TISH wv WHIG. he ihe TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1920. 10 TO THE ELECTORS OF ONTARIO WARD ps and Gentlemen:-- Your votes and inflnence are re- peetiully solicited to elect me as one if your representatives in council for v JAMES A. FERGUSON, i Labor Candidate. TO THE ELECTORS OF and Gentlemen:-- 'our votes and influence are. re- illy requested to re-elect me 'Alderman for 1921. R. E. KENT. THE ELECTORS: ONTARIO WARD fter 14 years' service in the city eil as Mayor and Alderman, I sain solicit your votes and influence 'we-slect me as alderman. If re- d 1 will work for the best inter- is of the city and its people. C. J. GRAHAM. TO THE ELECTORS ® ONTARIO WARD and Gentlemen -- business men and decided to offer If as a cand e for Alderman for respectfully ask for your sup- "and If elected will do all in my er to advance the Interest of King- J. B. PHILLIPS, Viee-President Mahood Drug Co. TO THE ELECTORS OF A ms, I have = Xdies and Gentlemen:-- Your votes and influence are for 1921. R. J. RODGER. ReElect L. T. BEST School Trustee for St. Lawrence Ward 3 Your votes and inflwence respect- requested. TO THE ELECTORS OF * RIDEAU WARD dies and Gentlemen :-- 11] MN Your votes and influence are re- : ily solicited to elect me as one | of your representatives in council for 1921. ROBERT REYNOLDS, Labor Candidate. CATARAQUI WARD + #0 THE ELECTORS OF and Gentlemen : -- J my services as Alderman during 1020 have been satisfactory, I again ully solicit your vote and in- fiience to elect me as Alderman for THOMAS B. ANGROVE. TO THE ELECTORS OF ATARAQUI WARD es and Gentlemen :-- : I feel satisfied that I did my in the council for 1920, and ing that the experience gainer help mie do better, I respectful- ly solicit your vote and influence to ct me as alderman for 1921. 7 A E. COHEN. TO THE ELECTORS OF Ladies and Geéptlemen :-- * Nour votes and influence are re- ly solicited to elect me as one Igpresentatives in council for ALLAN 'W, STROUD, . Labor Candidate. Your votes and influence, are re- nt solicited to elect me as 'ome of your representatives in coun- © dll for 1931." Sn W. J. DRISCOLL, "Labor Candidate. EAU WARD the Electors of Rideau Ward-- ¢ '* and « Gentlemen:--I again respectfully solicit your votes and influence to elect me as alderman lor Rideau Ward. If elected, I pro- am as in the past year, to serve ro r best interests. A FRED M. CLOW, RIDEAU WARD io df on again offer my services to of the comtinuan ly mark 8 bhallog in day. 'Wishing you and Prosperous ew Officer, He's In Again! poor man you should hot abuse," marked old Uncle Hollish; th man who shines your 3 | 'led trustee in place of George B. Mc- {Racy Local News and Items of | General Public Interest. Try Chadwick's Coal. Phone 67. Planos tuned. Phone 1544 C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. if Sir Henry Drayton does not set something suovstan stet harbor it will no hints. After six months rental we will | allow money paid in rental to apply $3 purchase of piano, C. W: Lindsay A a. r hing aside - t be for lack of ai H. A. Taggart, Queen's University, spent the vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Taggart, at West- port Keep in touch with our prices in windows, at James Reid's. Only on sale the day they appear as priced in James Reid's windows. Miss Jessie Couper, Wolfe Island, spent Christmas week with Mrs. Ar- thur Day, "Spruce Lawn," Ports- mouth, Lieut. Stephen Laker, M.M.,] Ramsgate, England, and W. G. Day, now of the ' Canadian Air Force, Camp Borden, spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Day, "Spruce Lawn' Ports- mouth. The many friends of Wilber PF. Aylesworth, <Cataraqui, are pleased to hear that he is prog ing nicely {in the Kingston General Haspital, following an operation for a very serjous and sudden attack of appen- dicitis last Wednesday. Po) id RAN eS The Late Mrs, Lydia Taylor. Mrs. Lydia Taylor, widow of the late John Taylor, formerly of West- port, passed away at her home in Portsmouth on ~ Monday. The de- ceased was eighty-two years of age, and spent most of her life in West- | port ,where her husband was a well- | known and highly respected farmer. | Upon retirement, they came to Portsmouth to reside. One daugh- | ter at Portsmouth and a son in west- | ern Canada survive. The remains { will be sent to Westport by S. 8. | Corbett, undertaker, via C.N.R., on | Wednesday, and interment