------ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ad | SPORTING [Z| NEWS |"&~ TIGERS COMING; Son oy a Tn. yee 1 ONE OF THE BEST. i IS IT POSSIBLE Q tried their best to select the best | V | men. : | . ARSITY TO-NIGHT The Royal Military College, | . ¥ TELL U9 WHO Ww Queen's University apd Frontemacs Introducing Joseph Smith, star i > THE SEVE GRE | ngston Sta ! will be represented. The players left wing man with Frontenacs inter- 2 Boovs Xi All- rs to Play the will wear Queen's sweaters one | mediate O.H. A. team, truly one of | Rolie) Bengals--Crack U. of T. | ,.1i04, R M.C. sweaters another and [the best players in the game, not > ; : RECORDS. 6 Seniors in Town. | Frontenacs sweaters a third perfod, | only in Kingston, or in Ontario, but WA l . 5 : ard will be chosen from the foflow- | anywhere. "Joe" was born in Portsmouth | Kingston fans wll have 'the oppor- | ing: , tunity of a ltetime this week-end Goal--M:Nefl, Morms, Mundell. |about the time When Cunninghom | som "key teams | Defence--McKelvey, L. Browne, (and Reyner were playing for Fron- to see e of the best hockey teams [tenacs and "Captain" Ourtis for ren on the ice. This evening's perforni- | McPherson. 4 | ance, when Varsity and Queen's Hoot | Forwards -- Smith, Campbell, | Queen's. It was on the famous Hat- "I 4 ' ' | > CE ---- {Brown (Fred-, Woodruff, Nelson. | ter's Bay and in Rockwood rink that Woe the sevenslen Q S fn the eenfor intercollegiate fixture, The Royal Miltary College boys |he learned most of. his hockey, 8s : | | 1 he | RECORDS 75¢ and up wank . You bo boll Mes. E z : : OX ity to look | lll aford en opportunity tw leo | mentioned will be allowed to pom- many other fine players have before over the present Allan Cup holders. and after Him. RECORDS, 85c. and up ha t out of the run- | Pete with the All-Star Kingston team They have been put ou 9 Tus ! by kind permission of General Sir| His first excursion in a league fix- ming from the O.H.A side of it to a. I the cup, but, should they win | Archibald Macdonell, ture was with the Portsmouth junfor | the intercollegiate will 'have another | Olul on 1 jjaventle team, a collection of young | Tap at that coveted trophy and 'tn nbs on and, reer } A Sar. eo ery a Bas | The local branches of the Kiwan- . >. | | year = © 7 |ians and Rotarians have promised i | | Despite the fact that they have © Pe out in force for the big event fost their O.H.A. standing, the Uni- | 2d WiI make the doings lively with | versity of Toronto team remains one their sorcs and jingles. There are r volees among these fel- of the best | playing today and + He oars Des L a The tirst in Kingston to sell these three leaders higher than the intermediate OHA. (0 saad, | E ] ste 6nd. Mother Goose but 1+ doesnt tell here: and still leading with the biggest and best stock. € " § 5 fixtures, is one that should be ap- | preciated by the fans | the proceedings with a little better . : : Ip ramme than usual and one of 3 1, L 1} 1 . . : | programme then ueual a : . RSUME TWAS DT. DNCLEeH boo e88er, | It pays to get the habit: "For Records, Try Tigers Coming Mr. Awrey's "augmented" bands will ; | The anmouncement is made by | 98 on hard. iy B f ; | Treadgold's First." Queen's Athletic Directorate, that a | the yi slong. everybo vy and cheer nnn cm nm, - game has been arranged for Monday | he Kingston boys om. ; : i] [nals with the team in the years | TOMMY GIBBONS FEELS All Mail i evening next between the Hemiliay | a 3 1918 and 1919. | HE HAS EARNED RIGHT f al Orders Prepaid. O.H.A, senior Sam tad 4a A Sar | gt ttt | for "Joe" Dotsonsly, he is a | " a TO BATTLE GOOD ONIS | : team from this city § at | Gam L fellow, neither too large 'gor om Gibbons, S$. ' ght =| r7- | ' many of the local hockey followers | ona. d os T | too small, good-natured and elways | we ght, who has re) Ng heavy. | Send for Catalogues-- FREE. been hoping tf nd it will be | o-day an O=-morrow 8 SI in t + he taas | Spadina OPPOFUnICY io get & line y | fonts lly go Bh eral ee Jest ad COMING SO , ss on the possibility of senior O.H.A count of being blessed with good | Eddie Kane his re au) ON: Al Jolson's Latest, "Give material for Kingston. Friday, February 10th. | looks usually so rare in athletes, | that OYE nam rary a) \ ' » oo - it is expected that the two Senior Series. He has a uicion for being one ar aa, Bile sists with Me My Mammy, and Al Herman 5 Latest, Which Stewarts, James and Charlie, will be | Argonauts at Kitchener. "JOE" SMITH {of the cleanest players on the ice { wants Bill Brennan