Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Feb 1922, p. 15

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 19m=z. LY [o | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM WANTED GENERAL | i le a word Zach cond ------m-- | Bust itsertion. 1c a or oeatior Swit' A FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN OF $1,000 Cent & word. Minimum charge for for intry RE: pert will pay Lae lnseriion, 2ic; three lisertious, x ' 60 cents. 'The abuve rates waen charged i Soe HELP LY BRITISH WHIG. GRAND To-night aad Saturday Matinee Saturday at 2:30 The Rex Stock Co. Presenting DELIGHTFUL COMEDY "B A BY M | N E" VILLE BETWEEN THE ACTS 20c., 30c., 50c. Gallery 10c. Saturday Matinee 28e, 10e. El CONDENSED ADVERTISING J -- THOROUGHBRED six weekg old. Rideau street. FRAME RATES | MALE, 46 Lower coLLIE, GRAND--TUESDAY, FEB. 28 Under the patronage of Principal Tayler, Dean Skelton, Dean Clark, Dean Connell and Principal Dyde 'S THEATRE NIGHT COMMITTEE PRESENT FOUND CHILD'S FUR, NEAR of York and Cherry CORNER 3 eets e 8 . eurne i Barrie streets. STREET dre HOUSE, DETACHED, SIX rooms, furnace and lights; price $5,000. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street | DOUBLE FRAME DWELLING, a | rooms each, Johnson street, for $5,~ | 200. Apply J. K Carroll Agency, ! 66 Brock street. f rk anc WELLINGTON near Post Office, package, ec lady's collar. The have same at the are for casn only ' r ible Que "THE COLLEGE FROLIC OF 1922" Under the Direction of Charies K. Gates bB0¢,, Tie. and $1.00, SEATS NOW ON SALE WANTED. p-- Whi Mice LADY'S IMBRELLA, PICKED up in lobby 'at the post office Apply to Postmaster James Stewart. { NTLEMAN'S SILVER WATCH ! on corner of Clergy and | Johnson streets, Apply 112 i Ordnance Street, or phone 1249m. SMALL KEY, PICKED LP NEAR corner of Welllugion and Brock street. Apply Whig Office. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE WORK AS ed expert Apply to GIRL OF s Ch PRICES «ASS AP. Ply at trince George y MBER MAID. raiel, eit } FRAME HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, ELECTRIC light; 3 piece bath; garage; price] $2,600. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, | 56 Brock Street | SPECIAL SALE OF HIGH GRADE | | Bicycle Tires for this week only at, Muller's bicycle works, 371-373 | King street. IPhone 1032w. | -- | | i Whig Office FRONT without Ap- SALESMAN AND CcoLLECTOR WA eu. Apply between § and § pan Henary, ---- #3 RIDEAL STRE Sight revins, three plece « Apply 47 nua WANTED TO RENT WARM either with or GE - - USUAL ALLEN T0-DAY iy THE PICTURE ALL KINGSTON 1S GOING TO SEE "MOLLY'O" THE JOY PICTURE THAT IS GREATER THAN "MICKEY" 'T FORGET SATURDAY MORNING SHOW FOR KIDDIES, 11c. bath, gus, 3, Whig Office Street. ) -- QUOTATIONS ON TWO carloads telephone poles Island Telephone Sys-| Neilson, Sec.-Treasurer, GIRL, GOOD free. Apply to or three Amherst ten. LL. R Stella, Ont. AN EXPERIENCED 168 CHEESE FACTORY IN GOOD FARM- ing section; two vats; fully equip- | ped; price $1,800. Apply J. K. Car-! roll Agency, §6 Brock Street. i VED AT maga- CAPABLE, EXPE mun as working housekeeper Piy to Mrs. 1. J. Rodger, 151 Earl! wo. WOULD BE GLADLY RE Sailors' Mission, old books Any one wishipg » please notify Dew Drop 47 Princesg 8 Phone 1451w DON Anyone finding anything sand Wishing to reacn the owuer may du Su Ly reporting tne favis os | The British Waolg., The adver- | tsement will be printed in tas | GOOD, PLAIN Cook, one in ramily; good wages Apply at once Lo 1yy King Street Prone 359. | SPECIAL--EGG COAL, $13.75, DELIV- | ered; chestnut and stove, $15.50, delivered. Egg