THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG: Presario: | Put up with care and curacy and always under the supervision of the proprietor Your doctor would advise this as he is assured that his medi- cines Teach you as he would have them. Have your prescriptions and family medicine put up at: -- Best's The Popular Drug Store. Phone 50. Open Sundays. / -- ac- | 1 2 Te Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- fcal apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- ENCE CAN GIVE. It is this combination of min and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service uanigne Kingston. . in Weeks Ago Our Special Long-lived Alarm Clock sold for $4.50 each. Due to more favorable condi- tions of sale, we can now give $3.70 They 'are the very best quality and fully guaranteed. Get one while they last, as the number on hand is limited. SMITH BROS. Jewelers - Limited Established 1840. 350 King Street fE-- Wanting ® ery line oe repairs and mew work da floora of wil kinds. wil recelyc prompt attention. 2% Queen Street. hout Shortages of Teachers throug the United States amounts to 92,949. ue neral S ET After Christmas Clearing Sale All stocks affected by the Christmas rush to be cleared out at low prices. Hefe in brief are a few specials for this week :-- All Enamelware 10% discount. Skates, big reductions. Hodkey Sticks-- big assortment of the best. We wish you all Hearty Good Wishes and a Prosperous New Year McKELVEY & BIRCH, LID. Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. Phone 237 - - - - - Kingston Just Befor# Stock Taking We are offering a number of very special prices on Bed- foom, Dining Room and Living Room Furniture, in, Walnut, Fumed Oak and Mahogany. We. also have a large 'stock of Rugs, on which we are 4 makifg special prices. Be: will ecttainiy. pay Tox volluspuct_oue stork; 48 our prices cannot be equalled. TF. Harrison Ca, Linited Pec | On Tuesday this point was definitely | past. { built for the games, ILE 2 Tjthe Hebrews. | Nave only played the one game. On SPORTING NEWS K.C.L Défeits Ogdensburg. tplaying ihke€ir opponents, ball""team representing the oliegiate Institute, defeal- irg, N.Y., at the Y.M.C day evening by a score At half time, the Ameri- cans were leading by a score of 21 to 13. It was in the last fifteen minu- Americans seemed to go ind the local boys certain- age of the opportunity in the basket. During the Ogdensburg boys of the nicest games of a on 1 non the local gym tloor in ycars, The Kingston teamy started off with Godwin playing at centre, but Norman, the centre play- er for the Americans, seemed to be i too much for him. Kennedy replaced : nd "Benny™ Morris went'on :e. This change seemed to locals more confidence. Time Sfier time, McKay and Sugel shot at the basket, but fell short. The last { fifteen minutes, the whole K.C.L {took a new courage, and started to |score. "Slim" McKay and Harvey { Sugel got some of the nicest baskets seen in many days. Fred Morris and | Kennedy played a good game. For | the loosers Norman at centre was one | ot the classiest players ever seen | here. He got a number of beautiful | shots. | About a month ago the Kingston boys were d ated in Ogdensburg { by three p $0 this makes one i win for each team. The teams lined {up as follows: Kingston Collegiate | McKay, forwards; rodwin, Fred Morris and Kennedy, { B. Morris, spare. Ogdensburg---Thomson and Lynch, | forwards; Norman, centre; Burns {and McCarthy, defence; DBradish, | spare. | Referee -- Garfield | Queen' s University. After ¢ ~-Sugel and centre; defence; Keill, of | Girl Juniors De! feated Seniors. In a very interesting girls' bas- | ketball game played at the Y.M.C.A. jen Wednesday evening, the second | K.CA. team defeated thé first team | bY a score of 10 to 8. The half time i score was 3 to 2 for the second team. | There has been a great deal of rival- ry among the players on the two teams, so it made the game very ex- citing. For the winners,, Miss Annie rrager was credited with most of the | scoring, while Miss Ada starred for the losers. The teams dined up as fol- lows: Second team--Miss Snads, Miss Wood, Miss Langwith, Miss Prager, Miss Douglas and Miss Brunki. Jirst team---Miss Easson, Miss Lyons, Miss Graves, Miss Murray, Miss Ada and Miss Philips. Referee--Miss Vince. Edward's Trophy Hockey Series, It is fully expected that six teams will enter in the County Hockey lea- gue for the Dr. Edward's tpophv. At the meeting held on Tuesday morn. ing, it was stated that the league would be composed of Verona, Har- rogwsmith, 'Sydenham, Wolfe Island, Bargiefield an@Joyceville. The secre- tury was instructed to call for en- tries to be in his hands fiot later than January 5th, when the schedule will be drawn up. If will be necessary to civide the teams into two series, For years there has been a feeling that te final game for the. trophy should be played at the covered rink. settled, so the teams getting to the finals will have to play on neutral ice in the city. This year the teams, which are figuring upon "entering, are taking a great deal more interest than in the Out at Harrowsmith, a hockey club has been organized and a rink Good $5. 