"MIDAY, JAN @, 1922, : THF DATIV PDITICY Wun ' WEHAVETHEM | Nf ol | 'Kingston and Vicinity || rain ProTECTION ' TURKEYS For low initial cost, for low upkeep cost, GEESE A Fine Skating Rink, |the Baptist congregation, Renfrew, | contest, the Liberal vote being divia- ' : ; % DUCKS The Hawthorn Mills Co, have flood- | Ont., died on Tuesday after a short [ed between the Libral candidate and for long life, for warmth, the Cedar Shingle . ed the cement floor of the big Jvol | illness. He was born in Irela 1| the U.F.0. candidate, and the Con- has all its competitors beaten. and according to a scientist, are freed storehouse, Carle'on Place, receut.y | cighty-three years ago and, coming |servative U. F. 0.'s here voting ai- . Bas every time a person coughs! If destroyed by fire and made of it a Canada as a youth, seftlea in qur- | most solidly for the Conservative |! No other roof covering, dollar for dol- CHICKENS you happen to be in the Heluity it first-class skating rink- for the em- onto. His first charg® was in St. | candidate, we belive it will result iu || lar can compare with the Wood Shingle. A choice assortment to pick Is impossible for you to breathe |. ,voog and their friends, n, N.B. He became pastor of 2 solid Liberal vote in future elec- Pri d from without nReiing SvE10 of iT i------------------------ x Baptist Congregation | Lions, and trust we may still have | rices are own, 3hely ia one 3078 way 108 *. Ambitious To Know, 1 1915. i Mr. Horsey as the Liberal candidat | -- your mouth and throat tion=Reep yor Ambition is 'he most important ---- in some future contest." | S ANGLIN & CO 3 o » . bathed with the pleasant but germ- 1 } M destroying vapor that is liberated | material being sought in the workers | To Leave on Feb. 1st, y -- ° . C een from a Peps pastille as It dissolves of today. Our readers are ambitious i Miss E. M. Allan, teacher of clas- Mrs. T. C! Singleton Dead | Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Gay and Wellington dn the mouth. They want the best o rtunities ana | sics at the Prescott high school, has g ~ Qi a. 13 IN : A 282 PRINCESS STREET Not only as a preventive but as | oon Yn, She be Opposty Hes el fie at 4 S rR oe ah 2 Mrs, T. C. Singleton, Newboro, de- . Btrects, KINGN10N, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory + Raa id fo nitis, sore throat, | °C : 1 8 ered he E & parted this life on 29th Dec. after a | Phone 1415. Ha PHONE 1182 3 ture Tor wienchiite, Peps are | De bes: opportunities. | stmilar one at Weston, eight 'niles | jira of seventy-eight years--years of | i | eee eee | from Toronto. Miss Allan has re- great service to her family and com- | sa) lly good. All dealers, 50c. box. 9 4 ; Su -- ------ | equally 1 5 Market Square Memorial, turned to Prescott to resume her { munity. Her maiden name was LE tag a SPY Te Voters at Carleton Place decidel | duties at the high school, where she | gaan Henderson, an old and promi. - Kingston Transfer Co : in favor of erecting a soldiers' mwn- will remain until February, nent family of Norih Leeds county. | NN . o | orial on Market Square in preference Only Mrs. John Gallagher, New- | (3 A Dinner : FOR MOVING OF to building a public hospital Ths Jobin R. Artis.at Rest, boro; Mrs. Acheson, Toronto: Thoni- i Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and ! plebiscite gave a majority of twenty- | a , . ' Y , | as Henderson, Smith's Falls, and | \ ; Cartage of every description-- {two for the former. | John R. Artis passed peacefully i . 