FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1022. THF DAY v enITIOy wai, FOR CHOICE MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein 282 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 mien | NOTICE Churches, Sunday Schools and charitable Institutions of all denomi- ations will be supplied FREE OF MANGE one evening each durin winter with team and sleigh for driv- ing party. Kingston Transfer Co. Ward Off Brain Fag You need something to renew your over-worked and under- nourished vital forces. Take a tablespoonful of Wincarnis three times a day. 16 ex. Bottles, $1.50 At AR Druggists Proprietoms: COLEMAN & CO, Limited, Norwich, Eng. Canadian Office: 67 Portland St, Toronte. Frank 8. Ball. Resident Director. gg AAA NAA Ait DRAW. WINNEIT DENTAL SURGEON, | Corner of Johnson and Wellington PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. * All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 237m, Streets Phone 363 i po Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. 4 ny | Angrove's Repairs 'Scales, Talking Machines, Micycles, | + Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. | We do repair work right and guar. 'antec satisfaction. 107 Wellington Street. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137, 'W. R McRae & Co COAL Cholcest quality >f Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 FOR RENT 'Good seven room dwelling-- moderate rent. Possession om April 1st, 1022 The Officers Chosen. G. A. Murphy is assessor of Al- monte at the salary of $210, and W. C.Pollock ,auditor at the salary of $100. | He Is Doing Nicely, | George Williamson, of the firm ¢f | ElHott & Willlamson, motor mechan- | ics, who underwent an operation for appendicitis is progressing as well [as can 'be expected. Boys' Suit Sale. For a few days only we will put on sale our entire stock of Boys' and Youths' Suits, sizes 26 to 35, all col- ors, latest style, regular $9 suits for $6; $12 suits at $8; $15 suits at $9, Prevost, Brock street. Snow on the Roof. As a result of the sudden change in the weather on Thureday, "he po- lice notified all the downtowa shop- keepers to have the snow removed from the roof of the buildings, as { with 80 much snow it was regarded as being very dangerous. No Need To Worry. When the new help fails to show It is unfortunate, but it's lucky ~~ up. [ tor you that this newspaper can get RMENTING, agonizing rheu- matic aches are quickly relieved by Sloan's Linitent, Apply it freely and enjoy a comforting sense of warmth. It penetrates without ing. Good also for sciatica, lumbago neuralgia, over-exerted muscles, sti joints, external aches and pains, backe aches, Stang and sprains, K n't let pain lay you up. Keep Sloan's Liniment handy and at the first sign of an ache or pain, use it, for it certainly does produce results, Al ists--35c, 70c, $1.40. aoans a A tA A a gt at, HULLOING ? 0. Aykroyd & Son 2! Main Street. Phone 1670 DR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Phone 1072F, AUTO TOPS RECOVERED and REPAIRED R. H JONES 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 153, THE MONTHLY CHEQUE As long ag the beneficiary Mves the Postman will continue to de- liver to her monthly, a cheque {s- Sued by the MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA. The monthly : income is an absolute protection and guarantees that the proceeds of the policy will npt be diverted from the 'original purpose and that the intention of the assured will certainly be realized, Let me explain this plan to you. S. Roughton District Manager €0 Brock Street | under the right you others quickly. Leave an ad | with us for the classified columns, Kingston and Vicinity | --_ - | and look over the columns and call {up those who are offering their ser- vices. | He Is Out of Danger. | Cecil Townsend, who was brought | 0 the Gemeral hospital in a serious { condition recently, and operated om for appendicitis, was reported to be | doing nicely this morning, and he is | now out of danger. He was taken ill | while attending the Athens high school. He is a son of James Towns- end, Long Point. Library Board Organized. The first meeting of the Pembroke Public Library Board for 1922 was held on Friday. The board is made up of Miss Winters and Messrs. J. H. Reeves, Wm. Lacey, Mayor Smith, Dr, Josephs, J. A, Supple, A. J. For tier and U. J. Flach. Mr. Supple was again chosen chairman and Mr. Walker secretary. Company Makes Progress, The International Button Com- pany, operating in Smith's Falls, for the past year-and-a-half, is now seeking expansion. It asks the town to give it a loan of $50,000, and will give the plant and machinery, which it is operating along with the pres- ent outfit, worth $35,000, as secur- ity. The company at the present time employs twenty-five hands and WAS TROUBLED WITH HER LIVER For Over Four Months When the liver becomes slow, slug- gish and torpid it is not working properly and does not supply suffi- cient bile to thoroughly act on the bowels and carry off the waste