will take place there. |LEADIN G MOVIE MAN VISITING KINGSTON | William Colvin Thinks That | Kingston Presents a Won= derful Field. William Colvin, personal repre- sentative of Ernest Shipman, presi- dent Dominion Films Company, New York, is in the city, visiting his sis- ter, Mrs. William C. Dawsoh, 250 University avenue. Mr, Colvin was the business manager in the produc- tion of such great Canadian suc- cesses as "Back to God's Country," by James Oliver Cuswood. He play- INCIDENTS. OF THE DAY THE DAILY BRI 3 School for St. Mary's éd leading heavies in Ralph Con- nor's stories "The Foreigner," and "Cameron of the Royal Mounted." Mr. Colvin is of the opinion that the | surface has not yet been even scratched respecting the possibilities | of pictures in Canada. \ There is a | field of romance and action in Cana- | dian history that twill eventually be | properly developed. Rizht here in| Kingstoh is a wonderful field from the view point of the film producess | that ought to be developed. SPORTING NEWS Montreal Victorias Coming, | Prof. Lindsay Malcolm on Monday | received a message from the Mont- | real Victoria hockey team, which last | year defeated McGill, asking if he! could arrange a game here with] Queen's on New "Year's night. Prof. Malcolm replied that arrange- ments would be made. Frontenacs Go To Cornwall. The junior Frontenac hockey team will go to Cornwall on New Year's day to play a game with the O.H.A. team of that town in the evening. Where Are the Intermediates? While the Frontenac juniors have been turning out regularly to prac- tice, the. intermediates have been conspicuous for their absence, The players should get out and prepare for the season's games, which are close at_hand. There are to be prac- tices every evening this week, Hockey Tour Is Off. It iz understood that arrangements cannot be made for the proposed tour of Queen's hockey teams. It was hoped that the team would visit Kit- chener on January 30th, but Kitche- rer could not play that night. Curling Has Begun The first curling of the season took place at the curling rink on Monday evening. There were about fifty curlers on hand but as there was only the oné sheet of ice ready only a few had the pleasure of throwing the. stones. This evening there will be two sheets in order. The other three sheots will be ready in about thfee days, To Play In Belleville. The Kingston Y. M. C. A. is send- ing a strong basketball team to Belle- ville on New Year's night to play the Belleville High School team. Where Final Game Goes. At a meeting of the county hockey league held on Tubsday morning the following hockey clubs were repre- sented: Barriefield, Joyceville; Wolfe Island, Sydenham, Verona and Har- rowsmith. It was decided that the final game would be played at the covered rink. Noble Steacy was elect- Kay. What's the Fare to City ? We are kinda short right now and have a lot of Christmas shopping to | do.. Therefore it brings us much joy to learn that Mrs. Rolla Cash resides in Lore City, Ohio. / td Don't Ride. Girls, read this rhyme, for it is true, An expert now is talking ; To get a graceful carriage, you -- Must do a lot of walking. '| But, while we know the man is mean, CRISP COMMENT The' English idea seems to be that to the victor belongs the oils. Greenville, 8. C., Piedmont. Italy, and Jugo-Slafia are getting 80 friendly they'll soon be borrow- ing money from each other.--Ex- change. New York is one of the loneliest places in the world says a Gotham mission leader. Nobody Home?-- Boston Globe, Personally we don't claim to be much of a financier, but we have got some blue sky stocks to exchange for greenbacks.--Dallas News. Besides being a poet. D'Annuzlo is assuming the role of gentle black- mailer of the Italian Government.-- Knoxville Journal-Tribune. According to press comments on the Elgin bye-election everybody lick ed spmebody, so all ought to be sat- isfied. --Rfdgetwn Dominion. A British nobleman is to marry a blacksmith"s daughter and exclusive circles have already begun the anvil chorus.--Kansas' City Journal. (2) The Arrival of the Unknown Hero at Dove 'the Body on Board the "Verdun" at Dover, "Of course, one swallow does not make a summer,"'said McCall. But | if there's not some big mistake one apple made a fall."--Stray Steries, | Swiss hospitality shelters both King Constantine and the League of | Nations, but it perhaps finds the League the less troublesome guest.