". MONDAY, FEBRUARY @, 1922, CRAPS 70 CRICKET COUNTY HOCKEY denha red 9, Wolfe Island 4. the j and i to and then carry t Periterson Three games were pla able in the County Hockey Saturday afternoon. 1 g s | 1 Were very fast considering that tute player has fice was a little rough du defence mani weather, The game are wonderfy bury and Glenburnie, 1 s | checked the be Played at the Harty arena, was How by Sunbury by a score of 4 19 1: jfast skat vas Barriefield defeated Westbrooke by! through 16 Glenburnie defe 8 to 0 and Sydenham was victorious | Noble, who played right wing, band- over Wolfe Island by a score of 9 ied himeelf we was T¢ to 4. for one of the goals, The Glenburnie boys did not put | UD as good a game as they did a week | ago. Geolza Vair, who was the star jon that occasion, was a little off color but put up a good exhibition. Tha forward 1 'L seem to be able to work 1 iE ll as they should. The defences was lost 4: jtimes and allo opp« | Wards to shoot | abe and and Sunbury Defeated ¢Ienvurnie, By outplaying their opponents in the second and third periods Sun- bury attained a 4 ito 1 victory over Glenburnie at the Jock Harty arena on Saturday afternoon in the county hockey league game. Sunbury was entitled to win the game as the team played a great deal better hockey. The score at the end of the first period was 1 to 1, and in the second twenty minutes they added three more scores. 'The game was one # the best games of hockey played in the county hockey league so far this season, The play was not nearly as much one sided as the score might indicate. The largest crowd of tha season was present for the contest end all went home satisfied that the | minutes and hammered the puck better team won. | the nbury goal byt it would It wad fi "the first period that the enter. During * Sunbury boys started 10 get the best | George Vair was thrown into the air of the play. Their defence players, | » stayed in the game. composed of Patterson end Camp bell, were able to use their bodies to advantage with the result that | broke down the effectiveness of the Glenburnie forwards, When the | teams returned to the ice in the | second period it was evident We sing for- ym close in, When the first period opened { Howard Gordon carried the puck for three quarters the length of the rink and then could not score Russell | Hogan rushed but could not register, Foth teams started to nix things up jand the players were playing little jor no attention when the referee {sounded the bell Glenburnie had a littie the better of the play for a few at Su not the hard body checking which burnie had received period had its effect. The Sunbury team is a fast organ- the | | in the ization and will give any of teams in thd county league a run for their money. The defence is com- posed of three men who use their heads all the while. Clifford Patter- | son is an exceptionally good pare | Select Laxative = | Medicine With Great Care| In debility and weakness, medicine should be mild and far reaching. | Many pills and purgatives are too bard, are drastic Tustysd of yatative | teams were drying to resister Excessive action is always followed | 'ah oy ] 2 by depression, and knowing this Dr. [Some long shots. The period had Hamilton devised his pills of Man- 80ne sixteen minutes when George drake and Butternut so as to mildly | scorea the first and only goal for Increase liver and kidney activity, so | Glemburnie from clode tn on the Sun- as to flush out the system by toning [bury goal. His feet was moved from and regulating the bowels. Thus do [under him as he shot but the puck DriiHamilton's Pills eliminate poisons | entered, Pwo! minutes later cloarasss 15 io bin chug do chug | 207 14d ie $000 on 1 fom swan clearness to the . Hinton trae, : Ld : renew health and strength. To keep | Harvey Haw key aad Nasie « ame, to. your system in healthy, good working | #¢Lher near the ef of the rink but order, regulate it with Dr. Hamil- | they were separated hefore anything ton's Pills. 