LS THE DAI Ean aad ot eet TORE PAIS | tue, clude George 1 SO stage and last season's tour which |Arlies in "Disraell," Mary Pickford ! gia Saeed So |r imorsstue." and I. W.rGeit- : : plays shattered all rds His | ith Dr St Ad Hardwood Flooring Our Hardwood Flooring is unsurpassed MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1922, | phonograph numbers on Victor, Em- |erson and Edison machines ere to in quality and manufacture. Get our quo- tations on Beech, Birch, Maple and Qak. Theatrical Allan Lumber Co. Tonight "Midnight Revels." " 1 you iter to-day depen anki Soo vory catch snd Sunetuiand [open te Jouss shoring (21, "il P hone 1042 " - - - Victoria Street > AMT IH "Griffin's, "The Biot." Lois Weber's great drama of pride Blot," will = E in your laugh, and desire to cure it er EB without further diagnoses, come e "Mavourneen," 'My Galway | Griffin Theatre E ont Dagan aio yi Toshads "The Road to My Love," "An| Lois Weber, noted for her skill at = Moana he Tie bt Opera | Indah Song Will Live as Long as Life producing motion pietuze produc- = Jade Yan oe aw at § énd Love Shall Lest," "I Wis a Pil- tions with a human inferest story, a = This attrtmetioh 4s one quite out of | 8rim in Love-Land" and "Kathleen." [has been credited with her greatest } ps Ta 2 the ordinary and ds crammed full,of | Mr. Gatts has dhosen the $0l10W= | triumph In "The Blot," a picture : y = #00d, clean fun from start to finish, (ing well known players for the cast |advertised by the honest, unashamed Ez Miss Aime Grey is the star performer, | of "Irish Byes": Mr. Obes. W. Din- tears of mililons of people, Its'story sprightly litle person, brimtul of (gle, Mr, Bennett R. Finn, Mr. [is one of vital interest, inasmuch eg = vita io sings and dances her |Pacie Ripple, Mr. Clay Cody, Mr. it is topical and deals with cvents om a CroN RO the whole show, Her [Albert West, Miss Frederica Going, | recently commented upon nationally Songs. "Uz Gus Gooslum™ and "I'm [Miss Olive Meehan, and Miss Lydia | py the newspapers of the United glad I took mother's advice", always (Kane. This splendid attraction | States, eal for an encore. comes to the Grand Opera Houses on | In her story, Mies Weber has i- am Two eplendid sketches, in which | Wednesdsy, February 23nd, metinee |lustrated a situation dealing with wn Bonds Twenty Points Lower ROYAL SWEETHEARTS. In 1012, a normal pre-war year, Ontario This exclusive photograph shows King Alexander of Municipal bonds which are now ¢ on to yield 5.60% were sold to yield but 4.209%, This means that in 1917 a twenty-year 69 Ontario Municipal bond would have sold at 13419 compared with to-day's price of This illustration emphasizes the fact that notwithstanding recent minor advances, bond prices are now unusually low. For this reason, careful buyers of bonds are taki vantage at exist. Write for a list of these bonds. Wood, Gundy & Cos Motitreal 3% King St. West New York Winnipeg -- i ------ny no Says His Mouth Betrays the Crook takes part soreamingly(| and night.--Advt, &n underpaid teacher. She depicts Toy ae suit He dione atm: the poventy that he is forced to un- *Wbly. Perhaps these are two of She Norma Talmadge. dergo with his wife and daughter, finest foatures of the show. The firs. | Because he thought he had 108 | how the ite, desperate and in need Which wil be relished by ail who do | Standish didn't care if his name de | daughter, is on the Yerge of becom. not regard the motion pictures as 5 (came a byword at the Planters [ing thief, Throughout the picture up and it he was an easy PreY | you will find many heart-throbs and Jugo-Slavia and Princess Marie of Rumania, whose engage- for every card sharp in the island |o message that is vital will be re- | : - | a Nee -------- end rous features of the average | where came Ginger ,the island or: Appearing in the cast of screen Sh0 Judicapis deo phan of Spanish-English parentage, celebrities is Claire Windsor, Philip Charge Shattered Hand. 5 In the second burlesque sketch (a girl With a wonderful personality Hubbard, Marie Walcamp, Louis | Belleville, Ont, Feb, 20.--Philip they give an tdem of a village con- [and unbounded faith and Courage. | Calhern, Margaret McWade and | GANANOQUE Walsh, a well known and middle Who can appreciate burlesque, for iL [vided the spark of interest neces- Former screen successes credited | bunting, skipped and fell, causing the reveals the company as an aggrega- [sary to restore his self-respect. to Lois Weber, producer of~yThe gun he was carrying to discharge. tion of genuine artists who can mo-| Such is the striking situstion that Blot," include "Hypocrite," Feb. 20.