Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jan 1922, p. 2

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. h Y 3 -------- -- pA ------ White Fur Coats for Children deliv. 825.00 White Fur Baby Robes $5.00 White Fur Caps ......$5.00 Men's Fur Coats . . . . . $35.00 Ladies' Fur Coats . .. .$75.00 Everything in Furs, John McKay, Limited 149-157 BROCK STREET 1 | Extended by This Orrane i ization. | Victorian g { The annyal meeting of the Victof- fan Order of Nurses was held on Thursday afternoon in the city coun- {cil chamber. The president. Mrs | Joba Wright, Qecupied He chair qnd | the reports or the secretary, Mrs | Fred Reid, the treasurer, J. B, Wa |kem K.C., 'Miss Leader, nurse 4n {¢harge, and Mrs, Frances Robinson, | 8showdd that an enormous amount of | splendid work was performed, and }ibat the order has greatly extended its sphere of usefulness in the com- { munity, i Mrs. Wright the president, gave jan address, covering the activities engaged in, and expressed .warm ap- preciation of the assistance given by organizations and individuels inter: | ested { Btandard, and also the splendid ser- vices rendered by the officials and Mies Leader, nurse in charge, and { Mrs, Robinson whese work at the 1Child Welfare Station is steadily | growing in importance. The year 11921 was ane of great achievement. | 8he announced that on Tuesday next "You Wire Us and We'll Wire You" THE ELECTRIC SHOP _ | the election br officers will take place. Mrs. Conde of the Salvation Army and Mrs. Parkins were added {lo the committee and a resolution | was passed expressing appreciation 1 of the good work of Mrs. H. N. Sneli- E --l-- VICTORIAN. ORDER WORK REX Sphere of Usefulness Has Been Produce "The Brat" in its' work, the Whig and' For the Week~-End--Large Audi- ence Present. Everyone is happy for "Rex" and | his capable players have retd¥ned to! town, and Thursday ' evening tle Grand Opera House was crowded to | receive them. Mr. Snelgrove makes no mistakes in the plays he chooses | for presentation, and the choice this (week is "The Brat," which delighted {%he appreciative audience. Miss Zana Vaughn takes the rote {of "The Brat," and while her acting is always irreproachable, she is seen | {in an entirely different character |this week, and a part. which suits | {hor remarkably well. Miss Vaughn | displays the varied emotions of the | | "Brat" very = cleverly. Mr. Snel-| |&rove, as usual, fills his part in al {manner which is above critizism..| {The other members of the cast all! tak® their different parts very ca- | 1pably; William Yule, as the tipsy | | butler, evoked peals of laughter. | Mr. Snelgrove is to be conzratulated | jupon his achievement in elec trical | jeffects, | i which add greatly to the per- | formance, During the intermission the Park | | Kiddies gave a song and cance num- | [ ber which was greatly enjoyel. At] the end of the second act Mr. Snel-| {erove stepped before the curtain and | |announced the play for next week, | | "The Brat" will be seen at tha Grand | DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Sees, COMPANY AT GRAND ° FRIDAY, JAY. 6, 1922 LATEST FICTION AT SPECIAL PRICES : Regular i Poice 'Special Main Street--by Sinclair Lewis . . J cee 0.0. $2.00 $1.75 Are All Men Alike--by Arthur Stringer ............. $1.75 $1.50 Miridm of Queen's--by Lilian V. MacKinnon . . «.».$2.00 $1.75 To Him That Hath--by Ralph Connor . . coe. .$200 $1.75 ¥lelen of the Old House--by Harold Bell Wright . ,..$2.00 $1.75 To Let--by John Galsworthy . ..$2.00 31.75 Little Miss Melody by Marian Keith ..$2.00 $1.75 The Mucker--by Edgar Rice Burr oughs ..$2.00 $1.75 Pawned--by Frank L.. Packard . ..$2.00 $1.75 Her Father's Davighter by one Stratton Porter ...$2.00 $1.75 Jacob's Ladder--by E. Philips Oppenheim . .......... $2.00 $1.75 Sweet Stranger--by Berta Ruck ..$1.75 $1.50 The Obstacle Race--by E. M. Dell ..$2.00 $1.75 All $2.00 Books at $1.75. All $1.75 Books at $1.50. THIS WEEK ONLY AT: : THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE - "2 sin anise site sie aintel fe *eit n 0'eie) io 0 a Teha lef e Ses ae nena. "5 2.8 0 0 aT" 200010 Taiy cir alle tele wie an'nlntie Distributors for LACO LAMPS, DELC 0 LIGHT PRODUCER 115 Breck Street. Phome 1545. F. J. GRACE W. C. CaaNON Absolute Evidence in Favor of Ground Cylinders All bigh grade automobile engines manufactured in this country as well as in Europe have their cylinder bores finish ed grinding. Some of the American cars that might »b m are: "Apperson Brewster Cadillac Cunningham Dorris Franklin Haynes Mercer Holmes Packard Winton In fact, 849% of all the manufacturers of pleasure cars use nih with ground cylinder bores, and 919% of the com- mercial motors are ground. Heald Machines are used ex- clusively. Automobile owners we-have one of these Heald Cylinder Grinding Machines, and can guarantee first class work. Ground Cylinders is a selling point with many cars. Automotive Grinders Corner of x ei Streets. Hudson Kissel LaFayette - Lincoln Locomobile Marmon Peerless Pierce Arrow Rolls Royce Standard Stevens Duryea Stutz Templar (SATURDAY) Finest Creamery Faney New Figs Cleaned Currants Fire--Burglary--Life-- Torna. do--Robbery--Accident--Bag- ; == Hold Up -- Sickness -- ate Glass--Mercantile Safe, | Reliable Companies only rep- fi resented. XFish Sardines . Victory Bonds bought and mold, : Canned Peary Pork and Beans, per dozen . s Oranges (large) OM Dutch Cleanser ...J : WANTED Canned Pineapple e About 4 furnished rooms, suit- able for light housekeeping. R. K Waddell The McCann Agency . Phones 336-894. 