Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jan 1922, p. 6

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6 THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG. THE BRITISH WHIG 80TH YEAR. | WHISKEY vs. HOOTOH. | Most thinking people must have been distressed by the recent pofson- ings in New York, whem over a hun- dred victims were struck down by allooholic concoctions they had sampled, Yet in pre-prohfbition VISOOUNT BRYCE. The death of James Bryce removes the foremost English echolar and publicist. He was no longer young, | for he was born tn 1838, but he was [the sort of man that a country re- fuses to call old, even at 34. He was BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY PEACE WITH ALL MEN: ~--Follow peace win all | men, and holiness, without which ro | man shall see the Lord.---Hebrews (12: 14. C3 days, five times that number of | born in Belfast of a Scotch father [they stopped, and from a jug the . A breaker of the Daily Sew.1- Weekly THE BRITISH Weta eUBL SING CO,, LIMITED " J G. Billott ,....... TON RATES: (Dally Edition) & year, delivered in city a ® year, If paid in advance .. 5.0 b; 25 9 year, by mall to rural offices @ year, to United States 8. (Bemi-Weekly Edition) ne year, by mail, cash ® year, if not 24 in advance ne year, to United States OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES 5 Calder, 23 St. John St, Montreal " W. T 15100 King St. W, ronto. Letters to the Editor are published shiy over the actual name of the writer, Attached Is one of the printing offices in Canada. best job The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticaied br the ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations. A good joser is a man who edmits it, but refuses to stay lost. Russia has more money than any other nation--by volume. The kind of remt that makes a lendlord popular is diffierent. All the world's a stage, and the box office is in a deuce of a shape. The radical uplifters continue to flatwheel along at the rate of a hun- dred nots an hour, Seems the undertakers should make gpecial rates to pedestrians killed in family groups. -------------- Next we hear Switzerland will be demanding her quota of submarines ~--40 sail fn the bathtub. . The following is & full lst, to date, of the New Year resolutions the aver- age mam hasn't brokem: A girl doesn't feel cultured until she learns to raise her hand at least wo feet after striking e« plano key. Every Chinaman bosses his wife; and yet we talk about carrying ' the Blessings of _ctviMeation to those peo- ple, -- The two inevitabilities are death Sud taxes, but we can die, Allah be Brained, without having to fill out a the primitive in ua. It does, kes us long for the trusty old hammer. The action of the United States $ in 'withholding funds for the ml & what might be ? the overhead." on freshmen bave voted 0 ove that the modern girl is right." Chances sre she doesn't deaths from ordinary alcoholism were taken quite for grantad. Thus, in 1917, the deaths in New York City from alcoholism. numbered 560 with several times that ther in which it must have Deen fli§ second- ary cause, It should thet seem that the chief ia cd Between "4g00d" and "bad" NHOr gs that the former kills them oth ard the lat. ter kills them quick! THE BYE-ELECTION, | With the nomination last night of | and an Irish-mother, was educated at Glasgow and Oxford, and spent most of his life in London. He versatile man in the British Empire. Viscount Bryce"s first book was published when he was but twenty- four, and his "Holy Roman Empire' is as well known in the universities of the world as his monumental work, the 'American Common- wealth" published twenty-four years later. It is not too much to say that not only did Bryce love the United | States, but that he knew the genius R. F. Eliott, Liberal, and W, F. Nic- of that great democ better than kle, Conservative, the provincial bye- the United States ay b ' election may be said to be well under | arself. ] Her served under four prime min- way. Some weeks ago Ex-Alderman | 1 R G In an} isters In the cabinet of the British . Armstrong, dependent, | parliament, and was for five years stopper popped. | booze he took; his vitals it began to cook, and clouds of bluish smoke | might quite well be called the most |9T08e, emerging from his | mose. He cried, "I've had my forty | drops! Now watch me whip the vil- Tlage cops! I feel like Samson when he slew a lion or a kangaroo!" And when the sun rose, bright and red, two cops were sitting on his head. And others beat him on his soles with heavy lignum vitae poles. Also for poor deluded skates, on whom such black disaster waits, who fol- low through the shadows gray, where { bootleg merchants lead the way! Oh, jcome with me to yonder rill, and | drink, and drink, and drink your fill! { --WALT MASON. * BIBBY"S To Our Customers and Others Boys' Clothing and Furnishings We Would Say Who Have Made This Store Their Headquarters For Men's and EE AT business or coming into business, to bear in mind we allow no firm, whether -going out of to wrdersell us--price for 3 nounced himeelf as a candidate, and | later the Labor party endorsed ex- | Al. Fleet, as their representative. | Thus, if ell these men stay 4n the | field, the electors will have a wide and varied choice, 'The public are conversant with Mr, | Nickle's record as a public man, both at Toronto and at Ottawa, and with his habit of resigning almost every time the citizens chose him. He re- | ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | ambassador to the United States. On BY SAM HILL | this side of the water he did more | than any of his predecessors to make | the British point of view clear to | * American eyes, and to him more | Tie Towa Gomly. 