THURSDA' wi iNENESEEERNNNSEREERRERENSE! | - | In the World of Sport iy , HH HO--BOYS! for the real times--nothing but Hockey and Skating. have all the hockey supplies in stock, including Sweaters, Jerseys, Gloves, Pucks, etc. Also a big line of Hockey Sticks--that hard 'wrticle. Everything for Winter sports. are sole agents for the famous: -- SHATES Used by World Champions. ® have all models and all sizes of Skates and can fit you up. with a tit. REMEMBER---WE SELL HOCKEY BOOKS better to come here and get your whole oufit than only half. boot to the skate in the right way. can't get better than AUTOMOBILE SKATES and our BOOTS. ladies as well as the men, : a » SKATE SHARPENING The other fellows sharpen Skates, but the ones who appreciate a real #barp, dlways come here. We can make any old pair fairly glide 'We have dozens of proofs why our sharpenings are better. Try us 'You'll then know why we sharpen more Skates than any other dealer. Store open evenings til 8 p.m. ADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. CESS STREET : : Telephone 529. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" EERE Ee We We LP hy VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 'W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0. ne 441, 167 Princess Street HERERO RROD | fit - We have neither time nor room to devote to : READY-MADE OVERCOATS 3 d intend to get rid of our stock. ; ie ese will be sold at cost price. High class goods which we guar- antee. Come in and see them, HERR The chairmanship of the T. and N. O. Railway Commission will be taken up this week by the Ontario Cabinet. Acting Chairman George Lee appears to be the favored candidate. nn ended June 30th. the Federal Govern- "scheme of assisting technical than $0,000 puplls enrolled andes | | { | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | BOXING DAY GAMES | IN THE OLD COUNTRY Boxing Day league football games in the Old Country resulted as fol: lows : English League. (First Division.) Arsenal 1, Everton 1. Bradford 2, Oldham A. 1 Derby C. 1, Bradford C. 1, Huddersfield T. 0, Middlesboro 1. Liverpool 2, Chelsea 1. Manchester U. 1, Aston Villa 3. Preston N.E. 4, Blackburn R. 2. Sheffield U, 1, Burnley 1, Sunderland 0, Bolton W. 0. Tottenham H. 2, Newcastle U. 0, West Bromwich A. 2, Manchester City 2. (Second Division.) Barnsley 0, Blackpool 1. Birmingham 2, West Ham U. 1. Bristol City 3, Port Vale 0. Cardiff City 0, Coventry City 1. Fulham 1, Leeds U. 0. Hull City 3, Clapton O. 0. Notts C. 3, Sheffield Wed. 0. Rotherham 0, Nottingham F, 0. South Shields 2, Bury 0. Stoke 1, Leicester City 1. Wolverhampton W, 2, Stockport C. 0. (Third Division.) Crystal Palace 3, Brighton and Hove 2. Exeter C. 1, Plymouth A. 1. Merthyr T. 0, Millwall A. 1, Northampton 2, Gillingham 0, Norwich C. 0, Grimsby T. 0. Portsmouth 1, Watford 0. Queen's Park R. 1, Brentford 0. Southampton 1, Luton T. 1. Southend U. 2, Newport C, 1. Swansea T. 2, Bristol R. 2. Swindon T. 2, Reading 0, ANNOUNCES RE€EIPT OF POLO CHALLENGE The Hurlingham Polo Club form- ally announced receipt of the chal- lenge from the American Polo Asso- ciation for a series of matches for the international trophy next June. The challenge will be accepted formally and preparations for'the contest, al- ready well advanced, will be continu- ed throughout winter season. Extensive plans are nearly com- plete for the apcommodation of the largest gathering of spectators that ever witnessed a polo match in Eng- land. The Hurlingham clubhouse and stands will be enlarged and the playing field brought t4 a state of perfection before the opepiing match. The American players are expected to arrive here about the middle of April. The first contin American ponies arrived i arge of a special trainer and wil be shipped to Tid- worth, sbyry Plains, immediately for training and acclimating. Close to fifty ponies were in the herd. THE MOVIE COMPANIES CUT DOWN PRODUCTION Fewer and Better Films the Slogan of the Big Concerns. .. New York, Dec. 29.--A radical change in motion picture production {dn the United States for the coming [or was announced yesterday by adders inthe industry. The chief aspect of the re-adjustment is a marked curtailment in production already started. The reduction is of a slashing order, as most of the pro- ducing concerns have set out to cut their production fifty per cent. Some big concerns have laid off more than t'proportion 'of studio companies, The Herald says that among those film corporations who are known to be cutting down on production, re- ducing the number of actors and studio help.employed and in some in- stances shutting up plants entirely are the Famous Players--Lasky, Goldwyn, Fox, Metro, Vitagraph and Universal, constituting the biggést array of motion picture forces. In Los Angeles, the chief photo- play producers' centre in the world, more than 50,000 actors and others connected with the industry are now out of work. In the east this'freez- ing up" of the movie field already has caused $ife suspension of the film activities of hibh salaried persons es- timated to number 5,000 connected with the trade either as actor, tech- nical assistant or film handler. "Fewer and better pictures" is the slogan now adopted by practically every film producing company, both here and in California. A lowering of the importance of the individual star is generally considered a con- comitant with this, and the'long lines of optimistic persons besieging'studio doors in tho hope of becoming screen stars have less chance than ever es- pecially with a retrenchment on. the number of players engaged. . Sold His Mr James. Quigley, who has been In business in Pakenham for a great this week disposed of his stock and store to Mr. Comba, Almonte. Mr, Comba is a prominent business man of that town and will operate the two stores in future. A storm of great violence is raging along the