8 y P | Tr a i away at the family residence in Tyen- Omar Hendepson, Portland, are left. { N ou | dinaga on Tuesday after a short ill- Tie re M Sinslawon ime for | - i ° iness, aged seventy-six years. At one irly years had been in the Vi age | ) F E 86, 48 years of Newboro, a homg- noted for its njoy PIANO TUNING | We win put on sale our entire ee Paes y stock of men's and boys' winter over- time he was a successfu business charity _~ Hand i W W y { sllevill i , cl Y, hospitality and religious in- DRA. ° INNETT man of BDellevile. He: legves & TH For a meal you will enjoy Phone 3877.. 153 Wellin Street. he Siiiagton Stree Smear | Special Reduction, Piano Tuning and Repairing. {coats at a great reduction in prices. | fluence. Mr Singlet 1 ves . : - 1 family of one son, Samuel R. Artis, 2 ube, ATE, Dingielon - leaves lo . el Also Organ Work. Some of the overcoats we will sell for mily oi one son, '8 mourn her loss one son, Pr. Ambrose, | Visit our Restaurant, and you DENTAL SURGEON, All work guaranteed. {less than wholesale price. What we | . ath PETER D. BROWN {advertise we do. Prevost Clothing, Corner of Johnson and Wellington 12 Markiand St. Phone 2397m. | Brock street ? Streets Phone 363 . . | by > and four daughters: Mrs. Gleason, "of . : ! C ) Buffalo; Mrs. Plain, Madoc; Mrs. | C3lBary; two daughteps, Mrs. Nina will not be disappointed. { McGhie, Cayuga, On¥, Mrs. H. C. } Our Service is excellent and | Craig, Tyendinaga; Mrs. Huff, Tyen- Br ah | dinaga, He was an Anglican in re- | PTOWn, at home. ' ) : our prices are right. | Ar smn, | -------- -- bye , A . oe p 3 9 A Perfect Little Venice, | ligton. - p BUI LDING | Belleville papers are quoting Dr. | ere Oldest Person Born in Perth, REPAIR R ALTERA HONGT { Bruce Taylor, Principal Queen's Uni- | . Ameliasburg IAberaly, . On Dec. 23rd, says the Perth Cour- w SPAIRS Ot Tk. | versity, Kingston, who when in Belle- Al a meeting of the Ameliasburg [jer there diea in Florida, Mrs. C. H Dr, Eas bo j versity, , x i 4 tas 1c oa! Hog Py oD PETER LEE PROPRIETOR . augh Estimates given by | ville yachting last summer described ! Liberal Assoolation the following ro- | Gamshy, before her death "he oldest 222 Princess Street - Open Ton S am. to 2 am, Two Doors Above Opera House . , the entrance to the harbor.and Vic. | solution was enthusiastically carfied: | person 'born in Perth. Her melden \ Deutist 0. Aykroyd & Son |torla Park as "a perfect little Ven-| "Moved by H. E. Redner and s®- name was Caroline E. Thom, daugh- | \\= 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 | =! Main Street. Phone 1670. [ fee." onded by W. A. Lont. That this as- | ter of Dr. Alexander Thom, a native | - | sociation wishes to express apprecia- of Scotland, who was a halfway me {.- Wo | Will Cost City $3,000. tion of and confidence in H. H. Hors- cal officer in the 103rd Imperial re- ROYAL OAK GREETS 1922 } { Part III of the municipal voters' @¥, the Liberal candidate in the do- giment disbanded in Canada, and with & better tire tham ever. The new Royal Oak, 30x31; tabrie ? . | list, for which Kingston has to pay | minion elecifon held on Dec. 6th, | most of those officers set'led in Perth tire; weight, 16 pounds; mileage 6,000 miles (backed by the com- ove S épairs S La 3 |in connection with the Ontario legis- | 1921; and though he was defeated on {in 1816, The doctor owned much cf pany); price, lower tham ever before. See them before buying ats ; h top xatives | laturd by-election here next month, |&ccount of it being a three-conercd the land west of the Tay river in EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBIER Co. Scales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Which Only Aggravate lis ready for the returning officer. | a "= | Perth, and Caroline village - which | | i [ ! A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. | The cost to the city will he $3,000 YOU OWE IT TO Wis laid out BY him, abd: named Wy ¢ | We do repair work right and guar- Constipation | for this by-election, and this amount ter the daughter just deceased. The 3 the