FRIDAY, AFL 7, 1922 $2.00 HAT SALE SATURDAY ONLY Consisting of Browns, Greens and Greys-- all good styles, all sizes. Regular price $6. Yours while they lastat ..........$2.00 George VanHorne's Phone362w. 213 Princess Street. nt THE KINGSTON HISTORICAL SOCETY Strongly Supports Two-Hun- dred and Fiftieth Anni= versary Proposals. It is not generally recognized that the suggestion that the 250th anni- versary of the founding of the City of Kingston should be fittingly cele- brated emanated from the local His- torical Sockety, which aims at the re- tention and recognition of Canadian traditions, and the preserving for future generations of the glorious history of the Dominion. Its energetic president, Major- General Sir A. C. Macdonell, K.CK., C.M.G., D.8.0., earnestly and success- | fully brought the proposal to the attention of the citizens, and in forceful and eloquent speeches be- | fore the Rotary Club, Kingston Co- {Operative Club and kindred associa- tions in the community life, directed the attention of everyone to the pro- ! priety of celebrating, by pageant and parade, the 250th birthday of the | ll Limestone City. Mantle Clocks Specials Our window display of Mahogany Mantle Clocks gives extraor- dinary values. Do not miss these, all guar- anteed. $10.00 up. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 Princess Street, Kingston Responsibility Does not end after we have examined your eyes | and made the proper glasses, we keep your | glasses in adjustment, as- suring satisfaction. We examine eyes 'and|] make the glasses, Registered Optometrist 140 Wellingtor St. Opp. Post Office FOR SALE OR TO RENT SEVERAD HOUSES TO RENT on the North side of Princess Street at reasonable rents, or would sell on easy terms. Apply: | Have You pHEUMATIS It may be your Teeth. Consult: Dr. Nash 188 PRINCESS STREET *~ v em PRE-INVENTORY SALE Before Stock Taking, we have decided to give a 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL CASH SALES Our stock of Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamps, etc., is the largest and most complete between Montreal and Toronto. This Sale is for only a short time. Don't delay as you cannot afford to miss this opportunity to save 25% "OUR SALES ARE REAL SALES" Robertson's Limited 73 Princess St. Kingston Cement Products H. F, NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. Mr ve ------ 'An Arab, named Gebir, first dis- covered corrosive sublimate. «> ifr . | SPECIA Men's Gunmetal Calf Bluchers, broad toes and rubber heels. Men's Brown Calf Lace Balmoral, per- forated vamps, medium toes. : Men's Brown Military Bluchers, I | | cations of old Kingston. fito J. H. on; . to W. H. J It is understood that the mayor intends to call a mass meeting of citizens in the near future, when the suggestion can be frankly discussed {and the necessary committees form- ll ed to ensure the success of the under- taking. There is no doubt that the meeting will be largely attended for it is well known that the plans out- lined by the Historical Society auth- orities have received enthusiastic ap- | proval from all sides. | The Kingston Historical Society il is very anxious to increase its mem- {bership In order to give every pos- sible assistance to carrying out the {many details which will be required ll to make the "250th anniversary" a real success. Admission' to member- ship is secured by written applica- tion to the president, General Sir It | Archibald Macdonell, or to the secre. itary, Professor W. R. P. Bridger, R.M.C., enclosing the annual dues: of Arrangements are being made by the soclety for mural tablets to be placed on the historic sites in King- || ston, in order that visitors may im- | mediately perceive the historie asso- En pas- |sant, it is very noticeable that in Quebec city, the history of the town | |is very carefully compiled and in al- ll | most every street and square one sees a small brass tablet outlining the historic incident which occurred near that spot. This is the ideal which the Kingston Historical So- ciety sets before the citizens. Every- |one who has lived in the Limestone | City realizes the numerous episodes | of national importance which have happened in the vicinity and it would | be very advantageous for them to be | recorded where the tourist can plain- ly read them. These details must be considered if the success of the celebration is to be ensured and with this end in view the Historical So- ciety wishes to add to its member- ship and to increase the scope of its work. -------------- BIG NGAT IN ROYAL ARCH | [Visitors From Kingston Ex- emplify Their Work Tuesday Night. Belleville Intelligencer. "Moira Chapter of Royal Arch | Masons were Tuesday evening paid a fraternal visit from the officers and companions of Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqui Chapter No. 1, of Kingston. Thirty companions of Kingston lined up on this happy oc- casion, exemplifying the degree work on nine candidates of Moira Chapter. {The Kingston companions proved able masters of the work. The fa- thers of this old Kingston Chapter visited the town of Belleville on May 20th, 1856, bringing with them all the implements of labor required for the opening of a Chapter and on that date Moira Chapter was estab- lished under the Grand Chapter of England. The same implements were employed last