Hamilton's Pills will | make in a few days. They relieve the system of poisonous wastes, they aid the stomach, improve digestion, in- crease your appetite. You'll feel like new all over after using this health bringing medicine. Thousands have proved it. Sold everywhere in 25ec. boxes, or The Catarrhozono Co., of Montreal. Chronic Constipation Relieved Without the Use of Lasatives + Nujol is a lubricant--mnot a medicine or laxative-- so cannot gripe. When you are constipat- ed, there is not enough lubricant produced by your system to keep the food waste soft. Doctors rescribe Nujol because ts action is so close to this natural lubricant. Try it today. SHILOH STOPS THAT COUGH Por STOwR-uLe oc children: Safe, sure and icient. Small dose DID YOU EVER TRY Fe x na have a ull line of : orn faible makes of Marma- _ lades, Jam and Jellies for sale Easter Suits New shipment of high quality Young Men's Suits at away down prices. Indigo Blue Serge Suits two button, all wool, Mecco style, ex- tra good value, Our price $33.50, Blue Striped All Wool Worsted, English guality, Mecco style. A real dandy Suit, Our price $30.00 Grey Tweed All Wool--mewest pattern, 3 button, standard mode} srrssaranises $30.00 Spring Overcoats at ....515.00,. $20.00 and $25.00. IL. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET Why ist & SEs In Dakota good | grounds for divorce? set the stomach. AL all deaters e st 30c, 80c and $1.30. CELERY KING it if, costs only 1 yourself, a few cents. Gentle and pleasant to take. All You'll be | delighted whe nyou realize how easy | sale and concert on Tuesday, April 118th. Tea and sale from 3 to 6. Can- ned fruits, lat 8 p.m, Removing to Clarksburg. | Rev. J. A. and Mrs, Davies are leaving Roslin. They expect to be in Clarksburg, Ont., for Easter, | Davies taking the services in his new | parish for the first time on Easter Day. | Married At Toronto. i | Thefmarriage took place on Wed- | nesday, April 12th by Canon F. E. Howitt, of Gladness M. Chapman, B.A., daughter of the late Mr. ana Mrs. S. H. Chapman, Toronto, to Horace G. Lockett, M.A, son of Mr, and Mrs. F. G. Lockett, Kingston. -------------------- Accepts Perth Call. Rev. Arthur Wilkinson, pastor of the Methodist church at Prescott for the last flve years, has accepted, sub-| ject to the decision of the conference | stationing committee, a call extended him by the official board of the] Perth Methodist church. | Died at Long Lake. | On Sunday, April 2nd the i) occurred at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Peter Meadow, at Long Lake, of Mrs. Elizabeth Curry, aged seventy-eight years," eight months |and two days, wife of George Curry. | Dec eased was ill three months ana two days Attend Convention. { To | J. A. MacLean, Pitts- Mrs. Rev on Monday next to attend the pro- vincial W.M.S. convention which 1s to be held {n that city on April 18th, 19th and 20th. Afterwards she wiil |spend a few days visiting in their | former congregation in Quebec. Will Likely Use High Curb. It is very likely that the city en- Johnson and Clarence streets where the pavement is being built, on ac- count of the sidewalk on the op- posite side being so much higher. Somewhere Somebody Is looking for all the qualifications you have. ' Somebody (an employer) | has the right opportunity for you. Answer his ad and give him a chance to get back to his work. Ten chances to one he is waiting, and turning] down "misfits" in the meantime, Go and see him. Read our Want Ads for profit, Bhert R.M.C. Vacation, Owing to the very short holiday for Easter this year only the cadets living betwéen Montreal and Toron- to will be able to return home. The others are either staying at the col- lege of else visiting with friends in other cities. A representative of the railway companies was at the college on Thursday making transportation arrangements for all those leaving. Don't Miss It. . The musical event of the season, Sydenham street Methodist church, Easter Monday evening. Edna Reed and Jean Chown, two of Canada's best singers, at popular prices. Come and bring the family. Get your tick- ets at Dr. Chown's drug store. Ad- mission 50c. Family tickets in aa- vance, $1.50. A Ghostly Visitant. The Kaladar correspondent of the Tweed Advocate reports the nightly visitations at the old Scouton place of a white form, out on the roadway every evening as if endeavoring to talk to people ana clear up some mystery. One young man goes a mile around to avoid conversation. Easter Bonnets for Ladies. The rush of parcels from Toronto through the parcel post on Thursday was 80 heavy that the Kingston post office authorities had to put on an extra waggon to make the delivery. It is stated that brought about number of Easter hats and bonnets coming from Toronto for Kingston ladies. Two Deaths at Pembroke. Further information was received in the city regarding the death of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Thoms at Pem- broke, who died within a few hours of each othed. Mr. Thoms was a barber in the employ of J. G. Gra- velle, and leaves to mourn his loss his mother, one brother and two sis- ters. Mrs. Thoms is survived by her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. George Laplante, as well as six