people will have to pay in their | YOURSELF section of the town latterly known as antec Sikistaction. ton Street Nujol is a lubricant--not ple en ol Jue \own Juieri} kHOWS 88 . die ire ea Se TO SEE | evetuity from the crow and deceased SOWARDS KEEPS COAL heh Jou ane coutipt: ff | utities, = | i . et a a Ce rat Why Girls | ed, there is not enough The city charities have been well was then known as the "Gamshy WA T 71 S lubricant produced by sustained during the holiday sea- | CO KEEPS SOW your system to keep the son. The Kiwanis club raised over Farm." : Al ARD food waste soft. Doctors 1$2.000, while the sum of $1,600 was | Leave Home"' - Y S People's preverive Nel decane | raised for hospital needs, and $1,000 ' Be loyal to your favorite store by PHONE 150. : ; | was contributed from the civic treas- AT keeping in constant touch with its UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORE this natural lubricant. fury, so that altogether $10,000 was | advertising news. Loyalty to your PHONE 811 A 11. * Try it today. Florist y We i turne® uver for the benefit of the | ALLEN -- MON-TUES-WED. | |store, is loyalty to your purse. 177 Welungton street, : | une aployed and those in destitute | Willlam Young, veteran C.P.R. Fresh flowers and plants daily "ler for umstances, which stands as a | ARTERY employee, dies suddenly at Renfrew. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY Funeral designs, and wedding || very great credit to the generosity | bouquets to order. Phone 1763. || [ot the Kingston people. | Ies., 1187, | i : es You Can Tell Your Wants, On a postal card; over the back | E. i U( KIN . AEN i HR Sorry fence; or across the hall or fire es- | cape. You cen talk to everybody you know and get your needs talked | 9 . {about by a lot of peoplé you don't e utua e | know--Dbut if you get results by that {method you are imduck. If yom tell f (Canada | your wants in a classified ad ise- i 0 | ment you are dignified, efficient; and | This is a Mutual Company, [|Sure of Johs Want You uy x ; | you are not intereste ay, drop The: Butler Bulders He She |and let us tell you how useful they PHONE 183 bs -ylinc, : |are--then, when you do need them, no stockholders to share in the | they are yours. i MEN! and YOUNG MEN'S NEW ; profits; all 'profits go to the | policy holders, who therefore | Will Give Addresses. NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES | receive insurance at net cost. The 45th annual convention of . {| This is the only Mutual Com- (|the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's As- WV R McRae i Co. pany in Canada. It is 50 years | sociation opened at the Chateau y : . {| old, and has 225 million dol- ||Laurier, Ottawa, on Thursday morn- 25 00 28 00 Nd 9 ® Corner Princess and Clergy Sts. 3 5 . |ing. G. G. Publow, chief dairy in- GOLDEN LION BLOCK. { larg' Insurans in force. | structor for eastern Ontario, and : | "Be a Mutualisy" { Prof. L. A. Zufelt, superintendent of i SRR [the Kingston Dairy school, will be ver One $35 00 38 00 ; ! . ' . | | among the speakers. It is expect- S. Roughton {ed that five hundred delegates will rane | . : | be in. attendance at the convention. | District Manager The Mural | Between five hundred and six hun- | ° oy : {dred pounds of butter will bé on ex- | : "4 | TW ' 60 Brock Street { hibition, Mr, Publow will give a re- I qa x e { - KINGSTON | port on the year's work, . 2 ' { | i Phove 010, : 131 Princess St. | 1 : { The Late Switzer Conway, | , =| Switser Conway, who was in his|}} BEEF ROASTS ..............12¢.1Ib. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Choicest quality of Scranton ™, UALITY-FOOD ninety-second year, died at the home | ; Coal. No other kind sold b . of his son-in-law, J. H. Butler, 23 BEEF HEARTS > us. * |i Is not volume, but quality Barton ave., Toronto, on Tuesday err ++. 