1a than to any other individual Briigh | #23 WA3 ius JEline type of Wald Statesman may be attributed the | And when the lies began to spread steadily increasing epirit of friend-| You knew right well it was ship between these two great Eng- | CAT. ° Hsh-speakinig countries. : that price--quality for quality, At seventy-six he was appointed 4 to gain from such .a political organi- | presents a party that has the small- est numerical strength in the On- | & tario legislature and follows a leader | tiete geTman RE in Bel whose record is such that he could | ughty did he do his never lead a party to victory in a hundred years. This city has nothing | as chairman of a commission to in- dispute that the Germans in the Rape of Belgium had violated the zation. laws of decency and humanity. The record of Mr. Elliott is like- | }| wise well-known to the people. For | iin of diplomatic insight made | over thirty years he has represented jum sho pense foe of the them in various capacities, as alder- | Handed i ® nalstendy de- man, mayor, member of the Utilities | 470 sick man (of Commission and for the pmst four |. ope ' this fomentor of wars and | years as chairman of the commission, [He hes served fefthfully and unsel- [Lives Wo Europe forever. His | fishly, sacrificing, very often, his | pathy in public and in private {own personal and business interests | Yun! out to the Poles and the Ar-| {for the public weal. His record ua | Muklama, ole Was an idealist, be- | been clean and, jrreproachable, and | gin power of ideas, he was | if any man deserves well of his fel- | | low citizens that men is R. F. Elliott, 2 Sse Leern the scholar and the The campaign, this time, is to be a | . | ¢hort one, for which heaven be thank | But @bove all else James Bryce be- ed. The questions of the day will be | /1°Ved in democracy, believed in the discussed In the press and on the P°Wer Of free speech and fres 'insti- platform, and it is to be sincerely | tutions, and while others were point- hoped that the personalities that | 8 Out the dangers of democracy he marked and marred the last federal | "28 Dusy showing how in this way election will be happily missing, | 2/0%® could the world move forward. floth of the old parties are well or- At efighty-three he wrote an extreme- ganized for the fight, which from |! 8Pl® book on Democracy which today begins in earnest. The tide of | 10% RO symptom of lack of faith Liberalism is running strong alike in| ® hi# former optimistic prophecies. Kingston as throughout the domin- | 1® Wes at once clean fn mind and ion, and there is no reason to doubt, | "®4Tt, buoyant in temper and opti- a Liberal victory here on Feb. 6th. |™stic in outlook--even at eighty- threes and among the debris of the aftermath of war. Humanity, and work that mo man will ever again | | His broad humanity and his | diplomatic entanglements, should be | | 8 practical idealist and combined in | | Observations of Oldest Imhabitant. | I kin remember "when girls covered | their foreheads with bands instead of their' ears with "puffs." | No Water on His, "I see where a New York man has invented a vapor transformer that will transform a person's breath into| | water," remarked Colonel Boozem. { "Huh! I'd ike to see them trans-| | form your breath into water. They | would get nothing but pure alcohol] | from you," snapped his loving wife, | | ! ------ | 'Smutter, Your Wife Doing Jury | Duty? | (Classified Ad. in Hilsboro Gazette) | A woman to do housework. Call at | this office. Songs. I cannot sing the old songs | Of gentle days gone by. The new and jazzy bold songs 1 I wouldn't dare to try. | --Washington Star. | | I cannot sing the newest songs | | Nor those of other days, | | But still I often lift my voloe ! To sing my own sweet praise Fleeing From Em. The pup was chasing around yard like mad, ' "What's the matter, has your dog rabies?' asked the man who had stopped to watch the performance. "No, sir," replied the kid, "he's only got fleas." the -- You Can't Drink Gloves, "France, in normal times, makes about 26,000,000 pairs of gloves in a year," says & news item. But we un. derstand it is not Just to buy gloves so many thirsty Americans \ are going to France. Clothing or Men's Wear. 4 Large shipments of new goods are coming in and we Find prices much lower and qualities very much better, ~----It will pay you to look over our new stock if in peed of BIBBY'S, Limited SKATES that are made of the highest " grade Steel, Triple Nickle Plate, and the best finish at - ROBERT BURNS, Although it is 163 years since Robert Burns was born no anniver- sary of his birth is allowed to pass without Scottish people in particular, eapecially that 'great part of human- ity that believes in democratic ideals, will forever remain in debt to the voice and pen, to the mind and heart of Viscount Bryce. 