Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jan 1922, p. 14

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comeenmnena Tom FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1088 = HE PEOPLE'S FORUM = CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Flat drsert rates are f ar 'The abuve when charge HELP WANTED. GEYER AL, Ap pl y 64 COOK, GENE R AL, FOR FL ATS 0 help kept; to go to Nt Apply | iz Barrie Y, Ex ERIE NC al plain and 1435 W. OLT-0F- Bires FOR Barrie MAID, town, 1 ue: n D GIRL k A Kensingtor good, co Lnion phone AGENTS OR wanted for Kings: try Money not sponsible people Montreal WANTED--A NUMBE color East pleasant wv for particulars pany, Cumstock WE WANT a RELAAGLG "ALks agent for each uii=jresented coun ty or territory. Lixc piling rights; good pay etic rep resentatives. t8 valu able. Write ery Co Toronto, Ont MAKE MONEY HOME, paid weekly for our Writing show cards I T vassing You w ard ronto. JOBBERS IN DRUGS on and the cour necessary t re Write 34 Boy OF L ADI iS TO Ww DA 5 oiburne o FOR HOME Wot -- A to make TKS y-learned A ur ki positive supplied 18-0, J Hitter; CCE tance iminater Ing. yarn stamp. Dept Toronto, AND WANTED SALESMEYN SALES- ladles who are w to learn and work on a c« Age 20 mmission e *r Reference 8, Years or o\ vious experience not essentlal 3 required Apply Chambers. Room Royal Bank ee POSITION WANTED, ---- eee A HOUSRKERPER, "EXE " meeks position {n hote family. Refere neces. A26, Whig Offic i WANTED TO PURCHASE, > T A MOTOR CABIN CRUISER. LENGTH over Ril about 31 feet. Beam about 8 feet. In first class condition with Sleeping accommodation for four five persons. Toilet and galle y de- and room cockpit aft For Use In waters around Montreal Comfort and & good seaboat essen- tial, Speed about ten miles per "hour. Communleate with Ww. Ho- rt Molson, Esq. 384 Gherbrooke : | Street West, Montrea Qu CIVIL ENGINEERING, PLANS--sUIY EYS--ESTIMATES -- 7. HE 8. Scott, BA. B.Se. Mem, Eng | 123 King Stree . Fuone 16 J. J.| Rm Inst. LEGAL eri bivencun srr CUNNINGHAM & SMF ers and Solicitors, Street, Kingston, ham, Cyril M. Smith. 1, BARRIST- 719 Clarence A. B. Cunning FANNRO KE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER olicitor. Law offi¢e, corner of Klas and Brock, over Royal Bak, Mo, Phone 1999. MEDICAL. CU. K. HOBINSON, M.B., 265 Street. Hours 10.30-12 pm, 5.30 p.m. Phone FP, H. HUYCKE, 111 WELLINGTON Street, Kingstun, Office hours: 11 to 12 am. 2 to 4 p.m. and to & evenings. _ Telephone 4568. BARRIR am, i-4 1646 7 CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Ph. C, Cor ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 3nd Hour. Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, at. Consultation free. Telephone 832J. Hours § to 12 aru. 1 to 6 p.m. GEORGE F, LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, cy, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot strest. between Princess and Breck. Tele- phone 943w. Hours § to 12 a.m, 1 to to $00 time 2 SEVEN RUOMED BRICH | t WANTED GENE rubbing Repeat orde IN A ROE TABL Bs commission business of Livery property owner of our nine huudrec bardy Red Tag tr No capital te 'equipment and Write Dominion Nurs real TO LET. H BOARD IF D nou, ¥ iveniences, Apply i. ET ON JANUARY, LODGE cupled by the I. U. ( unningnam & FIRST CLASS ROOMS ND BOARD); ali unprovemeats; centrally locat- ed Apply 243 University Ave, NEAR Bagot Apply Kingston GAHRAC anda K. i CORNER D. w NINE ROOMED 148 Muuire P | A t St. wipro johy loyy Fug 3. Vacauy April ------------------------------ EN ROOMED HOUSE, lights, gas, etc. Apply Hl cement factory, ratr.ck electric FF. Norman, street. FURNITURE clean and dry. 56 Brock AND STORAGE FOR Mec- mercnandise; Cann Agency, Yhone 3.6 FOR FURNITURE, rooms and spaces; Key rusts Queen St STOR \GE r airy your City Phone m------------------------ i 7 ROOMS; ELEC. piece bath; hot air n Maren olborne HOUSE WITH lrooms, 3-piece bath, gas for and co KING, 304 Bruck 8; barrie )ssession Feb. 1st i Lal 1 Frincess Street APART) barrie and Princess; four rooms and vath; ences; rent Juoderate Apply