Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Feb 1922, p. 13

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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1022. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. COULDN'T DO HOUSEWORK ! | Does Your Food H HEART WAS SO BAD . * : : ? ge oo | Sunday Services in Churches ou ara oi2 Good] ? Is Your Ap} joes ot sod | your health is d 18 rich, free 1a, rheuma 1 WHOLESALE PRICE MOVEMENT Many women get down and ur household du action nervo bed by Mr. STABILIZATION InN COMMODITY PRICES P Recruits." Sermon Engl rs and visit Newton 6.45 11 [chur h. bt, a.d, {Jones on i Paul's.--Morning services, a.m. 1 FitzGe Per Cent 550 d 1 to be Preacher, hy and happ wretched But trong and he gl day out she 1d sick wo day through sweeping 1 ote. Is it any becomes : able and faint and d sinking night. To all w and whose ner would recommen MILBTRN'S AND NERVE PIL range med and the same Church of Jesus Christ of Li : Day Saints "Mormons I'rades : St. L abor Hall, 270 S Sun- Rev Feb uke's Church, Nelson street. J. de P, Wright, M.A., B.D, } lay after Epiphany Prayer and He Chalmers Church.--Rev, D.D.,, mini § r . amd Profe preach and i ter. You are invited ALL commooTh \ fa EATHER Vv Let Me Go." . Wallwork Rev buildings and t: but the chief it was "to adjust referring to first prin- zed facts or truths: | HEART as the best system and str organs. Mrs. Daniel B N.8., writes with a weak Years I am wri to tell you Your great remedy, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, has done for me. My heart was so bad at night 1 could not sleep, I would take smoth- | ering spells, and was so weak I could not do my housework I tried p.m ted 1 1 ti a r ( doctors, but got no results. A friend > L ts, 8 « and ww that "old things were advised me to try your pills. 1 used y assing away; ell things had beccme 8ix boxes and am completely reliev- Ww" hod. I think they are the best rem- The men who doesn't become "ori. | edy for heart trouble there is." 7 "wil | " : : Price, b60¢. a box at all dealers, or fied wl a becolne occident- mailed direct on receipt of price hy he'll go "west"; his place will The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, 4 rather than in | Out, LS up tha -- . i First Church of Christ Scientist-- 1 n street, between Bagot and Hogton, Sunday school at 9.45 rvice, 11 am. and 7 "Spirit." Public read- same address, every after- cept Sunday and hol lock and Thursday eve University Service.~--Sunday, ezanson, [og Convo I was t y Comtribut for nea whut " l that's what my they were tak- 1 selves to see how ey lined up with the big new things happening in the world to- . stock of th St. Andrew's--Rev, John W, Step- hen, minister Services 11 1 t are 4 15 7 That is a question being asked by time arrives, an abnormal risk will 1%20 soon 1914 1915 1916 _ 1917 1918 1919 Are we ente ring a period of commodity price stabilization in Canada? all business men throughout the country, for they realize that, until that attend the majority of their transactions. The above chart is designed to furnish an accurate picture of certain phases of wholesale price movements during the past eight years. In each group the average price index for 1913 is taken as 100 per cent. Contain- ed In the textile group are twenty commodities, while there are forty-two in foods, and eleven in hides and leathers, In order to compare the fluctuation of these groups with the general trend of the wholesale market, an index of 272 commodities is also plotted. One feature common to all groups is the temporary price depres- sion in the first quarter of 1919 due in part to the sentimental effect of the armistice, and the industrial un- certainity which immediately preceded the post-war trade boom. It will be noted that textiles rose more rapidly during the war period, finally reaching a peak of 326 in April, 1920, since which time there has been a decline of 148 points. In other words, 6047 of the total inflation has already been wiped out, but prices arp still considerably higher than 1913. Foods made a spectacular rise early! in 1917, probably due in part to German submarine successes. A tre- mendous rise again occurred in the autumn of 1819, followed by just as violent' decline in the latter half of 1920. This downward movement has already eliminated 66 9% of the total inflation. The trend of the hides and leather group presents an interesting study. Here we find that the upward | movement was much slower than with other commodities, It is also to be noted that the peak was reached in | October, 1919--several months before the broad decline commenced. © The downward movement has been in progress for over two years, until prices afé now back to the 1913 level. Another noticeable feature brought out by the chart is the disparsity which still exists between different' This condition suggests that, before we can again enter an era of sound prosperity, re- Zaattation in particular groups, pared for the Whig by an expert Pentecostal Tabernacle 285 Queen Wm Browning sun, 1 He'll be findshed time that he may then d" will be when "looking toward the A A AAA A i To Stop Faliing Hair You can easily clean your head of dandruff, prevent the hair falling out and beautify it, if you use Parisian sage, says McLeod's Drug Store, wh guarantees jt rain ii 7.30 Evang become and Thur, 8 p.n 'on they'll bury him east. irybody i" Presbyterian Church, iis own kind of a The L rw And he doesn't find it very hard his foolishness. But the s nge thing ebout it is that when another man tries to get | away with the same thing it seems all wrong---and different--to the or- iginal fool. Every man in the lunatic asylum believes that every man in the place is crazy--but Himself, { | Every man is his own kind of a fool There aren't any two of us exactly alike about this fool business. In | this respect we are all individualists | we stand alone--and in our own particular way, And when anybody else tries to | interfere when we are making fools | | of ourselves, we become indignant-- | we prefer to be left alone in our | foolishness Every fcol 7 There's no law against a man be- ing his own kind of a fool--he may go the Hmit, if he wishes, But 2's a point where the law does step in and call a halt--it's when the fool inj somebody else his foolishness, whatever it "0 justify Gy. No mechanical trouble too great for our expert auto repair men. Try Us The MAPLE LEAF GARAGE A Service Station for all makes of injured cars, am. 1 raly cemmmunior of the Dioe 4 p.n , evemsong, preach Calvary Congregational Churcl corner Charles and Bagot Pastor, Rev. A. F. Brown, ro street. Phone 1806w Sunday, Our Infirm : Sunday school ; i i y pic, "Furtous Driv , prayer moet St. James' Church, corner Union and J T. W. Savary, rec- tor, t 52 Barrie 11] a.m., and mn Preacher, | W. Lea, & St. Anne's ct Toronto, senting Dom n Temperance anoe. 3 p.an., Sunday school; 7 p-m., evening prayer and sermon, '"'How Christian Science Heals." , Gospel Hall, Upper Princess St.-- Sunday 6th, twenty-| five more beautiful lantern views of the work and words of Christ, glv- ing the Gospel message through the to the heart Miss Forman, a sweet singer fr Belleville, solos during the and bring the 1 streets 11 reclory on groups of commodities. lative values must be more equitably established by further (Editor's Note--The above chart and the following article have been pre with Canadian-wide reputation.) | i | | Zion Presbyterian church, Pine Rev. Edwin H. Burgess, min- | 30th aniversary. 11 a.m., Rev Wilson, D.D., of C 1 1. 7 p.m., Rev. Prh X Bruce Taylor, D.D., of Queen's Uni- | versity. Special music. free. | Everybody welcome. Sunday school, | First, Doctors -- '»~ Fo ThenabottleoID.D.D. a ena 208 1D. 1.10 | vices, 11 a'm., and 7 p - lehildren We shall publish every week for the bencit | ton Jones will preach at morning ©f skin sufferers in this section, a few words | voeating the lash for gunmen. Well { the lash 'might just as well be elimi- | |nated, for lashing has no more effect upon a gunman than if you served him with a cup of tea, Life im- prisonment is the only.cure for those gentry, mm UPSET STONAL) In five minutes "'Pape's Diapepsin" ends Gases Acidity Lag vispepsiu a ¢yvus BLOWI-y SLOG, ach distress in five minutes. You] don't want a slow remedy when your | stomach is bad--or an uncertain one] --OT a harmful one---your stomach is | too valuable; you mustn't injure it| with drastic drugs. Pape's Diapepsin | is noted for its speed in giving re-| lief, its harmless, its certain action | in regulating sick, sour, gassy stom- | achs. 1 Soma cower when they face the | Keep this perfect stomach doctor in | fruits of their foolishness. | your home----keep, it handy--get al But most of them never awake to | large sixty-cent case from any drug | the fact that they were fools. - - Every man is his own kind of a THE MAN ON WATCH fool. If a fire engine were taken to all fires, the people of Kingston would think that a real blaze was in pro- gress. atpreat R J ners | : . : evening. Feb is his own kind of a 94-06, REAR BARRICK ST, Seats A eyes They do say that what Kingston shoemen see in the way of kmeas would fill a volume, It also fills the' Flatulence { drygoods men with envy, Who ide { Would not be a shoe clerk in these Palpitation | days? two Gospel Come early through may be. And if the fool ig guilty of a prac- tice which injures' his own ueeful- ness as a citizen, then, too, the law stops him--whenever it can, | Every man is his own kind of a | fool, Few fools ever reform. Usually they go clear down the line--and get what's coming to them---at the end of the road, : Some of them glory in it. They have been the "captains of their souls"'---and that's something, Indigestion Sourness First BapUist Church, Sydenham Rev, J. 8. lLa- { |service. Sunday sohiool, 2.45 p.m | Prominence ail Desttions storie of eller fod | Tasted Sunday school rally at 3.45 | and Johnson streets ible suffering. p.m., Sydenham street Methodist | pair, pastor. 11 a.m., sermon theme, ise x two froma jolt ALI. W, | ehurch Prayer meeting, Wednesday, | "Spiritual Normaley." At the com- fine etanding. "I have been a sufferer for wo |8 p.m. Strangers and visitors, cordi | munion following the hand of fellow- BR vith Sotema OJ A [aly weleomed. {ehip will be given to a number of 8 skin specialist. Ail of no use. 1, vod s7, | - : pew members. 