1 That's the Way We Feel About Things Around Our Place. in Falmouth (Ky.) Outlook) NOTICE (Ad. prices that don't effect your pocket. Any size... and Mterary people in gemeral, cele- brating in some fitting way the twenty-fifth of January. There is a reason. What Wallace and Bruce did for Scotland in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Robert Burng did, in the eighteenth, If they saved Scodiand as a country, he saved the spirit of Scotland when it was ready to de. And what he dd for Scotland he did in lesser de- gree for the rest of the world. Though fe spemt most of his early life én efght of the hills, he chose the lowly paths of the valley where the common folk dwell, and throughout his Mfe he was a peasant at heart and he speaks for the common peo phe. Bums was a radical. The acttve part of iris tite was spent in the soul- stirring period of the French revolu- A.~Oanada tion, and with ite aims he SymPatdis- [of population ta 3e Hn. Due 2000 ed heart and soul. Perhaps better |g. : : . than most men of his ttme, he semsed Q--What Canadian rivers are the far<eaching results of the new | 1,000 miles or over in length? idea released in that titanic struggle, | A.--Canada hes four great rivers, over 1,000 miles long, viz., Macken- He is very modern in his advice to sie (with Peace) 2,625: Nelson, English princesses not to be seek- . ing aiid with .G ist cach ion; Lawrence and Charen Tacy. Perhaps he saw something of what inevitably came about long after his death through the unwise diplomatic manipulation and influ- ence of Queen Victoria in the courts of Europe. Anyway his poem, re- markable in his own day, has become almost an axiom fn our enlightened age. "A man's @ man for a' that." That Bums did a great service tp re- ligion will be admitted by every competent authority. were a reaction against a bide-bound théology; they were a protest against a low-tomed conventional religion Our Canadian Question And Answer Corner ta how 'many languages and ts fs x os the Bible distributed in A.--The Bible, in whole or in part, is distributed in over one hun- dred languages and dialeots in Can- ada, thus showing the diversity of tonsu. in the dominion, .~~Are there lepers, or leper hospitals in Canada? So Citade hes 13 known cases of leprosy, under treatment in two hospitals, or in British Doty mbia and New .--What #8 the birth, marriage and death rate per 1000 gn Canada? I don't want any one to haul any- thing from any barn or place without first seeing me.--Harriett Loomis, Fal. mouth, Ky. Fool Questions, C. M. Y. asks: "When people ex- press their opinions do they prepay the charges or send them collect? We can't answer that, but we'd just lke to remark that a lot of opinions should not be expressed, but gent by | slow freight. They are not worth expressing, | Poor Beeb. A ¢hicken tried to lay an egg Exactly llke itg mother; It Jaid around about & week, But he never laid another. ---G, N. 8, Farm Hands Are Different. "Satan still finds mischief for idle hands to do," quoted the visiting par. son. "Huh™ growled the farmer. "J don't believe the devil himself could get the Idle hdnds around this place even. to show enough energy to get into mischief. Well, Isn't It the Truth? A Woman Will Show Her temper. Her perve. Her ignorance. Her wisdom, Her arms. Her chest. Her lower limbs. But ghe will not show - Her ears or Her age (if she can help it). ---- Daily Seatence Sermon, "Save your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves," but it take care of you. News of the Names Club. The Club loses" one of its well. known members in the death of Anna B. Lively, of Falmouth, Ky, This Means Something, But What? (Inez Item in Martin Coumty (Ky.) Advertiser) Rev. Willams, of the Holiness Church, is condusting & revival he now, Page the Traffic Cop. "Pa." sald Clarence. "What? growled Pa. "What is the speed limit for driving a nail? . Can't "Its funny!" "What is?" "The dead letter office handles more 15,000,000 undelivered letters $1.75 MOORE'S ' PHONE 815 MeOLARY 'S., AT REDUCED PRION BUNT'S Hardware, King St. is Detter to eave the dollars that wiil The Greatest Problem of the Breakfast Table is COFFEE "Use our Java and Mocha 5 Blend and the problem is sat- istactorily and pleasantly solved. Roasted on the premises -- ground daily -- and the price 60 cents, Jas. REDDEN & Co. The House of Satisfaction Phones 20 and 990. * Automobile Hood Covers ¢ manufactured by us. R. H. JONES 3% PRIN CESS STREET Phone 152. Unique Window $2,500 Prescriptions, which have been dispensed, are being shown in the window of Dr Chown's Drug Store, The watchword of this steve is "QUALITY"---the beat. only, goes In your prescriptions. There is never any substitu- tion, and this, with absolute ac- curacy, gives the best results possible. Bring us your prescriptions. Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phone 848 THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the tery lime. Estimates given on all of repairs and mew work alse hard Nood floors of all kinds. oh ordery reeetve 28 Queen rare mPt Mlieution, hap Money To Loan We have consider- able private funds to loan on real estate only, at lowest cur- rent rates, N.B.~We have removed office to 58 Brock Street (near King Street. ALL THROUGH THIS JANUARY ----OUR COAL WILL MAKE YOU MERRY ! AN Aes RS OAL QUARTETTE z Mf ES, our coal will make Y you merry in January and also in February and you will forward March to April in a pleasant frame * of mind if you burn our coal, Now that is promising a lot but you just try it. ' Crawford Scranton Coal Phoue 9. Foot of Queen St,

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