coal, $13.25 at car; | Stove and chestnut $14.50. Apply G. W. Richardson, 197 William St | Phone 1353J. a ee Pa HAVE YOU TRIED-- MOLLY'O BISCUITS THE NEW HIT IN BISCUITS MADE BY TELFER'S SOLD EVERYWHERE OWNERS IN . ntenac, Leeds) erplay Phono-| the only permanent for all records 10,000 the « Culutiin free of charge. "Found articles" cues not in- clude lust augs, cutile, horses, ete. These, if just, may be ad Vertised fur in the "Lost cuiumn ---- rraph e A CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER; MUST ln I 4 be good cook and have best of ret- and "all Ph graph Will play erences; splendid home for right 27 060 records = Price $1.50 post- party. Appiy J. A. McDonald, 311 ntl Agent panted, F EB n University Avenue. Pai ens Janted. i = 4 , Kingston | er ---- at Smith, ojos oped | LETTE TX FTO Wood, coal, hay and grain busi- + iness; coal shed, conerete floors, + capacity 2.000 tons; iron-clad el- Pe! evator, pacity 15,000 bushels; of new hay barn, capacity 100 tons; *| general store house, horse barns, | covered scales, dwelling house, *l hen house for 200 hens; one acre + | of garden; good docks and large »| yard Would séll house and lot Separately If required Apply W. *| G. Woedman, Wolfe Island. +! hd PEPOCPE EPI PPI PPG Pe = p-- SALESMEN, BIG MONEYy. F! sales; marvelous invention; dou Powers; mileage; efficiency Eve Automobile owner buys Big - ds mand Write to-day Post Office Box 789, Station F., Toronto, Ont GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN, ON FORT Hill, Saturday nignt. kina please return to Whig Office. TS--REFINED PER- only Apply 1563) TWO APARTMEN sons considered Sydenham Street. SINGLE ROOM, WITH BOARD IF D all conveniences treet, vor phone iHe- = .) BY THE WAY--MOLLY'0--WILL BE AT THE ALLEN THEATRE TO-NIGHT josie deseo ope MAKE MONEY AT HOME, $13 10 $40 pald weekly for your spare time] wilting show cards for us. No can- Vassing. We instruct and suj You with work West-Angus dauvw svard Service, 17 Colborne Bid, Tou- ronto, | FROM FINKLE'S LIVERY ON FEB. 2 vie bay horse, piano-box wp gearing painted ght yei- set of single harness and gray | intormadon for recovery a ir " Finkle & Co. Kingston, | FOR SALE OR TO RENT, Setane; phone BVI... |TARGE STONE DWELLING, 98 EARL T | streei; lately painted ana decorat- "UR SALE. { ed, McClary Sunshine furnace; 3- | at | plece toilet; goud garage; stables TL 3 CoMB| and yard; cpen grates upstairs and also few | down; make a tine rooming house 149 Alfred St. | or could be made into two dwell. : 1 ings. Terms reasonable. Apply at Gilbert's Grocery, 194 Barrie St. EEE ~ eae MERELY ENVIOUS Miss Sourphiz: lsan't it disgust. : ing to hear of so many women in- terested In the prize ring? Mrs. Happiwed: | suppose you TO-DAY = - TO-DAY A PARAMOU PICTURE mean the wedding ring. It's a prize all women are after, but | don't see Cecil B. De Milie's To ON FIRST OF JANLARY, LODGE Toums now occupied by the I. O. 0 | F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND NO ARD; | all Improvements; centrally locat-| _ ed. Apply 243 Ualversity Ave. | N ee erat a ratte +4 grt ash Dancing Instruction given in the Gardem Hall, All the latest damces for 1923----every night from 7 {0 Denll by appointment--iil Brock St. Mra. 8. Cohen, In- structor. Hall phone 357. Renldence phone 1878, « ow, robe; | rewarded WE WANT . SALES a fgent for each um vpresented coun- ty or territory. Kxciusive selling I'ghte, good pay to, energetic rep- resentalives. vur agency is valu Avie. Write I'elham Nursery Co Toronto. Ont NiIME ROOUMED SroXeE HOUS . 