ie 4 a" . " S , ~ 1 2 » | il n, Gene T ey, | . down iy playing No he dou "ai Hoion Smalate Series tolAF Jolt wing with Frontenacs In-|, "ile equally well by players | Harry Greb, Bob Roper, aT Hazel they s jus Por! s BA re ---- nn, v) \ me vd 4 . dD - Ling tha of oh Pr at North morons a Pe Vabrd n [O28 > aad Er me and offic ponent suggested by any promoter. | . re s : igs XOridge. | stars who cinched the championship | '&'. e fans worship him. We have been accused of build- | SEE OUR WINDOW FOR THE LATEST ever. "Charlie" will have to keep Burlington at Simcoe or Brant- three times in succession in th | ---- --- m-- ing up a reputation on set fa | right his game in the nets that | ford. i 3 Suetession. 1 years | hes set-ups, We oa 8 Junior Ser {1910-11 and 1912, hen he gradu- | FANS DISAPPOINTED | have been meeting what looked lik: | evening, Ppolor Series. | ated to the senior juvenile and play- | ences | easy marks, but we had to. None of | | The : 3 . 7 SOC Dap game on Monday night is par Woodstock at Paris. {ed in that series with Portsmouth in | With Style of Hockey Played by |!h® 800d ones will give us a chancs | ticularly attractive because the Aura Lee at Port Colborne. 1913 | We can re | A. rs i . | Queen's Juniors, | prove it now by issuing a T prices are not being advanced from | Hamilton C.A.C. at St. Mary's. In 1914 "Joe" first went into| Dozens of local fans are up in | °hallenge to any of them," Kane said. R ING the usual intermediate game rate. Someta O.H.A. circles with junior Fronte- [arms about the style of hockey play- | Speaking of reports "hat Carpent- The local fans are fortunate indeed Saturday, February 11th, nacs. The war interfering, ho join- led by Queen's rs rite in ey an | ler wants Gibbons to win the Ameri- | in having senior intercollegiate and Senior Series. ed up with the Canadian Mounted | against St. Andrew's on Wednesday | ¢an Mght-heavywelght championship | GOODS CO Suaior DHA. tehins litre within va Aud Loo 3 Gruiiibes, Rifles and was captain of their inter- night. It was not that the players | before he comes back to America for . days or a a - poh ot) aweents - oe ro Ea : mediate O.H.A. team in Hamilton in |themselves did got try hard but their | I'S contracted bout, Kane said he prices, and, re any e of SI St. Andrew's (after- lone winter of 1915. They lost the !style of hockey was very strange in- | would be willing to meet the French- PHONOGRAPHS--RECORDS--SKATES--CAMERAS hockey in Kingston it should show |noon.) group and he them played for the {deed | man's wishes. | s ; a itself by a generous attendance in re- -- Hamilton Rowing Club in the junior | © When playing baseball if one! 'I would be willing to sign a bout | 88 PRINCESS STREET . : . * . PHONE 520 Spulise io the Slurts Of She Arcus £2 Jolt Dance, ral. | Northern League, they winning the |team gets players on the bases and | With Gene Tunney, the winner to | "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" authorities to bring these teams The K.A.A.A is holding @ St. Val- | championship. In the same year |the opposing team running all over [meet Carpentier for the world's fitle," ' here. Tueed: Foun the Garden Hall on [.joe™ represented Hamilton on an the field in bewilderment, 'are the | he said. "If Tunney should beat Gib- . uesday, February 14th, for which All-Star team which played in To- players ordered to remain on the | bons I would be willing to turn our Monday's Team. the invitations are now being sent ronto towards the end of the season. | bases till the team in the feild gath- | contract over to him ' because he On Thureday afternoon the mana- | out. ers itself together again? In box- | Would be more deserving of it'. ®erms of the local teams got together In the years 1916-17, he, like so ing if. you hand a man a oti jolt with | Several promoters have been talk- and chose the men to represent Recent victories over New York |many young athletes, was across the wd left and see that he is shaken, | Ing %0 Kane about a Gibbons-Tunney Kingston against the Tigers. They [and Phi'adelphia hockey teams seem | water with the "troops." do you withhold the right tin Ye meeting for this summer. Kane 3s F b : ask those who have especial favor- |to indicate that Bosom had the Uni¢- On his return he joined up with comes around again? In rugby, | Willing, but the former soldier fight- e ruay V Furniture Sale ites to remember the difficulty of re- [ed States amateur hockey league | Kingston Frontehacs and has played when you Have busted the other | er