Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1922, p. 13

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SATURDAY, JAN. 7, 1922. THE DAILY BRIT ECZEMA On Face and Head FOR FIVE YEARS Eczema or salt rheum, as it is so | often called, manifests itself in little | round pimples which contain an ex- | tremely Irritating fluid. These brea% | jaud subsequently a crust or scale is formed and the intense burning, itch- | {1g and smarting, especially at night | {or when-the part is exposed to a {strong heat, is almost unbeagable and | | reliet is gladly welcomed. ISH WHIG. else's life because less words, of your 5 Sunday Services in Churches | In thought- | There never was a man who wes ated more bitterly than Jesus. He was hated: By the orthodox religious people By his narrow fellow-townsmen. By the social and political leaders. By the stand-patters in industrial | Hite, He was hated: | Because He preached the love of Princess street Methodist Church. | 9% uit Lorgives bo 3 ther- | There is only one way to get re- J. A. Waddell, minister. Sar- {hood of mag B tated wie Ee {lief and no remedy like : und 7 p.m., The mims- | ¥ associating with the | "iI pyRpOCK BLOOD BITTERS Sunday scnoot, | SQM MmonNest outcasts. | Take it internally and it gets at the ar Because He disregarded the nar- | seat of the disease in the blood and New Testament Apostolic Charch, | Taylor Dale. Rev, Edwin H. Burgess --Service Sunday at.7.30 p/m. in S.|will preach at 11 a.m. The minister O. E. hall, corner of Prindess and | will preach at 7 p.m. on the subject: Montreal streets, Rev. A. Anderson, | "So N And Yet So Far." Sun- pastor. day s at 11 am. and 3 p.m. | Bible ¢ at 3 p.m. Students and visitor fally welcome. aod 19% St. Paul's.--Morning prayer, 11 o'clock. Preacher, Canon FitzGer- @ld, M.A, Sunday school, 3 p.m.; ev- ening prayer, 7 o'clock Preacher. | --Rev. Canon FitzGerald, M.A vices, '11 a.m -- ter at both se | | League, Monday. St. Andrew's.--Rev, John W. Step- hen, minister, Services 11 a.m., Rev. A. M. Gordon, D.D. p.m., Rev. Professor Morgan, D.D. Students, soldiers and strangers welcome, -- | Pentecostal Tabernacle, 285 Queen street.-- Wm. Browning, evangelist. Sunday, 11 am.; 3 pm. Bible ad- dress; 7.30 evangelistic service, sub- ject, "The Four«fold Gospel." Every- 2.45 p.m,; Epworth | 8 p.m.; Ladies Aid, Tuesday, 8 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, § p.m.; W. M. 8., Thursday, 8 p.m. Strangers and visitors cordially welcomed Gospel Hall, upper Princess street, ---Sunday, January S8th.. Evening service 7 o'clock The story of Joseph end his brethren, illustrated by twenty beautiful colored lantern the | row interpretation of 'Sabbath ob- [servance" and other bigoted beliefs | | and practices. | Because He demanded social and | economic justice to all the people. ls was lied about, He was spit upon. [| He was put in prison, He was beaten | with a scourge, He had a crown of | thorns forced upon his brow, He was | drives iL out of the system. Apply it externally and it takes [out and | hea + 1 th d |. Mr. J. Sage, | Vaneouver, B. C. This hatred was so intense that | os | suffered with ordered out of town. He | "iiered eczema on the face and | sulted several doctors, and tried var- | jlous | em. the itching, stinging and burning, promotes healthy. healing. 215 Princess Ave. » Writes: -- "Having d, for the last five years, I con- kinds of salves and lotions, but erived no benefit from any of I did not know what to do body welcome. ' Come. During his last moments, as He | looked down from the cross upon {those who hated Him, He prayed | | with pity in his heart: "Father, for- | give them, for they know not what i they do." | And his last thoughts were not for {Himself, but for the welfare of his | mother, whom He committed to the care of one of his disciples; and for [the thief who was crucified with him, | to whom He said: "This day thou shalt be with Me in paradise." * . A The finest and best Equipped Dairy and Barn on this continent. Material used in construction over 200,« 000 feet of Lumber, ten car loads of Cement, and nearly $10,000 worth of steel. According to the last Bacteriological report on the quality of milk produced consumption is thirty times purer than the average milk sold in the city. | pictures and hymns, probably | g - |until'a friend advised me to try Bur- -- | most interesting of all the old testa- fo, We Sve 3 Speer | dock Blood Bitters, and after 1 had | Y. W. C. A. -- The regular meet- | ment Bible stories. Come early i ABE wot > {used two bottles I began to get bet- ing of ihe Woman's Ohristian Tem- | bring the children. Prayer