Cohen & Cu, 2b Uniario direet, ---------------- A EW SEVEN ROOM house and barn on North Alfred; ai- 80 un Nurth Alired street, a ood brick huuse and elgnt acres of juny Apply to J. D. Bouya, 332 University Avenue, phone 1033M. 5 CORNER consisting of all conveni- | Li D AT UIHOLSTERING. on DROP A CARD 710 W, 4, uphvulsterer, 21 Bagot St, YOUR up. repairing. { a card wo! CALL uavine, W. HAROLD FOR holstering and genera) Leave orders at or drop 104 Clergy street COVER BL 'ONS MADE TO on-| der in all popular shapes and sada | Lpholstering and repairing done. ko J. Goodridge, 244 Avenue. Phone 1833). Lniversity | FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FI ished; guns, gramaphones, ete. paired promptly and guaranteed. Stanton & Sieeth, 35 Princuss St. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WANTING "PAINTING OR anging done, drop a card to leer, 5+ A WHEN aper A MOU tsp een POWER, SON AND DREYV ER, ARCHI- tects, Merchants Bank Chambers orner of § Brack and wv ellington FANCY GOODS. HEMSTITCHING, IFICUT EDGING, AC- cordion, knife and box pleating. Hours 9 to 6.30. Mrs. B. A. Car 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St, opposite Artillery Park. SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KISDS, GLASS WORK, $. and 7 to 9 pu. Spinal analysis and consultation tree. Kesidential alls by appointment, large or small, Posters, Showcards. "i ispla) A specially, by Shaw at 213 ncess Street. Special preparation over twelve foot Rotary Screen that takes away all dust and ing only uniform size Coal of the * best quality. TRY IT 'James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnsonst. small particles, leav- STOVES 'they last, you may have Streel CLEAN : - TWO ished, $25.00. i A ee | 83,000 FRAME; § ROOMS; GooD ¢ | MALE AND 1icvMaA Al'P'L) BIRDS. 421 Barrie 2J FOUND ? FOUNTAIN PEN ON THI RSDAY, 500 sheets fo purposes TS Ov W HIT 1 E Ow i y BLACK da FUR FOR n; in good ver | CHE ESE FACTORY " | i sect] good repal maker for Reid, Lans- a Call & Alla mber Co ur BLA K ROSARY Owner A PAIR CHILD'S Gauntlet by stor aud Montreal st s WAL L REY, Pic ho or NEAR auc Whig PERSIAN Owner ma calling at corn A Sarg sume E r Princess rug SEVERAL stores, COUNTRY GENERAL y lages within a reasonable from the .city Also two blacksmith shops, one at Inverary i other at Syden- | ham Api J. Carroll Agency, Kir LEFT HAND; Apply po- oN Office LADY'S GLOVE, mmed wita fur. ep station SLM OF 23day own J GHEY leer MONEY Y t 10 GENTLE NS Irinee y have oN RivGsioN XY ARD--STOV E Woon delivered; Wood, All measured LOVE, Uwner I NEW WwWoobD 55 > Mt, $2 rd Same al t STE L Lice CANS, ene ks, no Bruton University < cord ra 1 i6llm . Yard: 244 | M uc A Low DEINE tu foul. Owner Ly appiying to Street ; DAIRY FARM ON LAKE dwellings; Al barns w gil SIXty acres ploy half r fallowed; situate few miles of Bolt ghoun: twenty tons : Neville Cays, ce BROWN RUBBER. 4 gentleman s ay have 192 bivision 'ollingwoo d Street, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- ? Mills Company. GENERAL STORE PROP- d stock building is two stor addition "20x30, dwelling house attached 40 , ad- dition 20x20, h air furnace, hot and cold water, hardwood floors dwelling; 3 piece! > supply tank 5 runway from with public hal] head; finished and seated for public itertainments, cattle weilg les, and several outbuildings ost Office, C.P.RR cy for all but.ticket gelling is worth investigating. Apply Carroll | Agency, 56 Brock | counTRY ! erty an 10X60, and ay s to aaver- tals Anyone wishing to do 80 Ly repo ling tne f The British Wing Lhe tisement will be printed in tulutun free of charge. F'ouna articles ude i € OWile cl / with ised lor iu tae lost ov "Lost ¢ sium AR This J. K TAN AND ER r-- na ee this aun i, Ge WHITE ran." "3 Lnigrmat mal gladly eli HOUND BITCH, 4g A. A. Nu y ed fepnune by itl mar-- i ---------------- INTINT, OFFICE Street. Phone 652w. DEN. corner al « A. E. RM 258 Pritges wotiricn, Te SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 158 Wellington street, of Broce CRE 1. