Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1922, p. 8

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iHE DAILY BRITISH WHI ---- we SS SE a commas mee Es Hh D-H: --_ NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS ame: _ G > MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1022, What the Editor Hears i Lite's Social Side '! HOROSCOPE Yo ores | [PURITY -hits 1 ain } } " That a "Sandman" more real than By Genevieve Kemble Thi, Se aig \ the one of our childhood dreams cause it penetrates better, and thin | } é is needed on the city streets | SE ; { enough not to leave a glazed surface | 5 Editor of Women's Page, Telephone | Black, and in visiting other friends : nadine, <7] . , TUESDAY, FEB. 7TH. { when ironed | 1724; Private phone 837w. in Toronto, has left for Nelson, B.C, That the. bear had no Shacow nh rlendid planetary configurations | When colds are numerous and de- : .« + to join her son, Major Starr. an excuse for staying out of his hol- | dominate on this d It is a time for vastating, why not resdhi to that an- Barly Mr. and Mrs. Clark Taylor, Ganan- | low. log on Candlemas Day | ng all interes ies cient food specific, barley gruel, or | : The birthday dinn< a ! i dance, given by Mrs P p oque, were in the city on Sunday with s --. haf 2g all lines, into avenues 1 * barley water. or barley porridge, . . dn at the Bank of Montreal residence, |[Mrs. N. Wimot, Olergy street, wno That Mr, hte TrallRe of the " 3 evement and advancement. The long and well cooked? There are! Is the Essence of all That is Best dn honor of the coming of f her | was celebrating her birthday. Mr. children in the Sly sC 90 s, m go! {Anancial prospects are excellent, un-)yimeq when water seems cold and eldest son, hony Dumonlin, Taylor went- back on Sunday, night Well be the first step to community | jer the benefic re #n of Jupiter trine | qo mage barley water, then, and | in Tea 1 ih joy i ome " t 1 An al milton, was a ,yand Mrs. Taylor will remain for sev. singing so much enjoyed in some luna, and with the luminanies also an abundance of it. J > ey ays w Canadian citles. in trine aspect, forecast all manner those dining golr nt hockey |eral days with her mother. 2 he aspect, f 6 . - » match at the Jock Harty arena 4 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Parsons have : : of fulfilled ambitions, honors, promo- ~ " i oO i aste 18 to Believe nr retdining for a dance an returned from Ottawa, and are witn That the large brooches belonging {ion and gener: 1ocess, There may ------ no So - ---- a i J oh i A dmothers, that most of he signal benefits from one's own EE I ----------] which a mos: beaut < : C the latter's father, J. R. Henderson, to our gran , i be signal nefits ani S | 1 dn white with twenty » C2 s was | Earl street. us have in our jewelcases, are to be | poizhtened activites, and perhaps = 7 PLUMBING WORK DONE RIGHT cut by Miss Helen McKay, Miss Dorothy Carson, Ottawa, wiil [worn again, according to the latest | ihrough the co peration of power- 2 DY Wor Piumiitug Sul Heaton Zanipmtan wt wt ave pele on Fone k. be the guest of Miss Perceval, Brock | decree of Dame Fashion. {ful friends. Social, domestic and af- : DZ) | wor Contrret amd Job Work ylven first-class attention. elect. The guests included Miss Ali- fot 1 aff like wi d 3 pr H A F I LE] 0 Maodonell, Miss Lilian Adair, rstreet. while in town for the solence | = fectional affa are likewise under : N son Macdons : That Mrs. Asquith, who is rather |. auspices, o w . 1 n 3 | les lanetary Montreal Miss Helen and Miss {dance on Wednesday at 3» hepplesi ¢ lan ) 4 £ ha 3 Doris McKay, Miss Louise Hill, Miss | . 