146 Montreal! St, all improvements. | Phone 109% ring 3. Vacaut Apri! 1st | FURNITURE AND merchandise; clean and dry. Mc- anything disgusting about It. PFOULTRY "OR SAL i STURAGE. kon BARRIE STRE Pri A ONE OR TWO SELF-RESPECTING BRICK HOUS telligent, aggressive salesmen, over 21, who are looking for a perma- nent position with a large going concern, merit quickly recognized and appreciated. Apply in person only. Room §, Royal Bank Chamb- ers, Bagot street, GUOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK we need you to muke socks on the fast. easily-learned Auto Knitter; experience unnecessary; distance immaterial: positively no canvass ine: yarn supplied; particulars, ie stamp. Dept. 18-C, Auto Knitter Co; Toronto. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED TO SELL NON- friction gas Hter. 200% profit Thompson & Mellwaine, 719 Notre Dame Street W., Montreal. OUR MONTREAL AGENT MADE $64 IX one week, selling tube flavors from house to house. Write quick for terms and territory. Craig Bros, Niagara Kalls, Can, DE PLRITY LAUNDRY TABLETS -- NEW washing discovery, Positively cleans clothes without rubbing. 75 dollars per week. Repeat orders. Free samples. Free adjustment cur- tain rod with every §1 sale, Big ad- vertising campaign. B, & E. Mig. Co, London, Untario. AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITARLE all year commission bLuginess of your.own. livery property uwner needs some of our mine huudred variet of hardy [ted Tag trees and p ts. No capital needed Comple equipment and instru - tion free. Write Dominion Nurser- les, Montreal. SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, la or small, Posters, Showcards displays a specialty, by Shaw at 213 Princess Street. CIVIL ENGINEERING. | STORAGE FOR FURNITLRE, CLEAN VUNNINGHAM & Cann Agency, 56 Brock Street | Fhone 326. | ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM, ELEC- tric light, steam heat; use of phone Gentleman preferred. Apply 230 Barrie Street | FOR | FURNISHED ROOMS housekeeping, every convenience, | ling teiephoNe and use of iry, central. Apply to 168] fon street i dry, airy rooms and spaces; own jock and kéy. Frost's Storage, 299-305 Queen St. 526. ites. 93yw. WELL HEATED FURNISHED | double bedroom on bath room fiat, | no light housekeeping; near car! line and station. Apply 263 King | street E. | BRICK HOUSE, CLERGY ST. EAST, | 7 rooms; gas for lights and couk-! ing: cellar, yard, shed, bath-room Rent. $22, includes water. Posses- Sion March first. Apply Box A-17, Whig Office. | MAY lst, APARTMENT OF 5 ROOMS |" kitchenette, 2 fire places, 3 piece bathroom. Price faclulles électric lighting, hot and cold Water, hot water eating, large recreation grounds. King street west. Ad- dress P. O. Box 112. your City Phone NINE ROOMED SOLID BRICK HOUSE, | University avenue, three-piece bath, | electricity throughout, gas, hot wa. | ter furnace, excellent cellar and yard. All first class condition. Pos- session April 15th. Kent $43. Apply Box' P-18, Whig Office. LEGAL SMITH, DARRIST. ers and Solicijors, 9 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- bam, Cyril M. Smith. w AMBROUSE SHEA, S.A, BARRISTEU and solicitor. Law office, curner ui UNIVERSITY | AWNINGS, ALL KINDS, ALL PRICES, | i NORTH END, A LARGE $1UCK 04 SHEETS OF WHITE } 'STONE STORE AND DWELLING COM- : condition. NINE ROOMED FRAME HOUSE; | men ee a DOUBLE ROUGH CAST DWELL + HAVE FUR SALE ALL KINDS OF facing City Park . | ply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock | Street. | AVENUE, A WELI equipped frame house for $3, Apply J. K Carroll Agency, Brock Street. For prices and samples apply Frank W. Cook, phone 436, or address 219 i