THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. i |school clubs, the requests received | | Ul IN | from the various secretaries are men- | | tioned a follows: SCHOOL TNE | "Macdonald School--A reception {room furnished with tables and » rm ------ er : 9 i | chairs, ! ' (Continued from Page 1.) | Central School--$150 towards the | : inderstood it was not the intention |PUrchése of a piano; a kiXchon 'f the separate schools to have a re- {equipped with an eicctric stove and presentative on this board this year. [hot and cold wdter; five more eiec- [ "What does that mean?" asked tric lights in the halls and basement; | PROBS: Saturday, fair and milder. ; [i] | meal . ; . Trustee Jones, ithe green paint on the interior wead- | i] Years will not dim Trustee Jones said he regarded { work of the building removed; dark | les : A ny in Lhe resolution as passed by the To- |Moom prepared for lantern work. Will Cure ~Any i the brilliance of a fine ronto board of education as a mila | Frontenac School--An assembiy ii one. He desired the schools to re- {room in the attic of the building, | Cough | main as at present. heated and seated; dark room for | * i | d | Trustee Elliott said he would ag- [lantern work. | a m 0 n ree to the third clause of the resolu- | Robert Meek School--The yard (tion which called for no legislation | improved. 25 Cents to "increase Roman Catholic Separ- "Louise School--Electric lighting | Our stock of these [lf ate school revenue at the expense of insalin) Wiouton te aM our public schools." Trustee Jones aay --A grant of §i0 is lll 28reed to climination of previous |toWerds the purchase of a Victrola; clauses, jan electric stove; single desks in- | : There was some further discussion |5tead of the double ones now in the L. T. BEST i (Very extensive, and |} , og Ta. bud Bialfly Sho MgO: [EVD SOME. oi bl tion es amended, moved by cto! Col--AS assembly Prescription Draggist. we know that the Trustee. Jones, seconded 'by Trustee [room in the most convenient place in | . . Norman, was carried. | the bullding, quality and prices are -- : ." " Heard a Deputation. Management Committee, the very best. A deputation, composed of Mrs. H ee oLOWiNE repost of ie Mag: E. Day, Mrs. L. T. Best, J. G. Bttin- | 28emei mmries, m y | ger and H. D. Wightman waited on (ae yal man, Jruyiee Ww. M Camp- | [the board, in support of a request [Pll Was a opted : | We can show you fff { beerd. in supp Setival Club ut | Tat fhe c3penses of die eolles:. . . | Victoria school, to have Victoria |e institute shooting team's trip to | Diamonds set in nat- [jf Vr examined, with a view to de. | TOPO to tako past in the competi : termining the most suitable location | 0% In that city be paid by . ural Gol d, White for an assembly room, and that de- board, The amount is $120. Gold Plati | finite plans be made for its construc- | That the request of Col. Gillespie old or Flatinum, ac- filition for that club, which is prepared [10 We hing al te public wel . {to co-operate with the board, in |3CSL uniforms be cleaned and reno- | cording to your de- equipping the room, and prepare [rated, > be sieved 2 Sy vimment | : plans for providing ways and means gran e:ng ava e for the pur- | uncommon words-- maybe, but sire. for doing its part in this desirable | poee. | very common.causes of undertaking. . That new caps be procured for HEADACHE i Members of the deputation were Te Ets as Jmjeaeary: [ | ° en Ss n money We have glass:s that remove {heard in the matter, and put forth | these causes and give [their case in an able manner, and |! defray the expense. | | "That household science equip- | the matter was referred to the pro- IMMEDIATE {perty committes. b [ ment be purchased for that depart- RELIEF e [lll The board received a letter from {ment to the value of $30, Before consulting the physi- || or W. F. Inman, in regard to the same | That a drawing attachment be clan, before using medicines JEWELERS matiar {procured for the mimeograph at thao and drugs, come and see us, i Limited | Charlotte Lovick |collegiate institute at a cost of $75. 