Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Dec 1920, p. 8

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In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features Attention To Automobile Owners Bee us for your winter over bauling and storage. Used Cars for sale. (Central Garage R. M. EYRE, Prop. 838 King St. - « Phone 2183, Cuticura Girls Are Sweet and Dainty Nothing so insures a healthy, clear com- lexion, soft, white hands, and glossy, uxuriant as Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment when necessary. Cuticura Talcum is delicate, delightful, distingué. It imparts to the person a charm incomparable and peculiar to itself, Large quantity of sound Railway Ties tor sale cheap. All tents reduced to clear. We need the room. L Cohen & Co. Phone 837, A tt Nt tn De J.D. KELLOGG'S STH EMED A SAFE AND EFFICIENT RELIEF FOR ASTHMA AND NAY FEVER, IT I8 COMPOSED OF HERBS WHICH, WHEN BURNED AND THE FUMES | ACTS PROMPTLY, ALLAYING ALL IRRITATION A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. - EXPORT TRADE Manufacturers contemplating the exten- sion of trade in foreign countries are offered the assistance which this Bank's world-wide business connection makes possible. The experience and facilities of a depart- ment of the Bank devoted wholly to foreign business are at your command, sa THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL » . $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND . . $15,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH--R. T. Brymner, Manager. After the hard strenuous day in the Bi Joffice, in lhe Eotlslon o i the field, IRANILEIVIINTRN e is ing so refreshing os a INGER REX, steaming cup of Qe EES i | Rideau Hall | STEEL-CUT Coffee CHAFFLESS THE BEVERACE THAT CHEERS YOU UP Blended from the choicest of mountain THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. IN SUBDUED HUES | Color Calendar Tells the Story for Utility Garments. | | Blue In High Favor; Black and White Continues In Vogue; Browns and Tans Are Liked. | The color calendar tells the story of | more subdued hues for utility gar ments, church and visiting costumes-- | the latter being allowed brighter touches In cases of motor transporta- tion. The Idea seems to be that since sum- | mer has gone and taken its license of {| warm-weather, go-as-you-please ral- | ment, the public streets are not the { places for clothes of conspicuous col- | ors. | However, exceptions are allowed, al- | though scarce--and girls in their "teens" may frolic forth in vivid red costumes and In others of violet blue, { | und there's a certain burnt orange that is quite correct for the young matron to wear, In entirety or In featurings on | the street as well as indoors. The tints and shades for the ever ning gown are In fascinating pastels | and the misty sheen in transparent | fabrics never was so near pallid reflec | tions from the rainbow. Black and white, singly and com- | bined, continue in vogue. Blue is In high favor through Its gamut of | shades, and a new dusky tone carries a hint of night on the waters. Grays | are as plentiful as blackberries In thelr | season, and one shade with a lovely | the prettiest of them | | olive drift is | all, Browns and tans keep right along | | as stand-bys for al] uses. The old- | fashioned crushed strawberry, a rcew tone of cerise, a red with a coppery | YEGGMEN BLOW UP | MONTREAL SAFES {Substantial Hauls Got at Two Business Houses on Craig Street. Montreal, Dec. 27.--Montreal's | | | | every day. , blowing of the safe dt the premises i of Rubinstein Brothers, 41 | Street west, on Friday and the carry- | Ing away of about $6,000 worth of | gold and silver foil, yeggmen {blown another safe nearly opposite on the same street and had carried laway $5,000 in cash securities and | jewelry, including $3,600 in United | States bills, $300 in Canadian cur- {rency two diamond rings valued _at | $1,000, and eight $50 Victory bonds. | The scene of the safe blowing was | | the premises of the American Plumb- | {ing Supplies, 14 Craig Street west, | {and the time Christmaé afternoon. | Two suspects have been arrested | | to-day. Their names are given as | | George O'Brien, 39, New York, and | Frank Weener, 36, of Los Angeles. | rae | LAND BOOM RECALLED By the Faithful Watch Kept by an Edmonton Man. Edmonton, Dec, 27.--For two {days and three nights there sat in} |front of the dominion land office | [front door here, a man who wanted | to be on hand when the time came. | {It was cold work some of the time, | {but he hung to it, with occasional | | relief, and the old boom days of the | Edmonton land rush w:re lived over | again by at least one faithful! watcher, And then at the last mo- | ment, after a hard night and a cold | one, he left his place to get warmed | up, and somebody else got ahead of | |him for first turn at the land office. | It was all because a block of land | in the Rocky Mountain forest re-| serve was to be thrown open. A lease on the land had expired and {it was to be available for oil lease. |The man who watched and waited {for so long, only to lose out at the |last, wouldn't say whom he repre- |sented, but it is understood that he | | was