2.45 .pm., buble Salat Soils of .D. De~ethat oul | Bethel Congregational Church-- school; 7 p.m., sermon theme, "The If you wish to try a bottle of ihis Prescriptior | A. ~Sidney Duncan, pastor, "phone" |cgnversion of a Higher Critic." Seri 1387w Services, 11 am. and 7| vices at the Union street church, {p.m.; Sunday School, 3 p.m.; Sacra-| Bible school, 3 p.m.; evening service, {ment following the morning service. 7 p.m., speaker John Kinch. { Rev. B. H. Spence, of Toronto, will that Mr. Corns found so remaikable. we wil® guarantee relicf on le first hottle or your ey back. Stor itch today. §:.00 & Try D. D. D. 50a, too, speak In the evening. Christian En-| Sydenham Street Methodist--Min- {deavor Monday 8 p.m. ~ Prayer meet-| ister, R. H. Bell. Educational An- {ing Wednesday 8 p.m. Come, and |niversary. Rev. J. W. Graham, D welcome, {D., will preach morning and even- | -- ing. 11 am. "The Sowers": 7 p.m., | Queen Street Methodist Church, | "Christ the World's Name dnd corner of Queen and Clergy streets. Hope", Social Hour at close. Bible Rev. W. 8. Lennon, B.A, B D.,|school, 2.45 pm. Primary and Jun- pastor. 11 a.m. sermon to King-|jor departments -will remain in their ston, No. 1 Boy Scout Troop. 'Sacra-| own rooms. The others will adjourn ment of the Lord's Supper, 3 p.m. {to auditorium and Rev. Newton Sunday sghool, 3.30 p.m., grand ral-| Jones wil Ispeak at 3.30 sharp to the When the rulers of the world "set ily of teen age (and over) Methodist| united schools on "Wanted Re- [themselves and "ake counsel to-| S. 8. scholars in Sydenham street] cruits." gether--- { God laughs! When they resolve to throw off, or throw down the princitles of righteousness-- God laughs! When they combine together, as "| did the men of old who built the curing end establishing world peace. | Tower of Babel, to defy Him-- That's why open forums help God laughs! . bring the community closer together. When the fool says in his heart, | aud then if you should eat! That winter fog the other day Tou. If wat on aut Tag ke Toads ar? ia 8 hw insond of a freee. ferments and sours and forms gas; | The nile a Seve the wieetivg causes headache, dizziness and nau- | P4T 65 & vance lo warm up, Bea; eructations of acid and undigest- | : ed food--remember as soon as Pape's| The workingmen need not fear. Diapepsin comes in contact with the Twenty-five cents will not be the stomach all indigestion vanishes, It|wage basis when things get going is the most efficient antacid known |again. --the certainty and ease with which it overcomes stomach and digestive disorders is a revelation who try it. : 5 tors, | Out in Portsmouth they eat to to those their "heart's content," while over on Wolfe Island they eat till their "stomach's content." But the fe certain things of Kingston, but thera | landers dance off the bad effects, l= still a wide gulf between what you want and what you get, @ JHE Yotion for Skin Disease Mahoot's Drug Store, Kingstom Now that the principal of Queen's -- {University has given the military It the flies can enjoy themselves {college cadets a lesson in reading, it all winter buzzing around the police will be in order to complete the station, that place must be a cozy {series of the Three R's, and give the Joint, {lads of Navy Bay a drill in "Riting" land "Rithmetic." THE TOWN WATCHMAN. "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh." God laughs! Blessed is he Goa, that laughs with | ry Kingston should not be so proud as to try and sidestep the govern- unemployment rellef work. Let it do e little gwallowing, and take all I~ can get, The underwriters want | Bronchitis Colds and Coughs Blown to atoms Every trace completely removed by the World's mest powerful preparation Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture fire may Wisdom only opens her doors to those who pay for admission, Your Place in the World's Progress By the Rev. Charles Stelzle. Up at Port McNicholl a wellto- do fellow finds that in marrying a twenty-year-old girl he has married another man's wife, Another boob etung, that's all, TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Private Baths Your place in the World's rogress God is combining the nations. He isn't doing it through peace c 5 "there is no God"-- 5% BUROPEAN PLAN WINNETT THOMPSON. MAN'G. DIR. Mrs, Gardinier Died Suddenly, Mrs. Maude Mary Gandinber, aged fifty-six, wife of John Gardinier, well known contractor of Water- town, N.Y. 'died suddenly Tuesday at the family residence, following a! fatal heart attack suffered twenty minutes previous. She had suffered heart attacks on numerous occasions . during the last few years. Mrs. Gardinjer was born at Wilton, | Ont., on July 10th, 1865, the daugh- | ~ ter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Charles M. Stearns. Besides her husband, 'she 18 survived by one son, Qlinton L, 'Gardiner. 