Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Dec 1920, p. 12

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i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ; > TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1920. CASES IN. POLICE COURT "755 ewe oBJECT 0 OA HALF PRICE ON ALL COATS WEDNESDAY COMMENCING 1) O'CLOCK I {Be HITT | Pittsburg and vd Kingston Have Entered Appeal to Muni= Robbery Charge. | cipal Board. { > | S------ t s s f Kingston and | Still another adjournment had to | The townships of ik 7 made T a morning. in. po- | Pittsburgh have objected to paying be made on Tuesday PO" | the government assessment for the v e cas of Edward Hr on ie Hily rd, eharged | new highway which is now Judes with assaulting and robbing William | (onstruction and have Race ollie 3 { Shaweross, on the night of December, | 9Pisction to the Ontario. J uisipal [ 3rd. Shaweross is still unable to ap-| and Railway Board. Nekle, Farrel | pear to give evidence in the case, and j snd Day are acting for the twe town they were disappointed over the fact i heh speaking to-a wiember of the 9 ° 'that the case had to be postponed. Se . ¢ { * Thomas McComb, on remand for| Kingst ton township eaunc. 4, ine Whig ' : . ha {earned that the county of Frontenac | being intoxicated, stated that he got | had been' assessed Dv' the Ontario) under the influence on beer, but from Gov sl 4 yu : I Téa all accounts he had something |BOveramenti a cerian sul for | | stronger than beer; He had some-|°"* truction of the road. The county fthing with a good kick to it, as when | Souneligrs, So penially th ose iro Jhe | the police corralied him he gave ev- | *2¢ ownships, thought that as ithe | ery evidence of having had something | Toad Nasu mewelil 9 Lhe Lowpens We ke makin clothes to or- jeiroteer than ginger ale or 1We per/.y,y), pay the whole assessment. In | > °€p on g : the township of Kingston there is | about seven and three-quarter miles + | of new roadway, and in Pittsburg there will be two highways, namely > | the Kingston-Ottawa, which will be ealrica | constructed next year, and the King- | ston-Gananoque highway which is » § | now under construction. - One councillor stated that he under | "Way Down East." stood that the government had a sch- One of the dramatic treats of the! eme underway by which the note . avr y ear i5 the big revival of that ever-| cost of the road would be looked a Some men are hard to fit--they get fe a a tor 'uy the government. | The play carries a company of -- i fitted | people and two baggage cars filed | AT ST. 'MARY'S-OF-THE-LAKE. * . | with scenery and electrical effects, in| S---- | fact, it is one of the largest organiza- | Children Had a Merry Time at the . . i tions of its kind en tour this season, Christmas Festivities. Some men want their clothes dif- | notwithstanding the increased gost of | Christmas was most beautifully oh- R.R. transportation and the higher | served at St. Mary's- Bi "the-Lake Or- ' : rices of everything pert aining to a | phanage, and the children will cherish ferent from anybody else. They get it. | Fompany of this magnitude the firm |the memory of Christmas, 1920, of Counihan & Shannon, Inc, have|being one of the happiest days embellished the attraction until it hel | lives. , t BY : : ' | stands alone--bigger and better than| The day was ushered in with three If we tailor you just once, you 11 | ever. "Way Down Fast" is guaran-|masses, the celebrant being Rev. teed by the management, and from | Father Joseph. The musical numbers | come back to us the next time of your | its uninterrupted successful career of | were rendered by the sisters and | twenty- five Joerg it 'hardly needs such | children's choir. The chapel never | guarantee, but for the sceptical few, | presented a more beautiful appear- own accord. | suffice to say that "Way Down East" lance, The altar, resplendent with [ has been witnessed by over 20 mil. lights, the decorations of holly and | lion people, it has received the unani- [pine branches, the Christmas crib, : : { mous endorsement of the press and | wherein reposed the image of the In- Test our tailoring. | clergy, and is a play that every man, | fant Jesus, the sound of the sweet, | woman and child should see, and hav- | fresh voices of the little ones pour- ling seen it they will want to