8. A, A. A. Games. Commencing with the first of the year some of the best games will be seen {n the S.S.A.A.A. basketball ser- ies. Although the league has been runfiing for six weeks, it has really only got under way. In the senior series for the Drury memorial trophy the team represent- ing the Bethel Sunday school is lead- ing, as it has not lost a game, while Sydenham and Young Hebrews have each won two and lost one. The other two teams, namely, First Baptist and St. James', have not played as many games. On Tuesday evening, January 11th, the Young Hebrews and Bethel are matched, so it is expected that it will be one of the best games of the season, both teams are strong. A win for Young Hebrews would make Sy- henham, Hebrews and Bethel all tied for first place. A win for Bethel would give them a good margin on The junior boys' league is very ex- citing, Sydenham and Queen street Methodists are the only teams enter- ed up to date, and somé very fast "ball has been played. The boys from Sydenham street have won the first two games played, but Queen street boys are confident that they can win some of the remaining games. The juniors are playing for the D. A. Shaw trophy. Lo The girls' basketball leagie, which ie a new thing in Kingston, promises to be very exciting before a winner is declared for the Dr. J. F. Spark's trophy. Sydenham street Methodist girls have played two games and won Loth of them, while the other teams 'Tuesday mext Queen street and Sy- denham street Methodists will be matched, so it is expected that there will be a real good game as both teams are very evenly matched. »for Canadiens by a score of 6 to 2. { nounced that, K.C.I. Practice. E. O. Sliter, principal of the King- Men's Skating Boots, "i Boot, for ive we strapat ........ Youths' sizes 11 to 13, Skates Ground = - SKATING BOOTS Boys' Hockey Boots with the ankle ston "Collegiate Institute, has ar- ranged for' the first practice for the | K.C.l. hockey team at the covered | {rink on . Saturday morning next. | There are a number of real good | light falls of rain or snow. PROBS: players attending the Soles inte, o - ¥ 1 the institute expects to. have { good team. The open air au "at the coliegiate is being order so the boys will be able to have lots of practice. Hamilton 6, Canadiens 2. A Montreal despatch says: Lack | of condition and absence of team work lost Wednesday night's game Lockhart, for Hamilton, played bril- liantly in goal, while the usually re-! liable Vezina, who had received bad news from home, was below par. There were several mix-ups during the game, in which Couture, of | Hamilton, figured in attacks on| Lalonde and Mummery. Charlie Stewart Remains Amateur. Ottawa, playing superb hockey, ran away from St. Patricks at To- ronto, Wednesday night, ending | with a score of eight to one. Ran-| dall, for St. Patricks, scored the | first goal after ten minutes, in the | first period, but the Green Shirts | never bulged the net again. Ottawa's | team play was admirable. Mitchell was again in goal for St. Patricks, Charlie Stewart, Aura Lee's crack | net tender, having finally refused to | sign a contract. U. S. Tennis Players Win. At Auckland, New Zealand, on Wednesday, United States "took a commanding lead in' the Davis Cup lawn tennis championship tourna- | ment. William Tilden, junior, de- | feated Norman Brookes, of the Aus- | tralasian team, 10-8, 6-4, 1-6 and | 6-4, and William L. Johnston de- | feated Gerald L. Patterson, 6-3, 6-1, 6-1. " Le py TRA A AAER iE C.0.C.L. Bonspiel Next Week. Everything is being gotten in| readiness for the Central Ontario Curling League bonspiel, which will | be held at the local curling rink next | Tuesday and Wednesday. Invita-| tions have been sent out to all the clubs between Prescott and Oshawa, so it is expected there will be a large number of curlers in Kingston for | the event. There will be the pri- mary and the consolation events. | The curlers will arrive Tuesday noon | and the games will continue until | Wednesday night. It is fully expected that, if the | cold weather continues, the five! sheets of ice will be in perfect con- | dition. Two sheets were ready on | Wednesday night, and the ice makers were busy getting the other | three rinks