-- Springfield Republican. "That low, chuckling sound you hear in the West,"" remarks the Moni teau County Herald, "is the voice of William J. Bryant mourning over the returns of the election."--Kansas City Star. The Farmers got an Elgin and Premier Meighen has a Yale to con- sole himself with at Christmas--but nary a thing has Lyon Kink but his own unpleasant thoughts to put in his stocking.--Guelpl Herald. Both **Royal" and "Ancient." While the Duke of York. 'after- wards James. 11., was in residence at Holyrood, a discussion arose be- tween him and two English noble. men of his suite as to whether golf hai not been played as long in Eng- land as in Scotland. James cham- pioned the claims of Scotland, and quoted acts of the Scottish Parlia- ment of 1457 with reference to the game. Similar evidence of antiquity not being forthcoming for England, they proposed to decide it by playing a game on Leith Links for stakes-- James selected as his partner for Scotland the best golfer of his day, an1 the descendant of a long line of golfers, named James Paterson, a shoemaker in Edinburgh. The game resultéd in a win for James and his cobbler. The stakes were handed to Paterson, with which he built a house in the Canongate, Edin- burgh--still 'standing, and known ag the Golfers' Land. He placed a tablet on the front of it bearitg the Paterson arms with the crest of a hand holding a golf club, and the métto, "Far and Sure." Waff!. She's seeing red, is Mrs, Bland, he's angry, that is trae. She's almost green with envy, and That's why she's feeling blue. 'Aw, Gwan! The biggest grouch I've ever seen Is Jeremiah Beans; Ee T m Church, Prittlewell. GERMAN PEOPLE THE SAME Dr. '1 : ard Grelling (author of Ac ') in January. Yale Review To understand rightly the char- acter of a man or of a state, one must first understand its origin. The German republic did not grow out of the feeling that, conditions under the Hohenzollerns were in- tolerable; nor out of the lack of civil freedom, which, in spite of an apparently democratic franchise, stamped the German people as a par- iah among the nations of Western Europe. Nor was it the result of the traditional arrogance of a ruling caste made up of junkers and army officers, who had, time out of mind, divided among themselves all the civil and military offices leading to preferment, and who knew how to turn to the advantage of their own Picture News From Europe (1) Church Congress at Southend, Belgium --- Head of Procession Leaving the High r, England--Blueiackets on Guard Oven | brought about a world catastrophe-- | J'-la catastrophe which he could have | averted with a wave of his hand or | a single word. It was not the slave chains which the German people had { worn in times of peace, nor the moral | stigma or the material suffering | | which the war had brought upon {| them,, that caused the revolution | and the creation of the republic. NO, | broke the power of the criminal war- | makers--the terrible, crushing de- feat which in three shorf months, from July to October, 1918, trans- {formed a ruler drunk with victory {info a deserter fleeing from his own |country; and transformed his gen- | erals, carried away by success as they { had been, inte cowed and beaten | supplicants for a cessation of hostili- ties. pockets the tax laws and the tariff. | Thé birth of the republic was not due to the encroachments of an army which regarded itself as a state with- | in a state, and which lived according to its own penal laws and its own code of honor; nor, again, was it due | to the gigantic crime of a half<de- mented sovereigh, who carried away by dreams of world power, and spurr- ed hy ambition and earth hunger, Haw, Haw! "How do you know that you can support my daughter?" asked the Stern Parent. "How do 1 know?" demanded the i Suitor, who was asking for her hand. { "Huh! Haven't I been holding her lon my Knees every night for the last lgix months?" omen, - ks -- rE POWER CONCESSION. BACKUS GETS Photo shows the White Do 2 Rapids; on: the Winnipeg River, near the Manitoba boundary, and the adjacent land, on avhich a power plani will be erected lo furnish power for the pulp mill in Kenora. He's not a man of means. The concession was granted by the ntario government to W. Backus, of Minneapolis, t was defeat and defeat alone that | TELEPHONE 304 THE HOUSE. OF MERIT Gifts for Men Who Care Benson & Hedges' Cigars or any of the 30 other Brands that we carry to choose from. Pipes, all shapes, sizes and quality. Cigarettes and Cigar Cases and Holders, Cigarettes, all makes, in packages of 10's, 20's, 30's, 4 GEO. THOMPSON'S 204 PRINCESS STREET 2 DOORS Tobacco Pouches, all kinds; 0's, 50's, 100, at: BELOW CLERGY Seven Sentence Sermon. Where Whigs Are Sold It you would lift men you 'must be on higher ground.