3 ick made lication It your headache is caused by or ne ' enplieagion | A report of the finance ¢ommittee, | eye strain we cure it Establish:d 1840 or the position of public school re- 1 : presentative on the board of en- [Presented I Se shatpwah, Frasier | {fll King Street - - Kingston Hl trance examinations. Referred to | 1's. Newlands, was a presente THROUGH PROPER i i ih {and adopted. It recommended the GLA the management committee | SSES : | M. E. Jardine, clerk of Hespler, {Payment of the usual batch of ac- |Ont., submitted a resolution passed | COURS, Keeley I M 0 D 0 Making Ready to Move. by the council tere, dealing with " 9 Lha\lellelle Thomas York, Switzerville, is bus- the proposal of the department of Need for Skating Rinks. Optometrist and Optician, ily engaged in moving his farm im- | education to raise the examination | ~The question of school skating : Princess Street. plements to his former home, near standards for matriculation to the |Tiks, which was under discussion at | 8 doors above the Opera House: | | Thorpe, which farm he intends to oc- | universities, The couneil disapproves |# recent meeting, was again taken | cupy efter March 1st. | 0f the proposals to raise the examin- | UP after the board had agreed to pay rr ------ {ation standards for matriculation to the sum of $60 for the expense in- | i curred at the collegiate rink. All m---- Ty Se a SAAC |: miverster. foe sre EE aS ne ae EI {sent standards are quite high enough |but the question to be considered and that if any changes are made, it {is regarding how they shall be main- Will 'be the means of shutting out | tained. Trustee Mrs. Newlands ol] stholars of average ability {ed to have a committee wait on the | Asked for his opinion in regard |CiVic finance commitiee, apd endea- | to the matter, Principal Sliter sald |YOT to secure the council to set aside that he thought the proposed change |® 'definite sum of money for rinks would be to the advantage of the |il Suitable locations ardund the city. students. It would hold them longer Her aim fs to have the rinks com- in the collegiate. They would be do- | dWcted as municipal rinks, and pro- {ing part of their course there, and perly supervised, Trustee W. J. C. "If you would be known and not know, live in a village; if you would know, and not be known, live in a city." Do you know we can supply many of your rural needs such as: -- HOUSE and WELL PUMPS, MILKER REPAIRS, ALL STEEL BATHS, SANITARY CHEMICAL CLOSETS, ALADDIN OIL LAMPS and ACCESSORIES, CROSS CUT WOOD SAWS, LEA- THER, CANVAS and RUBBER BELTING, STEAM BOILER REPAIRS, HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS. {he considered this was the best place | Allen seconded the mofon, stating SPECIAL OFFER {for them to take it. The board took |!/at he was heartily in favor of hav- Usual Price Reduced Price ~ precious stones RO NPE PRY 4 rap ER IH IH no action. ings the city operate ghese rinks, h The latter r Truetea Boyd moved in amend- . : a ® latter trom H. KX. Vipond, sake | Trustes Boyd 'moved Io smens- as appeared. Our windows, show cases and counters display fas- | ir(z the board to give the P 1 1 [ot a cn ver penty BAK, von of the bard xisies with the cinating new Frocks, Wraps, Sport Coats, the new belted Burberry board has alread d home and school clubs and work out 11: . K fotter, Oy deaR With thelr for inks lor exc Giiter. Coats, Millinery, Piece Goods and Accessories. Emma Wilder, on behalf of the | IRis was seconded by Trustee Ang- | Home and School eliah - Rideau | 10, and on the matter going (0 a ENTER THE TRIM NEW SUITS school, asked the property commit | Vote, the Seon was carried by ' : ; tes for a grant of $50, to help bu a vote of 0 b. . 3 _ : ; Vietrolia which the club is endeavor. Es You simply will not be able to resist their attractiveness. You Ing to secure. Referred to the pro- Reports of Officials. will buy your new Spring Suit early this year we feel assured, be- | perty committee, Inspector J. Russell Stuart report- : > . . M. V. Compton, secretary. wrote ed on the attendance in the public cause of their extreme chicness and exceptional value. "Sharples" Cream Separators $125 $50 - . sd $100 $40 We are well known: in the City and perhaps not known to you in the village. Come and do your business with a house that gives satisfaction with moderate prices. McKelvey & Birch, Limited 65-71 BROCK STREET . - - - PHONE 287 EEE RR RI SUT HA the board on behalf of tha Home and schools for January as follows: | School club of Central school, stat- Enrollment in public scheols, PRICED FROM Ce ane eee . $24.95 to $75.00 ing that the club bas purchased a '2,750; averaze attendance, 2,456. | lantern, and asking the board to Pro- , Enrollment at Orphans Home, 23; a room, and also to connect the lan- ment, 2,773; average attendance. | (tern. The property committee wili [2,479. The enrollment in the public $7.50 EACH McKelvey & Birch asked whether | of last year. : For to-morrow we will offer 4 or not Cataraqui school could be| Mr. Stuart also added the follow rather than exaggeration of style 8 turing purposes. Referred to the | "Rideau school is mot properly is the keynote of our entire range Skirts in Navy and Black. Eight committee md cleaned, nor is the ' heating of the , of street and afternoon frocks-- * new Spring styles for your choos- Property Committee's Report. This is a serious matter since it develo ed in S rin 's most fav- 1 1 1 1 The report of the property com- directly affects" the health sf pupils P . P g f ud ng, In waist bands up to 32 inch- 2 ; [| ored fabrics and shades. | es. A very special value. "tee J. B. Cooke was received and "The ventilating system of the | - adopted. The report follows: Robert Meek school does mot work Priced from ....... $1850 up | Pricedat ........ ....) $7.50 "That a grant of $150 be made by |satisfactorily." po : plano for the Central school by the |Sliter, on the attendance at the col- Home and School club, legiate institute during January | "That Joseph Gould, formerly |showed the folowing: caretaker of the Central school, be Enrollment, 627; increase, 46; 4 {given a retiring allowance of $25 per | daily average, 576. This was 47 qa es i e ew) at e {George Hunter; collegiate institute, had been very aotive in their work. : : : Geottze A. Payne, Chairman W. H. Godwin presided trimmed with 'anything "In response to a resolution of {at the meeting and the other. 5% from metal ribbon to | vide a table and d " : | vide and means of darkening |average attendance, 23: total enroll NEW FRO( KS NEW SEPARA E SKIRTS i ' {deal with the matter. schools in 35 greater than January For every occasion--refinement rented or purchased for manufac- |ing in his report. ? pure Wool French Tricotine -- school satisfactorily attended to. mittee, submitted by Cha'rman Trus- [and teachets. the board towards the purchase of a The report of Principal E. O. i monly for the year 1922. more than January of last year, C "That the day carpentering neces- The usual reports were also pre- sary in the public schools during the [sented by the school nurse and the . . year be given to Wm. Holder and [attendance officer, showing tha; they It hints of horse-hair, {the board asking for an estimate of | bers present wore Trustees W. J. C. goosefeathers; Mush- ' tee mate wow | Sage, La, How. 1 5 room, - upturned brim, / seats can , W. M. . B. Cooke, T . . + oe iL iH CT [tor $525, or at the rate of §1.76 per |J. G. Elliott, James Henderson, : . | sajlar cach 18 distin: IR | seat. Canon J. W. Jones, T. W. Mills, Miss N y , guis t new di Sa Wis \ "In order to give the board an |E. L. Mowat, Mrs, A, Newlands, H. y . A . ¢ 7% % a ore ; idea of the activity of the different |F. Norman, W. J. Renton. : jinctive shadings H o =< pring. There are Hats 1 Shuse:piace Chestasficl] Suite, covered in Re : ; for svery, occasion, ve . god , outsi ined. am ) are direct from the ak pestry, ov ii oo : .: $123.00 The Latest ; i : Shteliss of leading New 2 Suites, three-piece cane backs, size |} x ta ok | Sk : TOF establishments. Chesterfield with chair and rocker. : Call and see the newest thing in Men's WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION | Suite covered in Black and Gold Brocade. Comfort Boots--a Tan Calf Blucher made i ' 1 Suite covered in Blue and Taupe Velour. on a sensible round toe last. Price . .$9.00 | A snap $125.00 for three pieces. Ls : : : LF. Barvison Co. Linited es JACK JORNSTON'S SHOE STORE [IT] ) [the cost of seating the collegiate as- | Alien, W. R. Allen, F. R. Anglin, T. it \ vo 0 } a 0