Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jan 1922, p. 12

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5 § ------ SPEND YOUR 9 FOUNDED 1847 DOLLAR At BOYS' SUITS Half Price BOYS' WINTER OVERCOATS Half Price LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET Livingston's And Get Two Dollars in Value. | ' 1 IL 2 - eters to the Editor $0 tit OO bt The R.C.H.A. Band, Kingston, Jan. 30 ftor): Mr. Harvey letter calling atlention to the fact that Kingston possesses a fine band which its citiz- ens hear all too rarely is a timely re- minder May I say that arrange- ments have been made between the R.C.H.A, and Queen's University to ve a Symphony Orchestra eoncert > Grant Hall in the third week of March? I belteve that a most at- tractive programme is being plan- ned, which will no doubt be announc- ed by the regimental authorities in due time. It is to be hoped that thi. will merely be the beginning of long and close co-operation between the university and the splendid band that Captain Light has trained. The University has also arranged, in addition to its own concerts, to give its hospitality to musiciang of dstinction whom it invites to give special concerts. The first of these will be announced at Miss Hess's re- cital on Monday, | Yours faithfully ----A, 8, SPORTING NEWS Professional Hockey, Ottawa 2, St. Pats 1. Cenadiens 3, Hamilton 2, Curling For To-day. 8S. R. Bailey and F. Waugh will skip the Kingston rinks which will play the Detroit teama this after- noon; J. F. Macdonald and M. Pp Reid will be the night skips Three junior rinks from Belle- ville will meet the Kingston rinks skipped by J Matheson, E. C, Gild- ersleeve and. T. Copley in the Cen- tral Ontario Curling league series, here tonight, Saturday was a busy time at the Jocal curling rink. A number of vames were played in the club ser-!| lable authority on Monday afternoon, | {les.. The rink skipped by R. N. F | McFarlane won from George Lawes {in the Whig series. Mr. McFar- | lane's rink is now leading having | won five games. The trophy is | awarded to the team winning the f Jadges number of games during the season, J. McRae's team won from E. {Green, 15 to 11; A. W. McMahon, [18, A. E. TreadgoM, 13; A. Tur- cott, 15, J. Rigney, 8. In the doubles: H. Cooke, T Slater, 8; J. Chatterton, A. E. | Treadgold, 6. Verona to Protest, Year's Business, r 1 IHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. A MOST ACTIVE YEAR, North American Life Do Bumper ! The business of the North Amer- |¥an Life is forging ahead wonder- {fully, as evidenced by the. figures ! (To the Eg- | presented in their forty-first annual {report. Business | ued and revived in 1921 amounted to $20.279,954 | marking one of the company's most fsuccessful years and brings the total business in force to $106,006,667 the highet mark yet reached in the his- | tory of the company, Some conception of the vast scope | of the company's business is to be found in the fact that during the bast year there was paid to policy- holders and beneficiaries over $1,- 963,000. This amount included $454,051.89 paid as dividends, while {in contrast to this it is noted that {ony $6,000 was paid to guarentors. The death losses incurred during the | year amounted to $550,638.63, be- |i {ng considerably less in emount than for the previous year. The presi- | | dent, L. Goldman, in his address to | the policy holders at the recent an- | nual meeting made the important | | announcement that the 'same soale of dividends will be continued to policy holders in 1922. This is in- | dicative of the fact that in this com- | pany the interests of the policy hold- | |ers are paramount.' The president pointed with just! pride to the increase of over $1,835,- | 000 in assets during the year, bring- | | ing the total amount now to $21, 877,767. After liabilities have been {fully provided for, there is a sub- | | stantial net surplus of $3,025,364.