26e., all dealers, or The | happened Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. \. The nen The Sunbury Defence Was Pretty Heavy, by second period showed Sun- ------------ ---- OA nn, = --y ETT 1) Y 1X) Ui Canada's best byy- the ECONOMY Package %1b-85¢ tly SATURDAY Sunbury 4, Glenburnie 1; Barriefield 3, Westbrook 0; Sy- > ple noe. | the hard checking | Both | Patter | - LE 3 . - » , | ed © SAN EER OBO) | +. THE ee ---------- RT DAILY BRITISH | bury to have the better of the angu- net and the rubber hit tha goal post, / later Noble followed in his made it count , for the Glenburrife missed a of goals by inches Gordon > the score 3 to 1 by a shot from and one minute later he ed the puck past Goaler Orr fourth goal of the game A deal of heavy checking tool place in period, Very little transpired during the last period. Sunbury had a ittle the better of the play. Just as the time keeper rang the bell to announce the the game Howard Gordon scored bnt the referee would not count The scores were as follows: | | A minute | & and f md goal side amMme this First Period. Glenburnije, G. Vair, 16.00 Sunbury, Patterson, 2.00 | Gray Second Period, Sunbury, Noble, 2 00 Sunbury, Gordon. Sunbury, Gordon, 1.09 5.00 were as The team Sunbury follows Glenburnie Goa Scott Orr Defence, Patterson B Campbell Vair L. Gordo: | | | air | | Left wing IH. Gordon G.\ Right wing N R Hogan | Noble | Subs | George Stover L, Patterson Hawkey | | Referee--Ray Marchand | Barriefield Was the Winner, { Barriefield was the [very exciting game of hockey played | lin the County Hockey league on Sat- | {urday afternoon when it defeated [Ww estbrooke by a &core of 3 to 0. The game was very fast considering the ice was a little rough due to the mild | weather on Friday and Saturday | morning, deal closer than the score would m- | dicate. During the first twenty min- {utes of play neither team was able Ito score { Barriefield registered on two occas- |ions. Two of the scores were flukey. | The Westbrooke boys, | Playing for the first time in the | county league, put up a great fight |and judging from the style of hoe- | key they showed on Saturday after-,. | noon they will be heard from next | | winter. The win on Saturday means | that Barriefield has won two games land lost one while Cataraqui has played two and won two. Barrie- | field plays Cataraqui at Barriefield jon Baturday afternoon next and |there is a chance that the standing {of the group might be tied, I" 1 was « toss up which was the | i'betier team in the first perfod as all | the players were working for all that | Was in them but they could not | | score. When the second period open- | ed Barriefield got a little the better of | the argument and before the bell | rang for the finish of the period B.| | Warmington and E. Stanton had scored, Stanton got his score from | | | | | | | | | ment.' Howard Gordon shot on tae] | ot Pens | wirner of a | | The game was a great | ' but in the second period fi who are | | a lone rush. E Stanton got the hunk' in the iast twenty minutes, For the E. Warmington, who played at centre, and E. Stanton the stars. Gray, the goal ten- der, stop ry shots which look- : like sure goals It was impos- winner wer ped sible to pick the stars on the West- brdoke t all the players ap- peared t 200d condition and played for al! that was in them. After the game was over the Bar- riefield players were entertained by stbrooke hockey club to re- were served in the * programme which Jie WwW freshments whic | village 'hall finish of {was given was very much enjoyed | Rev, Canon | | bs the visiting players. Cooke, of Barriefield, who accom- | panied his team, gave a speech. The teams were as follows: | Barriefieid : Westbrooke. Goal, Defence FE. Stanton Warmington Centre E. Warmington Wings, Gates Gates R, Murray L.. Stanton B Spares F. Knapp Buster Referee--Capt. Harry Stewart, Sydenham 9, Wolfe Island 4. In a hard checking game featured by fast plays Sydenham defeated Wolfe Island at Sydenham on Satur- day afternoon