THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 4 FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1928. * SPECIAL * offer for APRIL and MAY Ladies' Fur Coats Relined with SKINNER'S SATIN 'Colors: Rose, Pearl Grey, Brown and Dark Grey 36 inches long 40 inches long .....$20.00 Orders booked this month. We. will send for your coat in April. hn | SERGI) JOHN McKAY Ld. < 149-167 Brook St. ISH WHIC INSURES ML TTS ENPLOYEE 'Has Completed Arrangements | for Immediate Enforcement of New Type Policy. i After careful consideration of all sides and phases of the matter, the {British Whig Publishing Company | has entered into an agreement with | the Metropolitan Insurance Com- | pany, through Harry Mfllar, the local | superintendent, by which every em- | ployee will ghe insured at no cost fo | himself. > This method of insurance has not been in vogue for any great length of time, and the British Whig is but the/thind Kingston firm to adopt it, two other local corporations having similar policies, The company pays | the premiums, and the general plan' of the agreement is one which even the most skeptical will appreciate. Every employee is so insured that, in case of his or her death, the wife, father, mother, next-of<kin or person signified in the individual agreement will receive, every week for fifty-two weeks thereafteé?, a sum which is about the equivalent of the weekly salary of the employee at the time of death. In other words, each person is insured for the full amount of one year's salary, Should an employee become total- [tly disabled and unable to work, no matter what the cause, the same in- surance will be paid, forming a very SOMETHING TO REMEMBER If your eyes are subject to strain we can furnish you with the glasses you should wear for comfort and visual enjoyment. - R. ARTHEY, R0. VISION SPECIALIST . - 143 Princess Street. "Phone 2108 for appointment. Oculist prescriptions filled. A Briscoe Opportunity There are several Briscoe Cars service in this vi that have travelled over thirty thousand (80,000) miles and still running well. One car, an improved model 4-34, ran all 1nst season at a cost of 2%e¢. per mile. Experts admit it has a truly wonderful motor. Owners are enthusiastic. We can sell you a brand new Touring Car at the bargain price of No other car on the market price. model 4-34, five passenger $995.00. . All charges paid. has made such a reduction in ANGLIN BROS. GARAGE, BAY STREET - - KINGSTON, ONTARIO Solid brick, 9 rooms and bath-room, two toilets, combi- mation hot alr and hot water furnace, electric light, gas, good cellar, modern plumbing. Bagot Street, near City Park. Gore Street---solid brick, de- tached, double house, 10 rooms, 3 piece bath, hot water furnace, electric light, gas, garage, good sized lot. ~ These are two first class resi- {f dences in a most desirable and | convenient part of the city, FRIDAY--SATURDAY | Potatoes, per peck ........ Island Butter Campbell's Soup Sardines (Inst lot) ....5 for 25e. Surprise, Gold, . & G' 5 bars 35¢. Canned Pineapple ..........2%. Nice juicy Dates Canned Peaches Li Rhubarb, Onions, Oysters, Belery, Grape Fruit, Get a Broom Saturday For turther particulars as to terms, apply at office. RH Vai We're ready with the largest and most attractive stock of Men's Hats * ever shown in Kingston, and values are the best in years, . > The styles sparkle with newness, and the shades are so conceived as to "contrast or correspond with any attire. Every best make, - including the world's premier hat maker, Borsalino. || SHOP RIGHT | substantial sickness benefit. The advantages of such Insurances are many and can at once be seen. In the first place, the company places |the employees and their famiMes in positions of financial security, so long as they are in the employ of the firm, Should they Teave the employ, be discharged, or pever their com- nections with the company in any other manmer, the insurance automea- tically ceases to be in force. This, by way of repaying the com- pany for the investment, makes for continuity of service and a Breater degree of contentment amongst the employees, . thus insuring against .