12 : : : TH E DAILY B RI TIS H WHIG | : SATURDAY, JAN. 7, wa. -------------- I ---------------------------- es -- ee ---- " EVERYTHING IN LUMBER ASK FOR wit, || INDUSTRIAL Fee All El TOYE'S | ALLAN LUMBER CO. od "| WRAPPED BREAD VICTORIA. STREET - - - PHONE 1042. : THINK NOW. : | Away With the Grouch, : Think It Over, : -- N The time has come for the elim- | Correspondence is half a presence. o se is THOS G BISHOP To Have Your Summer Clothes Put ination of the grouch. -- The Bread That Satisfies --made clean, sold . . ; i in Order. If he is back of the counter, may Keep your anger off the edge of clean, wrapped at the oven ENGINEER A ND MACHINIST e Some day next June you will go to the hand of Providence speedily [your nose, o 1 - . , jyour wardrobe to look for some! ,.. asf him to some other occupa- | -- 195 NTAR O S y e - Weld# transfer | I 2 Bian aud Iron Castings, Electric 'and 0zy-Acetylene" Welding warm weather togs and will find to tion, such as mule-driving, where| Before you entdr, (hink of get- TREET PHONE 467 Phone 3% - . - - King snd Queen Streets | your dismay that they are not ini pis talents may be of some use. No [ting out, . | shape to wear and Jhat you will have man or woman has any right in a -- 7 {to shift with heavy omes. for SOME | retail store who does not possess a| The crown of a beautiful disposi- end TE IE [28 Wats they can bo cloamed. "Rex | mormier aseraite or een ens os os, 2 ARROWROOT BISCUITS ven ho Bonds and Da ) {member last summer? The 1ast| manner, or at least an eagerness and Sk Hav i 3 i ! Tentures hate Se ay {week in June was like an' advance | Lojineness which createsifa leasant | The cat always dreams about on hee ye en ur SOW Ro HiSGLiTs The Kiddies thrive , at. exceptionall or | a 3 y a. x > fr TUter dues not Keep them Ting up the office. due tow A na {instalment of Hades and the good impression. : J {mice. pound 'and be convinced, v office. Try a Hon Bo Company $110,000 yeariy {suffered with the wicked. Imagine | The customer has Hh friends, | -- than it would have been if these se | Wearing woollens in that weather, those who are kind and helpful to| Patience is the key to ' joy, but curities had been purchased before This year use your head. Dig up! haste is the key to sorrow, & UP phim. y . LJ break of war SH Imari Hngewwment will pro- Eyesight Service {your linens, cottons and Sesauie He has his club or his church as- | --- | | THE Ww. J, CROTHERS co. Limited a ¥ide a regular income to keep yuu your yachting clothes, tennis clothes, whose conditions are{ The remedy against bad times is to | fn comfort in your old age | sociations 3 2 " Eyes examined scientifically, |palm beach suits, feather boas, and |pieacant and congenial. be patiently striving to make them JAS. SWIFT & CO.,, Limited ort Poererss --- - Se -- J. B. Cooke > A. D. HOLTON Florist Over 20 years' experience. jall your summer toggery and take | "He selects his stores on the same | better. KEELEY JR. a0. D9, 27. | |it down to Patton's Dye Works on hrinciple. i : Phone 842w or 503w 228 Princess Street, one 92% J Princess Street, four doors below |" Naturally, he trades where he| Information' ang knowledge | Domestic and Steam COAL ~ [the Y.M.C.A. This establishment knows he will get a square deal in should be accepted, even from a hog Importers and Shippers. 250 Princess Street Phone 661. {does cleaning and dyeing of all SOrts | gollars and cents, | _-- I -- TRAT ONE COLD ROOM {and guarantees satisfaction. But the squarest deal in the world | What can be thought of the on-|/ ANE RICHARDSON & $0 h Coubi e ade Just as comfortable as the rest: with { Then in June you will pe all ready | win not satisfy him without decent |ion's virtues since every bite draws S. S. CORBETYD 4 s PH AhD30) 2 NS Lia, ONE OF OUR ELECTRIC HEATERS {to appear in your "glad rags" 4S | treatment--because he is human, tears? Funeral Director Head Office - - Kingston, Ont. [soon as the season starts. ren i i stomer. CHE : even if he is a custome BRANCHES: HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. He wants to feel that he's wel-| Be more faithful than ihe earth, Ambulance Phone 143. Calgary Fort William Montreal PHONE 6 5 - - Corner of Kiug and Princess Street, Olives. come in the store, that his friends Which renders a)l things deposited in| Residence