by a score of 9 to 4. The first period was 2 to 1 in favor of Wolfe Island, and the second period was 4 to 2 in favor of Syden- ham. The Sydenhamites showed bet- J Spoor and A, Lee Both Heard the Still Small Voice Several Times. ter condition and finished up strong. H. Lee, for Sydenham, played a stel- lar game both in the defensive and offensive, * and accounted for three Scores made by his team. A Les played a good game and worked wen in the a hinNionspleys. Blacksiie played a grand game on the defence and rushed the fce on numerous oc- casions, Young, Dubois and All- port worked well and were exeep- tionally good in the final period. For the Wolfe Islanders Spoor carried out the biggest share of the offen- sive plays, He was ably supported by J. Ryan and Little, Each goaler Lad about the same work to do. Before the game there Was some talk about A. Lee of Sydenham not being allowed to take part in the conflict due to the ruling of the county hockey executive which pro- hibits a player taking part in more than one league. It is understood that Wolfe Island and Sydenham tame to an agreement before the game was played, and Lee appeared on the line-up, The game was played on a good sheet of foe considering the mild weather on Friday. There was a re- cord number of spectators present, {and all were satisfled that the Syden- | ham boys were deserving to win. There was considerable close check+ [ing duning the game and the referee, SeSa~= Harold Nicholson, who was in charge of the game, handed out a number of penalties, Dick 00T was given three rest periods, while "Art" Lee of Sydenham had two. Some of the others players each draw one pen- alty. Wolfe Island was well repre- sented at the game, on account of a number of the enthusiastic follow- ers driving across the ice, and then taking the train for Sydenham. ; During the game two very pecul- iar goals were scored; in the first Carroll | Walker | Sheilington | Keill | WHIG. tet, and so wae responsible for scor- | 15g one of Sydenham "hunks." | During the first period the play was rather close and Sydenham was held down in scoriniz due to the close | checking Islanders--on the other hand the Wolfe Islanders were continually shooting on the Syden- ham goal, Spoor and H. Lee did the scoring in this period. In the second twenty Minutes con- of the dition wae commencing to show and | Sydenham players were forging their way ahead. . The Islanders made frantic efforts to score but could not. A. Lee, H. Lee and Young scored for Sydenham. During the last period Garvin just | grabbed the Puck as it was about to j cross the line, and the referee ruled | him off. H, Les went into the net and stopped hard shots which the Wolfe Islanders rained on thém, The scores were as follows: First Period, Sydenham, H Lee, 2.00 Wolfe Island, Spoor, 8.00, Sydenham, H. Lee, 7.00. | Second Quarter, | Sydenham, A, Lee, 2.00 | Sydenkam, H, Lee, 6.00. Sydenham, Young, 2.00. i Third Period. Sydenham, Dubois, 4.00 Wolfe Island, Spoor, 2.00 Sydenham, Allport, 4.00 | Sydenham, J. Ryan, 2.00 [ Wolfe Island, Spoor, 3.00 { Sydenham, H. Lee, 2.00. | The line-up was as follows: | Sydenham Wolfe Island | Goal, Garvin A. Ryan | Defence | Blakslie B (H. Lee J Centre Ryan R. Spoor Wings Dubois Young Kenny | Little { Spares | Davis | MeDonald | Referee--Harold Nicholson | -------------------------- Allport | K.C.I. Lost to Queen's. The junior hockey team represent- | ing the Kingston Collegiate Insti- | |tute was defeated by Queen's IV in | {the Intercollegiate game played at {the Harty arena on Saturday after- | {noon by a score of 1 to 0. The K.C.I. | [boys seemed to be a little stiff and | | were unable to score. The Quesn's | players were a little heavier than | the K.C.I. and the defence players used their weight to advantage on | the K.C.I. forwards. By this game | K.C.I, is eliminated from the Junior | Intercollegiate standing unless | Queen's and Regiopolis tie and then | there will be a three cornered tie in | the league, The game was one of the best and | the cleanest of the season. For K.C.I. Leggett, and Arkley in goal, | were the stars, McInnis and Mathe- |son were the best of the Queen's | | Players, The teams were as follows: Queen's--Goal, Matheson: fence, Kirkland end James; centre, Cavanaugh; wings, McInnis and Det- | lor; spare, McKenzie, i K.C..