acting for some of the interests | {already connected with the oil in-| {dustry developments in central and {northern Alberta. It is announced that $100,000] worth of Oakville town 20-year de-| bentures at 98.27 have been pur- chased by Messrs. Wood, Gundy & Co Ltd. As early as 1639 punishment by | flogging for unruly students was ap- | plied at Harvard College. | ASPIRIN **Bayer" is only Genuine | Warning! It's criminal to take a chance on any substitute for genuine | "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," prescrib- | ed by physicians for twenty-one years | and proved safe by millions. Unless | you see the name "Bayer" on pack-| age or on tablets you are not getting Aspirin at all. In every Bayer pack- | age are directions for Colds, Head-| ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, i Ear- | ache, Toothache, Lumbago and for | | classes | TTUSDAY, DECEMDER 28, 1020. -- { | | | erime wave is becoming more serious ! Within 36 hours of the | Craig | had | | | | WANT ONTARIO FRUIT Winnipeg's Mayor Would Like To | Boom Canadian Apples, Winnipeg, Dec. 27.--Mayor C. F. Gray, of this city, who was respon- sible for the bringing to Winnipeg ast fall of several carloads of On- tario apples at a greatly reduced price, 'now advocates the establish- ment by the Dominion Government of fruit receiving stations through- out the prairie provinces. The mayor, whose term of office expires January 1st, declares he { would like to set the stone rolling before he leaves office that would re- sult in action being taken to give all citizens between Ontario and the Rocky Mountains a chance to. obtain Ontario fruit that would give the producer, the railways and the distri- butors a reasonable profit. "Thousands of western Canadian citizens, particularly in the great northland and on lonely farms in the northwest, hardly ever see a Cana- dian apple, except at prices which cnly a wealthy man can afford, I would like," said the mayor, 'to see every child in the prairie provinces | get at least one apple a day. "If clubs and organizations of all of citizens would give the matter thought and publicity and bring it to the attention of the Dom- A (regular price, (regular price, $2.50. umninum Wares Specials COMMENCING SATURDAY we offer a 13 quart Aluminum Double Boiler for 2.50), and A set of 3; --1 and 2 quart Lipped Sauce Pans for .... THESE ARE "VERIBEST"" ALUMINUM---guarantecd equal to the best. A full line of ALUMINUM and PYREX COOKING UTENSILS to be had at:-- LEMMON & SONS 187 PRINCESS ST. irion Government, undoubtedly something could be done to get fruit dcwn to reasonable prices for the people of the west," he concluded. Professor Bell Has New Invention. St. John, N. B., Dec. 27.-- The an- nouncement of the completion of a new invention, which however, he declined to describe, was made by Professor Alexander Graham Bell, father of the telephone, upon his ar- rival here on the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services liner Empress of France. Professor Bell is return- ing from a visit to his birthplace in Scotland. . While in Edinburgh he was given the freedom of the city. A Vancouver girl, 'charged with having been over-exhilarated, assur- ed Magistrate Shaw that her uncle would "look after her" henceforward. She was remanded when it developed that Uncle is in jail as a common drunk. On Thursday fire was discovered in Hay Bros. Cleaning and Pressing shop at Belleville. The damage was not heavy. Chief Brown was injured when the blade of an axe rebounded from the floor. Eighteen dollars i3 the prevailing price for coal in Belleville. $1.75. .. $1.85. SPECIAL Charm Black Tea {+Jan. 15{Feb, 19|Mar, 26 SEARCH BEIAG MADE Yor A Polished Gentleman Who Live ed a' Gay Life, Victoria, Dec. 27.---Capt. BE. V, Ar- gon, polished gentleman and bon viv. ant, who thrilled Victoria when he fame here early this year, saying that he was the representative of the «'rench Government with millions of aollars behind him, but disappeared after a couple of months of business and social romances, is being sought by the French consul at Shanghai, China, and by a couple of persons prominent in official life across the Pacific, according to Chinese advices, The genial captain appeared im Shanghai a few months ago "to de= velop some works for the French government." He was welcomed with cpen arms and lavishly entertained. He became a close friend of one of the sons of Sir John Drury, a British yf official in China, among others. One day Argon disappeared and with him, . it is alleged, $7,000 which Drury was carrying in his pocket also disappear- ed. Investigation further revealed, it is alleged, that the captain had taken advantage of guarantee hy Drury and others of-his drafts on the French Government to the extent of large sums of money. To succeed aim high and stick to it. pt HERTS AGENCY, FOR ALL STEAMSHIP. LINES Special attention given your family] or Iriends going to or returning from' the Old Country. For information and rates apply te) J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T. A. G.T. Ry. Kingston, Ontario. Open day and night CUNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONAILDSON REGULAR