Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Mar 1922, p. 15

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v SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1922, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THE MAN ON WATCH Down in Texas a peppy old fellow | of seventy was fined for stealing a | kiss. Perhaps he had been reading | the Whig's ""More Pep" monthly. | sh ---- - x -- -- - - - ~ ea -- sir | THE JUNOR BRITISH WHE [i STUDY Flay SPOF ORK PORTS | BIGGEST LITTLE PAPER IN THE WORLD gain. [he Pirates' Cay THE STORY OF CAPTAIN KIDD gunner, eame up to Captain Kida and ---- 5 IN advised him to capture t at in- Ee BUNCH us asmuch as there were no pirate ships the Cave and|to be had. Captain 'Kidd knew he Ollie. Clark|had no authority to do such a thing. offered a story | 'We won't,' he says to Moore, about Captain "This made Moore mad. In the Kidd, the famous | Argument that followed Captain Kidd old pirate. "Go/|hit him over the head with a wooden ahead," says we. | bucket. A few hours later Moore "Cay n Kidd | died. var pirate "This didn't help matters any. The by choice," be-|men became more sullen, and some ging Ollie. "IH | time later when a pirate ship wah tell you how he they refused to hey mi ey When Baby Complains. THERE ARE MANY WAYS a baby has of e ressing any pain or irregulari or digression from its normal oondition of health ho tly A i cry, a prolanged irritated cry. Restlessness, a constant turning of the head or of the whole bo fretful. In these and other ways a baby tells you there is something wrong, , Most mothers know that a disordered stomach, or bowels that do not act naturally are the cause of most of baby's sufferings. A call for the doctor ] over the street tine. "dah or porch| jg the first thought, but in the event of any delay there should be ready at hand a Yes The street. live, a safe remedy such as Fletcher's Castoria, = | NE Baoaaien street egidonts) Castoria has been used for baby's ailments for over 30 years and has mer- howling after midnight should sks ited the good will of the family physician in a measure not equaled by any other thom marc ine pear hands. Let| baby's medicine because of its harmlessness and the good results achieved. And remember this: Castoria is essentially a ba y's remedy and not a cure- ONE REEL YARNS THE JANITOR'S KID "Who was that boy out in the court ™ said Mrs. Fisher, as her son, Standish, came in. re "That was the janitor's kid," said Standish. "Don't you remember, the day we moved in he came and helped the janitor fix up in here? He came up and wanted to play marbles with me. 1 just told him ] didn't play with nd' janitors kids, and walked off. He had a lotta nerve." "You did quite right" gald Mrs. Fisher. "The idea of letting the jani- tor's ghildren come out and play with the children of the tenants in a swell place like this! Now we've got money, we've got to live up to ft, and you've got to be mighty careful who you play If it is all right for a citizen to| build a railway spur over two streets | without permission, it would appear | to be no longer necedsary to ask per- | sighted, i} captain's orders to capture it. them march in-a body to the place - "In 1695 some rich English people which houses this nuisance and give chartered a ship called the 'Adven- ture G Y," meaning to send her out Into the West Indian seas to capture prowling pirate ships. Incidentally, the crew of the 'Adventure Galley' was to seize the plunder of the pirates and turn it over to the English lords. Kidd Appointed Captain "On the recommendation of Lord Bellamont, one of the Englishmen, fertain William Kidd was hired to ead the crew. He was a bold and fearless leader and being an experi- enced seaman, he knew the ways and haunts of pirates. "He took the job, and with the power given him to seize all pirate vesscls, he sailed out of Plymouth har in April, 1695, with a crew of eighty X #0 "It was a rough, reckless, bunch. Not a nian had been hired for wages, Hach was to get a share of what- ever booty Was taken from the pirate ships. . "Business didn't go well with the had turns pirate themselves. Captain Kidd Returns to Port "Shortly 'after this, Captain Kidd fecided that the best thing to do would be to return and report to his Bg superiors the exact state of affairs. He sounded the crew on the matter. Most of them refused to return. But Captain Kidd was determined, and so, with forty of his men who were willing he set sall for New York where Lord Bellamont, the Englishman who headed the party which had hired Kidd, was living, "Captain Kidd felt that while he had not been greatly successful he had done enough to pay the lords and others well. "But Lord Bellamont and his friends didn't think se. So when Captain Kidd arrived in New York he and his érew were seized and sen: back to England and imprisoned. 