Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1922, p. 5

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Tre, SATURDAY, JAN. 7, THF DAI Y RPITISH WH LE FOR CHOICE MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF B. V. McGeein 282 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 mm | Kingston Transfer Co. FOR MOVING OF | Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description---- Phone 877. 158 Wellington Street. | DRAW. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington | Streets Phone 3638 Dr. Waugh | 106 Wellington St, Phone 2506 Angrove's Repairs Scales, Tatking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages; Lawn Mowers, etc. | We do repair work right and guar- antec satisfaction. | 197 Wellington Street. [WATTS | | People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily || Funeral designs, and wedding | bouquets to order, Phone 1763. Res., 1137. i W. R McRae & Co GOLDEN LION BLOOK. COAL Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No 'other kind sold by us. TH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 138 FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 'extra lot. Good barn. Rents for $44 per month. Price $4,500, Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock Street Phone 424 DID YOU EVER TRY Wagntamy Gluger Marmalade. Wagstaf's Pineapple Marmalade. Wagstafl's Bramble Jelly, A We also have a full line of other relaible makes of Marma- 1ades; "yam and Jellies for sale ate : BON MARCHE GROCERY Cor. King and Earl Streets 'License Neo. 5-27149 | GET 11 REPAIRED GET 11. Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and reatted. Parts supplied. Saws filed, knives, scissors umd edge tools ground. Locks repmired. Keys Btied to Al kinds of weeks. Alc makes vi Lawg mowers saarpeued and re © CHB repuir Anyang Bat 1s repairabie. : J. M. PATRICK 149 id "Hoses. THE TORTURE OF | INDIGESTION Thousands Made Miserable By This Trouble - "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Relieves It: What is Indigestion and what causes it? As you know, solid food must be changed into a liquid by the stomach before it can be taken up as nourishment by the blood. The stomach acts as a churn. Tt is covered by a strong, muscular coat and lined with a soft, delicate membrane which secretes the Gastric Juice which digests or dissolves solid food. When food enters the stomach, the muscular coat squeezes and presses the food from end to end, or churns it, with the gastric juice to dissolve or digest it. But--if the stomach muscles are weak--or if the dissolving fluid is poororinsuffiient-- then food eannot be digested properly and you have Indigestion. "FRUIT-A-TIVES" is the most wonder Jul medicine in the world for strengthening the stomach muscles and providing an abundance of pure, full-strength dissolving { fluid to completely digest every meal. "FRUIT-A-TI VES" does this because it keeps the kidneysactive, the bowels regular and the blood pure, which insures pure Gastric Juice. "FRUIT-A-TIVES" will correct your Indigestion or Dyspepsia and enable you to enjoy every meal, Try it, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 256. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. A ns ts PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Werk. All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 2 Markland St. Phone 2397m. ra a. BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given-by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. Partridge Wire Works NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING Now prepared to do this work. Manufacturing Wire Fencing, Flower Border Guards, ete. 62 KING ST. W « = PHONE 380. ae 'sore muscles 'Whether they come from bruises or over- work, sore muscles will quickly yield to the soothing effect of c Absorbine, Jr. Rub briskly into the mus- cles a few drops of Absor- bine, Jr, and the inflam- mation which caused the pain will quickly disap- pear--and with it the pain. iA Keep a bottle hand . be prepared for emer- $1.25 a bottle at mest druggists' W. F. YOUNG, Ine. Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks re delicious for desert or h or to serve at any time. " We sell them during winter months. Prompt delivery for special occasions. Phone 82. M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. PHONE 82. Opposite St. Andrew's CLamh the enn Princess and Wellington Headquarters for: -- Children's Sleighs, Baby Sleighs, Child- ren's Brooms and Shovels, Skates and Hockey Sticks, etc. _ Phone 216. 