z THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FOR CHOICE MEATS and' FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein 282 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 NOTICE urches, Si y Schools atic institutions eof ms will be supplied FREE OF RGE one evening each during ter with team and sleigh for driv- Kingston Transfer Co. DR.A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 363 ns Dr. Waugh 'Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 Angrove's Repairs Beales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby, Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We do repair work right and guar. antee satisfaction. 197 Wellington Street. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Fhove 1763, Res., 1137, WR Hokae & On GOLDEN LION BLOUK, COAL Coal, Np other kind sold by us, & 00. Phone 188 FREE AT LAST OF KIDNEY TROUBLE "Fruit-a-tives" Brought Her Health and Strength V 624 Cuanrraiy St., MONTREAL "For 8 years, I suffered copstantly from Kidney Disease and Liver Trouble. My health was miserable and nothing in the way of ordinary medicine did me any good. Then [I started to use "Fruit-atices™ and the effect was remarkable. All the pains, Headaches, Indigestion and Constipption were relieved and once more I was well. All who suffer from such troubles should take "'Fruit-a-tives" Madam HORMIDAS FOISY. B0c a box, 6 for $2,50, trial size 250. At dealers or seat postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. | | Left for California, R. J. Reid and J. P. Hanley laft, on Friday, for Los Angeles, Cal, { where they will spend the remainder { of tho winter, { To Use Stove Wood. { A mumber of local merchants are laying fn a supply : of stove-wood, some of which is being bought from {farmers of the district. Mixed with | coal, a splendid heat is obtained. Boys' Suit Sale, | For a lew days only we will put «0n sale our entire stock of Boys' and { Youths' Suits, sizes 26 to 35, all col- {ors, latest style, regular $9 suits for [$6; $12 suits at $8; $15 suits at $9, Prevost, Brock street. i Died At Age of 06. | Hiram Dodge, who is dead at Car- |dinal at the age of mimety-six was | prabably the oldesj resident of Gren- PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing. 12 Markland St. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed. PETER D, BROWN Phone 2387Tm, | ville gounty. For eighty years he | lived upon the farm in Edwardsburg | township where he was born, | Will Not Be Very Bad. When spring does arrive with all | the accompanying and most welcome | warm weather, g¢he €ide-walks will Frapidly become dry, as there is ao ERS UP YOUR great amount of snow this year to SORE STIFF JOINTS cause a week or two of slushy walk- THE. R and hard WESTER ome and fad m! bottle of uscles and joints, Have Sloan's Eis handy epply pi Peneirales without rubbing, ou wil meural, For find at once a comfortin; sense of warmth which will be follo by a relief from the soreness and stiffness of aching joints, Alsowgelieves r umatism, sciatica, gia, sprainsand strains, years pain's enemy, Ask ing, . Heads Brockville Hospital. , Mrs, Marie C. Fox, superintendent of nurses at the Parry Sound Gen- eral Hospital, has been appointed superintendent of the Brockville General Hospital. She succeeds Miss Priscilla Campbell, who left a few days ago to accept a similar position in the General Hospital at Chatham. 1 Canada Following Great Britain, The London Grocers' Gazette for January 8th states that the consump- tion of tea in Great Britain and Ire- land has increased 34 per cent. since 1913. They now use about nine pounds per head per annum in the United Kingdom, and the increase in 1921 ower the previous year amount- BUILDING ? 21 Main Street. REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given O. Aykroyd & Son DR. BELL'S SHAVING CREAM Brushes up quickly; creamy lather and retains its moisture Phone 1670. ed to seventeen million pounds, This AUTO 'TOPS RECOVERED and REPAIRED R. H. JONES 390 PRINCESS STRERE® Phone 153. Stops Pain Instantly The simplest way to end a corn is Blue-jay. A touch stops the pain in- stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in two forms--a colorless, clear liquid (one drop does it!) and in extra thin plasters. Use whichever form you prefer, plasters or the liquid--the action is the same, WE BUILD HOUSES ON TERMS THAT WILL SUIT YOU / Kingston Cement Products H. F, NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed laboratory. Sold by all druggists. WOMAN TAKES _ EVERY CHANGE > ] PENCILS E, E HH i if HH -£ i 2 REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts, i & ! ot 2 2 § ! - --~Q § | Ft i : § g 5 = it tl 5 Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. ? f . Quebeo Sna Gas Fire King Heaters It Is Estimated Sh ove 4 iin of guspa carry Life Insurance. - What a powerful argument against want, sufficient for your needs, If let me quote you figures poverty In old sge.. Ig tae t of Insurance you earry not, Policy for an additional smount - company~L i Foi bi i i : 5% he ' derson, Portsmouth, eormous consumption accounts for the great rise in the price of tes. The consumption of tea in Canada only amounts to 4 1-2 pounds per head per enfum, but it is increas ing. Mrs. G. A. Roy Dead. The death of Frances, wife of Col- onel George A. Roy, commander of the Royal Canadian Garrison Artil- lery, Halifax, N.S., occurred on Fri- day, following an illness that de- veloped into pneumomia, Mrs, Roy was a Miss Murray, Pembroke, Ont. The Reoys lived at one time in King- ston, The Second to Pass Away, Capt. Alfred Rollimgs, M.M., who dled in the Mowat Sanitorium, was burried at Cobourg on Sundey with full military honors, His father and three brothers also served in the war, and one brother, Pte. George Rollings, made the supreme sacrifice in 1916. Appointed to