'The men were charged with piracy, and the Captain was charged with the murder of Moore. "He admitted his gullt, when the with." "I know, Ma," said Standish. "You Just watch me cut out' the kids that try to get too fresh. Where are you ing?" "I'm going In to pay next month's rent. You can come along. The owner has an office In the buflding. Go put on your fur cap. We want him to think "we're somebody, all right." Standish followed hla mother to the office of the owner. They had to wall a long time in his mahogany-furnished walting room. Then they were ushered into the office. Standish's eyes almosf popped out of his head. The Janitor': kid was standing by a window. Ha looked up as they came in. "How do you do, Mrs. Fisher." sald the man pleasantly. "So this is yow son. Come here, Roger, here is a new boy in the building. This ts my gon, Mrs. Fisher. Why don't you two boys go out and play?" "Sorry," sald Roger, starting te leave, "but I'm going down .to sme: Nels, the janitor. He's showing me won a couple of cups, the use of such mugs unless you live | in Quebec or British Columbia? The | Badminton a%sociation some other kind of prizes to Ontario clubs, the offender a coat of tar and feath- ers, like the Ku Klux Klan do, It is not so long ago that the po- lice maggstrate ended the academic career yr lower Johnson street stu- dent who made a nuisance of him- self in another went up to Joe Hawkes jail for a term before he was railroaded out of town, --- way. This fellow The Kingston Badminton club has But what is | | | | should give The Ontario License Board wants all for every member of the family, What mi when given to a babe. t help Jou is too often dangerous Children Cry For how to connect electric lights this af ternoon." 'Adventure Galley." About nine months | trial came up In May, 1701, but said after leaving England she reached that in killing Moore he had done the Madagascar, which Captain Kidd knew right thing, for the gunner had been y lo be the hang-out of the East Indian |a dangerous character and might have Well a lot that would help the ho- pirates. But not a pirate ship was caused the entire crew to mutiny. tels. to be found. "But it was a one-sided trial, and 3 ja rew Captain Kidd, with all his money ris oa we ve ones Revetious. al- | taken from him, had no chance to In Kingston the business tax on| mays in hope of finding prey, but no | defend himself. He was sentenced to hotels runs from $35 to $120 a year. mek. (The crew was becoming sullen | death dnd, with six of his crew, was Why the biggest of the local hotels ine Nscantented, They werqu't mak- | Bung. would onl¥"receive relief amounting | 8 Then ney a petal iv. to a few tons of coal by that methen. | fhe 'Adventure' was quickly becoming -- foul and leaky--and at the end of the Arst year, fifty of them had died. New men 'were added to the crew, but Cap- lain Kidd realized that unless things took a change for the better he would have « hard time keeping the crew ander control. "Oconsionally a ship was captured, but not enough booty was obtained. And then ons day when a Duteh vessel waa sighted. Moore. an 'Adventure' He: the municipalities to help the hotels by wiping out their business tax. N NN Let's Think It Over. There is such a thing as saying too much on any subject, and the "'grand'stand" talker sooner or later becomes a bore. - The truth is always welcomed, and the truth reiterated and confirmed is more than welcome--it reaches your innermost soul. : Fletcher's Castoria is all its advertising has claimed for it. Scrutinized by the microscope of public opinion and used for over thirty years it stands without a peer in the hearts of thoughtful, cautious, discerning Mothers. And once used, mother love-- there is no substitute for mother love--will scorn to try a "substitute or a ""just-as-good", Masquerading under many names drugs that are injurious to the tender babe have found their way into some households, but the light of experience soon casts them out. Are they cast out before it is too late? MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA Aways i Bears the Signature of MUCH PAY,AND IM LIABLE TO BE BROKE ANY AF TO-DAY'S PUZZLE - Form a word square out of werds meaning to watch for, capable, suffer ingz, and an examination. Answer to yesterday's: Answer to to-day's: ills, test. The way to help the hotels and to | satisfy the travelling public would | be to grant beer and wine licenses | --not for whey-beer but the real | stuff. The Lampman's method to] stop this vile whiskey drinking is to | give the people decent ale and beer. | | When they get that-they won't want | whiskey. Music. Walt, able, He: "T used to work In a clock fac. tory." Bhe: "What did you do?' "1 made faces." Now it may turn out that the fire | brigade did the city a good turn Do the truth you know, and you|WXen it lost control of that dairy | shall learn the truth you need to |School fire. It's an ill wind that know.