WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1092, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 9 "Fruft-a-tives" Completely 8928 Uwion Sr., Vaxcovves, B.O, "I suffered with all the symptoms - of Female trouble, with chremic Coneti- pation end constant Headaches. 1 had paing low down in the back and sides of the body. A doctor advised me to have an operation. I started taking "Fruit-a-tives" and this medicine has completely relieved me of all my misery and suffering. I am free of pain and headaches and the terrible Constipation, and what saved me is the fruit medicine, "Fruit-a-tives." 2 Madam M.J. GORSE, B0c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, COUGHS AND COLDS often tenacious, are a drain upon the vital forces. SCOTT'S EMULSION the pre- Diary of 2 Faskion Mode By GRACE THORNCLIFFE She Describes a Delightful Fadlle | Silk Afternoon Frock. i Margot Jennings does a page for | one of the magazines on clothes in the new plays. She often asks me | to go to see plays with her, and as I'm interested in both clothes and | the theatre I always accept eagerly. | Wednesday morning she 'phoned | me. "What are your chances to spend an enlightening efternoon with me?" | "I'm always interested in calight- | ening pursuits," I replied laughing- | ly. "What is it this time?" \s "A play that opened Monday night, This 1s the first matinee, and I understand the clothes are delight- i ful." | Madame was kind, es usual. She told me to trot along and help Mer- got with my valuable suggestions, and that perhape I'd have some for | her, too. I knew she didn't really need mine, but I was glad she want- | ed me to go. The ountadn went up on some very good acting, and for awhile we al- most forgot our reason for balng there. But when the hostess was | having afternoon teas I beatirred | myself, FOR DYSPEPTICS | WHO SIDE-STEP| Why Pass Up the Joy of Living When | Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Can | Be Had Wherever There's a Druggist. ! Many a man wanders aimlessly at meal time because he has food- fright. A Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet would turn such a dyspeptic back into his old stride and lead him promptly and straight into wher he knows he wants to go but fears the result. Hat what you like and as much as you want, avoid gassi-; ness, belching, h burn, drowsi- ness ly just the ple process of meals with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Get a 60 cent box to-day of any druggist and noto the magic effect of a grill sign at meal time. PAINS IN BACK | | | { Moleskin Forms the Upstanding Col. lar of This Quaint Frock, "I've ome out to tea too many times looking for clothes not to have this remind me, Margot," I said, "Let's bestir ourselves, What type are you going to play up?" "I think I'll feature the afternoon [frocks in my article, and there's the loveliest one of all over there," she | again ?""~Margot queried. "| 'This time, let's spell our hospitalls DANDERINE Stops Hair. Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies she asked, 4 35-cents buys a bottle of "Dande- | rine" at any drug store. After one| | application of this delightful tonic you can not find a particle of dandruff %r a falling hair. Besides, every | Lair shows new life, vigor, bright-| ness, more color and abundance, | | i | "Well, I haven't been seeing many | of them, but such lovely things as | ths may help to start the trend," I | answered, | "I wish they would, because that | atyle always was a becoming one to | anybody of avera:e slenderness," | Margot commented with a survey of | her trim waistline. 1 The curtain 1 on the first act, | end Margot hastily started to sketth. | THE HOME KITCHEN By Jeannette Young Norton Author of "Mrs. Norton's Cook Book." Here Are Some Delicious Guest-Day Muffins. Housekeepers all like to say 'We never do anything extra for company. We just expect them to taka what | they find"'--and all the similar litle | well known remarks, but there is not | a woman who does not do something | for the casual guest, 1f it is only add- | Ing a flower to the table or stirring [up special muffins. What is the fun of entertaining if we cannot do a lit- | tle something out of the ordinary? | ty with muffins, not just the everyday | kind, but real "guest" muffins, the kind your relatives and friends all refer to with pride as "Mary's mun | fins," of course explaining that noone ever made any to equal them. Ths following recipes will tell how some of the expert "Marys" make theirs: Hominy Muffins, Beat smooth two cupfuls of cold, boiled, fine hominy. Add three cup- fuls of sweet milk, the well-beaten yolks of three eggs, a quarter-cupfal of melted butter, two teaspoonfuls of salt, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder sifted with a cupful and a half of | THE SAME SUN By | anit Hame} & baer ZN Co re et = : wk Up where the pines bow their branches in homage to the sparkling snow, on which they coast down the long swift hill--down where the waves sound summer summons to her who basks in the warmth of the sand--the same sun smiles " HOW DIFFERENT ¢ Tiras Pye. thezsay, hak turf Buk tat 1s Just bevfe to salt, DUWOTNAIN Was nd. nok AD. woman's fal. on all. And so, no matter whether th ters six in the sun or boasts 60 in the shade, they smile in unison because--well, who but each girl knows which he is waiting at the bottom of the hill or in the sounding surf with" heart and smile as warm and as welcome as the sun? It Is Estimated that over 40 million of people In Canada and the United States carry Life Insurance. What a powerful argument against want end poverty