evening in' the work and after sixty-six years of constant use were found in perfect condition which speaks well for the materials supplied by good old King- ston and her staunch companions. As those wise men from the east travelled west at the birth 68 years ago to the little town of Belleville bringpig rich gifts of material and implements for the new-born babe to build with, so last evening worthy sons of worthy sires from the same east travelled to the same west bringing rich gifts of thought ban- ners of royal companionship, abund- ance and love. Scott-Saunders Wedding. Last evening the home of the bride at 378 Bagot street was the scene of an interesting ceremony, whem a popular young lady, in the person of Miss Flossie Saunders, was united in marriage to Fred Scott, Picton. Adjutant R. Condie, of the local Salvation Army corps, officiated, in the presence of a large number of the bride's friends. The bride look- od very becoming in a dress of navy || duchess satin, and was supported by Miss Dorothy Goodrich, wearing navy blue silk. J, Clarke filled the role of best man, The bride was the recipient of a large number of suitable gifts, which included a case of silver table ware from the Salvation Army Songster Brigade. Transfer of Real Estate. E. W. Mullen & Sohs. have made these real estate transfers: No. 19 | Aberdeen avenue, from M. S. Grace No. 30 Aber- deen » from Miss H. Connolly | their pleasure at her recovery. "UNDER WESTERN SKIES The Rex Company Presents i 8 | omething Different at i Grand Opera House. pany come to Kingston, their per- |ever, and "Under Western Skies" as evening, rule. Certainly it yet, and "Billy" Yule as "Geewhat- tiker Hay" kept the audience in an uproar with his droll sayings and an- iscent of '87. "Geewhittiker" cer- tainly had his ups and downs in Mie, and when very much in the "downs" he was always reminded of some ex- perience in '67 when he was a big man in the country. Mr. Yule demou- strated his talent as a comedian in an entirely new role from that in which he generally appears before his Kingston friends. Miss Zana Vaughn was' greeted with applause on her first appearance | since her recent illness, testifying to | the high esteem in which she is hela | by the theatre-goers and showing | As | "Tenn 'O 'see" becomes the idol of | the rough mining camp when she ar- | rives from her home in the east, oniy to find that her father is dead. Rex | portrays the "straight" gambler, o; the old days in the west, and he is | also right at home as usual. "Blliy" | good, while Miss Machan as "Net- tie Bice appears in an entirely nev; | character part. As the scolding wie of "Mr. Hay," Miss Florence Wint- | ers was a treat, and an evening's on- tertainment alone. She reminded some Kingston husbands present of | an evening at home. | As soon as the curtain lifts on the | first act the audience is carried out | to the western scenes, at the time of | 1880, of an Oregon mining camp. The play is full of tense moments, | romance, brave and true men, ang underhand dealings, and is inter- | spersed with good comedy. The scon- ery is very deserving of mention, es- pecially that used in the last two acts, showing the steps and path up the side of the mountain, and the mining camp of Gold Creek. During the intermission, the Park Kiddies rendered some fine acts. The same show will be given on Friday evening, and Saturday afternoon and evening. Pay $25 and $35 For Farm Labor Prevailing rates for farm labor lo- cally are $25 and $35 a month. Board and lodging are included as usual. There is quite a demand from the farms for men this week, and a number of places have been filled by the Government Employment Bur- eau. Men with experience are want- ed, particularly those who are ac- | customed to milking. The work is| being gqought with more eagerness | than usual, on account of the lean' winter months. Quite a number of men have been located on farms in the Kingston | district and they are glad to get the! work. As the season advances a grea- ter number will be located, ICE DRIFTS BACK. The Harbor Was Partly Filled on Friday Morning, With a stiff south-east wind blow- ing during the night the harbor was partly filled with drift ice again Fri- day morning, but this will soon clear away when the wind shifts to the north or west. The ice is broken into quite large sections, but the Wolfe Islander and other vessels in the harbor will not lave any difficul- ty. with this temporary ob&tacle, A large amount of the ice was blown away from the north shore of Wolfe Island during the night. Near Cedar Island, and from there down the river, ¢he water appears to be almost clear of ice, and this will allow the other drift ice in the lake to break'up more quickly. Price May Be Prohibitive, Discussing the distribution of elec- tricity in the rural districts, a pro- minent Frontenac county farmer states that where the farm buildings are on the main roads and at the front of lofs, there would be no aif- ficulty in supplying the current, but owing to the location of residences and other buildings in the centre of the lots and away from the roads the cost would be prohibitive. This Is a condition that prevails in Glenburnie, where many prominent farmers will be unable to use electricity, R.C.HA. Band in Ottawa, The R.C.H.A. band: under Capt. Light, left Friday afternoon for Ot- tawa, where it will give a series of concerts in the Russell Theatre, The appearance of this famous artillery band has been widely advertised In Ottawa, and it is probably the first Cavadian military band of its high class that has ever visited the cap- ital, " Wm. Ziegler, Jr., Now President Following the resignation of Wil- lis L. Garey, as president of the Royal Baking Powder Company, William Ziegler, Jr., was ly elected to that office at a meeting of the board of directors om Apri 3rd. Mr. Ziegler, Jr., who is a large stockholder in the' company, has long taken an active interest In fits ar- fairs. 