2 noted for the brevity of her skirts. ith Venus trine Luna 4:7 VRINCES. STREET Phone sT8w. Nora Warwick, Toronto, Miss Evely n | Miss Litta Hawkins, Wolfe Island, |is wearing ankle length frocks at Those whose birthday it is are un- Nickle, Miss Kitiy Torrance, Mis !is visiting friends in Rochester, N.Y. the addresses in New York. der excel t augury for unusual Helen Tofield, Mr. Keifler and a num- | Mrs. John Aird is in Montreal for -- success and eavETReem. Money 1 ber of cadets of the senior year at | 1 short time, but will return this teachels ot |¥ romaotion § <n order, EE RED ON week and will be with Dr. and Mrs. That the parents and teache 0 erful nds may lend their | y 7) 1\ \ 0 | | | To-morrow's i ! ~~ the Royal Military College " ' s the § ay "ee D. E. Mundell, Brock street. the Doys who will set traps for the! __. ation t cial, heart | Mrs. S. Rough'on, King street, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Segawortn, | Wild creatures who Make thoi home end ariistic hould also | | reli . OX ALL PORTABLE LAMPS was the hostess of a pleasantly in-| Toronto, are with Mrs. W. B. Dal- in our woods in w itor, = ou @_eN" | inrive. A child born on th's day will | ) " =N ahlald f oy deavor to see that the traps are the 'y " wooionate, popular, generous, 10% REDUCTION ON ELECTRIC TRONS fromall little tea oh Saturday in hon- ton, Johnson street. ; amtiv hose ae, or of Miss Todd, Honston, Texas Col. Alexander Macphail, Qlergy | kind that Ill instantly, not those and 1 nise in life to a place of spe- AND TOASTERS Mrs. L. T. Best presided at the tea street, leaves for Palestine on Thurs. | that keep their captives in torture |... po "0 (ion gictinetion. Soa for long hours, the advertisements for a sure | table assisted by the daughter of day. _ i. Try { ; . » ho Miss Phyllis Roughton . . . thing | i | 2 B k El tri Co the house. M e. : Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McLelland That the Lend-a-hand circle of a -- Delicately fragrant i Nt ur € ec C mpany Mr Mrs. R. A. Mc King lors sre arranging a Absolutely pure oo O The Monday afternoon Bridge are at Pp ant in Madrid , Spain, | novel form of banquet for the latter He who has friends in every place 4 ~ T PHONE 423 Club met to-day 'at Mrs. J. G. El- | where they wil! spend several weeks, | Bl Jorn ny t latt ) whe » fe Erle in § y place | Best for Baby -Best for You ! : A A liott's, Barrie street Mrs. McLelalnd returning to Can- | Part of the month, finds e plac icious -- ---- ns De Ie | ee i S, " , ity . . et A AMA FA Nt et tA Ai, "isi fo ~ rr - "no nes, France, and Mr. McLelland 'o ~~ Miss Nora Maonee, Union street, is'| England. . entertaining the younger set's bridge Dr. and Mrs. Edward Ryan, | ciub today. "Rockwood House," have returned | | rr A. AA ea aa . oN. from New York. i Miss Helen Fraser will be the host-| Miss Nora Warwick, Toronto, ts | ess of the Monday bridge club this the guest of Mrs. Kenmeth Perry, | afternoon. | Royal Military College. . er Mrs. H. A. Lavell, Barrie street, | Mrs. Charles Smith and her two | will go to Toronto on Tuesday. sons, Montreal, who will be in town for the Hyda McKay wedding, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jou MoKay, "Argyle House." Mrs. George Hyde and Mr. and Mrs. Kyle will be among the Montreal pecple in town for Miss Helen Mc Kay's wedding. + * z= Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hyde, Mon- treal, will be among the guests at | the marriage of Miss Helen McKay to Major Walter C. Hyde, D.S.0.,, on Saturday next Miss Lilian Fair, who has been | visiting her uncle and aunt, Rev : , | Thomas Dowdell and Mrs. Dowdell, Mra.J. E. Starr, Spencing he ast |; rinity church rectory, Merrickville, year with her sister, Mrs. Trueman | will Tetiter to 'town 'this week, retrain nt PE Se fey ee ere J ' To remove white spots from table, etc, mix alcohol, olive oil and pure cider vinegar in equal parts; shake Delicious, healthful rol . : refreshing well before using. Rub well with a 100 Princess St. Phone S40 woollen cloth and polish with an- | other spft woollen cloth, ficient oP $ BY Laura A Kirkman Pt Your St. Valentine's Party. provided with scissors and glue Invitations for a St. Valentine's | brush. The player who has made the | Panty should be semt out a week or [prettiest or the funniest valentine ia | ten days in advance. They should |ten minutes, wins, Clever people wiil read: write a twodline verse to stick on Miss Amy Black requests the theirs, | pleasure of Mr. Ralph Healy's Heart game: In playing this all sit company at a St. Valentine's in a circle and the first one says to | party to be held at her home on his leftihand neighbor, "Where's | the evening of February, the your heart?" This neighbor may ans- fourteenth, at eight o'clock wer anything he peases, for instance, A grand march may start *he af- "My heart is in Rome." ' Thereupon | fair. Partners for this can be chosen the person who asked the question | by asking the: ladies to draw a torn must make up a sentence that will . : hall heart from one basket and the rhyme with the neighbor's reply as. men to draw a half-heart from an- for instance, "May it never come | u y other basket. The lady and gent2- home." Then it is thre neighbor's turn man whose heart-havies fit together to ask the same heart-question to nis | perfectly, when matched, are par'- left-hand ighbor -- d | . 