'does now, | | | Kingston and Vicinity 1 It Made Her Blubber, sié got licked for being bad By her father, one time sailor; | Between her sobs she sald that Dail | Musta been an old-time whales. Su | Real Estate Transfer, Albert W. Atkins, Soverton,) ha | purchased through N. £ Cutht son the market garden property F. J. McGonegal, second concession Elizabethtown. Ambitious To Know, | Ambition is 'he most important | material being sought in the workers iof today, Our readers are ambitious | They want the best opportunities ani are studying our classified ads .ror | the bes: opportunities. | Ode to January 6th. | Bing! Bang! | Zowie! Blooey! i Somebody's New Year | Pledge went flooey! | Sugar $7.26 per Hundred, | On Friday afternoon a local whole- |sale dealer stated that the wholesa! iprice of white sugar was $7.26 | which is a drop of about €0 cents per | [hundred pounds. Two years ago 'hoe [ree was as high as $25 per hundred Special Reduction, | We will put on sale our entire | stock of men's and boys' winter over- {coats at a great reduction in prices. | | Some of the overcoats we will sell for less' than wholesale price." What we |advertise we do. Prevost Clothing, | Brock street. | . | i -------------- | Former Throoptown Resident. At Throoptown word was received | of the death of Capt. William Finu- { can, of Charlevoix, Mich., well known | fag a mariner on the upper lakes | Capt. Finucan was a former resident {and his friends regret his death. He was a brother of James Finucan and | Mrs. E. J. McMahon, | Cape Vincent, N.Y., Tax Rate. { The general tax rate for the town of Cape Vincent, N.Y., is $1.50 on a $100 assessment, as against $1.54 last year. The highway rate this years ig thirty-four cents, two points lower than last year, when it was thirty-six cents. Sweeper Throws Up Slush. Pedestrians and merchants operation of the streat railway swep- {er on slushy days. were much bespattered. A baby in a slush tossed into dts sleigh. ------------------ ea. Would Not Be Taken Alive. Frank Andrews who was brought from Brantford to serve a ten-year sentence in the Portsmouth peniten- tiary, when speaking to the sheritf who brought him to prison, stated that if he knew as much then as he he would not have been He was only arrested after had surrounded taken. y eight constables him. Death of Mrs. A. G. Switzer. A card announces the death of leton Place, who passed away on Dec. 16th, at the home of her son-in-law, Rev, C. E. A. Pocock, at Duhamel, Alta. The deceased lady was eighty- two years of age. She was well known to many in Carleton Place where she spent the best part of her life, and most highly esteemed by all, Society Stationery. | We announce to the public that we have now an exclusive line of MOTHER ! Clean Child's' Bowels With "California Fig ®vrup" | | Even a sick «. w oxtur SPSS edty™ taste of 'California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the con- stipation poison, sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and wives you a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "'Califor- nia Fig Syrup" handy. They know a teaspoonful to-day saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup," which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle, Mother! You must say "California™ : More than 100 tons of wood are consumed daily in the form of mateh on | Princess street complain about the On Thursday af- | ternoon the sweeper coated the win- | dows of the stores and people passing : carriage was half covered up the the | Mrs. A. G. Switzer, formerly of Car- | Crane's society stationery, including | Linen Lawn, Kid Finish, Quartered | Oak, Crane OM Style, Early Georg- | ian, Highland Linen, Chgmevoir Vei- lum, in all sizes. This is made in | Canadian factory. "Visit our statjon- | ary depdrtment. The Jackson Press, street, . Wellington Men Are at Desks. | The banks at Welliagton are now staffed by male emnioyees, Miss Nina Nelson, teller at the Bank of Nova Scotia, left a month ago, her place being taken by Walter Hubbs. Miss Kathleen Macdonald has just concluded her eppointmen: at the | Standard Bank; the new teller is It. | E. Minaker, New Licenses in Next Few Weeks. The Ontario automobile licenses and markers for the year 1922 have not yet been received by the local | issuer, H. D. Wightman. They are {not expected until near tha: enl of the month of January, and until new plates are issued the old ones will be perfeotly legal. is no means of knowing what the numbers will be. There are now 2,330 automobiles licensed in the {city and district, 183 trucks and 44 motor cycles, You Can Tell Your Wants, On a postal card; over the back fence; or across the hall or fire es- lcape. You can talk to everybody you know and get your needs talked about by a lot of people you don't know--abut if you get results by that method you are in Iuck. If you tell your wants in a classified advertise- ment you are dignified, efficient, and sure of getting what you want. If {and let us tell you how" useful they {are--then, when you do need them. they are yours, J. M. Campbell Was In Ottawa. J. M. Campbell returned from Ot- |tawa on Thursday night after spend- ing a few| days on political business. He reports that the new government | is geiting into harness, and it is com- | posed of the ablest ment in Canadian | political life today. There will be | new life in the public service, and | the problems confronting the country |are to be studied with a view to in:.