Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Feb 1922, p. 12

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHC. A---------- CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES : it irsértion, lc a word Zach secutive insertion thereafter, L. cent a word. Minimum charge for one Insertion, 25c; three irsertions, 50 cents . The abuve rates are for cash only when charged they are doubl HELP WANTED, MAIDS FOR LAUNDRY WORK. ply at Kingston Ger estates te em . A CHEESEMAKER FOR FISH CR factory. Apply B. C. Attwood, Ti borne. ------------------------ EXPERIENCED Fn ta ENERA highest wages; references required i Apply Box H-1, Whig Office A YOUNG GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED woman to assist with genera housework. To sleep at home pre ferred. Apply to Mrs + Prevost 113 Bar] St. ete eee WANTED--A NUMBER OF LADIES TO color Easter Cards at home; light leasant work Enclose 3c st I or particulars. Ladles Supply Com pany, Cumstock Bldg, Toronto, -------- WE WANT a MELIANDLE SALES agent for each uii=presented coun ty or territory. KExciusive selling Habs 00d pay to energetic rep resentatives. Our agency is valy able. Write Felham Nursery Co Toronto. Ont. MAKE MONEY AT HOME, $15 to $60 pald weekly for your spare time writing ghow cards for us No car /assing. We instruct and s pp! you with work. West-Angus S Card Service, 17 Colborne Bld, romto. GOOP WAGES FOR HOME WOR we need you to make socks on the t,easily-learned Auto Knitter; experience unnecessary; immaterial; positively no canvass- Ink. yarn supplied; particulars, 3c stamp. Dept. 18-C. Auto Knitter Co, Toronto. eet eset teeter ee eee WANTED SALESMEN AND SALES ladles who are willing to learn and 20 work on a commission. Age years or over. - Previous experience References required 8, Bank not essential. Apply Room Royal Shambers. ee ---- CIVIL ENGINEERING. PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMA TES : Boo A. B.Sc, . i LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & SMITY, BALRIST- ers and Solicitors, 9 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith. MBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, gorner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank Money to loan. Phone 1398. HEMSTITCHING, PICUT EDGING, AC. lon, knife and = box pleating. ¥ Mrs. A. Card, 4_ Victoria Terrace, obposite Artillery Park. Al'- K--' oN distance | Montreal St. k | 5 | THE PEOPLE'S F WANTED GENERAL 4 TO { WASHING APPLY DO AT HOME, Box E Ww 8 Office, pi ---- + A HOU o in vicinity of streets, with gar- x D-30, Whig Of- MA Clergy age ply to B fice : ------ ROOMS IN PRIVATE HOMES FOR ma i T and wife ntra Whig Of- WANTED ---------------------------------- | MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVASS, | b el and appoint local rep- 3 week and ex- nteed, with good € $50 a week and ex- age and quailfica- perience Unnecessary , Dept. O., Toronto AGENTS a ak | 1 T PROFITABLE | 1:3 ommission busihess | . Every property owner { of our nine hundred letles of hardy Red Tag trees ¥ plants No capital needed | plete equipmen: and insiry, - i 2. Write Dominion Nurser. ntreal. wn fr { 63 RIDEAL i STONE HOUSE; eight rooms; e-1 bath; gas; furnace. Apply 47 Rideau St SINGLE ROOM, WITH BOARD IF DE all conveniences Apply or phone 2257. URNISHED FRONT ROOM, for two, with or without Apply 184 Queen Street LARGE suitable board FIRST OF JANLU ARY, LODGE | * rooms now occupled by the I. O. O F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith ST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, | all improvements: centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 University Ave. r------ NEAR CORNER ER | | In | GARAGE, and Bagot 1. Kingston. - a nt------ | ROOMED stTOoXK HOUSE, itreal St, all improvements Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April 1st. | Apply D. G. Hay, Phone 1100 r 23. FURNITURE" AND clean and dry. Me- 86 Brock Street STORAGE