western coast of France. bo | BRINGING UP FATHER --- ENGLISH RACE HORSE The noted English race horse Archaie, ICE. which ran-second to Spion Kop in the Derby, has been bought by John Sanford, an American turfman, who paid a price of nearly $80,000. Photo shows Jockey Bellhouse on Archaic. | Port Colborne's Dilenma, Toronto Globe: Port Colborne is to be congratulated on its public-spirit- edness in making possible the erec- tion of a magnificent hockey arena Laving an artificial {ice plant, the cost of the whole being about $100,- 000. The gathering of a team of hoc- key stars, even though they did ar- rive in the town before August 1st, as provided by the regulation; was a mistake. Obedience to that rule does not necessarily make a player eligi- ble to O.H.A. competition, nor does tt make it imperative for the associa- tion to issue that player a certificate. How many of the tourists who have changed their places of abode since the last hockey season, and who have since been unable to get players' cer- tificates, will be in their new places of abode throughout the winter? Drury, of Port Colborne, has already tried to rejoin the Pittsburgh team, NEWS OFF THE WIRES IN CONDENSED FORM Tidings From Places Far and : Near Are Briefly * Recounted. The Premier. will spend New Year's at Portage la Prairie, and it is thought he will be back in Ottawa Monday or Tuesday. President Wilson celebrated his sixty-fourth birthday on Tuesday, re- ceiving numerous messages of con- gratulation. A movement, calculated by its or- ganizers to place full weight of Pri- tish organized labor in. support of the Irish self-determination claims, began with the specially convened conference of the parliamentary la- bor{party in London on Wednesday Charged with continued defiance of the educational laws in regard to school attendance, six Mennonites were fined variously $20 and $25 and costs for each child withheld from public school, by Magistrate C. C. Milne, at Morden, Manitoba. Three men are missing in the bush of the north country, and hope for their safety is regarded here as very slight. Marty Wright, ex-mayor of Halleybury, and his nephew, Charies Wright, and Chris McCool, of Pem- broke, prominent lumbermen, have not been seen for some weeks, and it is generally believed they have met their deaths. . A large delegation comprised of rearly fifty representative automo- bile dealers from all parts of the Dominion waited upon Sir Henry Drayton in Ottawa, Wednesday, to demand a refund of the luxury tax which they were forced to pay the government, upon . unsold cars in stock at the time the tax was lifted. USEFUL GIFTS RAZOR STROPS POCKET KNIVES CARVERS, etc. . W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. RAZORS SCISSORS 3 according to a report fromthe Smoky City, and may do so, but if he does the team will not be permitted to play in the United States Amateur tlockey Association. | PERCY LESEUER COACHES GALT'S INTERMEDIATES Percy Leseuer, ex-Ottawa and To= ronto professional goalkeeper 'and considered one-:of 'the' best Hockey . players of his time, is the coach en- paged. by the. G:A A.A. to handle Galt's internrediate team. He has re- ported therd ated Will remain for the hockey season. Coach Leseueris en- thustastic ovér the materfal he has and the boys have got down to real work. og pe Baseball Notes. Baltimore has signed pitcher Rufus Clarke, of the University of Califor- nia. HENRY FORD HAS FAITH IN BETTER TIMES He Is to Turn Out a Million and Quarter Cars | for 1921. Detroit, Dec. 29.--Based on the company's output capacity for 1920. the Ford Motor Company estimates that next year's production will total 1,250,000 cars. During the present year more than one million cars and trucks were turned out, About 15 per cent. of this number was trucks. The plant closed down Dec. 24th for the annual inventory, and will re- open Jan. 3rd. The Ford Company of Canada in 1920 turned out ap- proximately 50,000, 10 per cent. be- ing trucks. Owing to a general strike of prin- ters no papers appeared Wednesday in Switzerland, except .Socialist or- gans. Mrs. Terence MacSwiney will sail for England on Saturday next. on Have Your Storage Bat- tery Attended To By Us We will store your Battery for the winter and put it in first. class condition. - PRICES-REASONABLE. KINGSTON BATTERY SERVICE C0. Corner of Queen and Bagot Streets Phone 216. SU ed Ti THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1020." SPRUCE We have on hand a well assorted stock of choice Spruce in square edge, T. & G. V-joins and coped siding. Allan Lumber Co. Phonel042. : 3: 3 3 Victoria Street' rd LIAO OL HTT SAE ARE Angrove's Repairs|/W. H. STEVENSON Scales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Raby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We do repair work right and guarantee satisfaction, 197 WELLINGTON STREET A Prices moderate. TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITIL, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. $1.50 Buys any $2.00, $2.50 or $3.00 Tie ° this week. The Club Phone 1372. 112 Princess St. Special Sale of Kitchen Cabinets 12 designs to choose from--White Enamel, Oak, etc. All latest attachments. R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker - - Phone 577w. A -------------- "PURINA" Checkerboard Bags Only. For White Poultry We are now carrying a SP ECIAL grade of PURINA HEN CHOW (Scratch Feed), which will not tarnish the feathers of White Birds. Ask for this spe cial mixture. Try our CHICKEN FATE NA for crate feeding, W. P. PETERS . . Foot of Princess Street 117 BROCK STREET Phowe 217 Office and Warehouse . ...... Limited, was tentatively organized at The Niagara Peninsula Grows} behest of his ministry. ER a meeting in Hamilton. . Bt - ME 0 HOW DARE vay) iM Fo=RupT ALE te gis, The director of National Banks of Greece has declined to resign at the BY GEORGE McMANUS Zz