5 me a-- It is often more satisfaption not to know things and have people believe ou do than to know them and net have anybody believe it. ~~ NN s hh} AW | AR 5 wp : CH I To) 2 3 1 -N if 7) i gu Eo Sal LR 8 MAT ol) conferences--although these may {help--He is bringing' the world | closer together through steam and | electricity books and newspapers, roads and Pullman cars, | The result is that hoofs and horns lare falling off from our brothers in | other lands, and eometimes they |seem more than half human, When men clung closely to their own countnies---aye, usually to their own towns and villages and often to their own homes--then they hated each other, because they didn't know each other. Every other man was regarded as a natural enemy whose motives | coud be only evil. | Dut whem the printing press was {Invented so that men could make books and newspapers, thousands | upon thouands of lives were saved-- | becanse misunderstandings were {broken down, and wer was avoided. | And when roads were built, con- | necting thé gountries of the world, {80 that men no longer hunted their | way thmough the forests, but could | find their neighbors easily and na- | turally, & did much to create friend- |ship between individuals and tribes and nations, And when more recently electric- ity permitted men to communicate | with each other by telegraph and | telephone and cable, it bound the {world closer together than, ever be- | fore, { True---men have sometimes used | these blessings to curge their fellows, {but in main, therg have been | more blessings than cursings. | And so, whatever permits men to | express themselves better--and more | frequen tly--:is a means toward se- the And when we exchange visits with those in "foreign' lands a new spirit of friendliness grows up. That man is a benefactor to the human race who invents a means of better communication between in- dividuals, . * - A lot of my friends had been tell- ing me lately that they were becom- ing "ordented"---about different things, So, after a while, I gu that it was a regular world. B At first I thought that it meant that they had become too intimate with some Japs and Chinamen, Then I looked it up in the distion- ary and was amazed to 'find out how much the dictionary men could make the word mean; and they never once mentioned the Japs or the Chine men, . They waid a godd deal about the east, and the sunrise and precious poor, reducing them to starvation plane-- | for the overthrow of their fellow- | men--- God laughs! | When the covetous man grinds the | God laughs! @W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St. : Fully guaranteed to give you relief or money refunded. 40 Doses for 78e Sold by all druggists or by mail from Torsate When men seem to gather power | IA God laughs! oo Sometimes it appears that justice | waits and mercy halts, and that "the | mills of the gods grind slowly." But they grind exceeding small! God laughs! | There is no man anywhere be he | unjust ruler, defying fool, or heart- | less grind, but what retribution will | overtake him, But the thought that should over- | power him even while he is in the | act of that-- unrighteousness is the fact | i § F or Constipated The nicest cathartic-laxative in the world to physic your liver and bowels when you have Dizzy Headache, Colds, Biliousness, Indigestion, or Upset, Acid Stomach is candy-like "Cascarets." One or two to-night will empty your bowels completely by x Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver morning, and you will feel splendid | "They work while you sleep." Cases i rets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and thier cost only ten cents a box. Chitdren love Cascarets too. | Mahood's Drug Store, Sold in Kingston by T. H. Sargent, F. J. Hoag, G. Harris, M. R. McColl, The latest bunch of divorce apphi- cations announced at Ottawa shows two men making application to one woman, That appears to be about the proportion nowadays. Apparent- ly the married men are becoming more saintly. Another grand jury hes been ad- GOOD STUFF an HEY Vela Ali Gon SAY | WHAT'D Y'PUT IN THIS HOME BREW ?|/ THUMB IN IT, LWiFo! ! | BURNED MY Ll: Tree cl ors Drinkin Hococle 2. his wifes home brews his Hhumband lavish had some of iE 4 ery rm Got No Sleep But now the neuritis has gone, the pains have ceased, the nervous system is restored and the writer of this letter pays a grateful tribute to the medicine which made him well. Mr. John Woodward, P.T.O., Lucan, Ont., writes: "It gives me much pleasure to recom- mend Dr, Chase's medicines, especially the Nerve Food. 1 was a sufferer from neuritis for several years, and tried all kinds of remedies, yet never scemed to get any better. At last my whole system scemed wo through not being able to or sleep at nights for pain, used to take me in all parts and feet, nerves / my whole on would j up as | lay in bed point of despair, | Dr. Chase's Nerve and after taking myself almost normal agai a box of Dr. Chase's Koiney on band, and for the past to enjoy my usual health" Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, a box, all dealers, or Bates & Co., Limited, fh i i i ré L if t ba i i i F i 3 Toronto.

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