~ ~ SATURDAY, JAN. 7, 1922, TH " 9 E DAILY BRITISH WHIG. REGISTERED TRADE MARK MONTREAL. CAN. ro -When raw cold winds blow DRINK Baker's Cocoa It imparts a cheering warmth, valuable nutrition and has a most de- licious flavor. The very odor of a steaming cup is appetizing and attractive. lt is absolutely pure and of high grade. MADE IN CANADA BY WALTER BAKER & CO. LIMITED + Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free | Carman, This is by R. H. Hathaway, BOOK "LATER POEMS" By Bliss Carman (Toronto: Me Clel- | land & Stewart), 203 Pages. | Price, $2.00. : This is a charming edition of some 'tot the more recent poems of this dis | tinguished author. They comprise | selections from Mr. Carman's three [latest 'books, "The Rough Rider," | "Echoes from Vagabondia" and "April Airs,' 'together with a number | of poems which have not previdusly appeared in book form. At the commencement of the vol- ume is a remarkably fine apprecia- tion, consisting of sixteen additional pages, of the entire works of Blise the contributor of an equally fine ap- preciation appearing recently in the "Canadian Magazine." : "Later Poems' is the product of a mind that is marked by precision and fine powers of observation. Its na- ture scenes are: very realistic, and the descriptions of springtime are ex- ceptionally well done. There is a strong optimistic note sounded throughout, and beautiful ideas are | discovered by a penetrating insight into the apparently commonplace. There is a lovely poem on "Trees" with an ending that should stir the hearts of all Canadians: 'Then lest the soul should not lift her eves From the gift to the giver of Paradise FURS Gourdier's BROCK STREET On the crown of a hill for all to see, | God planted a scarlet maple tree." | A most exquisite tribute to wo- | manhood will be found in "The Giv- | ers dt Life," which is beautifully | phrased, strong and inspiring. "Ees- ter Eve" is an exultant song of hope, | as the following extract will show: I have an instinct as fine and valld, surely as that of the beasts and birds, | Concerning death and tha life immort- | al, to deep for logic, too vague for words No trace of beauty can pasg or perish, but other Yeauty is somewhere orn; No'seed of truth or good be planted, but the yield must grow as the grow- ing corn. | wen, Bliss Carman makes good use of the powers of imagination, a small picture hanging on the wall of his room---a water color--is a doorway to romance and relieves dull care. It is scarce a hand-breadth wide, Not a span from side to side, Make 1922 the year when good music came into your home! Let'Mr. Edison's NEW DIAMOND AMBEROLA give to you and your family the pleasure and entertainment which only a fine musical instrument can bring | Evenings which you now spend at theatre or movies will be more happily spent at home, when you own the Amberola. This in itself ig a real economy! Right in your own parlor, you can listen to the world's finest music, played and sung by the world's greatest artists, The Amberola music is so beautiful and mellow --so start. ling in realism--that the most sensitive musical ear cannot detect a trace of the mechanical harshness characteristic of Three Days of Good Music--FREE! Come in today and select an Amberola and twelve records to be delivered to your home fiw. Enjoy the Amberola for three days, atthe end of which time, if you do not agree that it is the ur awn sxpense. We have a plan of payments which about it when yoy come in world's greatest phonograph value, we will call for it at will interest you. Ask us today--or if you can't call, write _ or phone us, The J. M. Greene Music Co, Lid- "THE HOME OF GOOD MUSIC. Princess Street. An English centenarian ed as having lost his age of 102, ' is focord- | first tooth at tie more loss in a ployment, : Oity Togs are said {0 cost Engiand year than does uncm- Yet it is an open door Looking back to joy once more, Mountain scenes are particularly well described, and "The Cry of the Hillborn" jis a tonic to the paded wayfarer in the lowlands of, life. Such commonplace titles as "The Old Gray Wall" and "Dust of the Street" afford material which is transformed as if by some fairy land, into beauti- ful verse abouriding in wisdom. "At the Making of Man" is a virile poem