Phone 213, Quebec Saskatoon : i nipe People are sometimes bd¥n With a tpare are glad to see him and anxi- | it. Winnipeg ) taste for liquors and wines, but the ¢ 3 ly hi eeds cheerfully -- TINSMITHING and PLUMBING ' ous .to supply his n | { ah, Jutematle . taste for olives usually must be ac-land helpfully. A cheery greeting| Shovel they snow that they taxes| x | 7 - > aterprev We are Suuinped to ive prompt quired. Do you remember the €On- | sells more goods than the most pro- | be not.shoved (up). o ' : J y J orders. q gd " KINGSTON FEMRST PROLUCTS attention i - |sternation which threatened 0) found 'science of * salesmanship" | . -- NF. Norma, Me DAVIE & BARRETT spread over your face when you | jingo. | Buy, build, work and create a job n a ew ome Corner Uhuries ug Patrice Streets. 208 Wellington Street first bit into an olive? Compare it The first time that he receives a | for every man; prosperity for all. . . . E Phone w. ony, with the keen satisfaction with sarcastic answer, the first time that! (Which is not original, but may 7 The District Office of the Interuational Correspondence Schools, Can- adian, Limited, is mow at: 237 BAGOT st, (Between Brock and Princess), \ N\ | Which you now demolish half a bot-| 4 parcel is literally thrown at him, [be copied.) HOOPER & SLATER tle of the same pickled delicacies. or any carelessness of word or man- -- The taste must be acquired, but|par is shown by any of the store peo- Misunderstood. once acquired it is like that for ple, he's going to start a still hunt | Customer--Can I see your city Office open daily, PHONE 442, drink, it increases all the time. The tor a store that he can call "his." | directory? | ng. ; beauty of it is that the taste for\ All too often we have discourtesy,! Drug Clerk (peevishly) --It's in| ust ind of Wellington Street. 1382132 ONTARIO SY. = Phone 74 | 51ives" untike the other, is béneficial. {carelessness, inattention, in the | back and I'm too busy to get it. ! L "' ' M. Amodeo & Co. sell olives in jpeg" stores. Even in Kingston we| Customer--Oh, all right. I want-| ~-- - | bulk. They-come right from sunny his only too true. For instance, |ed to buy two boxes of cigars to send | . ne . 'Th Lat C rria e Works {aly and you use them as you wish. jo wont inte a local store to|to a friend, but I had forgotten The Kingston Milling Company, Limited 1 e urney a g No fishing down a narrow-necked | change an article purchased for | where he lived.--Life. ! : : sunufacturer bottle in order to fill a dish. YOu Clristrias. The stoth: was depleted | SN ------------ = Telephone 199, BUSINESS WAGGONS AND AUTO BODIES have a supply always on hand, and [ana the only article to meet her Embarrassing Moment. i Special designe made to order. of the very best. Other fruits and | needs was slightly cheaper than that] I was expecting some freight and | 800 PRINCESS SIRELT - - - = PHONE 132, vegetables in season' macaroni, and, which she was changing. One of the | called the depot to see if it had ar- | pure olive oils, are also dealt in both proprietors of the store was so for-| rived. We lived on a country line and | do TU Ey wholesale and retail, by- this Italian ) é he incident | Of course every receiver was down. | HIRA PW § . yoy oq CANADA CUTLERY (0. Limited getful as to remark on the HEAPER CAN FRON1 ENAC i.e | warehouse. lin sarcastic vein in her hearing. While I was waiting for them to an- | C PER caXDY MA 1KESS CoO Maublaviurers vi a One of the results is that she will SWer I was thinking what 1 would i GRIMM"S ug POCKET nnd PEN KNIVES "Go Feather Your Nest." | ever make another purchase there (9%. I had Intended to say. "Is this i a <r MAA nLSIEN Mask TU VauR 0 vest. jpever: | : oe | the depot?" and "Has anything arrived POPULAR LINE OF CHOCOLAT ES NOW SELL AT 50c. per Ib. Nevuvating a Specimity C. A. Eaton, Geveral Manager Here it is January seventh, less and will take good care to tell her! for Mrs. K » v | TRY THEM ! wed ug direc Last. home 2106w Kiugston, Vaturio, than four months until the first of friends of the treatment she receiv- | Trt, ad 1 t elt d sl : -- {May, the national moving day. You ed. This happened in a store which | ae - i 5 ex sted J9 d, ; ; | will want a house soon, perhaps, If is supposed to be strictly modern in| to Se aret theron at the