in order. On Thursday morning it was an- weather permitting, a club bonspiel will be held at the rink on New Year's flay. Club Games to Commence. The club games at the Kingston curling club will commence on Mon- day evening, January 3rd. The! afternoon series of the club series will not.commence until January 6th. The secretary states that the membership list is almost full. There will be 160 members in the club this year, ---- Eadies' Curling. The president of the Kingston Ladies' Club stated on Thursday | morning that as yet the games have not commenced, but they would in the course of a week. Two of the ladies, who were elected as skips, have informed the club members that they will be unable to act, so two others will have to be elected. EATER fil EH A scene from "Way Down East" which comes to the Grand Opera House, Friday and Saturday; Dec. 31st and Jan, 1st; with a matinee on New Year's Day Helped The Poor St. John's church, Pittsburg, con- tributed vegetables, clothing, . fruit and popped corn, which was distri- | buted among the poor in Kingston, | and the efforts of the members of this church to help make Christmas| brigk* for those in unfortunate cir- cumstances is much appreciated by those engaged in poor relief work in this city. Sm---------------- Venizelos Son Wed. Nice, France, Dec. 30.--Sophocles Venizelos, son of the former Greek Premier, was married here yesterday to Mademoiselle Katelin Zervoudaki. A large number of prominent French personages attended the ceremony. 5 Kingston needs more industries. Make sure of at least one more by voting for the K. D. Mfg. Co. by-law. SOLARA A solid leather * ee eas wee se iis << 34.50 for/....... $200 Open Thursday "and Friday evenings. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE IHN - LL - EQ I FRIDAY New Year's Eve Sale! "To fittingly celebrate this great day we have prepared values that should make instant appeal to all thrifty shoppers. Treble Discount Stamps From 9 to 1 O'clock to-morrow, Save 15 Per Cent. on all your regular cash purchases by cencentrating your shop- . ping in the morning. / Four Sensational One Hour Bargain Sales! . To-morrow, we are going to run four distinct bargain events, each of one hour's duration. You must shop during the hour enume- rated to reap the benefits of these amazing values at lower than pre- ji war prices! The 11 to 12 o'clock sale g HOSIERY 25 doz. Gotham Gold Stripe Thread Silk Stockings. The colors are Black, Field Mouse and Brown; our regular $450 ¢ stock line num- ber JOO. i. ic vee dod TR . Hour Sale Price $2.98 10 doz. all wool Cream Cashmere Stockings; our regular $1.25 values . . eres sens nensen sons ness HourSale Price 59¢, 12 dozen Penman's Cream Cashmerette, full-fashioned Stock- ings; our 60c. quality .............. - Hour Sale, 3 pairs for $1 00 5 doz. Coloved Silk Hose, in Black, White, Navy, Grey aff Brown; reg. $1.75and $2.00 ............, Heur Sale Price 3, 19 "The 2to 30 "clock Sale HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 1,500 yds. American Saxony F lannelotte;] in golored stripes; extra HG heavy good-wearing quality; full 29 inches wide; a splen~ did value at our regular price, 45c. ayd. . .....Hour Sale Price 29¢, | 1,500 yds. extra fine imported Skirt, 2 :ess, Apron and Child- . ren's wear Percales; in stripes and checks; our regular 60c. quality: tas reesei wessesence.oae..... Hour Sale Price 38c. 60 only, Linen Finished Cotton Sheets, with hemstitched ends; size 2x2} yds.; reg. $3.50 each... .........Hour Sale Price $2.19 The 3 to 4 o'clock sale READY-TO-WEAR SALE! The greatest sale of all--a one hour sale of our entire stock of street, afternoon and evening dress es, novelty and tailored blouses, ki- moenas, dressing gowns, and separate skirts--from our own high-grade stock; all marked in plain figures; your unrestricted choice be eid deal ne e eaterei vais ewes + «Hour Sale Price Less 33 1-3% The 4 to 5 o'clock sale SILK. SALE ! 100 yds. real French Imported extra heavy Satin DucResse Silk | --Ffull 39 inches wide; our regular $5.00 a yard quality. Ce Wnianaie vensssassesesssa sve JHour Sale Price $2.69 150 yds. Colored Silk Messali ine: full 36 inches wide; the shades are Sand, Bisque, Slate, Grey, Pearl and Russian Green; reg. $2. 75. AYArd ... «sess a tenses esis esvns ess Hour Sale Price $14 75 yards White Habutai Wash Silk; yard wide; our reg. $1.5 quality ........... eeiiureriansse ts s.. Hour Sale Price 87 These are positively the greatest bargains we have ever offered for one day's selling. Remember the hour. Each Sale is limited to the full sixty minutes as described above. ; Steacy's - mite We led the way to new low prcen--others were forced tq follow p AHHH Hl HTH ni ETH EL i