--The Beeley's Bay and His left hand and wrist were shat- Sumplish individual portraiture of a [gives impetus to "Love's Redemd- Please One Woman." "What's Worth bigh school hockey teams, played at | tered dn such a manner that amputa- vicar down to the vicar's children the (at the Allen Theatre, starring Norms oy's Bay winning by a score of 4-2, types are irresistibly funny, and the |Talmadge. Saturday night the C,L.A.C. and 4 i Smvitation of the squire's daughter The story throbs with heart in- Bachelors played another league Close-ups" of the war, so hard to Who wants fo go on the stage is as [terest and & romance that teems with game, resulting in a score of 4-3 jn | Obtain, are given from Canon Scott's 1, "O 4 which commences in the Whig next dy a8 we have seen for many a long {from Andrew Soutar's novel, -- Tuesday night the high school meet day, while the vicar's wife, tring to | Principle," a book that has bad Hockey Suures, 12, Argo. | the Independents dn the last league | WOeK. sing & sentimental ballad, keeps the [thousands of yeaders.--Advt, Senfor 0.H.A.--Granites 12, Arg, | game of the season. The trophy. how. | fudienpo bubbling with laughter.-- tin Baws 5. | ever, has been won by the battery. Adwt, At the Strand. 1 Professional Canadiens 6, St, [(0mPanied by the latter's sister, Mrs er Scanlan in "Irish Eyes." |by "Humoresque," a Cosmopolitan : . ilton 8. |W+ C. Phillips, Athehs, left for Nalin Eyes" is the latest produe- | production released by Paramount, | Patrick's 4, Ottawa 4, Hamilton 2. {Smith's Falls on Friday night, to at- tion dn 'which George M. Gatts™ will j comes another screen epic of the Wee tend at the bedside of their brother, In Montreal cn Saturday McQ | I TWman Cadwell, who 1s seriously Walter Scanlan on his second annual | Around the Corner." Fannie Hurst, 1 on ves 2 8 aH A _ |. tour, egimorris by the American [who wrote '"Tumoresque," alsa [Students were th WIBHSFS of the sen Mrs. George Scott, Who hes been author Edward B. Rose. In his new | wrote the story of "Just Around the [ior Intercollegiate basketball team |a patient in Kingston General hospl- role, Mr. Scanian is sald to eolipes | Corner," which was published by [when they defeated Varsity, If since the days of 'Billie Scanlaa.' "'Ir- | Miss Hurts's first collection of short | ain on Saturday in Kingston, it will W. J. Wilson was tn Kingston Ish Byes" is, a charming romswso, stories, Frances Marion wrote the /mean a three-cornered tle. | With his mother, over the week-end, with brilliant dialogue, genn..e Ce.- | scenario and | directer "Just Around | who is a patient in the General hos- 'The scenes are laid in the beauty spot | the Strand Theatre to-day for the| The Young Irishmen defeated Riv- Miss Miller, Montreal, spent the of iIreland--Galway--and on the [first time, ersides in a senior oity league DIay- | week-end at the parsonage, the guest Hudson river, New York. The Strand announce a series of [Off by 3 to 1 at the Arena Saturday | of her sister, Mrs, D. Mick. Mr, Scanlan's singing of tender |big successes that are stirring the (night. The game was very fast and E. H. Hurd 8d Mrs. R F. Gra- "mens | handled well by Referee " loque on Sunday owing to the serious | | Smith. Cook and Gunn figured in a [illness of their brother, and father, | "scrap" and were sent to the cooler |C. H. Hurd, King street. {for a long rest. A regrettable ine | "Sammy" Hall had his eye and cheek out badly, when Devin rushed | TO FACE MURDER CHARGE through the defence to score, and, in ------ shooting, his stick accidentally Wanted at Guelph in Connec- tion With the Killing of Governor MoNab, is an impression of a movie show, |everything worth living, OUord |of food end Clothes for their sick ol films, are fortunately not blind "o of Jamaica. And then out of no- [vealed {ment was announced a short time ago. cert, this ds a sheer delight for all | Resolved to save Olifford, she pro- many others. i aged resident of Tyndinaga, while laughter compelling kind from the [tion," the First National attraction While?", "Shoes," etc--Advt. the park rink on Friday night, Seel- | tion was necessary. cleverly executed a bit of pure come- | tender moments, It was adapted [overtime in favor of the club. pen in "The Great War As I Saw It." Junior O.H.A.