Write Report, Miss Charlotte E. Whitton, as- sistant secretary of the Social Ser- vice Council] of Canada, was appoint- ed at a meeting of the Industrial Lite and Immigration Committee of the Council to draw up a comprehensive report on immigration, She is a Queen's graduate, To Be Sworn In on Tuesday. W. F. Nickle's returns have reached the Ontario parliament buildings and it is expected he will be sworn in and introduced on Tues- day. He will be presented to the house by Hon. G. H. Ferguson and either Hon, G. 8, Henry or Capt. Joe Thompson, 4he Conservative whip. Only One Made Profit, Only one farmer of all those who competed from eight counties in the acre profit competition of the On- tario agricultural' department suc- ceeded in making @\profit on his acre of oats, according. jo) the announced results, Cecil Luther, R.R. 7, Napa- nee, Lennox and Addington, show- ed $1.43 profit. . Fear and Trembling, The Gananoque Journal says: The city of Kingston bas already hed over three months of political ex- citement, but the worst is yet to come, Developments in connection with the protest which was filed on Saturday will be watched with in- terest by those outside the city and with fear and trembling .by many in the city itself, Bale to an Oil Company, The British American Oil Com- pany is establishing a depot and dis- tributing station in Kingston and, on Friday bought the property of the Bailey Broom Manufecturing Com- pany from J. M. Hughes, The com- pany will take over possession on May 1st. Mer, Hughes is not going out of business, however, but has arranged to carry on the menufac- ture of brooms and the business of the Watson Manufacturing Co.apany on another site, The site just sold was a very valuable one for the pur- poses of the ofl company which will erect tanks for storage and Jatilize the mallway sidings which give access to cars, The negotiationd were com- pleted by George Fyffe, Ottawa, manager for Eastern Ontario, A Bocial Event, The Catarequi U.F.0, Club held a successful euchre and dance in the hall on Wednesday evening, Febru- ary 15th. Salsbury's orchestra, Kingston, provided music for about two hundred people. The euchre prizes were won by Mrs. Henry Mao- Row and J. Simpson, Cataraqui. The consolation prizes went to Miss V. Price, Collin's Bay, and James Hen- Lunch was served about 11.30, after which Pro, McKay gave a number of selections on the violin. An address was given | Kingston and Vicinity | by Rev, Canon Smith, Cataraqui, efter which dancing was enjoyed by both old and young, until about one O'clock when the event was brought to a close by singing "God Save the King". The club {ntends holding an- other of these dances. A Settlement Reached, "The old grey mare is not what she used to be many years ago." The above are line from an old song, and they were recalled in police court on PBaturday morning, in a case which came before Magistrate Farrell when the ownership of a grey mare was in dispute. Two black horses also figured in the case. An interesting part of the evidence came from one of the witnesses who claim- ed that he would not give more than $5 for the three animals, so the steeds could not have been very valu- able. After evidence had been taken the two lawyers on the case, C. R. Webster and Ambrose Shea, had a consultation with the magistrate and a satisfactory settlement of the case Was made, but it was not given out for pubHeation, } Wedded af Sydenham, At the home of the bride's father at Sydenham, on Tuesday, Feb, 14th, a happy event took place when La- vada B. G. Richards, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lewis J, Richards, «was united in marriage to Delbert Oderkirk. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev, George Stafford, tives, The bride was becomingly at- tired in navy blue silk with gold beaded trimmings. After the cere- mony the guests were served a wed- ding dinmer, the table being decked with a beautiful three-storey wed- ding cake, the gift of the bride's brother, Lorne Richards, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs, Oderkirk left by Sedan oar for Kingston and Gananoque, where they will visit with relatives. Mr, Oderkirk {8 one of the business men of Sydenham, Headaches Gone insaing whit ai age Epub 'had suffered terribly with headaches for ten years, __Read about it in this latter, Mrs. Tena A. Smith, Country Harbor Cross Roads, N, S., Square Oak and Fir Timber in large di- mensions for resawing. : \ In our sawmill, we can saw to size re- quired, on short notice. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington i fitreets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 08, Factory in ; : Thone 1415. ROYAL OAK GREETS 2s with & better tire than ever, The new Royal Oak, 30x314 fabrie tire; weight, 16 pounds; mileage 6,000 miles (backed by the som- pany); price, lower than ever before. See them before buying at: » BASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBCER CO. the presence of the immediate rela-<4 writes: A. NBAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street, Phone 2050. Brick house on Montreal Street -- 3 piece bath, electrie lights, furnace . + $2,600 Stone House with brick extension, kitchen, electri lights, 3 piece bath, hot water furnace; private driveway; real loeation. A bargain .. coves mimes ney ve «$8,700 M. P. TRUMPOUR 111 1-2 Brock Street "Phones 704 or 1461w --- 'Gourdier's emer ttt wet WINTER OVERCOATS MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW - MODELS -- BEST VALUES | $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. ~~ _ (One door below Randolph Hotel) i --a-- THE NEW « Nas | Are here in great variety--Checks, plain shades and Plaids -- Cana- dian. English and Scotch makes-- 27" and 32" wide--at 25c., 35c., and 45¢. a yard. COLORED SHEER LINENS very scarce goods in Pink, Helio,