--Frederick Robertson, blows no one good. -- NS o Rit eur At Domo A Hamilton parson_ refuses to < Dass. 40ND have divorced persons in his choir. oh Dos % = Well what would this parson do with a divorcees after they die? Exact Copy of Wrapper. Give Up | Sale of Brooms of Eczema Wonderful recovery of avery sick man This is one of the many striking stories we gg good buy enables us to sell a first-class 4 STRAND BROOM for .........35¢. A heavy 5 STRAND BROOM for .45¢. Seven Sentence Sermons. The real test of character is joy; for what you rejoice in, that you love--and what you love, that you are like.--Henry Van Dyke. Why does the fire brigade fly its flag on St. Patrick's day and not on St. George's, St. Andrew's and St. Every day is a fresh beginning; Every day is the world made new. ~--8usan Coolidge. i David's days? ; Take every chance you can possi- a Doctors bly get to be kind: becarise, some When will this foolish applause at the movies cease? It is certainly day, there may be no more chance. wearisome and denotes a shocking --Margaret Deland, : lack of grey matter, on re publishing of what the D. D. D. prescription is accomplishing among Canadian sufferers, Cases from Jour own neighborhood will be sent on application, WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. . Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by Who Is wise and understanding Among you? let him show by his good lie ih Joris n meekness of | pre-arranged affair and a fake all ing! a8 laid 5 81 winter with w. . - : through? Think it over, roach Dap annied every, --THE TOWN WATCHMAN.| Kkiceswerea sight. [have ral D. and am weil of the There are loyal hearts, there are eet {terrible D: is certainly spirits brave, hey Mer D. D. cl after the doctors." = Peter Th Bru ' cer There are souls that are pure and 4" te! sicians during' 22° years and proved safe by millions for Fe. Burwell, Ost. phy dining; * P Ad hed tre; "And how did you find your steak | gor® Wit drop of D. D.D. Then give to the world the best you at lunch, Mr, Newman? inquired | and the itch fs RR * . Your money back if the first bottle does Colds Headache 'Rheumatism LE vou fuab a tie . 3 Mrs. Skinem, of one of her board- "Oh, I just moved a potato and ® : Try D.D.D Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis A at win a Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain a ill come bask : to » * you. 4 there it was," triumphantly answer- Lotion Skin Disease ed her latest victim. a2 2 for Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggi Madeline S. Bridges. 4 Jur iy a, "Mahood s ugig Siore, Kingston" Aspirin is the trade mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- ---- ee Adsticscidenter of Sate i. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer - manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Compan: Will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." y ' losing Sweetness, : Fruit and vegetables, which are being cultivated by British garden- ers to give bigger crops, are in many instances losing their sweet- ness and other good qualities, nm, By Beck Has it struck you that this Nova Scotia ghost episode may have been Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINC ESS STREET 3 As sinners stand up in meeting _- and testify to the goodness of God, 80 one who fis called afflicted may things. The worst dead beat of them allirise up in gladness of conviction, his" face|is the man who wil not pay a debt|and testify to the goodness of life, of gratitude. ~--Helen Keller, Pr --_--------. Nature tries to balance As a man grows "short" gets long. DOWN, THE. ROAD or a (EV T | 77 (7) | -- bp _-- a 7D « 'He left us nothing but debts" --- / z Cr" B71 |X "Det eo seasix ~1922 | : em Ld P10 Ll 4 Led = 2 Debt, grinding debt, whose iron face the widow and the orphan fear and hate; debt, which consumes so much time, which so cripples and disheartens, is a teacher whose lessons: cannot be forgotten. It is incumbent on all right-ihinking peo- Ple to do more than avoid debt. It is neces- Sary to accumulate a competence for one's dependent years. If, with a definite earning power you find it hard to live within your income, how could your wife support the home in the event ¥ oath deprived of your earning power, our salary st with your pulse," id A Manufacturers Life licy provides for these contingencies. Ding saving eep you out of debt, and build a compe- tence for the sunset of life. Should you not live to old age, your life 1 create an estate for your dependents. < Write, giving us your age at nearest birth- day, and we will submit a 30 you which will not place you under any obligation, M. G. JOHNSTON, » / Branch Manager, TT andi ) i > oo u ¥ A tise gail ere dealer's dre am]

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