86 Brock st, Special price om choice Potatoes~--90 pound bags, Cullen's CASH ANY CARRY The Conservatives of South Essex [week for endorsgment. ously decided ¢n Thurgday| Premier Foster. states to oppose Hon. George Graham returns to the constituency next Feb. 22nd. ' ly eS = We are showing some éxceileat values in Hudson Seal 'Coats. Come in and try some on. < and should, therefore, = | skipped, VA | 0lect 8. 8. Corbett and the retiring New Pack Rolled Oats § Iba, 25¢. +++. 2 for 33e. Finest Cream of Wheat--3 Iba 23¢ White ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. that the New Brunswick legislature may open AT 'ing, past president, and deep regret $.| at her serious illness: | Addresses were given by Mayor- 1 i : i mayor, H. C. Nickle. Mr. Corbett thanked the Order for the privilege to be present at the meeting and {hear the reports upon the work of the year, and expressed his keen aps preciation of the valuable work be- ing carried on, As mayor, he said, he would do all in his power to ren- {der assistance at all times. Mayor | Nickle spoke on present conditions { throughout the city as the result of | an indefinite period of unemploy- ment. The officials of the Victorian | Order of Nurses were well conver- {sant with these conditions, by/rea- son of their activities, He told of the plans of the unemployment relief committee of which he was a mem- { ber, This committee was glad to have the co-operdtion of such an efficient organization as the Victorian Order. Already much was beink done in the { Way of relief work. He expressed his high praise of the work accomplish- ed by the officials and nurses. Mrs. Fred Reid, secretary, pres- | ented a general report on the activi- ties of the nurses, Mrs. Leader and Mrs. Robinson, and told of the great importance of the Child Welfare station, a detailed report upon which { Was presented by Miss Leader. Mr. Walkem, treasurer showed that in the beginning of the year there was a balance on hand of $2,448.21 and af- ter the year's operations there was row on hand $2,430. Miss Leader showed that 328 cases | were treated during the year, includ- | ing medical and surgical. Of this | number 110 were infants and there 1 were seven deaths. The tota) num- ll | ber of visits made was 4,680, show- Hl | ing an increase over last year of 810. l | There were 330 visits made to policy i} | holders of the Metropolitan Life In- surance Company apd an increase in 1 on Ww ca ze the fees of $141.70 over last year. Both nurses attended the Ottawa conference of the Victorian in May 1921. where were shown the many branches of public health work done by the Victorian Order of Nurses be- sides nursing. The report said: "In this community the Vietorian Order do Child Welfare, pre-natal, post-natal work, tuberculosis, social service and industrial nursing, pre- i pare for and assist at operations, do {surgical dressings and teach by de- monstrations how to carry out physi- cians' orders." "Everyone is entitled to_ their nurses' services and the poor receive | first attention. The Order is primar- | 11y for such, also people of moderate | means. . "Tht baby clinic was opened in July, 1917, with four cases: today there is an enrollment of 720. The nurse in charge gives talks to moth- ers and assists in a material way the less 'fortunate, "This winter, through the genero- sity of the Kingston Red Cross, Alu- mnae Association of the Kingston Genera! Hospital, different Masonic lodges and private individuals, it was made possible to send thirty-five bas- kets of Christmas cheer to little ones, i shut-ins, needy and sick, and milk for under-nourished mothers who | would otherwise be unable to nurse i their babies. "The sewing class has forig-five in attendance and after sewing ono | hour physical culture is given the children. "Through the Kingston branch of the Graduate Nurses Association of Ontario, tea was served to 400. mo- thers, : ' i « Miss Leader concluded her repor: with a testimonial to the valued ser- vice given by Dr, H. E. Day. Mrs. Conde gave a brief address. =| She expressed her appreciation of &=|the reporic read and thanked the committee for adding her name. She Was muck interested in the work and hoped that later on, after extending her acquaintanceship in the eity, to be able to contribute .to the good work, ---------------- A Invited to Speak Here, Premier King has been nvited to address the Eastern Ontario and Ot- tawa district branch of the Retail Merchants Assoctation of Canada