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 ss Street. Phone 1850. Upen vvenings by appuintment. FOR SALE. loo TIMOTHY BALED HAY. APPLY | ALKROYD, DENTIST, UAS RKe sumed practice at 92 Princess St, over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone T5023 DR. ENGLISH marked; A. Sched Used Cars Used Luains an New Tires and PALMEWS, cor POINTERS, d Parts accessories mpmb-- pager and Queen ADAIR, « CAT ARAQUNM ree Sneed pr = Jarriage licenses, AM BL reasovnable 89 Princess STOLE ur ols Lor sale at a Cali at Ll. Houtlvaru, or phone A LAKGE FINANU1AL | MRS. H. 5. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO- mobile and Casualty insurance. 420 | kar] street. - Phone 1762M. aud | x: cedar same, Apply A Smith, 1562 Frontenac ocreet, Kir ston. STRANGE & STRANGH, INSURANCE agents; established In 1560; only the most reliable companies repre- schted, Office 5 Clarence . street, uppusite the post office. DOUBLE SLEIGH, COMPLETE with box, suitavie for handling manure. Appiy RH. P. Byrne, Forty | Foot Road, uppusite Mowat liospi- 1 al NE WSPRINT PA- {tive 1 | said just before | cans FOMENT ING BIG REVOLT Cantu is Plog Extensive Rebellion--Money Back- ing Is Sought. El Centro, Cal., Jan. 27. --General | Esteban Cantu, former governor of lower California, is in New York a ranging American financial Ns for a new revolution against the Ob- | regon government, according to his sociates here today. "The revolution" {ig talked con- stantly in Mexicali. The present gOV- ernor, Epigmento Ybarra, has kept the rebels down because of his per- sonal popularity. But when he leaves office the storm, it is expected, will k. Ybarra went to Ensenada to- | day to confer with federal officials | |regarding the situation. He will de- | {part for Mexico City as soon as Jose Lugo, the new governor, arrives at Mexicali to replace him. | If Cantu can get the money back- ing he is after, he plans to have the | rebellion swept over all Baja, Cali- fornia, Sonora and other northern states, until it can extend southward and drive Obregon out of Mexico City. - Sonora and lower California are } uch favored by revolutionaries as states in which to start revolutions. a | {The new governor, formerly an un- | der-secretary of the department of | the interior in Mexico City, is un- | known to the people of the north- | west, and Cantu figures on launch- ing his blow before the new execu- | has fairly taken hold of the | reins of office. Much mystery surrounds the iden- | tity of the financial interests which | are reported to be backing Cantu. "Cantu would like to be a big | man, but he's not," Governor Ybarra | leaving for Ensen- "He is known to 30,000 Mexi- | in this area, but 15,000,000 | outside never heard of him." ! Asked whether Mexico would sell lower California to the United Sta tes, Ybarra replied: "Would you sell | Florida to Mexico?" ada The Directors Chosen. At a meeting of the shareholders | of the Richmond Wire & Iron Co., Deseronto, Messrs. W. J. Malley, H. M. Rathbun, E. A. Rixen, A. Collins and M. Hunt were appointed direc- | tors. Mr. Malley is president and Mr. Rathbun, secretary, of the re- organized company. About one hun- dred stock-holders attended the meeting. | Kingston Historical Society tal. 3 | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclely, incorporated 1861. President W. F. Niele K.C.; vices president, A. B. aningham. Money issued on city and .arm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purct ised, investment Bonds tor sale; deposits received and interest allowed . R.| C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- | ence sire ingste n TON OF at car Ww OUR EGG, $15.50 deliv- guaranteed Kichardson COAL--TRY A chestnut, or stove, ered or $15.00 at satisfaction G Phone 1353J FOR SALE ALL K 800d gecuni-hand turnitur StOVES. ADy person Daviug Stoves Nd Lurnitusve to dispose uf, we wis pay nighesi prices J. Toompson, 433 Princess Street. Phone lsd0w. I HAVE BUSINESS CHANCES, CLOTHING MERCHANTS let your stock run down in » quality or values. Our special! department enables you to se rve | fashionable dresser as well as the| omic buyer. Selections of patterns irpassed Write to-day H. Vine- berg & Limited, corner St. Law- rence Blvd, and Duluth Ave. P. QO. Box 3040, Montreal VEN DWELLING OF S harawood rooms; electric lights; floors in two rouvms; large shed; lut (0X132; west end Bargain at $2600. Apply J. Kk. Carrol Agency 56 Brock street FORD COUPE, EQUIPPED WITH shock ~ absorvers, 1 ountabic rims, starter, over I engine, gears and-upholster ng in oud condition. Appiy 395 Princess street. Phone 183). FRAME PERSONAL | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, marks, skin cancers, moved permanently. Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre removed. | 85 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. | Lake, Kye, kar, Nose. Throat, Skin 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301. PARTICULARLY DESIRABLE BRICK CARTING. Veneered dweliing of nine rooms, 3 piece bath, hot air turnace, acetylene! ASHES REMOVED ON SHORTEST NO- lighting plant, und about 20.acres Apply Charles Andre, carter, OI lana situated just on the out- Montreal street. Phone 33st. skirts of one of the best vi ge8 in] A ena the vicinity of Kingston. his is a JH O C K EY splendid conahce for a doc: or, as Intermediate 0.H.A, there i8 no medical man in this vil- lage or within nine miles of it. Ap- ly J. K Carroll Agency, 56 Brock ° : To-night at 13) 1 Mahogany small Sideboard, $31.00.) ply Bt¥ect. | Reserved Seats BIRTH- SOLID WALNUT rs, hn re- nine pieces, new h with top, plush "Kiddie- Koop," Apply even Edgehill Ave, VERY HANDSOME dining room suite Child § white slelg upholstering; aiso complete, like new ings, Mrs. Wilson, Phone 1823F. tice. 277 ANTIQUE FURNITURE -- SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK --- Small Walnut Chest of Drawers, pol- | 1 Mahogany Sofa, Polished, $18.00. Walnut Rockers, $15.00, We buy all kinds of furniture Phone 1040w, LESSE'S ANTIQUE sHop i Rush Seals 507 Princes Street, Junior Intercollegiate Saturday, Jan. 28th REGIOPOLIS vs. KCL Game starts at 8.15 BATEMAN'S Rial ESTATE, FOR 8. BALE. | i lar and jurge lot, with ay ind garden. $2,700~FRAME; 6 ROOMS; IMPROVE- | ments; garage and duuble lot. -- 75¢. and Soe. | . 8%. | | { JOCK HARTY ARENA EN ~~ NOTICE vo woud han-| i opts, m, | celiar;: My wife, Rachel, bavive jeft me for no just cause, | hereby notify ail per- © | sons that ¥ wil not be responsible for any debts she may Sanirace whether ing her own or in my na To LAZARU s SPOONER. | rm W BRICK; WEST END; all improvements; harawood lot 4vxivy, 9 Reserved Seats .. { Bush Seats i War Tax extra in all cases. techie floors througn- | D100--FRAME; Fou C. 1, lec tric lights, 3, n end. T0 181. | s25.00--FRA AME; WEsT SIDE; SEVEN rooms; EB and L Cd electric light. $30.00-BRICK; EIGHT piece bath: electric If &ood condition. SATEMANS reir, ESTATE 156 Wellington Street, Kingstva. i ! 26th January ---- in § ROOMS; sat aud ta Premier Drury is not enthusiastic | over the eight-hour-day proposal. itchener, Ont, fnaugurates idea of Junior public Hbeury board. tion day would be appreciated. Lecture by Prof. J. L. Morison, M.A. D. Litt, om "The Great Lord Salsbury," a study im Victorian stateamanship, in | St. George's Hall, To-night, Friday, at 8.15. The annual General Meeting will follow "C, Macdonell, | All interested | Nelor-Geneyn Sir A. Rte will preside. [ To the Electors of the City of Kingston and the Village of Portsmouth LADIES and GENTLEMEN: The Liberal party has tendered and 1 have accepted the nomination as candidate for the Ontario Legisia- ture. I have served the people of Kingston as Alderman, Mayor and Commissioner of the Utilities Com- mission and my record Speaks for itself. If elected I can only promise Yo support careful and economical leg- islation at Toronto, and advance the best interests of the city in the future the game as in the past. Yours very sincerely, R. F ELLIOTT. The use of your Automobile on Elec- Telephone Wm. Peters, Secretary, Phone 2041. LIBER. AL WARD MEETINGS 30th, 8 pon 30th, 8 p.m. {15 Montreal St. WE NICKLE requests Your Votes and Influence to elect him Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario 1922 | HAPPY-GO-LUCKY | COMEDY "Glenburnie Saturday, Jan. 28, at I p.m. AUCTION SALE | village of Westhrook | late John Bonnay | of } Kingst« | Ject to a reserve will be made known at GR AND To-night & Saturday The Rex Stock Co. Presentiog "UNDER COVER" VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN THE ACTS PRICES--20¢., 30c., 30c. Gallery 10c. Saturday Matinee 10c. and 2Se WwW. H. Greatest WARNER'S Success ee rg. - Tuesday Matinee & Night, Jan. 31 COMEDIES A 7 THE FUNNIEST OF ALL CARTOON MUSIC AL "BOOB McNUTT" 35 PEOPLE~--23 SONG HITS You'll Laugh! You'll Scream! You'll Holler} THE FAMOUS ARTIST'S MODELS PEPPY DANCES SMART ENSEMBLES COMPANY'S OWN SYNCOPATED ORCHESTRA Adults, 50c.; Children, 23e. Nights 23-30-75-91.00, PRICES--MVatinee, a ---- TO-DAY tT A = P= TO-DAY STRAND MAY ALLISON in "EXTRAVAGANCE" The Story of a Wasteful Wife and a Ha » Hubby THE. WONDER 0 0G in ~AHOUND CORNERS Dancing Instruction Instruction given In the Gardem Hail, All the Intest dances for 1922----every night from ¥ to fall by appointment--i1} Hrock St, Mrs. 8. Cohen, In- structor. Hall phome 337. enidence phone 1878. HROW ANIL, ALLEN <« NOW Plenty of Romance, Action =ad Irish Humor fp com HELEN TOM MOORE AT HIS BEST, SON oy I NE-- pg JOCK H AR 3 ARE N A (County League) HOCKEY MATCH Trophy) BEST THE INSIEL ON Crossed Fish Sardines THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE OIL pe Tee by | CHADWICK AS FOX HURRICANE NEWS HUTCH SPECIAL For those 'stubborn aches and pains, Skilled anatomical and physiological engineering, stores the human good running order. When indi we also glve High Fre. y Diathermy or Sinusoidal, oC "ondensation Electrical (Edward's vs. Joyceville DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT 204 King St. between Earl & Gove 12 Years' Success in Kingston, DOMINION MEAT STORE OPP. X. M. C. A, Admission 23¢. to reserved seats FIBRE FURNITURE stock of Wa- ting Chairs finished in Ivory Als eto. Must be to reserve. Tao be offer- es of EE WARBURTON SATURDAY, JAN, Manufact terproof F Tables, Ch including Brown, Fre Jardinieres cleared subject ed on the pr 316 BARRIE 81 25th, at 2.30 p.m. H. BEDFORD, A sn Auction Sale of Farm ° There will be sold by auction. a¢ the blacksmith shop of George Kelll, at the Tuesd ¥ » » farr: of the the south part oanship +f ining the land and-a-half dwelling attached, a good house and hen iture, cor f « sets, and Baskets, e Auctioneer, FOR PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 1268J. 14th, at et A er en en: st. sia ata HAY ades of Hay, in ton or car loty Tuary lot n, about 60 acres a good frame story house with kitchen barn and stable, drive house. The farm will be offered bid. Th Best Br prices. COAL at lowest market for sale sub- th terms time { sale particulars apply a premises, or to the undersig ned Best grades Anthracite 'Nut Dated January 26th, 192 William "Brite, tlonsar, | Stove Coal at reasonable prices. Collin's Bay. | --------r---- For furtheg- and 'w. KENT MACNEE E. G. DENNEE | Bank of ¢ ommerce Butlding, Brock and | Office King Streets. Phone 701 or 13&:1 General lusurauce Agency riting .--~Automobile, Fire, Accident, ckness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete Kepresenting Only Heliabie Companies 30,000 SAMPLES Dr, Best's \eterinury Wonder 50.000 ona dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to horsemen who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colle, Inflammation of the Langs, Bowels. Kidneys, Fevers listemper ete. Send 35¢c for Mailing Pavkage etc. Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. R. BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, Out. At cat PA PA PM lA tet Wa Mrs. N. McLenaghan died Perth on Monday, PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service LADY RACHEL CAVENDISH. Daughter of the Duke of Devonshire, whose name ha: been linked with that of the Prince of ales frequently of late, is here seen on the fe/t with the sis Dorothy {ir He centre) and Lady Ann. ° ps

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