- | mediate remedy. The important questions are unemploymen§§ trans- portation, trade and finance and thers {is evident everywhere an infusion lof the constructive Liberal spirit. Long View Cottage Burned. | Some time last week, nobody seems to have seen the blaze, Long View Cottage, the property of the Long View Island (Morris) Club on the | Mississippi, was completely destroy- ed by fire. It is thought some one fishing must have beem using the cottage and left a fire, but it is nat known and probably never will be. The cottage with contents and per- sonal effects of the members of the club was valued dt $1,500 at a con- servative figure, and the imsuramce | only amounts to $300. Robert Cavanagh Passes to Rest. After a prolonged illness, Robert { Cavanagh passed to his reward on | eighty-three years. times, he made many friends amd kept them to the end, | years, in the mercantile business and ['factories, Mr. Cavanagh had a very wide acquaintance, and his departure is deeply mourned. In' politics he was a Conservative, a great admirer can faith. He is survived by his wife, Had a Pleasant New Year. George A. Sutherland, 24 Hone avenue, Oil City, Pa., has returned | home safe, after spending his sixty- second birthday where he did fifty years ago, with Philip Murphy's fam- ily at Elgin, Leeds county. He also | had a very mice visit with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelly, Glenburnie, and was much pleased with everybody he { met in Glenburnie, Cushendall and | | Joyceville. Mr. Sutherland spent a | very happy New Year with his fam- | ily in Oil City, Pa. His son, John D. | Sutherland, and daughter, Georgie, of Columbus, Ohio, joined him in making the New Year a pleasant one, ' Some Census Returns, The Dominion Statistican has made public'the folowing census re- turns for Ontario towns having a population of 2,600 and over: 1921. 4,053 3,230 2,878 3,822 5,330 7,382 3,698 3,786 3,324 4,458 1911. 4.465 2,814 3,051 3,621 5,074 6.598 3,804 3,588 3.564 5,002 2,801 3,846 Arnprior .. Bowmanville Campbeliford Carleton Place ...... Cobourg Cornwall Gananoque ......... | Perth Picton Port Hope... Prescott 2,628 Renfrew ...... 4,900 ---- Officers Were Installed. The officers of Sir William Wallace Camp, Sons of Scotland for 1922, were installed by Past Chief Ramsay tess ensae serene ean + on Thursday night. They are: Chief, James Hendry: past chief, George B. Scott; chieftain, Allan Pollock; fin- ancial secretary, James Murray; re- cording secretary, Wm. : Murray; chaplain, Dr. Volume; marshall, | John Mills; standard bearer, Thomas Mackenzie; senior guard, John Cock- burn; junior guard, Robert Camp- bell; pipers, James Freser and James Finlayson, Dainty refreshments were At present there | you are not interested today, drop in | | Saturday last, at the ripe old age of ! | A man of energy | and zeal, genial and pleasant at all | For many later as a salesman for the cheese | | of the late Sir John Macdonald, and | |in religion a member of the Angli- | 1 : | served after the installation which was followed by an evening of sing-+ | ing and dancing and two reels of ple- | tures: : ------------ Carle'on Place Gets A Gup, After a long wait, and considerable [writing and personal applica'ion to the powers that be, the departm-at jof militia has granted a memorial {cannon to Carelton Place, and the big German field gun was hauled ap from the C. P. R. '0 the public school |! {ground on Wedensday 'by a numb:r of returned men assisted by a great | | many others. The gun has been plasz- {ed temporarily upon the {grounds end will likely be removed | ito the Memorial park when the lat:er | becomes ready for decoration. In Winter's Garb. Algonquin Park is n vered | {with its mantle of snow' and many | people from all over Canada, gues's |at the Highland Inn are enjoying the | winter sports and having a healthful land splendid holiday. When you get (on the trail in this delightful region for a snowshoe tramp you at once {feel the wonderful effect cf the air; | the scent of the balsam, pine, spruce {and hemlock and the invigorating tang that is in the atmosphere. Oth- { er sports offered are skating, ski-ing, (special ski runs have been arrang ed) and toboganning. Unexperienced pleasures heap themselves on the vis- | itor at every breath and turn. The | Highland Inn offers good accommod- | lation at reasonable rates. An ilus- i trated 'booklet telling you all about [it may be had from J. P. Hanley, C.P, {& T.A., G. T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. BLOMFIELD ELECTION, | Death of James Eaton on Dec, 31st In His 89th Year. Bloomfield, -Jan.. 4.