of creation, a prophecy of man's untimate mastery over the forces of nature, The world shall be his province, The princedom of his skil : The tides shall wear his harness, The winds obey his will; Till neither flood, nor fire, nor frost, Shall work to do him {il The two or three Christmas poems reach a high level; indeed, it is dif- ficult adequately to do justice to the variety of subjects dealt with. Bliss Carman is one of our greaf- est Canadian poets and is worthy to be classed with poets of the first rank. This fine volume will 30 much to increase his well-merrea POD ity throughout Caneda. It must never be forgotten that Mr. Car- man's boyhood days were spent in New Brunswick, the scenes of which undoubtedly color much of his poetry, For the benefit of those desiring to make a full study of his works, a camplete list is given at the commencement of the volume, The Friendly Arctic. Stefansson says that he has abol- ished the heroics of Arctic explora- tion, His new book The Friendly Arctic is ali the more enthralling as a story for that very reason. Try- ing new theories meant entering de- liberately on one of the most daring ventures in the history of explora- tion, Stefansson is in one person scientist, historian, philosopher and common-sense Iriend of man. By such an observer, with a mind free from fear and worry, the beauties and dangers and wonders of new places are described as by no other 'writer, Although he refuses tu call it se, this was on heroic expedition which carried on from 19183 to 1918. It fought against wiagic odds. It had lost ship, men and equipment. There were climatic. conditions that even Artic men considered severe. So the recital of the mere facts becomes a thrilling story. It carries you on 4 plot of human. interest wherein scientists, whalers, Eskimo and explorers play their dramatfe parts.--The Macmillan Company. January Rod and Gun. Lovers of the out-of-door lite will welcome the January edition of Rod and Gun in Canada, which contains many {nt and instructive articles and stories dcaling with Na- ture and her children, {h the winter, "Teens Less Twenty," is the title of a romantic the well r which appears fn this issue; along with several other stories by "such well known writers as F. V. Wil- liams, Harry M. 'Moore, BE. T. . {of great crops. | volver shooting. The fisherman takes a trip along a Nova Scotian trout stream, by Bonnycastle Dale, while Robert Page Lincoln's articles cpen the road to the thrills of. ice fishing. The trapper is taken care of by M. U. Bates and Archie Joscelyn, in the Trap Line department. The January issue of the national sports- man's magesine of Canada ie publish. ed monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock. THE MAN ON WATCH hingston's Joan the bupust need not worry. His namesake in scrip- ture story was treated even worse by an ungrateful populace. Sitting on two council boards will not.be too much labor for Christy, who has fire enough to be a member of the Dublin Dail Eireann. One of the best mayors Kingston has had was the late W. M. Drennan, for years an undertaker; so King- ston's mayor for 1922 may prove to be just as energetic, Kingston had two splendid sanit- ary inspectors in the late Nicholas Timmerman and William H. Carson, who rendered the citizens the best of service, and it will require a well-in- formed and careful man to fill their shoes. The year opens with the promise The harbor freezes at the first of the year ahd there will be a great ice harvest to start with. And the next month's gas bills are to be ten per cent. lower than of late. It is time gas came down with the rest of things. The Lampman hears that the ladies' bridge clubs are to hold a The nicest cathartic-laxative in the world to physic your liver and bowels when you have Dizzy Headache, Colds, Biliousness, Indigestion, or Upset, Acid Stomach is candy-like "Cascaréts." One or two to-night wiil empty your bowels completely by ' meeting and 'pass a resolution in re- ply to the attack made upon them from a local pulpit. All of the bridge ladies do not play for money and only some play on Sunday. afternoons {and evenings, neither do they sérve | Scotch and sodas or cocktails. The Lampman agrees that more of the mission money collected in King- {ston