FOR merchandise; Cann Ageacy, Phone rooms and spa and key kr 299-305 Queen 980w, airy own jock Storage, Hes ost's City St Phone | » 26 HEATED APARTMENT; CORNER » and Frincess; consisting of | rgoms and bath; all conveni- énces; re moderate. Apply Li Cohen & Co, 2756 Ontario Street, | ROOMS FURNISHED; HANDY FOR i stude ts; a top floor furnishe] { for light housekeeping; two rooms large closet; bright, clean, warm, | hot water; bath, Phone. No child-| ren. - 384 Alfred Street ol 'E, A NEW SEVEN ROOM | house and barn on North Alfred; al-| 80 on North Alfred street, a good! brick house and eight acres of land | Apply to J. D. Boyd, 332 University venue, pho 1083M | MRS. H, 5. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO | mobile and Casualty Insurance. 420 Earl street. Phone 1782M. AT MEDICAL, ©. K. ROBINSON, M.D, 365 BAIL Stree Hours 10.30-12 am, ~8.30 pn. Phone 1646 DR, P. H. HUYCKE, 111 WELLINGTO \ Street, Kingstun. Office hours: 11 to 13 am, 2 to 4 pm, and 7 to » evenings. Telephone 1536. p.m. Ui'HOLSTERING. EE -------------- CALL OR DROP A CARD TO WwW, Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. ¥. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR holstering and genera] repairing Leave orders at or drop a card t 104 Clergy street Se ---- COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- der In all popular shapes and sizs Upholstering d repairing done B. J. Goodrid 3 University Avenue. Phone 1833). FIN. . re- teea s St. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND ished; guns, gramaphones, etc pair viomptiy and guaran Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princas MARRIAGE LICENSES ADAIR, CATARAQUI r of marriage licenses. Tr 13 FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. coll, 23 John Street. uy Miss STRANGE & STaan agents; establlst the most reliabie 3 sented, Office 95 Clarence stree tppustite the post office. Tomi em---------- FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society, {incorporated 1861. President W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purckased, Investment bonds for sale: deposits received and interest allowed KR. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clap- ence street, Kingston, saa samaa MUSIO. THELMA CHOWN I$ OPEN TO recelve a limited number more pupils In Planoforte St. Lawrence Ave tL PACKER, AT. CM, of Piano and Theory, will take a { limited number of pupils. Prepares for Toronto Conservatory examina tions; Theory taught in classes and private lessons. Address by card | or letter. 65 Arch St Ss, TEACHER ARCHITE | | POWER, SON AND DREVE! ARCHI- tects, Merchants Bank hambers corner of Brock and Wellington. SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, ' large or small, Posters, Showcards. displays a specialty, by Shaw at 218 Princess Street. J Old Number Four Again This size, once a favorite for Heat- ers and Furnaces, duced for some years. Pea Coal. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson St. » We have some of this popular size (between Nut and Stove) at present time. Not much of it. Ask for Rotary screened Nut or ee -- An APPLY Ha f ' D | NINE TONS PRESSED HAY | CORNER Uw n= Whig DE GLOV 1 Barr GREY SLE ar] a AND A barn fu of e hay. Apply to] Sam Sloan, S ry, Ont iY MAN'S SHOCK ABSORBER, | rotectors; humidifiers, Palmer, corner Beagot| AND near enham WOOL -- Montr 133 CHEVROLET Coffield car SAves DOUBLE r mitt Apply Sree CHILD'S TAN KNITTED n Princess Bt Friday Owner C same at Whig Office POCKETBOOK tween Battie school early ¢r may have Whig Office ; REY, PICKED UP NEAR ner Wellington id Apply Wnig gas mI. os -------------- NEWSPRINT PA. 3", 500 sheets for r many purposes. | hig Office | len sh W S, SKARLS, SKATE =--=SIATES | i\arpened and holloyv | Adults, childrer 15¢. i All 2éc.; price for hockey teams repairs. Muller's | King 3. same at th: of baby carriage C Works, 371-373 To the Electors of the City of Kingston and