- 90, establishing beyond a doubt the | | unexcelled financial position of the company, which has entitled it to be | known everywhere as the company | | "solid as the continent?' NAPANEE WILL GET BEARD MURDER TRIAL | Erwood Upton in Machine | Shop at "Pen" and | Brother in Kitchen. The Whig was informed on reli-| that the Beard murder trial would | be heard at Napanee. Justice Rid-| dell stated that he would consent to have the trial heid in Kingston if all | parties were agreed, but it is under- stood that Napanee will get the trial. Application was made for a post- ponement in view of the publication | of the alleged confessions of the Upton brothers, but Justice Rida:ll | would not agree to the postponement. The Upton boys are in good health and have been placed at work at the | Portsmouth penitentiary. Erwood, | who is an expert machinist, is em- ployed in the machine shop, and | MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 192m, 2 ZS No €.5--a corset for your Doll made by the same big manufacturers who make "corsets that your Mother likes to wear--Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets. Your Mother will like the real Warner Corset because it will feel so comfortable, will make her look so well, and will last and last, Your Dolly will like her little Corset because it is 80 pretty, as it is made out of the same pretty cloth that many big Warner Corsets are made of, When you grow Up you, too, will want a Warner's Rust-Proof Corset. Little girls who are becoming young ladies all over Canada, England, the United States, Australia, South Africa, South America -- almost all over the World -- ask for their Warner Corset. They know them, because their Mothers have found them very good for years and years and years, And because every mother who knows how good Warner's Rust-Proof. Corsets are would like to have her daughter's dolly have one too, we will give away one of these pretty little Warner Corsets with every big Warner Corset we sell during the week of -- [°F "If off your route it pays to walk' On Monday morning the manage-! Sherwood has been given work in | [ment of the Verona hockey team, the kitchen, ' | | | which was defeated by Sydenham on | ~Jan.30th to Feb. 4th. Saturday, by a score 11 to 7, inform- | Il Anderson Bros, ed the Whig that #t was the intention {to enter a protest. The protest wou} 1 {be forwarded to executive commi:- | | j Joo on Monday at the latest. When asked for the reason of the protest, Mr. Asselstine, the assistant manag- | er, stated that the Sydenham team {had violated the rules of 'he leagie | by a%lowing A. Lise to take part In| the game. The . Verona team states | that a meeting of the executive of the | county hockey league held on Satur. day, January 21st, a resolution was Culprit Shot to Death. Pontotoco, Miss., Jan. 30.--wi'l | Dell, negro, aged 20, charged with at- | | tacking a white woman on Saturday, | was taken from the officers last night | by unidentified men, when being transferred to Jackson, and shot to | death, | The pclice had a very quiet time | over the week-end. No arrests were 'made and there were no complaints | Warner Corsets $2.00 to $4.50 LIMITED Phones 458--459. Wholesale 1767. | passed forbidding Lee 0 take part in | of a serious nature, | Ji { {any county league games as he had | wr | | played for the Frontenac intermedi- | DAILY MEMORANDUM. ates. ! 815, Myra Hess in Grant Hall It is understood that when the Pro-| skating at Palace Kink to-night. | ¢ is i ; kav A. O, H. euchre, Tuesday evening. Re- test is heard by the county hockey freshments and danoing. | executive, Sydenham will bring coun-| ' 4 Britich mail will close at the | ter charges against Verona. It is r-| Kidgston post office at 9 | WARNER'S CORSETS come in many different styles, Seon Jor oie ns of Hos: | ited f fi Th | mored that "tho. Sydenham" toum | hit 2i An 4nd. duties fons 5 Hos: suitec! for any figure. e Warner Corsets are made claims that cng of 'he Verona play- p.m. . : Fo he-of hq Verona Diaz) sn. from fine French Coutil, and only strong boning and elas- tic is used in their manufacture. Your particular style'is game during the present winter, which if proven will disqualify him PRIN ERS . to play in