TinkD>, SOLID and PNEUMATIC '1t is a June wedding, all the more all its methods, It is now minus | ad of he lime, "Ie at wee - : y . i. a Tire vaiue must be Judged Ly the service it gives. Ours wiil measure reasn to furnish your house before two or three good cash customers | out on the south-hbound train." Smith Bros., Jewelers, Limited y ne nighest standard, as the mileage records of our Tires prove | ve everyt v i v lwavys alt there before. i » A ahr ph unéxcelled for endurance and long life. Steam Vuicaniz. and ha everything - ready. There who always de | Imagine the titters along the line. | DIAMONDS, SILVER AND GOLD Goons : 4 SALry y é i y time before we | ° ing & specially." We also carry a full line of Olis, Grease and Gasoline. will be enough to do after marriage It will be a long { Chi American. | SUDDABY BROTHERS without worrying about where to, are all perfect. * i i { Expert W atch Repairing Corner Queen and Wellington Streets Phone 1988. live first thing. See George . A." But, in the meantime, don't for! ,eriean Woman in High Position Established 1340. $0 King Street - f | Bateman and 'feather your nest" in | get this thought, Rutland, one of the most picturesque good time. Pick out a house in a The grouch is steadily making en- counties of England, is presided over { etiles for-your stose, whether he is Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes good locality. There will be plenty | now by an American-born countess. | g Tm , Suid »y to be vacated on May first, or, if pos-| the doorman or the proprietor, Get Through the recent appointment of | THE THOMPSON BOT TLING CO. Ww. H. COCKBURN & CO. | sible, buy one and own your own | rid of him! her husband, the Earl of Ancaster, to | " . HARDWARE (home. It is not too early but is, in If he is the doorman, fire him! If the office of lord lieutenant of the Belfast Ginger Ale fact, getting late. Get busy now and {he is the boss, lock him up in a back Elolse, Countess Ancaster, the former OFFICE: 204 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 364 |Pay a call to 159 Wellington Street. |office somewhere! Don't let him | Ejolge Breese, daughter of William L. | | -------- near customers! | Breese of New York, has become the | ---- Made } ii The grouches must be cleared out | first lady of the shire. The lord llen- | ) Made in Kingston. for all time! : tenant is the principal representative THOMPSON BROS., Launderers, Limited | That label should attract a great -- of the sovereign in the county and as : | DAVIS DRY DUCK Co. Automobile and Motor Boat na- Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, ete pairs, Gasoline Longines built and re All kinds of Dressed and paired, dry ducking and wood work Rough Lumber, nF #5 FRINCESS STREET - - - PHONE 210 McLaughlin Motor Cars. Gabriel Snubbers, {many people, and when the candies such outranks everybody else in the | ~~ {are the best obtainable and 'the; . Garages Outnumber Houses. shire, his precedence being shared by || Michelin Tires. Samson Tractors. Operating {prices right, then the people are A total of 81,103 one and two bis wife. | , ' sure to want them. These condi-|family houses were built in 196] : {] 12 we didn't think these oranas were the best fn (heir line we wouldn't IMPERIAL LAUNDRY «++...Phone 302 tions prevail at Grimm's. Their|cities of the United States in 1920, bauule them: tor vue duy, KINGSTON LAUNDRY Phone 22 | confections hold an enviable reputa-| While in.the same cities garages to The hottest par: of the Sahara dos- | PEONE 567, BLUE GARAGES Limited. {tion for excellence which has been | the number of 93,121 were erected. (ert is in Nubia, where the soil is | THOS, B. ANGROVE, Manager. |established by long and efficient ser- In the 196 cities, which contain | like fire, | vice to lovers of candy in this city.