meeting | Jesus never evaded nor side-step- | L6T 80d now after taking eight bottles P1509 Walon WE bo aid 4s via] Wesmentay pe sine nme, Hie never 1 fron |L Bare ot veh a Moh on mo. oN. C2 Vator, Johusop etree, roEati , Dis enemies, He never retracted his | pighly. = I Lope yoo wo 'make full on Tuesday, Jan. 10th, at 3.30 PI | Bethel Congregational Chureh, [statements and He never said or did | use of this recommniendation for the All ladies welcome. j corner Barrie and Johuson strevis |, Fr. personal thing--he was | benefit of those who are suffering = | H. Sidney Duncan, yastor, Services, | true clear to the end of the road from this terrible complaint, eczema." Chalmers Church. -- Rev. R, J.|11a.m., and 7 p.m., Morning subject, | B. B. B. put up only hy The T. Mil- Wilson, D.D., minister. Services at | "Our Possibilities," evening, "Want- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 11 am. and 7 p.m. The mineiter will fa, a Verdiet." Sunday school, 5 reach at both services. This church |p.m.; Christian En eavor, Monday, § ; Eu a welcome to all who would |p.m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 MONKEY CHAIN CALLED MYTH Come and welcome. care to worship with them. p.m, d eK Ructnt Travelers in South Americs . Explain Probable Origin of Story Once Implicitly Believed. Queen Street Methodist church, carner of Queen and Clergy streets. ~--Rev. W. 8S. Lennon, B.A, B.D., pas- tor. Services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Preacher, the pastor, Sunday echool aud Bible classes at 3 pm. Seats free. Strangers and visitors cordial- ly welcomed. Sydenham street Methodist. -- KH. H. Bell, minister, will preach at both services. . Morning subject: "The Tragedy of 'he Book of Jonah." Ev- ening subject: 'The Tragedy of the Book of Daniel." Class at 9.45, bibls | school at 2.45. Social hour and wa!l- a jcome back to the students at the To a good Beizhbor." : " " , Sydenham | ¢}0se of the evening service. You are | at 8 the oy Y way that a Toa aio. Cuba | taviton ey "0pl's vishiemo Will Su ouiver. Flair, pastor. 11 a.m., sermon theme, | Pirst Churcl ' f Christ Scientist. | mainly by legislation, or war or "Making Room for the Children.' | rs Buren of Lf sor aq sth k "scientific" meth ' 1: 7 p.m., ser- | --Johnson street, between Bago: and |t rough ecientific met ods. 345 Ba. bible school; Ra coer. | Wellington. . Sunday school ot 9.451 Churity orpaaisatin societies are Jon theme, "Over Mucl gate us lam; Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7 | very necessary in our complex city ness." Services conducted by the Page3 m. Sabloct. *Sectanent Public |1ife, but by far the best "iy. that | reading room, same @tdress, every |they work is through *good neigh- Union | afternoon except Sunday 'and holi- bors" --men and women who become responsible for a family or an indi- vidual. "Be a good neighbor." Live it--and talk it. Get others to be "good neighbors." And when you succeed in getting enough people in your community and your town to assume the friendly care of somebody else---helping them to find jobs, advising them when they are in trouble, having a sincere interest in their children--we'll all be a whole lot nearer the dawn of the millenium. y» the milk when ready for An interesting article by Prof. E. W. Gudger, in a recent issue of Natural History, deals with the time-honored story on which most of us were brought up that South American mon- keys are In the habit of crossing alliga- tor-infgsted streams by linking thelr talle and legs to form a living bridge. Pictures of this feat omce figured ex- tensively in the school geographies, and Professor Gudger reproduced such a picture from a Fourth reader pub \Ushed as late as 1897. The story was first told, so far as known, by the Jes ult priest Padre Jose Acosta In a work published in 1589. Several later writers have repeated the tale. The first person to dispate its veracity was Baron Humboldt. Recently explor ers of South America, when they men tion the story at all, express skept!- cism. Finally, Messrg. Leo E. Miller and George K. Cherrie of the Ameri Kean Museum of Natural History, whe have done so much traveling and col lecting In South America, have sug gested to Professor Gudger a plausi ble origin for such tales. They think th... the story of the "monkey bridge" has come about through observation of a precession of monkeys crossing A ravige or stream on a pendent lana ~~Scientific American. This dairy will accept a limited number of customers at 12 cents per quart, bottled. Try a sample of our products, and you will never use any other. the Write or Phone 231w, W. J. FAIR, . Secretary-Treasurer, A A ------_---- A NEWSY DENBIGH LETTER. | {| Edward Petgold Injured--Result of the Municipal Elections. Denbigh, Jan. 5.