at Kingston on Jan. 17th ---------- : Ads are so important nae they = treble your dollar's buying power never be jon Friday evening, matinee and evening, { INCIDENTS. OF THE DAY Racy Local News and Items of tice 'o@ay's offerings, posed, look the ads in your reading? | received at Phone 564w. {ing on the sidewalks on' Thursday. |And some of them practiced hockey Board of Education will be on Wed- nesday next, mentioned for the chairmanship, { Aged are smoking the health of Ald. Company, Ltd., who sent them sev- eral boxes of fine cigars on Thurs- | day evening. tions intact ed columns. largest number of readers. Thursday, the weather turned cold- er, and as a result the walks fall of snow would help out condi- tions, | 1 and as a Preventive, take Laxative | BROMO QUININE Tablets, genuine bears Grove 30c. his' satanic majesty and Saturday | PHONE 919, OPEN TILL 8.00 P.M. | General Public Interest. Phone 538J, Chas. Andre, carter. This is the month of bargains, No- | Most of our handicaps are self im- Are you rich enough to over- Mr. Swaine, piano tuner, orders | 100 Clergy street w The lads of the city had fine skat- | | the icy streets. | and narrow belts. The inaugural meeting © of the The names of W. H. The inmates of the Home for the} 4 only, - H. Craig, of W. @. Craig and | clear on Saturday Bmployers keep their tiLiough our Help Want- They know we have: the l | organiza. After the mild weather | during be- me very slippery and many - citi- | ns suffered severe falls, A good -- For Colds, Grip or Influenza snap ........ The the signature of E. W. (Be sure you get BROMO), Made in Canada. -------- When it comeg to geiting his dues never gets lefs. year. Sizes 19 to 30. Big Clearing | HALF PRICE 6 only, Fur-Trimmed Suits. Colors with Beaver and Seal trimming, Sizes 16, 18 and 36 only. Regular $50.00 and $60.00 each. Saturday for half, Godwin, and W. M. Campbell are | A SILK DRESS FOR $5.00 : Taffeta Silk Dresses--very pretty styles--round neck --three quarter and long sleeves---embroidery and button trimmed. Colors Navy and Taupe. Sizes 18 and 20 Children's Winter Coats--beautiful ets, convertible collars and full-lined. Sizes'3 to 14 years, Navy, Cardinal, Copen. Regular Saturday for Half--$3.25 to $8.00 January Clearing Sale HALF PRICE Brown, Beaver and Navy, beautifully lined, button trimmed or...........$25.00 and $30.00 only. $25.0 arments to HALF PRICE garments wun pelts, pock- Brown, price $6.50 to $16.00. MILL ENDS - Grey Cotton in lengths from 1 to 6 yards. For a Saturday SR RINNERS 2 TX ETe Me. eA se e ONLY $2.50 Extra quality Superbone Corsets--boning guaranteed for one A $4.50 Corset on Saturday ......... $2.50 Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store sale of ly CN BE MRE T0-CROSS ON ICE Mid-Winter The Residents of Wolfe Island Millinery Are Waiting For Thick Tomorrow | ice, It is expected 'that in the course of a couple of days the farmers at { Wolte Island will be able to drive {over to the city in large numbers | At the present time the ice is firm! | but the majority of the residents { will not risk coming across until {there is a thicker body. On Thurs- dar Paddy McDermott and George {| Woodman came across with single § | horses and cutters. Both men re- | port that the ice is thick enough to | carry medium traffic, { The marine men are confident that | the water has frozen for the winter jas already they have commenced to, cut the ice away from the steamers which are anchored in the hartor, | It is expected that the track between Kingston and the island will be marked out this week. { 'The engineer and some of the crew of the steamer Wolfe Islander, which was the last boat to go in winter quarters, are cleaning the botlers and making some necessary | repairs so that with the opening of navigation the steamer will be ready. eee Met the Prince of Wales, Capt. Douglas Ham, of the Indian | Army, sider son of Mr. and Mrs. J. | 8. Ham, Napanee, had the honor of meeting His Royal Highness the six lots, priced at-- $1.75--$2.75-83.75 . $4.75--85.75--86.75 You can see each priced line quickly, so if you need a new Hat. drop in to-morrow and get a bargain as well as very latest . Prince of Wales at a reception held | at Government House, Bombay, In- '§ dia. { ---------- The members of the Portsmouth A Desirable Residence $4,600--Alfred Street, semi-detached brick dwelling, containing 10 ' rooms and bathroom, gas and electric lights; hot afr furnace; newly decorated and renovated. Deep lot, side entrance, right-of-way to rear of property; also good barn, Terms arranged to suit buyer's needs. E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Corner Johnson and Division Streets - - Phones 589w and 5807. Council will hold their first meeting of the year on Monday next, vr New Dress Footwear FOR WOMEN Newest Styies-- Extra Quality -- Dainty Strap Styles Patent Leather Sally Sandals--Biack Kid Two Straps--Black $5.00-$6.00-$7.00 "SEE THESE IN OUR WINDOW" S. J. MARTIN

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