Bagot street, Sr¥ ROOM good barn, Carroll Agency, FRAME | hoase wiia for $1775 Apply J. K Broek street. AuM BLANK ets for sale at a reasonable vrice, Cali a1 Houtbard, 239 Priicess or phone 1723. | w FEW TONS OF BALED HAY, 20 BAGS | FURAMTURE REPAl ished; guns, paired prom Stanton & Potatoes, 15 bags seed potatoes, bay | mare, heavy Clyde gelding. T. O. Rielly, Route 1, Portsmouth, Ont. IWSPRINT PA- per; gize 17" by 2 40c. "Suitable for. many purposes Apply British Whig Ofice. bined, down town; locatien, south side of Princess 'street: in good Price $4300, Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. | | dan, marks. skin cancers, scars, elc., re- moved permanently. glasses Nited and furn OClnery have fail=d 85 years' experisuce. Lake Hye 258 Bagot b6 | CALL { Uavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. Ww. holsterin Leave orders at'or drop a card 104 Clergy street Avenue, HOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. Satisfactory ished after Uoitre removed. Lr. Elmer 4 Nose. Throat, Skin Phone #01. -- UI'HOLSTERI ¥G. -- ---- re so ---- OR DROP A CARD TO WwW. J. Lar, HAROLD FOR TOUR ue- & and general repairiayg tv LD AND IN. Kratvaphones, eto. re- Pilly and guaranteed. Sleeth, 35 Princess St. 500 sheets for | COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR. der in all Lpholsteri popular shapes and sizes. ng and repairin, done. 3. J. Goodridge, 244 Un versity Phone i833). FINANCIAL ~---- electric light, gas for cooking, 3-| plece bath and hot air furnacs, | hardwood floors downstalrs; alse a govd barn with stable. Apply to 96] Victoria street, near Mack Street. NG, YRS, mobile and Casualty Insurance, kar] street. STRANGE & STRANGH, agents; esiablished in the most reliable compan Scented. Office 96 Clarence opposite the pust office. H, 8. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. 420 Phone 1782M. INSURANCE 1560 Division street, § rooms each, and closet, gas, rental $288 year, App J. K. Carroll Brock Street. bath per Agency, 56 £00d seconli-hand furniture and Stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of we wilt pay nighest prices. J Thompson, 33% Priucess Street, Phonc 1600w. King and Brock over Hoyal Bauk. Money ty loan. Phone 1999. McLaughlin Roadster. Price for quick sale $1675, | VRONTENAC LOAN AND ment SocieLy, President fiona properties, municipal debentures; investment bonds for sale: deposits received and interest allo C. Cartwright, manager, | ence street, Kingston. INVEST. incorporated Nicsle, K.C.; vice. Cunningham. and arm and coun:y mortgages purc* aged, or I resident, A. hk issued on city R. wed 37 Clar- ARCHITECT "SATURDAY NIGHT" A Gorgeous and Thrilling Pleture of Love That Rushed Too Soon Into Marriage. Cast Includes % LEATRICE JOY, CONRAD NAGEL, JACK MOWER, EDITH ROBERTS, THEODORE ROBERTS "Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of William Robert Billiness, late of the City of Kingston, in the C tenne, Cnbinet-maker, NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suant ta section 56 of the Trustees Act, 1.8.0. 1814, Chap. 121, that all creditors | and others having claims or demands ; Robert Billiness, FIERCER WITHOUT *That hat you bought your wife makes her look fierce "You should have seen how fierce she looked without iti" Auction Sale WILLIAM RICHARDSON, Westbrook, will sell Fifteen Good Dairy Cows at his farm, MONDAY, 27th Feb., 2.00 pom, AUCTIONEER, W. 8. CLARK SA a Auspices of Queen's University GRANT HALL, MON. MARCH ¢ DAME CLARA BUTT Greatest Singer in the Empire $1.50, $2.00, $2.00, $3.00 On sale Monday, Feb. 27th, at Ug- low's Hook Store. Mail