bro- thers. A double funeral was held to the Roman Catholic church and cem- etery. Frontenac Cheese Board. The first meeting of the Frontenac Cheese Board will be held on Thurs- day of next week. Already cheese is accumulating in some factories that got an early start, but all of them will not have cheese for sale before the first week in May. Arigan, Cold Springs and Wolfe Island fac- tories are already producing. The matter of chief concern to the patrons and salesmen just now is the price. Nobody can say what the op- ening figure will be and there is gen. eral speculation over the outcome of the board meeting. Baseball by Wireless. A number of local amateur opera- tors in wireless telephone work are greatly interested in the report from pickles and marmalaas | willing to get them out again for the are special features of sale. Concert | wireless Mr. | | gineer will find it necessary to place | la curb about one foot high on the! east side of Ontario street between | identified" as the | late wife of Kenneth Tryan. It comes | the rush was| as a result of the) I Toronto that a newspaper intends to send out the results of the big league baseball games every evening by 'phone. The wave length [to be used will be of 450 metres, | 'which is quite suitable for the in-! |struments in use by tl majority of amateurs. The resul will be sent out each evening at 7 o'clock, and the baseball 'bugs' will thus have | the opportunity to obtain the score (almost as soon as the fans in the big cities, Elected President. J. Halstead Brady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brady, Cape Vincent, ! N.Y., has been elected president of |the Come Back Club of Columbia un- | {iversity, New York city. The club, | organized in 1919, is composed of |ex-service men who are aftending { Columbia, and has a membership of | {180. The club held its first annual military ball March 24th with 300, {couples in attendance. | BABY'S OWN WN TABLETS ALWAYS IN THE HOME | Once a mother has used Baby' 8 | | Own Tablets for her little ones she! always keeps a supply on hand, for {the first trial convinces her there is | | nothing to equal them in kegping| | children well. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative, | regulate the bowels and sweeten the | stomach, thus driving out constipa- tion and indigestion, colds and simple | fevers and making teething easier. | Mrs. Saluste Pel-| letier, St. Dumas, Que., writes: 1 have used Baby's Own Tablets for the | past ten years and am never without | them in the house. They have always | | given the greatest® satisfaction and I can gladly recommend them to all mothers of little ones." which |Z The Tab-| lets are sold by medicine dealers or! direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Extremely Sad Death, The untimely death of Miss Ma | A. Telford, only daughter Emma Telford, Merrickville, is re- ported. A week ago Sunday she was {home from Garretts, | taught school, tomed place in the Methodist church | and in the home, Driving back [to Garrett at the end of the day she |took a chill and next morning re- | turned to Merrickville a sick gin. Pneumonia developed and after a fight of eight days against the dis- ease she passed away on Tuesday, deeply regretted by all who knew {her, Her passing at the age of twenty-one years is extremely sad. A strong pipe In a sweet house de- serves strong language. Abbe-- SALT ar the Nerves Nearly Insane From Leg Ulcers She tells of Eat rah D. law. Can you help mer" aio few words from a later letter. "I have used D. DD; as directed, and my leg is come Bieely we toe con' Ineed is femedy RL hd Bile } appit pe Yi 1 i come from the first bottle. D. D..D. Soap, too, . D.D.D. *Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston" | ry of Mrs. | | | | where she | and filed her accus- | | SILOS Are you planning to built a Silo this sea- son? If so, consult us before buying. We can supply Staves, Doors, Roofs, Loops and everything required, and our prices are right. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Out. Office Phone 66. Factory CLADTOBE ABLE TO WORK ' Toronto Woman Gives! Credit to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound | Toronto, Ontario.--"I suffered with irregular periods, was weak and run down, could not eat and bad headaches. worst symp- + 8 fie ne ---- SPRING STYLES Another of our Spring leaders -- Men's Tan Blucher Cut Calf Boots with medium heavy soles, made on a straight last. First quality Calf. Ourprice..... ..$9.00 You save $3.00 on this Boot at:-- JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street "vse see. { RATS WANTED Gourdier's BROCK STREET mm Easter Suits and Top Coats MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. {Une door below Randolph Hotel) S-- J Women's Suede Chamoisette Gloves in all the wanted colors, with em- broidered backs for ...75c. a pair Women's Silk Gloves in a big variety of colors; best makes; with guaran- teed double finger tips at $1.00 and $1.25 a pair. Kid Gloves in Black, White, Grey and Tan; all the best makes at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 a pair. Special Sale of Silk, Wool and Lisle Hose at ............95¢ a pair

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