SERVICES Halifax to Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg TSS Saxonia January 24 TSS. .....SATURNIA TO LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW From Portland J From Halifax PORTLAND--GLASGOW Dec. 30|Feb. 18/Mar. 30 Cassandrs Mar. 11JApr. 20 ......vvveen.Saturnih! N. Y., GLASGOW, (via Morville) Columbia NEW YORK--LIVERPOOL BLUE PACKAGE now .....55c. per lb. "RED PACKAGE .......:..70c. perlb. grown coffees and roasted and ground b experts of long experience. Rideau Hal Coffee is packed in special air-tight cans and retains its right-from-the-roaster fresh- ness, Navy blue serge with sleeves and cel- lar of gorgeous brecade In rose and gold; the tightly buttoned basque of 1860 Is featured. glint, and a green with an orange sug- gestion are shown as "most recent." Violet Is in wide vogue, and lilac and lavender are variously introduced. "The dear old jade green still is abundantly apparent." ? Dec. 25{Jan. 22{Feb. 19 ...... Carmania Jan. § «+». Vauban' Jan. 15|Feb. 10 .... ..K. Aug. Viet; | NEW YORK, PLYMOUTH AND CHERBOURG { Mar. 15/Apr. 19|May 25 .......Caronia N.X., CHERBOURG & BSOUTHAMPIMN Jan. 20|Feb. 17 . Jdmperator i Jan, 26{Feb. 22|Mar, ae NEW YORK, PLYMOUTH, BOULRG, MAMBURG JoJan. 22(Mar. 1jApr. 12 Handy tin boxes of twelve tab- | Pain. i lets cost few cents. Druggists also | sell larger packages. Made in Can- | ada. Aspirin is the trade mark (reg- | istered in Canada), of Bayer Martu- | facture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. Pound and Half-pound Cans at all Buy it by the pound: you get a Quarter Pound Free. Once used, always used. GORMAN, ECKERT & CO., LIMITED LONDON AND WINNIPEG 7" JAquitania. CHER- Where there is a Fletchers Castorla is strictly a remedy.for Infants and Children. Foods are i prepared for babies, A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups axe not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 What is CASTORIA? Castor Oil, Paregoric, _«Castoria is a harmless substitute for and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains er Searphine nor other narcotic substance. Its is its guarantee. 'For more than thirty years it has aide natural sleep: sEnuINE CASTORIA Atwars __/) Bears the Signature of * # In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY] NEW YORK Crt RUSSIAN BLOUSE IS POPULAR Type of Dress Is Being Featured in Many Lines Developed for Young Women. women. One charming frock recently seen had a long Russian blouse. It was made of black satin, fastened with large ornamental buttons of dull blue, held in with a girdle of matching skirt. dress was made of taupe velvet, with a narrow panel embroidered In several rich shades extending down either side of the blouse. A narrow strip of the embroidery served as a girdle, which was loosely tied. The ends of the Tricotine was introduced as a tailored dress fabric several seasons that serges were regarded as rather with the exclusives, and that-it Is em- ployed in many of the smartest of next season's tailleurs, ------------------ Decorations for New Capes. Some of the new capes are decorat- or conventional designs, and In velvet, duvetyn, lustered tweed or satin / are defined with ribbersine brald or invisibly secured. Velvet Bow in Coiffure, It is quite the fashion to tuck a black velvet imeh-wide ribbon bow a hairpin does the trick--midst the coiffure, at left side, near the bape of tie neck, i The Russian blouse type of dress is | being featured for the coming season | in many lines developed for young color, and worn over a full plaited Another very smart Russian blouse girdle .were finished with metal tas- | sels, ago and soon became so much the rage | declasse. It is interesting to note that fine French serge is again| lined wp | ed on the front with applique, in floral persistent cough or general run-down condition, there * Scott's Emulsion is a positive help. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 20-23 ar ToCure aCold in One Day Take Grove's Bromo -« Quinine tablets Be sure its Bromo Geo. Robertson & Son, Limited i The genuine bears this signature an a oh Java has forty-three vol ' ' Crockery, China, Glassware, Cutlery We thank our many customers for their patronage and extend ~The Season's Greetings To All obertson' 95-76 PRINCESS STREET s, Limited N.Y, GIBRALTAR, NAPLSE! DUBROVNIK & TRI PATRAS, Dec. 28 gras + ria S, DUBROV Ee NEW YORK to PIRAE Panndnia and TRIEST « to Vigo (Spain), Patras, Dubrove nik and Trieste For rates of passage, freight and furs | ther particulars apply to local agents on THE ROBERT REFORD CO, LTD. General Agefats: 10 EURUreo ST. OHN--LIVERPOOL § ....Metagama Emp. of Britain elita . 28(Mar. 4 t ST. JOHN--=GLASGOW . T|Feb. 18jApr. 1 .....Pretorian 23jApr. 14 Sicilian} ST. JOHN--~HAVRE--LONDON Jan. 3i¥eb. 12(Mar. 26 ....Grampiad Jan,.29 .... «Cor Apr. 18 un ST. JOHN--SOUTHAMPTO Ne ANTWERP Jan. 8 Feb. 12iMarch 2 Mar. 127Apr. Apply local 8. 8. or Rallway Agents or i 1 KING STREET EAST x TORONTO, ONT. : | Mattresses Don't throw away your old Mattresses. We renovate all kinds and make them as good as new, Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w.

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