| losses 'from transient or dissatisfied workers, who cause great losses to every firm yearly and generally ham- per the wheels of trade and industry, in many cases to an embarrassing de- gree, ---------- THE FEEDING OF POULTRY An Address Given Before the Poultry Association by A. W. Sirett. A. W. Sirett gave a most instruec- tive address before the Kingston Poultry Association on Thursday night, on the subject of "Housing and Feeding of Poultry." J. 18. Munsie, president, occupied the chair. There was a lange attendance of bird fanciers, representing all classes of chickens, At the conclu- sion of his address, Mr. Sirett called for discussion and many of those present showed a profound know- || ledge of scientific methods, Without referring to any particu- I lar breed, Mr, Sirett described the il | up-to-date poultry house and told of il | the needs of the birds in the way of ll | treatment, feeding, ete. It transpired t | that poultry are fond of salts, and a fl | pound of this should be dissolved in il] the drinking water of one hundred | bens per week in winter. It is beme- || ficial in winter when there is a searec- ii | ity of green food. The address was I a4 most appropriate one because of i the approach of the batching sea- fi son, and the breeders cam prepare | their fowl amd get, them into high || condition for laying, A little later 33e. fill Mr. Sirett will give u special address ii} on "Incubation." {| On the motion of Col. G. H. Ogil- il] vie, @ hearty vote of thanks was il | tendered to the speaker for his most | | lnstruotive address, i -------------- * Missionary Meeting, if An interesting gathering was held i| Thursday "evening, under the aus- pices of the W. M.S. of Princess Street Methodist church, when Mrs, delivered en address dealing with her work in Japan. Mrs. Dunlop went toto the work in Japan from #ts beginning up to the present time, 3d, aldo dealt with the outlook for future, S "OFFICER-666" AT GRAND (With Willlam Yule In Title i Role--Rex Company Is | Playing. " Everybody has at one time or an- | other laughed at the antics and wit- | ty remarks of.the time-honored "Ir-| ish policeman," who has endeared himself to thousands of children and grown-ups throughout the entire] English-speaking world, but when two hundred pounds of "Irish" is bundled up in ome Scotchman, tin the situations brought about are in- deed laugh-provoking. Such oo I "Officer 666" as rendered by the Rex Stock Company at the Grand on Thursday evening, with "William Yule playing the title role, though | this popular actor was fn "hot wat- er" during, the whol® performance. "Officer 666" found himself in a very sad predicament, though mirth- ful to the 'audience, when he was persuaded to hand over his uniform for a few hours, after being tendered a small token of $500 by Travers Gladwin (Rex), who sought to cap- ture a wife and a thief by some neat strategy. Gladwin succeeds in this, but finds a real friend in the thief, and lets him, even assists him to escapa, ss he admires Wilson, the thief, (Billy Seymour) for his cool audacity and bravery. The play is full of plots and counter-plots, each one more full of mirth than the last, not the least of which are the comic situsiions brought about by the be- wilderment of Officer 666. Rex is at his best as Travers Glad- win, ile poor rich young 'man, who is in contnnal gearch for arusement and romance, and who fnally seeks out the right girl, and then devotes his energies to 'save her from the nice villain in the plot, W. F. Miteh- ell asp "Witney Barnes," the friend and advisor of the hero, is especial- ly good, though he nearly has heart- failure in his search for the police- man who was unkind enough to place tte "nippers'" on his delicate wrists, and then lose the key. Flor- ence Winters, as "Mrs. Burton," the aunt of the girl, increased her pop- ularity with the Kingston theatre- goers, by her clever impersonation of a high-strug and sarcastic spin- ster, and "Sadi" (Hazel Wi'liams), was also good. Zana Vaughn ' as "Helen", the girl, was her usual self, and was almost as much be- wildered as Officer 666 over the dual personalities of Gladwin the real, and Gladwin the impostor, The bat- tle of wits between the art thief and the rich young man, each claiming to be Gladwin was very amusing. I'he same performance will be ren- dered on Friday and Saturday, with the usual barge.n matinee on Satur- day afternoon. A For Colds, Grip or Influenza and as a Preventive, take Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets. The genuine bears the signature of B. W, Grove. (Be sure you get BROMO) al, 80c. Made in Canada. ---------- net}, J. E. L. Goodwill Dead, J. 8. L. Goodwill, Peterboro, died at Ashville, North Carolina, on