|32.7 per cent. of the country's popu- Five milllon miles of wire are | -- { Their goods are made in this city | lation, $1,204,490,764 was expended | used in the New York city telephone | RN KINGSTON'S ONLY DYERS {and their establishment is a King-|in building operations, $40,522, system. { . . ' Let us prove ovr work, by giving us | ston industry. . When buying don't|240 of which was for construction of An echo at Shipley church, Sussex, | ' 2 one trial. : forget Grimm's--Made in Kingston. | motion picture houses. England, will clearly repeat 21 syl- | Iu S omes C $e | r- - i Coach, Car Painting | ---- The cost of building schools was | lables. . Dry Cleaning our Algeria has 550 miled™ of coast|$50,023,140, a little more than halt and Imported . ) . line. : the cost of garages. ' sonous. Specialty FOR OFFICE ne. 2 A ome Een ho N z > 'raits of AND HOME THE MeCALLUM GRANITE Co. VINEGARS a i ytatiers lor crvice Fruias of See our beautiful line of colors. . | 7 PA ON'S J. R. C. DOBBS Muller's Bicycle Works y y ig Kk er for these goods Canadian Grapes, Grape Fruit, Ban- DYE WORKS : 41 Clarence Street ! ¢ MONUMENT BUILDERS nb Dure--made from best amas, Oranges. If you wast fresh W. G. FROST, Typewriter headquarters | 895.397 Princess Street. Selected Materia Fruit gee ua. 209-305 Queen Street. Phone 536, : i ' The Wilsen Lytle Badgerew Co. Ltd. A M 34D Princess Street. Fhoe 210: J Bicycles stored for winter: Phone 1931. + Bagot Street M. ODEO 240 Pr Street - Phome 774 3 \ oo - Strictly high-class Painting _ at moderate prices, cleaned and over-hauled for : Spring. r . . 5 JEEN'S BOY > + y PCAUSE TEE cn ' LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES AT LOWEST PRICES -- ROUGH THE QUEEN'S YS DEAL WITH US BECAUSE THEY ROW Baby Carriages re-tired OR DRESSED LUMB IR, MATCHED SPRUCE -- ALL GRADES oF r VESTA BATTERY (O'Y N QUALITY AND DEMAND IT. and repaired, SHINGLES. our yIHE BATTERY WITHOUY REGRETS ' ¥ Place our Vesta ery in your car and for et all you Battery BAXER'S CIGR STORE THE K. D. MANUFAC( " I URING COY | troubles. It is a real Battery of ger vice. Whale mor You use Tt for--tor ! " - ! Ignition, for Starting, for Lighting, ete, jt will serve you well. Phone 1681J, 670-680 Montreal Street. A Battery you Will recviuend to your fellow moiorists, | Phone 410w, 3 275 Magot Street W. MILNE and F. KInG 371-373 King Street. Phone 1032w DO YOUR SHOPPING, SEND THE CHILDREN TO SCHOOL, AvolD po SAN rs . f gota ny Best of Service - THE STORMY WEATHER BY USING THE KINGSTON STREET | | 4 Chair CARS, PATRONIZE A GOOD PUBLIC SERVICE. 3 ALL r 0 We Spucinie I : | BOOTH FISHERIES C IAN. CO. Ltd KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH and CATARAQUI ELECTRIC haLady or CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING : ANAD RAILWAY w" NY "TONSORIAL PARLOR» 183 Wellington St. Phone 13184, JOBUERS IN FISH, ONSTERS, GAME AND POULTRY 63 BROCK STRERT - - FHONE 320, DEVELOP YOUR CITY - SL | HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY | CE ing home and beautifyt it--Bateman's Real tat would You to drop intd 1 taku HYUKU sHOP un ¥rincess . a " n . . mn sx ; BY en os Botan yh you a Phi goon the money to Dp ae Ki t I Com Sirelk and are Le Jeumionstrate the most improved LONG TERM VICTORY BONDS AND ONTARIO BONDS ARE Up your & and rater, you desire it, sell your mgston ice pany iybes of Vacuum Cleaners. All Kilus ul naecirical Appiiatices ior tue ! TO PAR AS WE PREDICTED | property at a promt. Now is the time to list your properties. - home. > . 1 b : : GEO. A. BATEMAN, 130 WELLINGTON STREET im THE HID RO suHDP Buy now before the yieid Is further reduced in conformity > dl . ; t (Publle Utilitd «~ Commussivn) Sudiin ¥ 368 Free patua, with falling money rates. | 237 Bagot Street BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. FHONE 172% Save food by using Ice. The Home of Good Investments Our Ice |, t b 's : s certified to by Queen's | / WILLARD BATTERIES Cp S00 Cntveraiy San ed 19 "i DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECK. . : ) - ! pure. New low price for Willard Service ™ 1x6 company, LIMITE , McGinnis & O'Connor now efecive, Town, Go ad Cnedien Bevers Telephone orders te 1307. Wrecking ung Juisige work aimee || The M dical Health Officer Advised The : : 7] boumng vr Au mk : DOMINION TEXTILE : COMP ANY way not let us do it for you and do it right 1 homes Office: 528, 3 3 s - Prompt delivery 1g our speclaity. 10 Broek St - Ph 1340 JUMN DONAELLY HIGHWAY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS - President nud General Masager | : Limi ED W- clarily it first ana then pasteurize it. It ie clevg--it is safe--and it is the best and cheapest food yo3 MANUFACT URERS OF: (| can ouy, "PRUE COTTONS" | PRICE'S DARY MONTREA) TORCNTO WINNIPEG * Phone BI. _S.&s + + 417 Princess Stren.