the Vill- age of Portsmouth. LADIES and GENTLEMEN { sling to reacn the uwier may The Liberal party has tender r y " ii Jdber party te ed and 80 LY pebuliing by 13uis ag 3 5 2 I have accepted the nomination as Britisu Waig. ie adve candidate the Ontario Legisla- | ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE FOUND NINE ROOMED urnace, ele cooking, 3 Anyone finding anything and decorated; wi de 1 tisement will be printed in tas ure ¥ ¢ se 3 « wople Culuuin free Of charge. } Fe o eye A) ih 2 fl apeople of 'Found articles" : ar: ae 0 iY ( ang a bi n sioner of the ies Com- Sluae, just avEs, mission and my record speaks for . , . 1 veriised for in the liselt If elected I can only promise * support careful and economical le islation at Toronto, ang advance best Interests of the city in future the game as in the past Yours very sincerely, R, I on Provine r solid brick resi- ground; electri garage, barn, arte- ete. Splendid chance f. Apply Box F-31, g in- ston i u sian well, 0 a Doctor Office' ON TUESDAY, A BUNCH OF KEYS ON FOR . AN ring. Finder kindly return to ti ) ' in Kingston, 160 acres of Whig Office ated {in the best wheat- district in Saskatchewan: as CHANGE FOR ELLIOTT HAND BAG, NEAR SARG ™8 DRUG Store, Friday, Jan 2 containing 3 ; Metropolitan Life Insurance Co 18, confec A Premium buek and other article 1 Ss, i Finder please return to Mrs, Li J em ET Richards, Sydenham, Ont, Hox 15 or to British Whig Office the E apply The use of your Automobile on Eleec- tion"day would be appreciated | _ Telephone Wm, Peters, Secretary, Phone 2041. HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE Farmers' Hotel with two stores; also stables, in Kingston One of the best locations in the city Do- Cataraqui ing big business St. Lawrence .. Friday, F eh Friday, Feb. LIBERAL WARD MEETINGS a Ontario Ward .. Thursday, Feb. FOR BALE. Kiueuu Wednesday, Sydenham GOOD TIMOTHY BALED HAY. APPL) Whitney Hotel, 29 Brock St Address BOX G-1, co. "British Whig" Used Cars. Used Chains and Parts New Tires and Access PALMER'S, cor. B il T. Queen 3, -- ---- | FOR SALE OR TO REN IBER Al Srp ate STONE DWELLING, 98 EARL | lately painted ang decorat- R LLY | 4 \ McClary unshine furnace; 3. ONTARIO HALL Wednesday, Feb. Ist d yard; open grates upstairs an: down; make a fine rooming house or could be made into two dwell- In the interests of the Liberal Candidate Terms reasonable Apply at 's Grocery, 194 Barrie St. 2 - Fem a re R. F. ELLIOTT Addresses will be delivered by S------------ AM. CLARK, M.P.P. for West | 800d ceconi-hand furniture ana | PR RIEROLD, DuNTIY, HAN nx | { Northumberland stoves. Any person havi & Sstoy | Sumed practice at " >rincess St., hy ¥ perse vin OVes ve 3a Inv : - 2 4 ANC and furniture to dispose of, we wil; | $ 023 Eauk 01 Nova Spous. Phone | W. & X. SIX LAIR, MPP, pay highest prices. J. Thompson, | South Ontario | 333 Princess Street. ee R. F. ELLIOTT and others. Phone 1600w [= i PERSONAL VEN | Seats will be reserved for the ladies, | hardwood | MAIR, MOLES, V ARTS, OIRTH- YO NAR floors in two. rooms; large shed: marks, skin cancers, scars, ote. re. C. C. NASH, lot 70x132; west end. Bargain at moved permanently. Satisfactory President. $3600. Apply J. K. Carroll Agenc glasses fitted and furnished after - 56 Brock Street. Qthars have failed. Goitre remove Le 5 years' experfence. Dr. Elmer J | COUNTRY GENERAL STORE IN GOOD Lake, Eye, kar, Nose. Throat, Skin | village, Real estate consists of 301. i 258 Bagot Street. Phone store. dwelling, storehouse and = barn. Price of real estate, $1300 General store stock about $1,000, Apply J. K Carroll Agen y, « 5¢ Brock Street, Kingston, Ont t STOCK OF ARM BLANK- sale at a reasonable price L. Routbard, 259 Princess or phone 1723 MUR- and kr TWENTY-ACRES LAND NEAR vale with barn; also cedar timber on same Apply A Smith, 152 Frontenac sireet Lon. King- ings Gilbert NUKOUL--YOUR WARMEST FRIEND -- car arriving about Feb. 6th. Orders