orders re- ceived. J rr ten + ft nate will be recelyed until Saturday Noon, February 26th, for material of the old box factory in the cottage on King St Also for moving stones. For particulars apply to J. M. Camp- bell, chairman, building committee Phone 199. CARD OF THANKS. A. Carscallen, Esq, Agent, Merchants i'ire Insurance Co. TOO WARM FOR HIM Polar Bear (In 200): Shucks It Is only down to zero. | wish we'd have a nice cold, bracing spell! TORONTO INCLUDED H. | | | | only | | | | | | | e of the sald William who died on or about the Fifteenth day of January, 1919, at the city of Kingston, are required on or before the Fourth day of March, 1913, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned for Charles Samuel Anglin, the administrator of the estate of the sald deceased, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars, in write ing, of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, If any, held by them. eS AND TAKE NOTICE that after such' last mentioned date the said adminis. trator will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the sald deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard against the estat and that the said not be liable for the in thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice, shall not have beer received by him at the ime of such distribution. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, Solleitdrs for the said administrator DATED at Kingston, this 4th day of February. 1922. then' have notice, administrator wil} sald assets or any ~T -- | Dominion ) Taxi Service to the claims of which he shall 1920 model. Just overhauled. Cord Tires. Good as new. Phone 457w or 410j. Enterprise, Out. Dear Sir:--Kindiy convey to IN GASBOAT WHEEL { company, The Merchants Fire Insur-| Motor Craft Race Here the ance Company, of Toronto, my thanks and appreciation for the prompt and | First Week in Sep-~ liberal manner in which they settled -- tember, PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WHEN WANTING FAINTING un Paperhangug done, drup a card to A. Mounteer, 84 Arch Street. your | TEX spent Le ® 3J POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- tects, Merchants Bank. Chambers. corner of Brock and Wellington YEDICAL. K. ROBINSON, M.D. 365. BARRIS Street. Hours 10.30-12° am. 2-4 p.m. 7-85.80 p.m. Phone 1646 DR. P. H. HUYCKE, 111 WELLINGTON Street, Kingston. Office hours: 11 to 12 am. 2 to 4 pm. and 7 to » evenings, Telephone 436. DENTAL. DR. A, K. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w. -- ay DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, corne. of Brock. ' PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTINATES -- i Scott, 'B.A, BSc, Mem Ei nse. t. Fa . MILLINERY. SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, VEIL. vets, Plush, Ribbons, Veiling, Fea- thers and trimmings. Also a few Velvet Shapes and Children's Hats: 112 L. William Street. FANCY GOODS, HEMSTITCHING, "ICO EDGING, AC gordion, knife and box pleating. Hours § to 5.30, Mrs. BE. A. Card, 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. opposite Artillery Park. MITCHELL, CHUBB & COMPANY, makers of all kinds of leather 8. mitts, gloves, hand bags and il made to order. 2eply . 8 & Duberry, 53 Beverly S *hone €18J. with me for the loss sustained by fire on the night of February 4th, 1922, Yours truly, Signed) EDW. PENWICK. Ont., Feb. 14th, 1922. W. KENT MACNEE| Bank of Lymmerce Bullding, Srock aug King Streets Phone 701 or 13871, General Insurance Agency Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Accident. ONE 5 H. P. "WATERLOO BOY" GAS! engine, on skids; easy terms. One! set light bob sleighs; box and seat complete. Apply Wi F. Alarie, cor- ner rrack and . Wellington streets. Phone 1185W, BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER; ROOMS papered $5.00 per room, including paper; neat patierns to choose from --H Rowley. Fhone 1361w or call at 138 Bay street. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERHANG- E Bet my prices; complete line of Paper. Special prices , this wurkmunship guaranteed. Lyons, 314 barrie Street. 365w. C. BELMONT ---------------------------------------- DINING AND TEA ROOM 65 BROCK ST. 2 ( Finterprise, Ralph H. Sidway, Buffalo, was elected eitiran of the Internation- al Power Boa: Union at its annual meeting in New York. J. W. Sack- rider, Racine, Wis., was chosen vice- chairman and R. E. Power, Cleve- land, secretay, Sickness. Plate Glass Burglary, ete. 'The 1922 racing schedule adoptel | lenresenting Only Reliabie Companies by the Union follows: Peoria, Nr rv, July 1st, 3rd and 4th; Mtiwankes, | "y, » July 14th, 15th and 16th; Put-in- ] I Bay, Ohjo, July 19th; 20th and 21st: | GEO. NOBES Chicago, August 3rd, 4th andgstas Phone 986M. 17 Division Street. STREET, ® "ROOMED frame dwelling; hot air furnace: barn for three horses and four cattle. Good buying at $3,850. Ap- Br J. K, Carroll Agency, 56 Brock | reet. DIVISION SR. Phone BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, A REAL OFPORTUNITY-~WHY NOT go into a profitable, rapidly grow- ing business for yourself? One of the foremost manufacturers of au- tomobile storage batteries has an opening to establish an exclusive distributing agency in Kingston. The battery is well known, nation- ally advertised, is standard equip- ment on many popular cars, and is guaranteed by a company with a Jong established reputation. We will teach you the business and ex- tend the aid of a powerful sales or-| ganization. With a small invests ment you can build a permanent business that will make you inde- adent. Your inquiry involves no Obligation 'and 'will be idered | TRoRe 1045w. confidential. For details write to Mr. .- M. Findlay, co. J. J. Gib- bons, Limited, Toronto. ANTIQUE FURNITURE 3 For This Week Only 1 four posted bed, polished, $45.00. 1 pair twin Walnut beds, Victorian period, $35.00 each. 1 set of 6 walnut chairs, $60.00. 1 walnut chest of Drawers, polished, | $25.00. | 2 Walnut Rockers, $15.00 each. . Everything in Antiques. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP 507 Princess Street. BATEMNAN'S RAL ESTATE, Se, - FOR SALE. FARM IN PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY, 270 acres; frame house; barns stables and sheds; orchard and good well; would exchange for 8ovud town or city property. i -- $3,000----FRAME; lar and pie R A garden. The most popular spot in the -- DR. RUPERT P, MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 city around the meal hour, Princoss Street. Phone 1x50. Upen evenings by appolatment. OR, AVKROAD, DENTIST, UAS Rb sumed practice at u3 Princess St. Sra Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone Buffalo, August 10th, 1th anfl-$2th; | Hamilton, Ont., August 17th 18th] and 19th; Detroit, August 26th to 29th inclusive; Toronto, Ont., Sep- tember 4th, 5h and 6th. Poultry Association, The annual meeting of the King- ston Poultry Association was held on Thursday evening and the election of officers resulted as follows: Hon. President, Col. G. H. Og'lvie; pras- | dent, J. C. K. Munsie; first vice-, presid J. Frost; second vice: president, J. Colclongh, secretary- treasurer; W. J. Arniel; show secre: tary, George Holland; exeecutive committee, R. Sinclair, C. H. Boyes, Mr. Burnett, W. R. Mcintosh, W. White; show committee, R. 