--A Very success- ful concert and Box social was held in C. Both's hall on .the evening of Dec. 16th last, at which the large hall was filled to its utmost capacity, and which everyone left well satis- fied with the entertainment. Edward Petgold, Sr., met with an unfortunate accident having his right shoulder put out of joint by a fall . The services of Dr. J. Adams were promptly secured and the pa- tient, who is pagt the four score of years of age mark, is doing as well es can he expected, Christmas services were held in the Methodist church on the evening of Dec. 24th, and inthe Lutheran church on the vening of Dec, 236th last. Both serv. were well attend- ed SYSTEM tor. s' C h, corner amen Church Savary, re: | days, 3 to 5 o'clock and Thursday ev- 4 Fy. 152 Bar ; ni 7.3 8.30 o'clock. A! tor, the rectory, 152 Barrie street. 8 [Si rn 30 0S 30 Soloek. 2 3 a.m., holy communion; 11 a.m, 8Te i se J morning prayer and litany. Preacher, | 2nd to the reading-room. Rev. J. O. Crisp, M.A.; 8 p.m. Sund ay | school; 7 p.m., evening prayer and | sermon, "The New Year's Gift." Present Truth Hall, corner Prin. cess and Montreal streets.--Song _--- | service, 7.15 p.m. Preaching at 7.30 St, Luke's Church, Nelson street. | p.m., speaker, Evangelist C. S, Joyce. ---Rev, J. de P. Wright, M.A., B.D., | Subject: "Did Christ or Anti-Christ recior. First Sunday after Epiphany | Change the Sabbath?" The aftirma- | 11 a.m., morning prayer; 2.30 p.m., | tion of the scfipture is our only safe- Sunday school and bible clasees; 4 | guard in these days of 2oub} and : y 1 this ques- .m., holy baptism; 7 p.m., evening | scepticism. Ite answer to 8 : rig Music--Anthem, "Father | tion is definite and conclusive: Hear Be a good neighbor. a - his It doesn't require much money, Keep Us in Thy Care." (Hodges). it. | either-- mostly, it needs a heart 3 St, George's hedral. -- Very [® love for humanity, and some c . George's Cat 0 I Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., | wae, ahbor Fy dean and rector, 78 Wellington nel . street, phone 2156. Rev. W, E, Kidd, M.A.,, M.C., curate, 17 Welling:on | . Our Unknown Soldier. street, phone 869w. First Sunday af- | * pp, body of an unknown Canadian ter Epiphany. 8 3.m., holy commun- | soldier is to be brought from the oid jon; 11 a.m. morfiing prayer. Preach- | western battlefront and buried be- ler, the bishop of the diocese. 3 p.m., | neath the victory tower of the new | Sunday, schools; 4 p.m., holy bapt- | Parliament Building. 6 Yodo aad | 31 . 5 . Preacher, the | 8 proposed that the y shal jem; * pm, evensong. | be placed In a vault excavated in the ren. ps rock foundation under the Ae ANCHOR tr ANCHOR-DONALDSON § Ee a From Porn: lifnx--Ginegers Feb. 16|Mar. 30 Baturnia Feb. at Mar. 2(Apr. 13 Cassandra Mar. 4 Halifax --PlymoutheC bourg Hambourg ) JUST RUB THE PENCIL ON THE CORN AND AWAY GOES ROOT AND BRANCH. DOES NOT BURN OR SMART. A FEW RUBS WITH MooviT Corn PENCIL AND ALL IS OVER FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG DEP'T STORES Why Americans Lost Contract. "Speaking of Chinese rallroads re minds me of the fallure of an Amer fcan manufacturer to obtain a con tract for locomotives because his Eu ropean competitors made a more care ful study of Chinese peculiarities," writes Lynn W. Meekins In the Scien tific. American. "One locomotive was ordered from each of the competing companies, In every respect save one 'the American product was unmistak ably superior. However, It had beet painted black before shipment fron the works, and on the way across the Pacific it became more or less rusted "Its appearance, therefore, was fa less attractive than that of the Euro pean locomotives, which were paintes In accordance with Chinese preference and had been touched up by the manu facturers' agents after arriving ht China. Don't get your colors mixes if you want to sell goods to the Chi nese." Does Your Food : Taste Good ? Is Your Appetite All Right? When your food does taste good you may be sure that your. health is 800d; that your blood is rich, free from scrofula, eczema, rheumatism and other diseases, and that your System is built up against that tired feeling and the prostration after in- fluenza and fevers. Hood's Sarsaparilla enriches the blood, creates an appetite, aids di- gestion, promotes assimilation, * se- cures for you full nutritive . value of your food. Get it of your druggist and begin taking it to-day. If a mild laxative is needed, take Hood's Pills; if an active cathartic more Hood's Pills. They give en- tire satisfaction. - Aehae Zion Presbyterian church, Pine street.