--Goal, Arkley; defence, | Leggett and McKelvey; centre, Mac- | pherson; wings, Cunningham and Thompeon ; spares, Knott and Lyons. | | Referee--Emery, Queen's [Uni- | versity, } Entertained the Team. | After the game between Glenbur- nie and Sunbury the management of Glenburnde team entertained the Sunbury players at the Queen's cafe- teria. There was the best of feeling between both teams. de- | Stops Bronchitis Quickly| Helps Irritable Throat Ends Sneezing, Coughing | Relief comes at once when you breathe in the soothing vapor of Ca- | tarrhozone. Once its healing, piney | essences strike the bronchial tubes you realize that a powsrful treatment is at work. Irritation can't live in | the throat of a person inhaling Ca- | tarrhozone. It is so soothing, 80! warming, so full of coneentrated | healing power that you get results at | once. Catarrhozone strengthens the | weak throat, stops the cougn, remov- | es that hacking, irritating necessity | to clear the throat, makes even the case H. Lee of Sydenham stuck his band out, the puck hit it, and then bounced into the net and made a Score for Wolfe Island. In the third period J. Ryan of Wolfe Island hep- pened to touch the puck when he chronic sufferer realize that at last | he has discovered a real friend. For | coughs, colds, catarrh and winter ills, nothing in the family could be better than the complete dollar out- fit. Small size 60c. Trial size ZG. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., was in a4 scramble in front of his Montreal. | | % | BADMINTO. | TO | BOXING "Kinda Early Don't You Think?" | A customer asked us that question when we | were writing this advertisement after he had seen | the Bicycle cuts. | and the rider who | "Not a bit," we replied, | wants to get the best from his Bicycle this season IS THE TIME to will agree with us that NOW get it in shape. (a LF Why not have the old Bicycle repaired and enamelled? Prices will not be any lower later on' and we have lots of time now to do the work--when the rush comes, there will be delays. Follow the other wise riders and bring us your Bicycle to be repaired-- we'll keep it until the roads are better if you like. Spoor | THIS IS "RIDE A MASSEY" YE TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. PHON OGRA PHS--RECORDS--SKATES--CAMERAS 88 PRINCESS STREET - - - - - PHONE 320 "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" Poni, Ni sh February Furniture Sale EVERYTHING REDUCED Library, Chesterfield, Card and Tea Tables. All finishes and sizes. ' Robt. J. Reid & Son UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS 230 Princess Street. . Ambulance Call B577w. Automotive Equipment Tourists' Burcau Manufact urery Agents ' We Can Get Iq" - - 10% Brock St, Kingstos, Ont BH. R. EYRES Aecennorien Phone SISW - - G. V. DREDGE [= tn pt, re i Fur witnro--treight--Baggage JI TRANSFER Phone 1776J | S. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET "Ole Lunnon" is yelling for a Cer- pentier-lewis and a Carpentier- Dempsey pair of bouts. The Mont- real Herald's colynmist remarks that they must be in need of autopsies Bette return home and make a net than go down to the river and de. | sire to get fishes. i puns ------ fe Ty a -- pi a OES sR ---------------------- La? PE a Q mm, BY GEORGE McMANUS EINTRAG | BRINGING UP FATHER Ne aor ING IN Shoe: Y AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars apply to: -- J. P, HANLEY DAVID 8COTT Plumber dalty. All work guaranteed. Ad. dress 348 Frontenac Street. . " Phone A277. GRACIOUS MY FOOT ISALLSwoLLEN id LCAN'T GET MY SLIPPERS ON= I'LL HAVE TO SIT HERE Plumbing and Gas Work a specs IS YOUR Foor TOO SORE TO STAND on? | i © 92ayr, ivr. Frarume Samwice, -- 2