has not committed himself. | presenting three institutions fairly | (eastern division), sewed up. with them since 1918, going to the . , "Gibbons now Is right fo ; x wn team's lineup, do you keep the men r any . ¥ id ve 7 | with the ball at a stand-still till the | heavyweight in America outside of 20% OFF BRASS AND IRON BEDS -- opposing line reforms? The answer | "he champion. I would not consider a match now with Dempsey, but I feel to all these questions is obvious, Qa : r Then why; 'when Queen's juniors | that within another year he will be : oO rush and have their opponents great- | Peady for the champion. p "Dempsey is a great fighter and a lv bewildered, do they leave the puck real champion, but I'm afraid he 4 in the corner and, skating hack to : , centre ice, calmly wait until the | Isn't getting enough work. It isn't his > 8 ; other team gathers itself together . fault, of course. Circumstances are : ; aml forms up in perfect combination | against him because the field against : C order for a rush? The answer we [Dim lacks so much class," Kane said. r Bg 8 do not know, and therefore cannot Tex Rickard, as well.as Kane, be- : of : tell the dozens of fans who have | lieves that Carpentier will slip out been asking. of his contract to meet Gibbons or any other good American. fighter. The E Queen's juniors must know some- | 2 : b thing about hockey or they would | Frenchman, since his fight with Cook, has been making all kinds of new not be group winners, but most of CIGARETTES : | on, Ovhich sty, of sours, haa pareiy he ia looking for 4 nots to || SPRING MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS ston, (which never seen hockey before) must ad- | ®et out. 10 for 15 4 25 for 35¢ | a Au To | wn. of 3055.1 oa pili, Have Your Repairing Done Now. Raymond Imég, an athlete at Illi- Sh nois Wesleyan University, has made . Australia Wants Visit. a new record of 4,885 straight points ROBT a eg : : . Canada should send athletes to |g, straight reil billiards, He made ° ° om-- BE IT EVER SO BLE ' Australia and thus help to seal the |p, ramarikable run at thres days of - Seal' bond of fellowship between the tWo [nie On the first day he totalled LEADING UNDE RTAKER ho Nv = : HERE' : Xe dominions," eaid O. G. H. Merrett, 280 Princess St [Ae T S NO LIKE ; BT it ot the A 3,006, iv Jolate more than the reet. Ambulance Call 577w, Olympic Council, who has arrived at worMl's recond. Vancouver on a business trip. He \ MAKE YOUR OWN BREW WITH THE Yaucouver of @ dy. HM MOST SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECT |he Commonwealth that Onmada | 4 pomeck Johnson Denied. fe . should fall im line with New Zea- | .n gormer 'heavyweight champion, ° - oYM " MALT bund, South Africa abd the United | LChiquicd to be given as part of a Automotive Equipment : States and other countries and send N.Y. . Ss YRU P her quota of athletes tp" Austfaiia. ingen, N.Y. ini, Tourists' Burean Mavufact arers' Agents Acecessorieyg A Canadian team would receive' a [Nowton, because Johnson had not Simple and complete directions with each can hearty welcome. : been licensed as a boxer by the State Sold by all leading Grocers and Druggists | DRE Athletic Commission. ONE MILLION CANS OF SYMO SOLD IN U.S.A. MONTHLY Player May Loose Eyesight. v A Covel Rankin, of 'the Port Dover | = nme veteran Dan Howley has siga- Your merch Sap naw Supply you; aon tn vue dollars by intermediate O.H.A. team, is In a leq his contract to continue as coach | || - I or at once. Order medium, or dark color as desired. Tommi Sospiml Sellesine nn v of the Detroit Pitchers and assistant K DO E RIGHT : ; dow in the eve, b M Cobb. | For Plumb 4 Heating Equ , Each can makes 5 to 12 gallons according to strength wanted. about Toss of ercalght. Bramttopt to ig Ty in Ha Rl or uphing An ins hau Ipment, Fat Eire 2 ytice on your CANADA FOOD PRODUCTS CO a Th penatt. mate for the 1 | fully 10,000 people attending a recen- (| H. APPLETON ' : . play in a benefit match for the In- |gyme. there between Baltimore and || . _-- * MAISONNEUVE . MONTREAL I er 239 THIRD A | jured player. 'Washington. " We Can Get It" Phone SISW - - - - 100 Brock St. Kingston, Ont. G. V. DREDGE pr BRINGING UP FATHER ane Em now BY GEORGE McMANUS AFTER ALL-OEAR -WE 8 SOME. a . NG - YES 'BUT IF YOU | oe PEORLE Liv : ] Er ™ LL WAIT HERE WANT TO LIVE |, TOGETHER AS OE : LONNA Bg AT THE GATE YOU HAD BETTER : AS WE Have? FOR You SEPARATED 2 "m : TAKE THOSE BOYES -- FROM SOME : : BACK AD QUICK A% L MONEY. YOU Kiry! 1932 'oy INTL Fearime Seavice"