Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Mar 1922, p. 3

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THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1909, Hickey's | | We Are Offering 10 Bracelet 26 Conta Watches £ , marked at L. T. BEST r= r Will Cure Any Cough - $26.00 Prescription Druggist, A co aes ans. for $15.00 EACH These are GENUINE BARGAINS The movements and also absolutely guar- anteed, the cases are the very best grades of Gold Filled. 8 SMITH BROS. JEWELERS Limited Established 1840 uncommon words-- maybe, but very common causes of HEADACHE® We have glassss that remove these causes and give IMMEDIATE RELIEF Before consulting the physi- cian, before using medicines and drugs, come and see us. It your headache is caused by eye strain we cure it THROUGH PROPER GLASSES Street « « King Kingston . ip, t death through foul pla Optowsetrist and Optician, jon P: 08 226 Princess Street. 3 doors above the Opera House | mons. \ are 15 jewelled, very high grade | the third reading in the British com- | ers. "THE GREAT WAR AS I SAW IT By Canon F, G, Scott™C. M.G., of the First Canadian Division. D.8.0., of Quebec, Senior Chaplain 2 Second Battle of Ypres was aking of what grew to be the Canadian Crops. Up to that time, Canadians were looked upon; and looked upon themselves, merely as troops {that might be expected to hold the line and do useful spake work, but from then onward the men felt that they could rise to any em- ergency, and the army knew they could be depended upon, The pace | they set was followed by" the other divisions and, at the end, the Corps did not disappoint the expectations of General Foch. What higher praise could be desired? ~My billet in Viamertinghe was in a neat cottage owned by an old maid, who 'took great pride in making everything shine. The. paymaster of one of our battalions and I had a | cheerful home there when the poor {ol lady fled. Her home, however, did not long survive her absence, for, some days after she left, it was level- {led by a shells The church too was struck and ruined. Beside it is the military cemetery within which lie the mortal remains of many gallant men, amongst them the two Gren- fells, one of whom got the V.C. There I buried poor Duffy and many more. | The other chaplains laid to rest men { under their care, . One picture always comes to' my | ming when I think of Vlamertingne. In the road near the church was a Crucifix. The figure was life size and | hung on a cross planted upon a rocky mound, One night when the sun had | set and a great red glow burst along the horizon, I saw the large black | cross sithouetted against the crimson | man with grey hair Iie on be- | neath the kerchief that whs tied | about her head. It was dangerous | at all times to stay at that place, yet | she knelt there silently in prayer. | She seemed to be the embodiment of | the old life and quiet contented re- ligious hope which must have been | the spirit of Vlamertinghe in the | past' The village was an absolute ruin a few days later, and even the Sisters had to flee from their con- vent. The Crucifix, however, stood for a long time after the place was destroyed, but I never passed by without thinking of the poor old wo- man who knelt at its foot in the evening light and laid her burden of | cares upon the heart of Eternal Pity. (Copyrighted In Canada by F. G. Scott; book rights reserved.) (To ba Coutinued.) The Whig, having caught up with this splendid story---and releases of the copy by the syndicate issuing it, | now being confined ta Saturdays, | the Whig will run it on Saturdays and 'Mondays only hereafter, AL UNSEAT MAYOR OF SMITH'S FALLS |Quo Warranto Proceedings Taken on Alleged Implica= tion in Contracts. | Smith's Falls, March 9.---Mayor |W. H. Code was served with a writ {in quo warranto proceedings having {as their end his unseating and dis- qualification, Dr, W., 8. Murphy, a Sete er | membOF of the local Hydro Commis- sion, is the petitioner, Mayor Code js an ex-officio mem- L ] J MO D 0 The Bridgeburg jury verdict says | McNichol, Bertie town- ec ey r, sifeVe {that Johs y. ber of the Hydro Commission and The Irish Free State bill receives [the two are at odds-as commission- It is held by Dr. Murphy that Mayor Code has profited in a pecun- iary way from his position as mayor, in that a company of which he is said Ji | to be a member has had municipgl EL | £0, 2,» Educating Fath We often read about "Bringing Up ' Father." Now we want to educate Fa- ther to the fact that there are new things required in the kitchen and the home. Some of the new things are: McClary Electric Ranges White Cap Electric Washers. Eureka Electric Vacuum Cleaner Inquire about them and you will be surprised what little money it takes to make things easier for your.wife. DO IT NOW." ¥_ Have'you a Fur Box to keep your winter furs in during the coming sum- mer? ; Galvanized Iron Fur Boxes .$7.00 McKelvey & Birch, Limited ¢ Gemeral Contractors, 'Heating Specialists, Steam Fitters Plumbers, Jobbers of Plumbers' snd Gas-Fitters Supplies, § helf, Heavy and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Oils, Bea: applica Sheet Metal and Tin Work. Special Work of all Kinds ndertaken, | = -- 1 == == mn a wm = =n = = -- = = mx = = So = = mn = == = = =n i =n = = re = == == = -- Ee -- = = = So mx = ee = = == == Te == == - == = = = am = Sn = I mm = re = T-- = Sen == = we ws : BB == = = = EE wn = Suna Hi = STR OUD'S TEA | NEW, DESIGNS IN Bedroom Furniture We have just received a shipment of Bedroom Furnitur the latest designs, in Mahogany and Walnut, th stro appeal to the "Home Lover." . at in ng We are offering some excellent val know you will find our price right After Tapert 2nd we We invite your inspection. < Victrolas, Victor Records, McLagan Phonographs, Heintzman and Wormworth Planos, Player Rolls, LE. Harrison Co, Limited tt Mr, Code will defend the action. He challenges Dr. Murphy to resign from the Hydro Commission and run ! against him for the Mayoralty, of- (fering to pay the expensés of an | election if defeated, / Younes, Bootlegger I HTH Inn Davenport, Ia, March 9.