in oid age. Is the amount of Insurance you carry sufficlent for your needs, if not, let me quote you figures for a policy for an additional amount in this excellent company-- The Mutual Life of Canada S. Roughton District Manager 60 Brock Street e thermometer regis- Winter winds robbed of their sting! | 0 2 anar how Sharp , how biti e f ir, **Vaseline" pnd ill Toes your skin and lips from chapping. Apply it after any exposure to wind or air and keep your skin soft and Vaseline Trade-Mark CAMPHOR ICE In metal Boxes and the winter CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO. 1880 Chabot Ave. (Consolidated) \, 4 - Moore io tr RINGSTON Phone 610. A --- a Whet the ear hears is not flour. Mix thoroughly, then add the like stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs, pour . into buttered iron muffin pans and bake, . what the eye sees. In digging up a tree you must be- gin with the root, oUEA Tan Y Finney Lubbers" l "SR hk Ive : kalb Ve seer one ; . of And quickly tur to ribbery" same amount of baking soda. Mix thicker than that used for griddle then mud in lightly two tablespoon- f cakes. Then fill greased muffin tins fuls of soft butter. Add a small cup- | three-quarters full and bake fifteon ful of brown sugar, the same amount | to eighteen minutes in a medium of finely chopped nuts, and twg tea- oven. i "Down Eas'" Muffins, Sift together two cupfuls of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and a half-teaspoonful of salt, and add a tablespoontul of salt, and a tablespoonful each of butter and land, rubbing it in with the finger-tips, two well-beaten eggs, then five table- spoonfuls of milk mixed with three- quarters of a cupful of clover honey, sali, and two teaspoontuls of baking | Bake fifteen minutes in greased and powder together. Rub in a heaping | floured muffin tins, tablespoonful of butter, then add : three eggs beaten into one and a Gananoque G. W. V, A, Officers. quarter pint of milk. Mix until President, BE, T. Bovey. smooth and until the batter is a little First vice president, Bert Robert- son. Second vice president, G. F, Lion], Sec.-treas., R. Kemp. Management committee -- George Wheeler, R. J. Bovey, T. Ferris, J. Muchmore. Amusement committee--E. T. Bow ey, Bert Robertson, A. Harling, 0. Gerrard. ' Trusteess--William Pratt, F. J. Fletcher, W. Gordon, said. "Do you mean that toupe silk?" I asked. N "Yes," she replied. "I mean the qbaint ome with moleskin about the neck and sleeves. What kind of silk do you think it is?" "Faille," I answered, after taking a peep through the opera-glasses which we were sharing. Faille #s very good just now, isn't . it?" inquired Margot. "Yes, it #8," I replied. '"Madame has designed some lovely hats and dresses of dt this season." Where there is much merit there is a great reward, AND SIDES Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound RK DONE RIGHT For Plumbing und Heating Equipment, let us xive a price on your work, Centract and Job Work siven first-class Ne H. APPLETON 417 PRINCESS STREET Phone §78w. Rice Muffins. Beat one egg into a cupful of milk, then turn #t into a cupful of boiled rice. Add 'a tablespoonful of soft butter, a half-teaspoonful of salt, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and a teaspoonful of sugar, Sift in one cup- ful of flour and beat well. Pour into well greased and warm muffin pans and bake about twenty minutes. ay ------ eauty : When food is only imperfectly digested, For cupfuls of sour milk, Grease and lightly flour the muffin pans, and bake fifteen to twenty minutes. This recipe makes two dozen muffins. Halved, it will de sufficient for four people or even six. Queen Muffins, ' Sift one quart of flour, a table- spoonful of sugar, a teaspoonful of Apple Muffins, Work a scant helf-cupful of bu:- ter smooth with. two teblespoonfuls of rather stiff apple sauce. Beat one egg into a cupful of milk, sift in a level teaspoonful each of salt and su- gar and a cupful and a half of whole wheat flour, Sift with the flour ihree teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Beat well, and pour into twelve greased and warm muffin pans. Bake about twenty minutes. Graham Nut Muffins, Mix together one cupful of graham flour, two cupfuls of wheat flour, a level teaspoonful of salt apd the "And the loops at the girdle are very French." "I can't quite tell what the loops are made of," she said. "Try the glasses again." "It's simply very narrow piping of the material, caught at the waist. The way it is looped suggests a show- er bouquet." - "Well, the whole effect is delight- ful," she commented. "The surplus bodice i quaint and 80 witractive," I mused. "Its fitted lines accent the ekirt fulness to just the right degree." ? 4 if i Hy Ld it gives rise to fermentation, clogs the clear on the stomach, liver and bowels; regu- Take great medicinal value, ERS SHOE . . : ALL SALES FOR CASH. bowels, and renders the blood impure, pi This results in dull eyes, muddy skin, skin blotches, pimples and other disfiguring and ~~ marks. Beecham's Pills act immediately, bright em and ke em i i ever oman keep thom ine vigorous dependable. They are compounded of remedies of vegetable origin having Beecham's Sold td 25040 pills 2 PIS =z: ee === DISCOUNT SALE oi OFFERS SAVING OF 20% ON ALL OUR FOOTWEAR. NO DISCOUNTS ON RUBBERS y . ' Vomen's Five Buckle Overshoes, latest : 1H styles *Areislaminiv.e) oiere sit niee: (Bisse. -$4.00 \ : : {ll The Sawyer Shoe Store lll Phone 159 _ 184 Princess St. a new stunt for 3 pulling. He has A London, England dentist has his patient's mind off the ordeal of tooth- installed a gramophone in his surgery. \