--Rev, Edwin H. Burgess, minister. 11. a.m., Rev. W. Taylor Dale, Cooke's church, 7 p.m., the minister. Text: "The Fathers Havo Eaten Sour Grapes, and the Chil- dren's Teeth are set on Edge." Ezek- tal XVIII, 2, Seats free; everybody weicome, Sunday school 3 p.m. | A very lively interest was taken in the municipal election; though there were only two candidates for the reeveship; there were eleven aspir- ing to the honor of becoming mem- bers of the council for 1922. The successful ones were: For reeve, Frank Rodgers; for councillors, K G. Adam, Charles Ball, Oscar Chat- son and Adolph Glaeser, Subscriptions were taken at both polling places in aid of the hospital for sick children, Toronto, and $18,- 26 were collected at polling sub- division No. one (Denbigh), and | $3.50 at polling sub-division No. two (Vennachar), and remitted to the hospital, Mies Flora Fritsch, New York, graduated nurse, is taking a well earned vacation and ig enjoying a visit with her parents and other re- latives here at her old home. Her brother George Fritsch, Renfrew, also joined the family circle for a couple of weeks, but left again for |' town. Among Other visitors are at Dr. and Mrs. J. Adams, their son, Joseph, Kingston; at Wm. John's, their son, Gustav, Sault Ste. Marie; at C. Steins', their daughter, Gladys, Little Ireland, and at O. Kliem's their daughter, Anna, Napanee. The latter two have already left for their pre- sent places of residence. 0. Kastuer, Northbrook, also spent a week or 80 here visiting old friends, and C. Both enjoyed his holidays visiting nis sons and other relatives in Cloyne and Northbrooke. y Jan. 23/Mar. 9 April 10 CUNARD CANADIAN SE ICR SUMMER SAILINGS tA MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL May 6lJune 10{July 15 May 20{June FaJuly 29 .. July 8|Aug. 12i8ept. 18 Montreal to Plymouth, and Londen May 13/June 17|Jul «+. .Andan May 27July 1lAug. Ahdanls 5 -- In BE a a-- N. Y.-GLASGOW (via M ville Jan 21(Feb. 2BiApr, 1 .. ' erin Apr. 5{May 6/June 3 . | ameronis : N. Y. te Q'town and Live: Jan. 26/Feb. 25/Mar. 22 Feb. 18iApril 1 Mar. 11{*Apr. 6 ria * Also calls at Glasgow Yo Cherbourg, Shmptes 8 Mar. 21 Aquitanis h, Cherbourg and onrg Cooke's Presbyterian Brock street.--Minister, Rev. een, NOT FOR SELF, By the Rev. Church, Ww. great. archway of the victory tower and between the two porials which ¥ | klve entrance to the buildings. The | grave will be set almost immediately | below the altar In the memorial f chy overhead, and will be mark- | ed] marble slab raised above the . | arava level. This slab will be suit- | ably inscribed. Thus, all who enter serve--and serve, they did, to the | the Parliament Buildings, through uttermost. | the two portals under the archway But let the whole church be warn- | of the, tower, whetKer legislators on ed that in the new day that's come {their way to their duties, or eofti- it must not fail to take into account Jone vu a any 2, mesorist the physical needs of the pecble. resting place of one, who, represent- a» ing AARY, was faithful in duty unto , ' ; ath and whose dust will hallow the There's nobody that's criticized Place dedicated to his memory and Guite so much as the Almighty. that of all of his fellows. And there are very few of us who i As the tower has not yet reached think that we can't run the universe completion, and as the arrange- more efficiently than God. ments which would have to be made This should gve most of us a| will take some time, it is unlikely great deal of comfort. For if men | that the ceremony will take place will persist in finding fault with God | before Armistice Day, 1923. The --who is perfect--how, can we escape | ction taken comes as the result of thelr criticiem? . Suggestions to the Government from various persons and as the result "A servant is not greater than hie master"--that's the way the Master Himself put it--when He told His of a conference between the Prime Minister, Sir Jam Lougheed, and disciples that if men persecuted Him they would also persecute them. i representatives the Great War + But ordinarily men criticize each | Veterans' Association. The Skipper Scored. other through careless speech rather than because of hatred in. their The vessel was berthed and the Customs officers were alert. A taxi- hearts--just as they swear and "'take iting at jie Viartude. Uod's 2ame jn vain" They dont] J bridge to produce the ship's cat mean all they say---it's just pure ous. | 11° sack. The captain badn't got sedness which most of them deplore y £ even more them you do. Next time you become hurt be- off the gang-plank before he was Dounced upon by a customs official. cause somebody criticized you,, just hark back to the last time you criti- i | f = BUT FOR OTHERS Charles Stelzle. Slure McNamee's Patent Bobsleigh Lighter draft and the only correct thing for pitch holes. Recommended by all who use them. It will pay 'ou to give them a once over befeore buying. 