6c. Ib. : | § in diet that aids healthful ag } 3 & CO. | Deceased was born in Napanee, Ont., POT ROASTS fa BOOTH Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 || growth, n'y and was employed by the Coulter | . .. 10¢. Ib. | Scott's Emulsion Scott Compafiy, Oshawa, Ont., for 30 | i years, For the past eeven years he | HAMBURG sete en . . .s 10c. Ib. isa quali -food that hag itved I JTorunio, Sud until re- | : | | mann tolelptide a hee In airy Sum re LEGS .1LAMB....... ' . .25¢. 1b. ) 'OR SALE | Hines of ~ the years ago. Four generations were ness. It's present at his bedside when he pass- SHOULDERS . "irs 124c. Ib. Double stone dwelling, three | precious vitamines. ed away, storey, large lot; 1 extra Jot. AT ALL DRUG STORES Good barn. Rents for $44 per PRICE. $1.30 and 68e¢. - EGGS--No. | fresh . ..53¢. | Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. Alliance Francaise Meets, J dozen month. Price $4,500. x i A Meeting of the Alliance Fran- --Sh v WwW. H WIN & SON | K caise took place in the Red room, X BACON Sliced Ar srr ty .30c. Ib. i : Je aod | Queen's University on Wednesday ' Real Estate and Insurance | Granules) evening, and an enjoyable social CHEESE Cvmeta a te .24ec. 1b. 89 Brock Street Phone 424 For INDIGESTION [Sue was spent. Thers were over » -- ; thirty members present and all - | 21-11sk | versation was carried on ny on LARD---pure PEN hr. 18e, Ib. | Foot "Vaiir toa ot recent mci: lf SUGAR--10 Ibs, . rT 78s, We carry all the best makes for Prof. Vattier told of a recent meet- Men, Women and Children in sep- - For the Cold Weather | ing of the Montreal group, which was : DID YOU EVER TRY : addressed by Mr. Steed, an English : . : ! BIG JANUARY ) Journalist, and he announced that in JAM--4 Ib. pails fered aia snaneing 57c. | arate garments and combinations, WagsiatPs Ginger Marmalade. ! March, Mr. Bessonigr, president of Wagntafl's Pineapple Marmalade. || | the Montreal , will be the 3 ve f tho Montreal group, Wi be the guest TEA-Best Black . . . 33c. at the new low prices, bi Heung Jetty. di REDUCTION SALE { of the Kingston group and will de EA oF bo Een or ae { liver an address. z os. ' WOOL BLANKETS Jam and Jellies for sal : re t=" ale 'f MEN'S TWEED, WORSTED : Visiting in Prescott TEA--Salada $2200 .. 50c. BON MARCHE GROCERY | AND SERGE SUITS" BI sisy Harriet Mastine, Belleville, ; : : ih White and Grey. Best Canadian or. & ane treets 8 Is visiting. her mother, Mrs. A. Me- S ; Mieense No. 5-37149 Quality and sizes to suit all. Laughlin, and her sister, Mrs. H. BE. and ch makes, from $5.50 a Reg. $20 Suit for ....$15.00 Wallace, Prescott. Miss Mastine . y 1 Reg. $25 Sait for Was one of the most noted nurses in 3 parr to $ i 5 .00. : the Canadian Army, She went over- } i . : seas with No. 7 General Canadian 1 . Hospital Corps formed at Queen's : . ; : he niversity, Kingston, in 1915, and Get 0 P eo oy Move Single Pan---. UR Suteruey, Kingsion, in 5313. and ur rrices W. N. Linton il hospital at Cliveden. She was trans- 4 ® ° eo a Boys in ge 2.50 J] for7ed to Etaples, France; where she Phone 191. The Waldron Store. : served: three years. She also spent some time at Frevant, Albert, Bus, - | and Etracourt. Miss Mastine was , i : I Z A CKS cited for the Croix de Guerre and re- : ' ey. ® ceived two. other medals for her a or Daughters of Empire to give Gait It is feared that the - splendid work. - kindergarten scholars half ; h pint of | steamer Signal is lost off 271 PRINCESS ST. ee ---- milk daily, and note results. with thirty-five of a crew, od i i Rev. Alex. White, Renfrew, Dead. | The Conservatives will not oppos=| The son of the Earl of J Rov, exander \Whits, pastor of ; 'Hon, George Grabam in Essex, may wed Princess Juliana of Hall " ps