'Sin- clair, Mr. Burnett, J. White, W. R. McIntosh, B. Curson, J. Holland, C. Parks, J. Harris; auditors, J. G Patterson and H. M. Snider. wW rooms; &ll . DUNG Arranging for Production 96150 -- BUNGALOW, N » . "av : i furnace; " Hector McCoy, advance agen: for H WwW. vo 3 hrough- | 8. the Boston English Opera Company, Sut: large lot. 32.000 would ban- presenting "H Travatore", is in the -- pe . : city arranging for this big musical | Further Improvement In production at the Grand Opera Canadian Discount Rate House on Monday evening, March : -. " New York, Feb. 24.--'Further J C HOPKINSON improvement in the Canadian dis- . re ore orth Carol it- : » Ning 31 26t send w count rate is thought by many bank- 27 BROCK ST. nmessesta Canada 'o appear at hearing for the extradition of the negro oly be Sue principally to fhe fact (One Door Below King St.) 3 4 i is t Cana buying here in pre- Bullock. The state governor is very tion for the Ot One Bul ed "The Bright, Clean Store" CHIROPRALTIC. A, MARCELLs, D.C, Pa. Cor £ Princess and Barrie Sreots Sud 5 St. entrance, Kingston, nt. ~ 824J. Hou Lunch Dinner tesiiieene.,12 to 2 pam. tresses. Oto 8 pam. Consultation free. Telephone rs §tol2 are )tos 3 GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, Lucy. Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse. 239 Bagot aire t i Brock. Te. 4 : So Am 1 h to m. na ysis consultation ree. Residential by appointm BEST HARD COAL Prices range from $10.00 to $16.50 per | ton, according to size and preparation. James Swift & Co., Limited | | | | | | HOME STYLE COOKING | 1 { | MARRIAGE LICENSES : CHARLES F. ADAIR, CATARAQUY uit, issuer of marriage licenses. Phone 2587 r 12. CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT PIE CARPENTER See James Selby, Cun.rachor, 22 University Avene Phone Inve % RE onl Be ------------------ at a ------ Try Gsteopathy The modern science of healing. It adjusts the bony framework of the human machine, frees the nerves from impingement, stretches and relaxes the contracted ligaments and muscles and brings a normal b, supply to every part of the body, ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS when Indicated. Telephone 447 fur appointment. 4 DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT 204 King St. between Earl & Gore Twelve years success in Kingston, > PARIS MUST ACT QUICKLY OR LOSE OLYMPIC GAMES In order to hasten a decision re- garding the arrangements for the Olympic games of 1924, awarded to Paris, M. Byarnegaray, deputy from the lower Pyrennes, has filed an fo- ierpellation of the government, point- ing out that even the site for tac SPECIALS | FOR THURSDAY | Breakfast Bacon, mild cured 1 by the piece, any size . .28¢. per Ih. New Seedless Raisins e000. 28ec. My 5 Ib. pail best Honey ......,..906¢ Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Pranes, Figs. ROOMS; GOOD CEL- lot. with fruit and T00~FRAME; 6 ROOMS; IMPROVE. ments; garage and double lot. BRICK; WEST END; 9 improvements; hardwood 40x200, BRICK ar a 2100 FRAME UR : Ni electric lights; north end. PR $630 -- SMALL HOUSE WITH OUT- building and lot 33 x 132. Macdon- ' mid street. : 3 -® Lt i ; ROOMS; a 35 4h "1 1OT \ | STOVES | J TIRE Phone 705 ME BUNGALOW; 5 ROOMS, Dew; good lot. ngry because Canada will not turn horn Bullock without legal ceremony {million dollars which has been under discussion in Canada for some time", The first house was built in Birm- ing AN 'in 1871, says the Wall Street Journal today, i

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