Thursday atter a long Mngering ill- ness. The news of his death was an- nounced in a telegram from his wife, who had accompanied him on his trip to the south during the last week in January. He graduated from Queen's University and took the law courso at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, later locas- ing in Peterboro. His wife was for- merly Miss Nellie Kilpatrick, of Kingston. . The remains are to be buried in Cataraqui cemetery on Sat- urday. re eee Weapons bode 'peace, NA, i > {The Hat Store" SPRING "HATS ARE READY. WONDERFUL STYLES AND VALUES the Strand Theatre. With Me, When the o. THE C A MO-NA-LU The Song of a Million Homes. This is the number Hundreds have inquired the title of the number, This and All Other 40c. or 50c. Numbers Present Best Selling Numbers Are Mo-Na-Lu, I Have a Rendesvous With You, Swing Me in the Mooniight, Three O'clock ip the Morning, Wabash Blues, When Francis Dances Tide Comes In, Ma, Wim- men, Poor Little Me, Swanee River Moon, Say It With Music, The Sheik, Ty-Tee, Mandy 'N COLLEGE BOOK STORE Greater Than Alohincoe (Farewell) filled with harmony, now being played at of the management +++ .. Four for One Dollar Me, Just the Type for a Bungalow, Just Like a Rainbow, Say It With Music, Hawaiian Chimes, Dapper Dan, Hortense, Leave Me With a Smile, 1-Ain't Nobody's Darling, One Kiss, ' Thrills, When Shall We Meet Again, Winning Ways, Bi. mini Bay, etc. ete. OPEN TILL 8.00 P.M, basin, (viwioia®o woe ® sv seven Women's Pure Wool wee ol fakele os 08 oloteteietinie HOMESPUNS, $1.25.--100 shades of Fawn and Grey; will ma full 45 inches wide. Special for Sat $1.25 for 75¢, Hose--Penman's--sizes 81 to 10. $1.25 line, for ..........T5¢. SATURDAY SHOPPERS Here Area F ow of the Many Snappy Values at Kingston's Always Busy Store. ONLY 75¢c. A YARD.--150 yards of Navy Blue Serge -- 38 inches wide--all pure wool--nice fine quality. Saturday snap teletleimiaiviesere §DCe a yard yards of Scotch Homespuns; two ke very pretty Coat for Spring; urday shoppers . ..... $1.25 yard 50c. Each Women's medium weight Vests, short or long sleeves; white. 95c¢. lineon Saturday ....... 50. Cashmere belt, notched collar, -Saturday only button cuffs, silk Sess tle ile aise ne sini COAT BARGAIN, $13.50. Misses' Polo Cloth Coats, made Ain smart tailored styles, with inverted pleat in back; all around belt, pockets, convertible Collar. Special for Saturday selling . . $13.50 TRICOTINE SUITS, Wool Tricotine Suits--made $35.00.-- Women's and Misses All Pure' in plain tailored or fancy styles; narrow lined.' Colors Navy and Black. ses eineinibinte, mene 0 $35.00 'Newman & Shaw The Big Dry Goods and House F urnishings Store E. G. DENNEE WILL COLLECT GARBAGE Health Committee Accepts His Tender of $26,400 For Three Years, At a meeting of the health com- mittee on Thursday afternoon, the tenders for garbage collection were openéd and considered. There were several tenderers seeking the con- tract and the lowest was E. G. Den- nee who offered to do the work for a period of three years for the sum »f $26,400. Mr. Dennee's tender was ac- cepted, subject to the execution of a contract satisfactory to the city soli- fetor. It cost the city $10,000 for garbage colfection the past year, so Mr. Dennee's offer is somewhat low- er, The members present were Alds. F. J. O'Connor (chairman), Dris- coll and Kelly and Mayor Corbett. Robbed Toronto Telephones May Have Turned Trick Here two op- this line of business in 'men who have £4 « Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, March 8.--Tke re- of the late Richard Coulter brought home last week and in the vault. The funeral a ; ; 1 -- ~ 104 FRONTENAC ST. Detached solid brick dwelling, 10 rooms, elec- tric lights, gas, hardwood floors, hot water. heating, 3 piece bath, attic finished. Excellent cellar. House in first class state of repair $6200 E. W. MULLIN & SON \ EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Corner Johnson and Division Streets + - Phones 580w and 5383, a $12.50 Per Ton We are offering for sale 400 tons small size Hard Cosl a the above price while it lasts, SOWARDS COAL COMPANY ~ PHONE 13s. l McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 813, [vey wl | UPTOW N OFFICE: a 32.95 ~Ladies' Brown Oxfords--Low Heels, every pair guaranteed' all solid leather and made by one of Canada's best factories. All sizes 1 to 5. "SEE OUR WINDOWS" io . J. MARTIN | PRINCESS STREET © - . + ¥ : # RT