Laken. Frice $14.50 delivered from caf. sales Neville, 149 Collingwoog Phone 2362M. WALL PAPER BARGAINS, ( reduced prices on our new 1922. Special prices during F t i ary. Now is the time to "| DR. RUPERT I MILLAN, DEN | ! . . MILLAN, NTIST, your spring d« "orating, Hancock Princess Street. Phone ENT est Bagot street) J aul vvenings by appointment. ! WI HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF ho DENT ee DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE | 238 Princess Street. Phone 652w. | ------t------ -------- ---- AREATLA ARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. k for 159 Wellingtbn street, corner | : of Broek. | St DRS, sp tists, for FRAME DWELLING oF rooms; electric lights; ¥| | -------- | W. F. NICKLE { u PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING | WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drop a card to A. Mounteer. $4 Arch Street CHOICE PROPERTY, ONE-QUARTER === mile from city limits on Bath road CARPENTERING | containing 9 acres garden land fine residence; 23 apple trees; large | | In, garage; never-failing well.| WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER | terms. Posse See James Selby, Contractor, yy Apply L. Ryder on University Avene Phone 1898 w 0. will seil on easy P. -- eeepc | Try Osteopathy premises, Bath Road, For those stubborn aches and pains, Skilled anatomical and physiological engineering. It re- stores the human good running order cated we also give quency, Sinusoidal, Auto - Condensation Treatments. DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT requests Your Votes and Influence to elect hin -- ei GOING oUT OF BUSINESS--R, BEN. nett, of village of Odessa, has for sale all tools required for the man- ufacture of tinware, Any person desirous of going into the tin business cannot make any mistake in settling in Odessa, It is in the centre of a good dairy district 1 would not think of selling out, but by the loss of my wife I am com- pelled to retire. Call and See me, R. Bennett. ------ ee ANTIQUE FURNITURE -- SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Diathermy sr Electrical Province of Ontario 1922 Small Walnut ished, $25.00. 1 Mahogany Sofa, Polished, $18.00. Chest of Drawers, pol- "DR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Phone 1072F, 1 Mahogany small Sideboard, $31.00. We buy all kinds of furniture. | visited | gt an Jan.! % S507 Princes Street. has not been pro- Order now. | STOVES While they last, you may have one reasonable, as that is my J. TURK Phone 705 CHIROPRACTIC, WM. A, MARCKELIS, Dc, py, C, Cer ner Princess and Barrie Streets. Ind | foor, Barrle St. entrance, Kingston. nt. Consultation free. Telephone 823). Hours § to 12 ama. 1 to ¢ p.m. | FEED MILL IN GOOD V | FARM IN PRIN 270 acr lar a garde $2700--FRAME; ¢ Roos; ments; garage and dou $4,600 NEW BRICK; WEST END; 9 rooms; all improvements; hardwood floors; lot 490x200. out; large lot. dle. =» AME; 00--FR. C.; electri north end. ( TO LET. $200 FRAME; WEST SIDE: Kingston, | Walnut Rockers, $15.00, | Seventy-six Years. early hour Friday morning, silos; sixty acres ploughed: hair her seventy-sixth year. The deceas- hay for sale. Apply C. W. Neville WILL MAKE {but the immediate cause of her de- | situated in a name was Elizabeth Tyner, was born | | splendid farming section. ! | able for storage, 20 horse Power moved to this place, braving the! rroil Agency, Kingston, Ont. {many friends who now sadly miss 1 adies' and Gents' Suits ' CE EDWARD COUNTY, | nal reward eight years ago, «7... $1.00! E; 8 ROOMS; GOOD CEL | GTay, John and Chdrles all of GOOD ONLY i | 18t--To stimulate IMPROVE Harlowe, respectively. The late | Kingston) into mew homes. { John, Tamworth, University; 5 rooms; fur ; elec- Was a diligent and faithful worker. | $2.000 would bhan-|Sunday afternoon J. Cantrell, {and Charles, two sons-in-law, George rooms; B. and C.; elec light. | uel Gray, were then placed in their | 204 King 'St. between Earl & Gore 12 Years' Success in J of ee Ce eee, | DEATH AT ARDOUH, | The Late Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Aged | Ardoch, Jan. 30.