3 * The congregation of St. John's Presbyterian church, Brockville, is to erect a new manse, The new Canadian five cant piece has made its appearamce in King- sion. \ 3 There, was no session of the po- Each week that Rex and his com- {formance appears to be better than | {played at the Grand on Thursday was no exception to the! is the funniest ! tics, especially when he gets remin- Seymour as "Asa Bice" and William i Mitchell as "Tom Romaine" are also | '| grow A THE DAILY BRITiSH WHIG. DAINTY OXFORDS Ladies neat-fitting low Shoes in Tans, Brown and Black. Low heels, medium heels. Best grades-- $8.00 and $9.00 Abernethy's Shoe Store Ee Seer tation at sna Store News For Saturday Our stock has been well re- plenished for trade. Everything of the best quality, § ) At Pickering's -- ---- =r TIS FACT 2 and not theory, ¢ ; that every drop : of rich, nourishing Scotts Emulsion! | to - morrow's Princess St. isreadily utilized by the system in build- ing up strength. Stop to Look at Him! Of course, they'll admire him -- you take that as a matter of course----isn't he very healthy, happy baby, the object of comment and praise wherever he goes ? And furthermore, isn't this . particular baby just a little bit handsomer and more adorable than any other baby in existence? Of course! Then be sure that you provide him with a CARRIAGE to set off his beauty and make him show to even greater advantage. There is nothing like our smart English Perambulator to add to the attraction of the very young. JAMES REID Phone 147 for Service. The Leading Undertaker, (Tablets or Granules) ] RELIEVE ! ; INDIGESTIO Ny AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. OC. Elliott, Speaks About "Mal-Adjusted Lives." There are a lot of queer people in the world, and some who might not | be counted queer would be classed as eccentric, according to the defini- tion of that term given by Rev. O. C. Elliott in his sermon at the First Baptist church last night. His text was Matt. V: 8, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God," and in his development of his subject '"Mal-adjusted Lives" he em- | prhasized the thought that the person whose life is centered in any thing or person other than God is eccen- tric,--that is, off the true centre of human life. He vividly illustrated his theme with scriptural characters, such as the Gentiles who sought first | to gratify physical appetites; and the Pharisees, who were strong on religious formalities, but weak on inner purity of life; and those mer- cenary souls whose chief pursuit in life is worldly gain; all these need to have the centre of life changed so that Christ shall be given first place. While there are no two people ex- actly alike in the world, nearly all ministers have one condition in com- mon, viz, a scarcity of earthly wealth, and Mr. Elliott frankly confesses to having that qualification for good standing among his brethren. But his address yesterday afternoon om "The Believer's Possessions," indicated that he belongs also to that larger fellowship of.those who in Christ possess all things, having the limit- less resources of the infinite God at his disposal, for the maintainance, development and perfection of the PASTRY -- What is more delicious than good pastry to complete the dinner? Masoud's Pastry is unexcelled for its crispness and tastefulness. All our Baking is done the "elec- tric" way, and this insures the people of Kingston only 'of "the best." Cream Puffs. L Owing to the great demand Chocolate Eclairs. | we suggest you leave your phone order to prevent disap- pointment. Geo. Masoud 238 Princess Street - - - Phone 980. Christian life. The meetings, which continue to in attendance, interest, and power, are to be continued tonight, Sunday, and all next week, Asparagus, beets, green onions, parsley, icebery let. tuce, leeks, rhubarb, tomatoes, etc., at Carnovsky's. | 1t you like to sleep in church, bet- ter stay way from the special meet- ings In the First Baptist church. No- body gets sleepy while Mr. Elliott is speaking. Song service to-night at 7.45. : At a meeting of the county pro- perty committee held on Thursday, the following tenders were award- ed: Cement, A. Chown & Co.; sand, W. J. McKendry; crushed stone, Roody & Monk. STROWS TE 100 Princess St. Phone 840. J 2 THIS IS THE PIANO THE HEINTZMAN & CO. Such as was supplied to Madam Melba and used by practically all the leading artists of today and which we are selling on exceptional terms, LT TTI TITY 2 rr YOU ARE A JUDGE Of good music and we want you to judge the quality of the Heintzman & Co. tone. This Plano has been before the Canadian public for sixty years, and it has a world-wide reputation, LLL rrr PLT IT Ee I LT ITT TIT CLC CLE L LTE