5 y Cor. Princess 'and Alfred Residence 118 Colborne. Phone 2372w. { i | | { { | "I bave no time to go into the soup business for the sak® of the soup," said a church official, in discussing furnishing soup to hungry men and women. Well, I'd lke to remind this ami- able official--who not only had aN the soup he needed but about every- thing else that makes men contented #0 far as material things go--1I1'd like to remind him that Jesus went into the fish business when he fed the five thousand who were hungry. Nor did Jesus heal the sick that they might come to hear him preach; he healed them because he had com- passion on them and because they needed healing, It shouldn't be much of a degrada- ton for one who says he is following in footsteps of Jesus to hand out soup\ to, hungry men, women and children just because they're hun- gry! "Give yo them to eat!" was the command of Jesus to His disciples. It's a fortunate thing for the church that this official did not ex- press its real position in the question of caring for the hungry. The. church has served the unfor- tunate without thought es to whether those assisted were nfembers of the church or whether they ever intend- Feb. N Jan." 21{Mar. 7 , ' *Apr. 8§{May 13 June 17 Boston te Lemdo derry, "gow Feb. 4/April 18|May 23 Vige, Gibraltar, N Jan y ie It I | ROBERT REFORDCO. Lui ie KiNG STREET i pl : | Dr. H. A. Stewart, i Dental Surgeon il Wishes to announce ii il that he has resumed 4 il his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092, 'Dr. H. A. Stewart ~~, ComPlaint of Wage Cut. ~ St. Catharines, Jan, T.--There is dissatisfaction emong the men em- ployed on the Welland ship canal Some of the men claim "the contract- ors have not kept to the bargain made by the ex-minister of labor and minister of railways and canals, end that their wages have been cut. The canal workers are thinking of send- ing a délegation to Ottawa to inter- view Premier King and cabinet min- isters regarding the Fr..." The men are mostly employed at Thorold, Will Ask Government to Aid Kid Lewis is to fight Georges Car- pentier in London, Eng, about March fifteenth. WINTER'S RAKE-OF mm F "What have you got in that sack?" he asked. "A cat," was the reply. "Let's have a look at it," persist- Starving Russian Children Monttretal, Jan. 7--Aw appeal to ed to become such, Their need was their passport into the hearts of the representatives of theschirch who were in a position to cized somebody else--and you'll find that you won't have to go very far back over the road to discover the wreckage you caused in somebody od the law, The bag was opened. Thomas hop- Jud out and scuttied back aboard. he captain went after it and pres- Sing) o feria wenther: Of the ice ond Canddians to help save the starving children of Russa was considered 'by a gathering of Protestant clergy | OUR SPECIAL | Thursday and it was decided to ask one of their number to approach Premier Mackenzie King with a re- quest to have the government make an appropriation to be devoted (as British or other relief organizations. . Sn, -- in ently reappeared with the sack. "Did you get him?" asked the POLICY FOR BUSINESS MEN Returns all your 'money and niore at matarity, tion to protection for the h or Business. "HORMONISH" Sermon by NEPHI JENSEN at Trades and Labor Hail 270 PRINCESS STREET Sunday, Jan. 8, 1922 Service 7.30 p.m. "Mr. Jensen is a man of striking ~ personality, a magnetic speaker and & nractical orator" --Daily Times Journal. (Port Arthur). . 5 give you so much trou- e, but duty is duty, str Don't mention it; I admire you for it. What the service wants is more.men like you," sald the skipper, 88 he climbed into the tas! with his sack, which, this tile, instead of a eat, contained three bottles of Whiskey, : ble, captain, Get particulars trom :-- Considers Tax on "Gas." Winnipeg, Jan. 7.--~Collection of a tax of one cent per gallon on all gaso- Hne sold in Manitoba is under con by the provincial gover ment, it was announced, It is esti- 8 mated that the government would obtain a revenue of approximately $200,000 from such a tax. Final de- cision in the matter will rest with the | legisiaturs which meets next week.

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