--Death Phone fo15w, the home of Mrs, Alice Gray LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP " | DAIRY EAR 20th, and claimed her aged mother, | ~~~ An TTT | ATRY FARM ON LAKE SHO TWO Ren ON LAKE 8 RI, two 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, who was OUR DOLLAR WEEK Summep td uate tow mules ed had been in failing health for the | hay for A ye past few months, due to infirmities, { ollingwood Street, D. A. Cays, | Mills C . Sr ila Company {mise was a paralytic. stroke. The! YOUR DOLLAR STRONG | late Mrs. Smith, whose maiden! 1 ILLAGE OF . about 500 population, SPECIAL PRICE The mil ; Dd. farming section. he oilllin Tamworth afid wed to Charles | | Two otnegp bulldings of frame, sult. Smith. Fifty-four years ago they y= e . st| &asolin ine 1 : d ng pring Jor Nar: you | hardships of a pioneer's life. Kind | to 15th | | deeds and actions won for them BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, | -- the faces of this venerable couple, FOR SALE. Mr. Smith having passed to his eter- | Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress- y ry } stanley tna sheds; rear Us Six Shildren were born of this un- rw French Dry Cleaned & well; wou exchange for ion, all of whom survive, They are: oF ....... 890d town or city property. { Mrs. George Hamilton, Mrs. Aljce| se delivered here between February lat a this| aad 15th. This is & SPECIAL NO PRO. 0d large lot, with fruit and place, and Mrs, George Young and | FIT Cash Offer. n, | Mrs. John Gray of Merrickville and | Tears DATES and mena during our dull season. - le lot. | Mrs. Smith also leaves two brothers, | rr a ORK (al) done Thomas, Beaver Falls, N.Y., and | 3rd--Te Sacrifice Profits for 15 dayn-- In Angli h . I n Anglican church circles the de-! Job E --- BRIE BUNGALOW, NEAR Ceased will be greatly missed as she! A For verybody BE owiEhin 3. nw. floars through. | 10e funeral services were conductdd | at St. John's 3 |church, Ardoch, Rev. FOUR ROOMS; B. & Sharbot Lake, officiating. The re- lights; good celiar; | mains, borne by her two sons, John | | Hamilton and John Gray, and two sEvey | 8randsons, Roy Hamilton and Sam-| . 5 [last resting place in the family plot | du ad the Anglican cemetery. We often shrink from meeting our ty, but it is something Mke the | Vay our Income shinks when it | meets gut outgo, EIGHT ROOMS electric light aud on. x $30.00-BRICK plece bath; 8oed conditl DURING | [88 Be forgetful of favors given, be If you believe in gambling you will , mindful of blessings received. \ . BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE SES Wallinaton Street. Kinestan , 'have to sell your house. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1922, GRAND-TO-NIGHT IDEN PAYNE, and LAVERACK Present A Gorgeous Comedy Entitled "THE GREAT BROXOPP" A BRILLIANT PLAY OF ENGLISH LIFE By A. A. Milne, author of "Mr. Pim Pa; By," etc, with IDEN PAYNE and the original English Company direct from the New York run. 25-50-75-$1.00-$1.50 en ---- GRAND Tw, Fi, Sri Matinee Saturday at 2-30 The Rex Stock Co. Presenting iacenren "THE TRAVELLING SALESMAN" VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN THE ACTS Gallery 10e. * Prices 30c., . PRICES--20e¢., # rm, A| House PETERS AND FRITZI BRUNETTE T "THE MAN FROM LOST RIVER" | A Tale of Romance and Stirring Adventure Among the Big Y Timbers. By KATHERINE NEWLIN BURT. L L E N STRAND BEBE DANIELS in "TWO WEEKS WITH PAY" From the Saturday Evening Pont Story by Nima Willeox Putnam STRAND LAST TIME TO-DAY "THE GREAT IMPERSONATION" | With JAMES KIRKWOOD B E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM [ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Pursuant to the requirements of the Canada Highways Act Separate sealed tenders marked "Tender for Contract No. ...." will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, March 6th, 1922, for the following work on the Provincial Highway: BITUMINOUS PENETRATION 0. 