--Emerson. - . Ld To love and win is the best thing; to love and lose the next best.-- Thackeray. . . Men may rise on stepping stones Of their dead selves to higher things. Tennyson. . Nobility of character manifests it- self at loop-holes when it is not pro- vided with large doors.----Mary E. | Wilkins. . . | For if ye forgive men their tres- passes, your heavenly Father will | also forgive you.--Jesus. * * Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can, Anon. * I feel my immortality o'ersweep all pains, all tears, all time, all fears, | and peal into my ears this truth-- | thou lives forever.--Byron. | ¢ Charles B. Cochran, upon his re- | turn to England, told English sport- ing writers that, although the art- | icles of agreement between Dempsey and Carpentier barred Europe as a, site of the heavyweight titular boX- {ing contest, he was hopeful that the | bout might be held in England. He | believes it would draw $1,000,080 in | London. "I should be very sorry to see £250, i 000 of good English money thrown | away on any boxing contest," says | a prominent London writer on sports. "In this particular case a large poc- ket of the proceeds would go across the Atlantic, and in any event huge sums are to, be paid to the actual principals, who would be more than adequately remunerated if they re- ceived a title of the sums laid down as their shares by the said articles. These preposterous purses are the bane of*boxing as a British sport, and the sooner they are ridiculed . | Too Much Money, | out of existence the better for the public and the rank and file of the boxing profession." Havana's Magnificent Clubhouse. . | The clubhouse at Oriental Part race | course at Havana, which will be for- | mally opened on Christmas Day, 1s one of the finest on any course 1n the | world, which is saying a good ®al, but it is a fact, nevertheless. It is a massive structure, strikingly picturs- que and architectually perfect. On the Jower floor are the billiard par- lors, men's cafe anda club members' bar. The next floor is given over to a spacious dining hall and ladies' lounging room, while the floor over that contains eighteen suites, modern { and up:to-date in every respect, com- prising sitting-room, bedroom and tiled bathrooms. On the top story is the roof garden, and it is here that the club members and their friends will congregate after the races every evening to spend a few hours. | More Trouble. The chorus girls in the National Opera House in Paris have gone on | strike. They demand more money | for playing parts in Salome, in which they have to use blue dye because the blue is hard to wash off. 'They de- mand more money for acting as angels dangling at the ends of wires. And they demand more money when they have to play the parts of coum- esans|on the stage, as this infringes on their dignity as ¥omen; ; / Horrors ! We find this item in the Detroit News : "Lyle Stocking, 394 Greenwood avenue, D.U.R. conductor, was held up by an armed man while on his way home at 3 a.m. to-day, at For- est and Trumbull avenues, and robbed of $54 in cash" Gosh, it they" are robbing, Lyle Stockings, where are the girls gonna carry their. coin ? Around their necks ? : Our Joe Miller Contest, A Boston reader claims that the oldest joke is the ome about the young fellow who asked the girl's father for her hand. "How much are you making a week ?"" asked the Father. "Twenty dollars," replied Young Man. ; "Why, that wouldn't keep my daughter supplied with handker- chiefs," sneered the Father. "Well," replied the Young Man, 'it she has that kind of a nose 1 don't want her." the Friends, A friend's a mighty useful scout, If he is not abused ; And you must not let him find out That he is being used. --Luke McLuke. "A friend is useful I will say, He really is," said Renn, "But if you'd have him stay that way Return to him that ten. --Hastings (Neb.) Tribune. He Won't Make a Hit, A baseball player is a lout, If he drinks too much "skat;" His manager will