see it {ing forth hymns of praise al left but : : {again. "Way Down East," with its|little to the imagination whereby one We guarantee satisfaction. . full equipment, will be seen at the [might be carried back in spirit to, . Grand Opera House on Friday and|Be hlehem, the original scene of the Saturday nights, with New Year's |birth of the Divine Infant. matinee, with the same company and| Then there was the day itself, sure- effects that played all the larger east- 1y, from all appearance, one that] ern cities, having just completed its | brought joy and happiness' to those engagement in New York, Boston and | connected with the institution as well | Philadelphia.--Advt, as the children themselves. A bounti- | © io ' AE ful breakfast was first in order, which | At the Strand. | was followed by music and games in| rr Miss Pauline Frederick charmed |hoth wards. Next in point of .inter- | the audience at the Strand last even- | est was_the Christmas dinner, Tables | Another Adjournment in the! { Shawcross Assault and Te der because men keep on wanting them. They keep on wanting them be- cause we make clothes to please them. | 'e | | | | | i | An unusual Wednesday sale of Women's and Misses' Winter Coats The lot includes our entire stock without any reserve. THE COATS are de- veloped in beautiful soft surface material, includ- ing such fabrics as: Chinchilla, French Velour, Sil- vertone and Douvetyne. You will find Collars of ei or sir LILI sol B SI ---n iii self material in the deep Capey style; also beautiful luxurious Fur Collars, in the latest fashions. THE COLORS to be found in the lot are Pekin Blue, Nut Brown, Navy Blue, Burgundy, Oxford Grey and Black. Misses sizes 16, 17, 18, 19. Women's sizes 36, 38, 40. Coats priced from $23.50 to $140.00. ALL HALF PRICE ing when she made her debut in the | were laden with turkey, vegetables, 75 77 BROCK STREET super-special picture "A Slave of | cranberries, plum pudding, etc., a - 1 Vanity." Never has this great emo- | generous supply for everyone. - tional actress had a vehicle which | It would be a pretty sick child in- ' afforded her the opportunity that|deed who did not eat his fill on o '"" new picture does. At all times Miss | Chtistmas day, and there were no If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk. Frederick is convincing and her act-|absentees, and all lived up for the ing is materially aided by an extra- | feast. ordinarily fine cast. "A Slave of | The annual Christmas entertain- Vanity" is the screen adaptation of | entertainment was held in the recep- the famous. drama "Iris" written by | tion room at 2 p.m., so that the mem- Sir Arthur Wing Pinero and produc- | bers of the Orphans' Guild, as well ed in both England and America. as other friends of the institution, The story is that of a young and | might have the opportunity of wit- charming widow whose husband left | nessing the performance. "A Day in her his entire estate on the condition {the Woods," a neat little operetta, | that she did not marry again. For-|was acted by the children, which § tunately or unfortunately for herself | called forth words of praise. Then | she finds that an attractive young all repaired to the boys' recreation chap, whose ' income is small, has | room, where good old Santa Claus found his way into her heart. To |awaited the merry group of children, marry him she must sacrifice mil- | indeed his bag of joy-producers must lions and her social position. She |have been well stocked when he loves him but has always been used | reached "the lake." for many a young - to luxury. A rich London banker is | heart was made jubilant when it be- also seeking her hand. In the midst | held the Christmas tree, laden with of her dilemma her fortune is swept | huge stockings packed with oranges, | . away, Her problem becomes two-| nuts, candies, articles of clothing | ® | fold. However, there is a happy solu- | toys, ete, a real store of treasures tion and "Iris" (Miss Frederick) !for everyone, The number of friends finds it.