617--Green's Creek easterly towards Orleans, MACADAM ROADWAY 622--~From end of Macadam South of Peterboro, MACADAM BASE COURSE Contract No. 624--From Junction of Richmond Rd, and Base Line Road to Stittsville. Contract No. 630---Yonge Mills easterly CONCRETE CULVERTS 13 Tyendinaga. Si prenann Ramsay and Lanark. 601--Goulbourn and Nepean. 604--North Elmsley, b05--Elmsley South. 608--Crosby South. 509--Pittsburg, 510---Hope, Hamilton, Monaghan South and Cavas. §11--Hamilton, Cramahe, Murray and Brighton. 513--March, §14--Horton and Admaston. 517--Pembroke Contract No. 518--Cornwall Contract No. §19--Charlottenburg, Contract No, 520 ~Amellasburg Contract No. 521--Hallowell Contract No. 53 West Whitby and Reach Contract No. 540---Mariposa and Ops. Contract No. 541---Hobe, Whitby East and Whitby. SURFACE TREATMENT OF MACADAM ROADS 570---From Peterboro southerly, 571---From Napanee to Deseronto. §72--From west of Deseronto. 573--From Shannonville Westerly. 574--From Belleville easterly. 575--From Kingston to Cataraquf ~--From Cataraqut westerly, --~From Napanee, easterly. --From Kingston easterly, GRADING 21---<E. Whitby, Hepe and Clarke 22 rock, Reach and E. Whitby 23--8ydney 4--(Hope, Cavan and Monaghan 726--Thurlow. 726--Ameliasburg, 727--leeds and Lansdowna, 8--Lansdowne. 729--Yonge. 730--Osnabruck, 731--8. Crosby. 732--iPittsburg, Contract No. 733---Beckwith, Ramsay and Lanark Contract No. 734--Goulbourn. Contract No. 736--Clarence and N. Contract No, 736--E. Hawkesbury. Contract No. 737--Horton and Admaston. Contract No, 738--Pembroke and Westmeath, Contract No. 739---Ross. ' Contract No. 740--Fitzroy. Further Information, plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained on and after Monday, February 6th, 1922, at the office of the undersigned and at the offices of the Resident Engineers a8 follows: -- C. HL NELSON, WHITBY, W. F. NOONAN, NAPANER. A. H. PARKER, CORNWALL, A. BARCHMAN, CARLETON PLACE. H. A, SMAIL, KINGSTON. | D. W. BEWS, PORT HOPE! A. L. BALDWIN, GANANOQUE, F. BRINKMAN, L'ORIGNAL. R. 8. SMITH, RENFREW. A marked cheque for $1,000 00, payable to the Works and Highways, or a Guaranty Company's required on all tenders for avement. payable to the Minister of P anty Company's Bid Bond w verts or grading. of the amount of th signed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily Accepted, an bonds must be made out on forms furnished by the nt. W. A. MeLEAN, ' Deputy Minister of Hi on shways. = Contract Contract No Contract No. Contract No. Contract No, Contract No. Contract No. Contract No. Contract No. Contract No. Contract No. Contract No, Contract No. Contract No. Contract No. Contract No. Contract No Contract No, Contract No. Contraot No. Contract No. Contract No 57 Contract No. 679 Contract No Contract No Contract No. Contract No. Contract No. Contra€t No. Contract No. Contract N Contract No. Contract No. Contract No. Contract No, Plantagenet. Minister of Publle Bid Bond wil] he nd for 507% when the contracts are a Departs Department of Public Hi hways, Toronto, January 27t , 1922. Dancing Instruction siven In the Gardea Hall All the latest dances for 1922---every night from 7 1s Pall by sppointmenteify Writing: . "i Automobile, Fire, Brock St. Mra. 8. Cohen, In- Sickn. : Plate Glass Burglar eden struetor. Hall phome 357. Representing Only Reliabie Companies Residence phone 1578, = A et a. so -- INSIST ON THR Rest W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Bullding, Broc King Streets. Phone 701 or 13271 Genersl Insurance Ageney ! = | Crossed Fish Sardines THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE OIL. . It isn't safe to bet on anything especially a sure thing, may walk right up with-

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