bawl him ouf, If he goes on a bat. : Firms is Firms, Love & Haight, Feed Dealers, Gaylord, Mich. | Te The Daily British Whig is on sale at the following places in the city; Baker's Cigar Store, 202 Princess Street. McGall's Cigar Store, Princess ang King streets. Twigg's Cigar Store, 70 Princess street. Elder's Cigar Store, 269 Princess street. McAuley's Book Store, 03 Prine cess street, College Book Store, 250 Princess street. George Thompson, 204 Princess street. Prouse's Drug Store, 312 Princess street, Best's Up-Town Drug Store, Prine cess and Division streets. T. R. Carnovsky, Princess and Vice teria streets. J. Cullen, corner of Princess and Alfred Streets. Bath Road Post Office, Upper Prine cess street, Miss Bucknell's News Stand, King street, corner Clarence street. McLeod's ery, corner Division and Union streets. George Grainger, Portsmouth, ustin's Drug Sto corner King and Market Tats, dh Frontenac Hotel, Ontario street. THE POLITICIAN'S PLIGHT A. Maurice Low in January. Yale Ree view, Politicians who met in 1920 to frame platforms and nbminate candi- |dates had no longer to cater to the | saloon but they had to defer to the women. It was a new condition re- |quiring new methods. A 'deal | with liquor was not always possible, {but it was always simple. It was, to | speak bluntly, a mere matter of | price. Liquor had a pocket nerve, |but woman has a heart. Liquor had jan appetite, but woman has a mor- {al sense. Liquor had no sentiment | but self-interest; woman--poor crea= jture that she is!---is dominated by {sentiment which engulfs her self- |interest. The politician who in the {past had successfully "handled" {liguor, who knew how to approach { it, what argument to use and what {terms to exact or bargain for, found {himself an amateur playing a new | game when he approached woman. His training went for naught. He |couldn't slap a women--often dain« ty and exquisitely dressed---on the shoulder and "jolly" her with a | cigar, or 'effusively offer to take her | to see the boss, or with a wink suge | gest that the lid was coming off {and there would be a continuous roll of smirched dollars across the pol- ished bar. . He was clumsily gallant, - effusively complimentary, too recent ly dressed in his morality--a coat so | newly donned that the creases were | still there--to be convincing or to. inspire sincerity, Free Medical Advice. Q.--Dear Doc: After imbibing freely of Home Brew and Raisin Jack. I have been troubled with pin | elephants that get in my bedroo: | and growl at me. Is this a secioud | matter, and what should I do? R. [M : A.--You have no cause for alarmg Ping elephants that grow! are plentid ful nowadays in the homes of thos§ who brew their own. But if the pink elephants should happen to ent your bedroom when they are wearin green plug hats, your condition serious, and you had better call in physician at once. The Kind of a Man Harding Is. (Marion, Ohio, Star) § Managing Editor G. H. Van Fleet of The Star, has been associated with Harding for many years. "W. G. is all right as an editor ex cept for two faults,' he sald. "He thinks everybody is as honest ds he is, and is taken in gll the while. And he lets people take up too much of his time talking." Aw, Gwan! Bucolie is old Farmer Gage, The biggest rubs I've seen; . And, though he's reached a Tipe old age, I know he's very green. Ouch! The man was broke, Hopin inst hope, he searched an old clothes gnd found 25 cents. "Ah!" exclaimed the Man. "This is what I call receiving aid from an un= expected quarter!" Form in Line, Men! Don't Crowd} (For Sale Ad. in Hamilton (Ohio) Journal). THIRD WARD--Five rooms, full cellar, water, gas and . electricityy nearly new. Owner leaving city. aga it of = Things may be bad, but don't yom fret, Don't curse! 3 You may be broke and deep in debt," But there are millions you can bet Much worse. x ~--Hastings (Neb.) Tribuneg £ Notice! : Miss Green Corn, of Chandfi Oxla., has been appointed Instructd of Dietgtiés to the Corn Fed girls i the Names is Names Club. Police! New York garment workers havi agreed to go out on strike. They panting for more money, sew seams, The King concluded by recountin the measures passed during course of the parliamentary session He referred to unemployment as darkest cloud on the horizon. Fossils of the ichthyosaurus, extinet fish lizard, show some of ti earliest forms to have been tw four feet long. » 113