pro- ducts of the system, hence the bow- els become clogged up, the bile gets into the blood, constipation sets in and liver troubles follow among which are, sick or bilious headaches, heartburn, watér brash, jaundice, floating specks before the eyes, pain shoulder, coated tongue, bad breath, yellow eyes, etc. MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS quickly remgve the secretions, clear away the effete and waste matter by acting directly on the liver, and mak- ing the bile pass through the bow- ols instead of allowing it to get into the blood. Mrs. Alice Mehill, Napanee, Ont., writes: --"1 was very badly run down for over four months. I tried sev- eral remedies, but got no relief. One day my husband brought me home a vial of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and before I'had used half of it I wus much" better. I only used two vials and [ am a different person to-day, I can safely recommend Laxa- Liver Pills to any one troubled with liver trouble." Price, 25¢. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, SASKATCHEWAN Phone 610 or S61. y Kingsten J} W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 86 Brock Street Phone 434 DD YOU EVER TRY Vagatafl's Pineapple Es fa & ve & ful % Sutnls Sake ot A sale il Sureety aN 3 1 supogs ana Fire King Heaters , Sreat patience and his end came Taking ' F., Kepler, those Kingson friends of the college who possess at least some knowledge of the native tongue of sunny France. St. George's Scouts, The weekly meeting of 8:. George's scouts was held Wednesday | evening. Mr. Marrison of the Mar- rison studio, gave a very interesting lecture on photography, dealing! from the first invention of taking photos until the present. Capt, Hird, Secretary of the troop committee, thanked Mr. Marrison for his intsr- esting lecture on behalf of the com- mittee, and felt sure that every scout ot make sufficient buttons to {y its customers. It hopes to in- viease its monthly pay roll to $4,000. Queen's Girls' Basketball, The local members of the Queen's team playing in Togonto, last night, are Miss Kaunicoffffockiar, Miss Bessie Abernethy, Miss Irene Dela- hey and Miss Ruth Evanson. Miss Gladys Montgomery is the daughter of a former Kingstonion who is now living in Chicago, Her brother ser- ved overseas with a Kingston bat- ~ SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Stove and Egg. This is splendid Coal of good heating quality, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factors and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON Ont. Office Phone 06. Factory Phone 14106. tery. was keen om getting the photograph- er badge, and appreciated the kind- Nominated For a Chair. ness of Mr. Marrison. The boys The Presbytery of Qu'Appelle, Sask., meeting here in the Presbyter- fan church, Whitewood, decided to nominate Rev. Stanley Scott, B.A., B.D., Moffat, Sask., to the chair of Systematic Theology at Westminster three hearty cheers for Mr. Marrison. Capt. Hird announced that the fine set of boxing - gloves had arrived which were so kindly donated by Mr. ROYAL OAK GREETS 1923 With a better tire than ever, The new Royal Oak, 30x3% fabrie tire; weight, 16 pounds; mileage 6,000 miles (backed by the come pany); price, lower than ever before. See them before buying ats EASTERN CANAINA MAAOTIRE & RUBI ER CO. A. NEAL Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. Dalton. Hail, Vancouver. Mr. Scott was a Rhodes scholar from Alberta and studied for some time at the Univer- sity of Oxford, and also spent some time at the University of Chicago. Mr. Scott is a graduate in Arts of Queen's University. Kansas Friend of the Whig. Renewing his subscription to the || Whig, J. H. Keeler; a former wp i showed sheir appreciation by giving ent of Frontenac county, but now of || Abllere, Kansas, writes expressing | his great appreciation of the Whig | i as an eastern Ontario paper, whica i His Sister Died In Ontario. gives all the news abouf his relatives | J. L. Brouse, 22 Quincy street, Ca- nadian-American photographer, Chi« cago, received a telegram announc- ing the death of a sister, Mrs. Wil- liam Dixon, Bathurst, Ont. Mr. Brouse had four sisters, all of whom were married in the same year. Three of them became wives of three Dixon brothers, farmgrs of adjoining farms in Bathurst township. Mr. Brouse was unable to reach Bathurst in time for the funeral on Feb. 6th. would not lke to have broken. He | frequently sees the Whig in the | homes of friends in Kansas. "More | Pep" and the Whig circulation chart ! are Of great interest to him. "We! are always glad to get the Whig, and ' my wife Hkes to look at it first be- cause of the certainty of finding news | from Storrington. In the election the Conservatives were beaten and I was glad the Liberals gained the day," es sald Mr. Keeler in concluding. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Every Man Should Read This. We have made a lucky purchase; having bought 1,600 pair of men's trousers at a great bargain we are going to pass these great values on to you, This greal sale ends next Saturday, March 4th. You will have to hurry if you intend taking advan- tage of these bargains. Match up that old coat with a pair. Other bar- gains too numerous to mention. Come and see for yourself. The Lion Clothing House. 356 King St., Kingston, Dame Clara Butt Coming. The great English contralto will give one concert only in Grant hall, Monday, March 6th. When Clara Butt sang in Budapest a local paper called her She greatest of Mving con= traltos, but disqualified the articles for press purposes by referring to the English singer as '"Klary But- tove". Dame Butt was greatly amus- ed at this Bohemianization of her name, while Kennerly Rumford, her husband, was aggrieved because his mame was not also given a Bohem- fan twist. Dame Clara Butt's bril- liant career has had much {n com- mon with the professional life of her husband, Kennerly Rumford, the English baritone. Mr. Rumford sos long been a London favorite. The | baritone's striking characteristic, as | one English writer sees it, is genuine | ness; when he sigs he invariably -------------- Anniversary Services. Anniversary services were conduct- | ed in the Smith's Falls Methodist church on Sunday, and were highly successful. Rev.:J, D. Ellis, the pas- tor, asked for $3,000, and $3,003 was placed on the plates. Rev. W. T. Ga. and former friends, a connection he | S Brick house on Montreal Street -- 3 piece bath, electrie lights, furnace . . «rae. $2,600 Stone House with brick extension, kitchen, electric lights. 3 piece bath, hot water furnace; private driveway; real good location. A bargain .....evsvovenss «++ .9$8,700 M. P. TRUMPQUR 111 1-2 Brock Stree 'Phones 7048%or 1461w Ceres nanans BROCK STREET gives of his best. A rich sical Brown, Ottawa, was the preacher of the day and also delivered an ad- drest on the Monday evening follow- ing. Elmer Davis, Kingston, also at- tended and spoke on "Modern Me- thods of Church Work," To Take Strong At the Belleville couneil meeting, March 6th, Alderman Robinson will introduce a motion to declare all civic offices Vacant, such vacancies to take place on March 8th and that applications for the offices be receiy- ed and salaries specified. He also gave notice of a motion to combi the offices of tax collector and water works manager, also that a sum of $300 per annum be given to the Sal- vation Army to do the work of the social worker, Miss Smith, thereby effecting a saving of $900, RE, Clayton, voice, and a porsonality of virility and charm readily explain his hold on the musical public. Tickets on sale at Uglow's book score on Mou- |! day, February 27th.--Advt. What will you be at forty? It all depends upon how much you use your opportunities in the classified ads. When you're in need of help don't ask the devil for aid. , The fiercest serpent may be over- come by a swarm of ants. The laden almond tree by the way- side is sure to be bitter, = DODD'S) ALIAS Died at i Willlam Inigo Serell, aged seven- ty-four, died at his home two miles from Clayton, N.Y., on the Cape Vin- cent road. He had been ill for about four months, The funeral was held from the home Saturday and the body placed in the vault. Rev. Mr. Davis, rector of the Episcopal church officiated. Mr. Serell was born in New York in 1847 and had been a summer resident for thirty years. He had also resided in Florida and, Bayonne, N.J. Mr. Serell had two! summer homes near Thousand Isl- and Park, Death at \ On Wednesday, Feb: 15th, there passed peacefully away a highly es- teemed resident of that vicinity in the person of Bryan Wood. Deceas- ed had been In failing health for Some time but was only confined to his bed for about four weeks and had STOPS BACKACHE The heat of red peppers takes the "ouch" from a sore, lame back. It can not hurt you, and it certainly ends the torture at once. 'When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Red Pep- per Rub, and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, penet heat as red peppers. ; Just us soon as you apply Red Pep- per Rub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the reached the good age of eighty-aight vears. He bore his sickness with peacefully surrounded by all the membérs of his family. He was well "nown and highly respected. Sur- viving are two sons and two daugh- ters, his wife having predeceased him four years ago. The daughters Are Mrs. Charles Truscott, Mrs. Harry! Brawley and two soms, John and Frederick R., at tome, 8 Extra Fine Cottons | -~ wy mmr on WINTER YERCOATS MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One dour below Randolph Hotel) RS and Nainsooks - FOR UNDERWEAR This is the time of year for making up the summer undies. We have a full stock of the very finest Cottons, - Cambrics, Mulls, Nainsooks, Madapo- lam, Sheer Linens, Dimitys and Bal- loon Cloths. Best English and Cana- dian makes--36", 40" and 42" wide, and the prices are very attractive from 25c¢. to 75c¢. a yard ; W.N. Linton & The Waldron Store.