--The election held on Monday for the village of BloomfieM resulted as follows: Reeve, Edwin 'Baxter, councillors, George Walkinshaw, Will Levelace, Wallace Goodmurphy and Charles Fraleigh. For the township of Hallowell: Reeve, Morris Huff, deputy-reeve, Fred oe councillors, Calvin Rab- bie, Charles Culmer and Gordon Christy. James Eaton, an old resident of this place, died on Dec. 31st in her 89th year. He is survived by two sons Jot 1 'Baton, merchant of this place, and James Eaton, merchant of To- iront., and o:e daughter, Mrs. Fia- layson, who resides in Omaha, Neb. days with her father, Sellick Bull, Lyle Branscombe entertained a pir- ty of young people at his home oa Friday evening, Ralph Clinton end wife, Hamilton, visited friends here during the holidays. Dr. Wilmot, wife and daughter, Toronto, spen' over Christmas at Clayton Barr's, An epidemic of mumps is going the rounds. Extremely cold weather dur- ing the past week is now being fo!- lowed by snow. Over $100 was mads at the Christmas entertainment. Be loyal to your favorite store by keeping in constant touch with its advertising news. Loyalty fo your il. 1 schol | = Miss Es'ella Bull spent the holi-|/ store, is loyalty to your purse, | au If Stomach is Out of Order _ - --"Diapepsin" | Lovely yedr regulariy wore thaa a million stomach sufferers in the Unit- | ed Slates, England and Canada take! Pape's Diapepsin, and realize not only | immediate, but lasting relief. . This | harmless antacid helps digest any thing you eat and overcomes a sour, | gassy or out-of-order stomach in five ' minutes. . If your meals don't fit com- i fortably ,or what you eat lies like a | lwinp of lead in your stomach, or if | you have heartburn, that is a sign of | indigestion.- Get from your druggist 4 sixty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin. | There will be no sour risings, no | belching or undigested food mixed | with #cid, no gas or heartburn, no | | fullness or heavy feeling in the stom- lach, no nausea, headache, or intes- | | tinal griping. Prove to yourself in| five minutes that your stomach is as | | ®ood as any; that there is nothing | | realy wrong. Stop this food fermen- | | tation and begin eating: what you | want without fear of discomfort or in- | digestion. : | LIKEMAGIC RHEUMATISM DISAPPEARS Redmac, the New Tonic, Comes to Give You Relief. For centuries people have been looking for something that really removes Rheumatism and Lumbago. Redmac has appeared and thousands are to-day better in health. Redmac, The Great Tonic, penetrates through the blood, removing all waste matter. | You will feel one thousand per cent. | better after taking ome bottle. Hi you want to "feel fine go to your druggist and get a bottle of Redmae. Sold by one Druggist in every Town. Soid in Kingston Store,' p= RAIN PROTECTION For low initial cost, for low upkeep cost, for long life, for warmth, the Cedar Shingle has all its competitors beaten. No other roof covering, dollar for dol- lar can compare with the Wood Shingle. Prices are down, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, ay and Wellingtos Strects, KINGS10N, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. For a meal you will enjoy. Visit our Restaurant, and you will not be disappointed. Our Service is excellent and our prices are right. "GRAND 'CAFE 222 Princess Street - - - Two Doors Above Opera House ROYAL OAK GREETS 1022 with & better tire tham ever. The new Royal Oak, 30x33 fabrie tire; weight, 16 pou mileage 6,000 miles (backed by the com- pany); price, lower than ever before. See them. before buying at: EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBITER CoO. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. « SOWARDS KEEPS COAL and \ COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 150. UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORRB PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY - MEN and YOUNG 'MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Ss ee ee ete ean a ee J i fl : Announcement On Monday, we start our Annual Sale of Household Linens, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Towellings, Towels. and etc. ' Highest quality goods at lowest possible prices, A splendid opportunity for econo- mic investment. We Guarantee All Goods We Sell To ' Give Satisfaction 'W.N. Linton & Co. i Phone 191, The Waldron Store. | ent s is back is nearly equa! to two aver- by Sarg Drug ato : It is sald that prehistoric were more skilled in trep our presesi-day surgeons, 3 A camel carrying 500 pounds on |

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