--Advt. who cheered the little ones by their Li it d ---- presence thoroughly enjoyed the mi e At Griftin's { happy scene. Those delightful young persons| The donations of funds and food- | Douglas Maclean and Doris May are | stuffs were most generous. To the -- | at Griffin's In their latest comedy | mother general, the ladies of the Or- | bombshell "Let's Be Fshionable." | phans' Guild and to all friends who | | They keep up the same rapid joyful [aided in any way in making it a '"'red- | pace that tify set in "Twenty Three | letter day" in the lives of th children | And a Half Hours Leave." No movie the sisters extend their most heartfelt oh could ask more. thanks. # 'This time the pair are a couple of -- | new y-weds who take up residence Police! in a modsst bungalow in an ulira When sober he acts quite forlorn, | fashionable summer resort. Their | : He is a silent coot, ¢ efforts to keep abreast of society's | ec F. x i | fast whirl results in a host of laugh- | But You shouid hear him Dlow his able complications. Finally they de- . , . cide that. it is more important to be When he's out pus loot, 5 {| happy than fashionable. 'Let's Be ; Pashionapie" is a treat for all movie Phelan Hughes, Hamilton, who | . devotees ind should not be overlook- | spent the Christmas holidays with ! ed. Don't miss it. The fifth episode | his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. John jot "The Branded Four," and other | Hughes, Princess street, left yester- well selected subjects round out a |day for his home in Hamilton and {good programme which will be re- | will leave the first of next week to i peated to-night and to-morrow. | visit hig sister, Mrs. Kenneth Keeb- Advt, ler, Las Cruces, New Mexico. , © DAILY MEMORANDUM, SIR HENRY DRAYTON Band at Palace Rink to-night. i HAS A BUSY DAY See top of Puge Three, rignt hand | I a « Two Silk Specials Tomorrow bn IO A SWISS TAFFETA WHITE HABUTAI SILK (36 inches wide) ' ; Full 36 Colors: Copen, Taupe, Grey, (Fu inches wide) Dark Brown, Jade, Burgundy, Extra heavy and worth in 'the Sand, 'Regular value $3.00, regular way $2.25 a yard. TO-MORROW ..$2.00 YARD | TO-MORRO W. $1.45 YARD L ( John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. 0 OOOO Js A New Year's Bargain poriance to discwe were J. M, Camp | Bifia' on ALEC Mele In Children' S GRAPE. FRUIT of Trade, and Lt.-Col Andrew Gray, DIED. E / ; U [ll M.P.P., Westport. Lt.-Col. Gray is WEST-In Kicgston. on Dec. 27ih y = S h es " AH corner for probabilities, Di Devel t of th '9. se Waterpowers of the | HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES oon PRINTERS , of finance, had a very busy time on| MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. . Tuesday. All ing h t the | pu F LORIDA SWEET ORANGES Boria of Eom Epbini and erred a ED. Jarge number of citizens: who had | McLEOD---WATERHOUSE--In Iroquois yy -- » -- --_-- matters to bring to his attention. Falls, Ont, Dec. 20th, 1920, Murle] MALACA GR APES ~ Among those who had matters of im- Marguerite, Waiethouse, ¢ Fo IH greatly interested in the development 3 of the waterpowers of the Rideau 1329, eit av Eden, Soloed NUTS--CANDIES system, and he believes that by damn University Ave, aged 20 yea: ing thé-upper reaches and lakes a re- Funeral from James Reid's undertaking y J : serve supply of water would be ob-| Friends and acquaintances respectfully Ld : Bs . . ; |W zivea hat would be ample. to meet | 7 iivided vo sisnd : £071 Seventy-five pairs Children's $5.00 and TURKEYS--GEESE--CHICKENS-- RSL ae $ : an spss of o year. He would hoe : $4 00 Boots Ed t h b if 1 : vercome the objections of farmers ; Sn J ' ucator shape 2 ; uy buying up asy land liable to five : / f. Pe eautify y rom the construction of dams, Lt- L 1 Got" Gray 'ls 'si interested 1h (he | i ce. n- oa , = + made:sizes2to7§...........--$2.98- proposals to comstruct the railway Re : tonsectiig the C.N. NER and the G.T.. : ) i Siocting tho CALE _sud the GT.5. he » : ; » Choice of Patent, Brown Calf or Dull Calf. will-witness a signalling drill by the 2 ) . ' naval cadets and the high school ca- | ~~ wa_st = - Laced only Sets and a 3 [ecting in the Army J : like will ' : and Navy e will present the A. tan 'Embalmer. Shoes these encourage f and N. silver medallion to Brig. on, Ang: v ; 'walkin). . W.B. King, C.M.G., G.0.C., M.D., No. Phone 1839. 3. and to Col. Hill, A.AG, : : : : The Austrian Government is said JOHN € CORNELIUS L OC KE. | ] 'S to be preparing a manifesto to the and Embsimer League of Nations asking that Aus- Ar \e 599 Streut : ow AR tria be attached to Germany, : EH | ~

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