--The | world's youngest bootlegger has been found, He is Marion Abney, 5 years did, Gladys Barry, six-year-old play- mate of the Abney boy, came home under the influence of liquor. And ored to protect the source of supply when confronted by her parents. She said she had secured the drinks at a jewelry shop. | prietor of the shop, was arrested on | information filed by the girl's father. In court, Marion Abney was the star ! witnéss, and his testimony cleared | the jeweler. "I gave Gladys two glasses of wine' when mamma was away and she drank it all," testified the five-yéar- old lad, . / -------------- & A mission will be held in St. Mary Magdelene's church, Napanee, next week, conducted by Rev. R. H. A. Haslam. According to report the Frost & Wood Co. will be represented in the town léague this Your by a strong baseball nine. . <A rolling rumor gathers lots of listeners and repeaters. HAR HHA Delicious, healthful 1090 Princess St. Phone $40. DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS + FO WOMEN'S AILMENTS 36 years Standard for Delayed and Paintul Menstruation. Sealed Tin package only, all Druggists or direct by mail. Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co., 71 E. Front St., To- ronto. Due For a Spanking | just like the grown-ups she endeay- | D. T. Jones, the pro- | | Mr. Wood and Mr. Hamilton of To- WHEN NERVES ARE NEAR EXHAUSTION A Tonic Should be Taken to Enrich : the Blood. When you become so exhausted after a day's work that you cannot sleep, or sleep fails to refresh you, it Is time to look after your health. | Failure to act at once means a steady | drain on your health reserve, which | can result in but one thing--a ner- | vous breakdown. Do net wait for a breakdown. The treatment is simple enough if you do not let your condition become too far advanced. The tfeatment is one of nutrition of the nerve cells, requiring onic. As the nerves | nourished by the blood, | id must be built up. Dr. | Williams' Pink Pills act directly on | the blood, and with proper regula- | tion of the diet have proved of the | greatest benefit in nervous troubles. Mrs. Mary McAdam, Sydney Mines, | N.S, is one of the many: who has | proved this tonic treatment. She says: "Last winter my health com- pletely gave out. I was all run down and my nervous system in a condi- tion that greatly alarmed me. I often | had nervous headaches, and at times | Severe pains in the region of my heart. I felt as though I would never | be well again. My husband got me a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills { and before the second box was finish- ed I began to improve, and under a further use of the pills I felt as well | as ever. I would advise all weak and | nervous women to give this medicine {a trial." { You can get Dr. Williams' Pink | Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents af | box or six boxes for $2.50 from The | | Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- | ville, Ont. -- | | MARGOT A FIBBER. | | Lord Lee Defends the Women of fhe United States, 1 London, March 9.--Lord Lee, of Fareham, First Lord of the Admir- alty, addressing the English-s_ocak- | ing Union at its luncheon welcoming him home from the Washington Con- ference, said he had not planned to | mention pr ibition in the United States or the. British coalition, In | view, however, of the reported utter- | ances of one of his famous country- {%omen in New 'York, to the effect | that drunkenness was prevalent among both sexes in the United States, he desired to state, he said, that, after thirty years of observa- tion in America, including the pre- prohibition as well as the prohibition era, the English woman's statement was "as ludicrous as it was &ruel and untrue." Lord Lee's refer was to Mrs. Margot Asquith's comments on re- turning to New York the Other day from her western tour, - ---- o peiviy Union Along. Coboutg, March 9.--The Presby- terian and Methodist churches at Millbrook are helping union along by deciding to hold special union evangelistic services. They will be- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. " PROBS:-- Rain late to-night and on F vidy sky, and before it knelt an aged wWo- | gin next Sunday, March 12th. Rev. ronto will assist the local pastors, the former being special speaker, while Mr. Hamilton 'will have charge CampbeiMord, March 9. --Camp- bellford's enviable condition of em- ployment was reflected. in the report by the special relief committee, com- posed by Councillors Metklejohn and Cole, showing disbursements of char- ity amounting to only $13.28, Windsor, Ont., March 9.--Wind- sor has an alien population of '4,530, according to figures announced by the assessment commissioner. The total population is pl at 38,530. Therg are 22,411 ns in the city vote. sd we will continue this special display, ings on the beautiful new Spring modes in MILLINERY, SUITS, WRAPS, COATS ~~. 'Steacy's Annual SPRING FASHION DISPLAY was accorded a wonderful response by feminine Kingston yesterday, the opening' day, Tomorrow and Saturday when special pric 7 and DRESSES will be the main attraction. foe The Dress Goods, Silk and Wash Goods Sections are showing many + delightful _ néw fabrics and shades, where quality and low prices go hand in hand, We invite you to see the many novelties on special exhibit to- morrow, as we feel sure for qual- ity, value and style our showing is second to none. Come to-mor- row and see this attractive spring display, Our windows but picture a few of our fascinating showing of the mode for Spring,

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