the county hockey leagu | I | here in the form of a Warner Corset--a style that improves | games. t cot > -- HANSON, CROZIER & your figure (which is the means of wearing your clothes MacDonald, of Bala, Ont, to Prof. | | { public favor as does Mrya Hess, | Uciously restrained, the Beethoven Catholic church, Pleton, Tuesday ght, 'weather chilled,' where a solemn requiem mass wilj {three little Sonatas in C minor, B] it > fir Sells vv Ls vs B00 I | i > ai es Tem in Grant Hall. | MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. to better advantage) and af the same time brings better Miss ess 0 make her rst ap- health and comfort to you, : Fancy Halibut--beautiful snow white F ish Contens, Nowout Tingies: of Hyslon [i { Miss Hess owes her proud position | {to her very profound and intimate | DIED H | morning. lmterment at Picton, } Showed oni Piml Pursalt » COYLE--In Kingston, on January 30th | similar to small White Fish weight about 1 1b. each 12}c. Ib. be sung an weloak for the happy! oul. minor, C major. Prelude and Fugue! Friends Sand aoiaamience are respect.' by Bach (book 1, No, 21). "The So- | fully invited to attend. Lake Herrings--Lake Superior Herrings, - - . - silver beauties, average weight 3 Fish to WEDNESDAY || National Fish Day Splendid Assortment of Sea and Lake Fish to Choose From ees' pearance in Canada to-night. We! MARRIED Quallu Salmon-- Headless and dressed -_ |quote from the London Daily Tele- prusiice MACDONALD -- tn Bom. | . inl {graph criticism of her last comecert Pay. India, on Dec. 12th. 1921, by bright new stock--whole 18¢; sliced 20¢ In England: "Among living British| Wison ro McKensie. principal of ff | planists very few stand as high in; ' . : . .. whole 22c.; sliced 25c. ng ohn Laidlaw & Son, Limited hoe Sal 1 (favors. Her playing is essentially BUTTERMORE-dn Kingston, January || > ' c Co oe Da mon--head €ss and dressed--ex- | planistic. In her Bach-Beethoven- | 29th, 1922, Margaret Buttermore | If ; . cellent, flavor . Fi whole 25¢; sliced 30c. [e | Brahms programme last night she Yun ood jan from the residence | i, i | was consistently and absolutely sat- of er gitee Mra Benjamin Bolom 0 1 7 of 8 . * White Fish--dressed-- fresh caught wea- |Isfying. While the Bach was de- mass will be held in the divi oe 3 ther chilled ' 18c. 1b. - 3 1922, H J. Coyle, eldest t virility. It s quite certain that in| the late Mr. and Mrs Tames "Cole her projected American tour she will! he laved husbayd of Mas | {uphold the best tradition of the| Funeral from his late residence, 179 | Britian executive J<hoel. me an porn | | er programme will be: Scahlatti, | . Lake Trout--fancy Georgian Bay Trout-- hess are beautiful Fish, dressed with nate of Chopin, containing the grea: A a J eadson . . . {funeral march. Schumann's Popil-| The Old Firm of Undectakers n i : lous, op. 2. Four pieces by Dubury-- | and 256 PRINCESS STREET g Smelts, No. I s--fancy, large, uniform e Engloutic, La Smelts, just as sweet as brook trout | { Volles, La Cathedral i » 5 Fille Aux Cheveux de Lin, Minstrels. . Plone 147 for Ambulance The goncert will close with three yf urkas of Chopin (op. 33, No. 3: The Leading op. 68, No. 2; op.'33, No. 2), and | Phone 577. the Polonaise in A flat minor. i Soldiers Sell Thelr Medals | ~ To Buy Food and Shelter Ottawa, Jan, 30.--That many | turned soldiers with distinguished ro- | JAMES REID > | 1 i ~ We've had some mighty good sales in the past, but our January Sale this year is a record breaker. fp Cu The Black Satin Pumps with either Baby or Louis Heels ~ which were $8.50 and $10.00 are now .. . c.o....$395 rom 3 Some Black Kid House Pumps of the finest quality, and Epon ort perp TR ember chilled. Thete Be toring at, 210.00. ars ales Be Wve aa] Tg Ne i $3.95 Oxfordaat ................$3.10,$4.75 and $5.95 FILLETS, BLOATERS, KIPPERS,and : ther of éscand hand I. RONAN LOCKETT'S IRE--Fresh canght, weather chilled Fish: weigh 10 6 lbs. eqch. . 5 cookmia denny bn pg, > Salmon --emoken 20% off all Skating Boots, Pur sley, Celery, tr Si

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