should find its way into dis- tricts north of Kingston where evan- gelism is as much needed as in far off countries. We shouid see that our own homes are clean first, be- fore butting in to help clean others, Perhaps this year some one will rise up and prove that women do go to heaven and that they are not changed to men angels before they get past Saint Peter at the Golden Gate. You know the opinion still exists, founded upon scripture, that there are no women in heaven. The Lampman will not repeat the two ar- guments, > A certain bookseller is in danger. Some former Garden Island girls are after his scalp for referring to the island's Indian fire bucket brigade. They want it known that Garden Is- land was a white settlement. Would it not be,better ite the {Week of Prayer leaders held their meetings in the daytime, say at four o'clock in the afternoon instead of at night? How delightful it is in these days to be able to make the old-fashioned New Year's call and receive a social glass of wine. Thank goodness there are some of the old-fashioned people with the old-fashioned ways left in our midst. It is cheering to read of the old' New Year's custom of calling being revived. Let it con-| tinue. The pity is that there has| been so much falling off in social calling of late years, Let iP be re vived. --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver morning, and you will feel splenid "They work while you sleep." Casea rets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets too, Ny =r = Grippe, Bronchitis, Coughs, Cold 'Whooping Cough, sthma, Ete, o0p MATHITU'S UP is a soverei, tonic combining the curative ties of TAR ang t the of SE UL , when or trea ve coisequences of Ee fren ig not risk using inferior preparations. MALTUEU'S SYRUP is the only ! putation has caused tocrop ap many ON BALE ll NEW ELECTRIC GOODS ~~ JUST ARRIVED Students' Study Lamps, extra good value. Prive $3.50 each. English Hot Plates, price $7.50, : Call and see our large assortment of Portable Lamps, Agents for Apex Vaccum Cleaner. Burke Electric Company 74 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 428, ots Repaired Rubber Soles and Heels Vulcanized On, ATTWOOD & DINE Aces in Vulcanizing Tires and Tubes 277 BAGOT ST. Phone 4 The medium should always be in Even a white lie is seldom so Watts) good spirits, as it is whitewashed. TORONTO BUFFALO NY CLEVELAND, O continued on the MONTREAL, Que NEW YORK CITY PITTSBURGH, Pa CHICAGO, Iu Cenadisn Daily News 902 Excelsior Life Blag., me whet induced me to first use sogueinted with SALADA Tes. merket, Ceylon teas were 88 I 414, how mu Chine snd Jepanm, which I d14, s snd then 8 dosen, SALADA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA.LIMITED , "CABLES. SALADA, TORONTO CODES- BENTLEVS ABC (§™€D) uvEsERS BOSTON, Mass DETROIT, Micw PHILADELPHIA Pa, LONDON. (Eve bo TORONTO. Desr Sirs;- I have ,.ar velued favour of the 21at inst. daily newspspers, and why I have steadily for meking the publia to use that medium so Thirty years ago, unknown, in Then I commenced to got the merits of these tess before the public~- there was but one wey, snd that was to peok them end when I tried that, grossa) ghelves, and the wes still supplied to the public. Then I thought of telling my nd soon saw results. snd now meny hundreds on the Ameriocen oontinent slgue, where practically every daily newspaper of any importsnce oerries SALADA TEA COMPANY sdvertisements. - Yours truly, SALADA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED. / I found thet t Per, \ papers Associstion, when I firat put SALADA Tes om the oh superior in cup quality they were, to the tess of I tried to introdoce buy them in the ordinsry pescksge the snd etteined considerable success. the retail grocer got the tes 8 way 8s induced the public to try it, but kept on supplying the poor, inferior tess that he hed been heundling. Torontsy Oct. 22nd, 1921, asking exaept to experts, snd, mowing them by indunoing the grocer to tea arrived in from the Orient, Unfortunately, however, after hend, he did not hemdle if in such question myself ss to how I would market them under a drsnd.' But, hese fine teas continued to lie poor stuff they hed been hendling story in s single news er, The single medium soon Boosme two.