5% . ui " . mers. When all are paired off in this around the arcle. | BABYS milk must be safe milk--and above all else, Carnation Milk is safe milk. Sey ove is fumed nd. SOME} , ikbiremis fuliow, sonsialing oF: | Produced in the heart of Canada's finest dairy sections, delivered fresh and pure to strikes up a march on the piano. | aver the music stops, all "he Oram Ohicjey on re our condenseries, immediately evaporated, SEALED in bright, new containers and STER- d still while the men move s pe ices Of . Bre TE a rea. Bart" Sole ILIZED--what milk could be safer for your baby? has had a different partnes; and, ! Quick Biscuit = : ; ; : Yhen the purtner comes around | Coffes Heort-Shaped Cakes Carnation convenience is another advantage--you can keep a month's supply of it ahead. again there is a Grand March, with | Ica Cream Candy Kisses | jis the hostes: 1 h 1 ding. | The "'H B " Salad i. 7 . . . . . Mars: Yaoi & the oe [eas ayy Beet Seiad iz made 07 | The Carnation Cook Book tells fully how safety, purity, and uniform quality are obtained game that follows. An abundance of | tuce leaves, spreading on Mayonnaise | . tio Mil lacy paper (that which ds sold for dressing, then garishing with slices . In Carna n ki pantry shelves will do), gold paper, |of cooked b hich have been . : 3 : red heart and rbbou-ends are plied neart-chaped. | TC Toon oUt Your doctor will be glad to prescribe Carnation Milk and tell you to what strength you in the centre of a lange table. All are | The table may be decorated as fiol- should dilute it lows: A small china imege of cupid * ni he The You Il value the Carnation book of 100 tested recipes. Write for a copy. Try this recipe, table on "grass" m cutting green crepe paper into small pieces. | Beneath this grass are laid slips of BOILED SOFT CUSTARD. | white paper, each paper bearing some 2 eggs, 1 1/3 cups water, 2/3 cup Carnation Milk, teaspoonful salt, 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, 1% teaspoonful vanilla. {such "line as the, following: 1. You Beat egg yolks slightly, add sugar and salt, then add i diluted with the water. Cook in double boiler and stir until mix- flare 3 nro nar oe | ture thickens and a coating is formed on spoon. Chill and flavor. Serve in sherbet glasses and place the stiffly beaten ced, in life. 4. A Hewatin honeymoon | whites on top. This recipe serves six people. |awaits you. 5. Fame and Jove will * I a Lowy CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS COMPANY, LIMITED, 243 JOHN STREET NORTH, AYLMER, ONTARIO {may make up these to suit herself. | | A red ribbon is pasted so each slip, then the ribbon stretched to each guest's plate. The guests do not suspect tha! a 'heart history" les at the hidden end of the ribbon unt, ! at the end of the refreshments hour. the hostess asks each one to pull a* bis ribbon. The slips are then read (aloud. : The simplest way to end a corn is | Tomorrow--Answered Letters. g Binesjay. a touch stops the painin- | © stantly. en the corn loosens and | ressed' comes out. Made in two forms--a Ilo quivies | ada the os Yin yaaa laud (one drop does | Hoummkecping" department will be | hich ) 2 {answered in these columns in their ' QF ho The label is red and white r form you prefer, plasters | considerab or the liquid--the action is the same. j asm. This requires le Made in Canada By Safe, gentle, Shade ia gwield-tam Jr rer, owing S50 srt tr ' : ; A CARNATION MRK PROD RODUCTS COMPANY, : ratory, yall druggists. or quicker is desired, a stamp- ' : LAER, OW | BRET: AS Sb #150 nd eit shdeessod smveiops ma etme ew A | be enclosed with the question.--The cs ii -- Editor,

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