--St. Mary's 4, 5 Mr. and Mrs. ge Plokett, ao. Following the great success made | Andrew's Collegiate 3. Geor present his young actor and singer, | East Side of New York in "Just May Be ThreereCornered Tie. : tal for some time, returned to her all impersonators of Irish character Harper and Brothers, Now York, in [Queen's are able to win from Me- | home yesterday. tic humor and a charming love story. [the Corner," which will bé seen at Young Irismmen Defeat Riversides. | ital. ballads has made him one of the most [film fans in all large cities, These | inclined to be & bit rough, though | ham, Kingston, were called to Ganan~ dent occurred in the game, when | THREE CONVICTS TAKEN caught Hall in the face, Three convicts were taken out of FRONTENACS AWAY. SF 5 : §* i s95d7s 4 I i : ; fact hy observing a man, whem me straight in the eye while he rated my attention on that feature, could do It. Then | noticed the uited In further twitching of his ried this eye. by thelr Leave for Cleveland on Thursday Night with Strong Team. Frontenacs will leave at midnight on Thursday for Cleveland to play a short series of games with the Cleveland Athletic Club's hockey sextette, one of the best teams in the United States. They have invited their old team-mate, Charles Stew art, and Carson Cooper, leading goals getter of the senior O.H.A., to go along with them, and also Tilton, the crack player of the Cornwall team, It is likely that all three will accept. The club had hoped to -také a Kingston All-Star team, but the senior Intercollegiiate game here on Friday evening made that impossi- ble. The team to go, in case the three outside players accept, will be: Goal, Stewart and Morris; de- fence, McDonald (Queen's) and L. Browne; left wing, Joe Smith; cen- tre, F. Browne and Woodru; right 'wing, Carson Cooper and Tilton, VARSITY TEAM TAKES ASSAULT Queen's Won One Bout, But Fought Hard Throughotit. University of Toronto came out on top in the Intercollegiate assault held in Toronto Friday and Satar- day, McGill ranked second and Queen's emerged in the bottom posi- tion. Queen's has nothing to be ashamed of, because all the bouts were 80 closely fought that it was only a matter of a shade on who would win and the tri-color's old Jinx seemed fo follow them into this field, Particularly gratifying outside of Portsmouth penitentiary on Sunday, to be tried on a charge of murder. They are Samuel McArdle, Joseph Hobson and William Cook, were taken to Guelph to be tried on a charge of murdering John McNab, governor of the jail at Guelph. The convicts were taken on the In- ternational Limited over the Grand Trunk, and were taken under the charge of Guards Filson, Sullivan and Wand, Another man named Bedard, re- eently rounded up in New York, is also being charged In connection with the murder, All thrse men are alleged to have made an attack on Governor McNab last Thanksgiving day and mads their escape, i, POLICE WERE CALLED TO CATCH BURGLARS Believed Plans Were Laid Sat- urday Night to Rob Prin- cess Street Store. It is believed that a couple of burglars had plans laid oh Saturday night to rob the store of Allan Ma- soud, Upper Princess street. About eleven o'clock, Mr, Masoud and one of his clerks, who were in the store, heard some person or per- Sons prowling around the rear of the store, and it is stated thet when an investigation wes made, footprints were discovered in the snow, A call was sent to the police station and a couple of constables hurried 8 Tes (Tahitl) Fox- Wes. Tutte) ST a Tvot Granny-- She Loves Me, She Loves Not--Medley Fox-Trot The Da; Dan Fox-Trot 1 Want You Merning, Nooa and Silvery Why Dea't To Seat Song 'Hits Give Me My J ug Mag Kopel ES 2 Charles Hart and Elliott Shaw Wabash Blues Dolly Comedienne Got Te Hare My Daley Bucs . Trot t You' Smile+Fox-Trot Marie--Fox-Trot ' Dowa, the Old Church Alsle-- Fox. SupODremms Ideale Baritone Solo, Riccardo "La Tra a ay by) Marie Barrientos and That's How The "Macushla" the two victories were the showings [the scene, but no arrests were made, of Harvey and Saylor in the wrest ling, Howard, Roberts and Hanna in the boxing and Humter in the feme- ing. This last min won his round and so also did Hioimot an the 118. bs. boxing. "BilMe" Hughes, the Holmes bout, says: "He his his man with bverything but the 'WEDNESD FEBR . CURIANG GAMES, AY, UARY 22nd ; The ice at the curling rink was : ', : not very busy over the week end. % Come early and inspect our stock : : 4 of Pastry on our Opening Day. Bi fsved & : | ; : . . i | ; e I : k y ° : wll ETE | C.W, Lindsay, " Columbia Redords on sale at : i The J. M. Greene Music Co., tc Treadgold's Sportin Agents for Columbia Records rr