Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Dec 1920, p. 11

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THE DAI Hear the Famous "CHERRY PICKI Rs» QUARTETTE--Siag all x Old Fo vorite Songs, . 5c. to $1: Nimhtm. Z%e. to $1.50. Seat sale Wed, -- - -- oo a ---- oo a --- re -------------- A -- ---- --- a rv-------- - -- -- -- | GRAND! ) GRAND, Fr.., Sat., Dec. 31-Jan. 1 f§ | ' I., i; eC. -. all. A i 10 N T t 815 y 9 v MATINEE, NEW YEAR'S DAY | - GH . ' SUCCESS q i : : MILITARY NIGHT | ; BIG SUPERIOR | TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY | A , » | SCENIC ACTING | J " S x ord al COMPANY i CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: TO LET. I FOR BALE. --r lca LT 3 Firs: insertion, Le sort. Each con. | FURMSHED RESIDENCE; T ROOMS : GLANIITY Ur FUAMTLR, SNARE C 2 } i REVS 2ut el A % CRNASHE S } 3 ® Sa ? y MOUFLAGE cent & word Minin, uk Halt) furnace; B. and C.; 32 Ellerbeck St FOUND Apply 'evenings, 135 Bago H A WONDERFUL C OF SOLDIER -ACTORS LY BRITISH WHIG. One insertion, Z5¢; three insertions, 50 cents. The avuve rates are for cash only; | | McCann, 38 brock street, FIRST CLASS ROOMS aN ail lmproveineiuts 0D BCARL,; , centrally lgcat- | ONE NEW CUTTER AND ONE OLD ONE BOSTON MULL DOG, FRI. W. 85. Gor ay evening Owner can | have same by applying to 12 cutier fur sale cheap. dun, Sydeabamn, Unt. rng schen charged they TR ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. ON BE wonNiNG, A UNE LUT, Sexiss FRONTAGK, . | Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 HELr WANTED, | SToRAGE WOR FURNITURE AND De aeySoniaiming ta sum of or ps sasiey Bateman' "Nest ; EE eas CANADIAN CORPORATION, Limtieg vader parnsge of @ eral Sir David | VINYG ROOM BIL WANTED, AP.| Cann. 36 Srock sirest Vmine 35s Tots a pein art |] Eee : VIOLIN S0LO | Watsom K.CM.G C5. DED: Com | ord rad Stes ua 2] wm nm ur ox pus || "NRINK GMAFHONOLA AND THI | hn at py (aly ye ey FURNISHED BEDROOM AND SIT. e Terms 3+ Cush; $6 per month. ©. We Gypsy Dance (Sarasate) Pauline Frederick | mander 4th Canadian Division in the son--Playing to Capacity Houses | | i Secure your tickets early. GEESE 'PICKERS WANTED, APPLY Princess Meat Market, 335 Princess WANTED GENERAL, LING room; suliable lur une or two ee -- PERSONAL. LET ME HELP YOU TO MARRY INTO Apply Fred Elmer's | street. De | Lindsay, Lamited, 121 Princess St barber shop. Street. ladies; central location; aise stor- . Rl 5 . " , SMALL Mma) ON A STRING, el MIGNON TELGMAN Hida MEN TO THAIN. FOR FIREMEN lt Farms lim i the Bi Die. 0s A [Sal SAL WYNENS nibs th { The Biggest Revue Hit of the Sea- 'Brakemen; beginners $100; later| STONAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | | pa Delite. RING. Rousy ur ry tin ae Yio Now Showing! ! - Shap 260-3500 (Which positivn). Write dry, airy roms; your owu lock and A nal and Cataraqui Owner Laud woas; highest priced paid. Fore t Emotional Star ___Raliway, Briusa Whig. Rey. Frost's Go Stocane. 90-343 may have same by calling at Houtbard. Phols 1:34 389 Prins The Foremon I Everywhere. a Ph his Queen sitet. PHONS 36; rea. nv. Herman Vrooman's, R. K. Nu. Cosy Blrest. . 3, Odessa, Ontaro. i LADY'S SEAL MUFF. PHONE | 33% or call at 5 Vicjoria Ter- | FARM, FIFTY ACRES, ABOUT miles from Lansdowne vil Welly @cres work land; no bu i WANTED AT "ONCE, REED pABY race. / { ol | EVENINGS 7, 50 carriage or pra; in god condi- wealth, success. State age, enclos- A PURSE IN UGLOW'S BOOK ings; sull good and weil wat ; i {EVENINGS ...... 30-75-$1.00-81 tion. Phone 1565). ing stamped, addressed envelope. U Store. Owner Inay have Appiy Michael A. Mobonald, Lanss ng MATINEE ......... . 25-50-75-81.00 A isnerwood, Isherwood P. O., Ont. hate same at above -aduress duwiie, Unt. "A SLA E F | WANTED TU RudT A KoluM. Ly proving pruperty. . oO i 1 Jo maa fel fry sized house; ceutrally ldcated; no + ON PiaNCESS STaekY, PHOTO . aX a y | Direetan ihn Sittin chiidren In family. Appik 16x As, | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTA- with name Mr. Juan R. Joyn- | | FARM, ONE HUNDRED ACRES, " i Waig Oilice, NN * mMArks, skin cancers. scars, etc., re- er. Uwner may have same { hile trom Lansdowne viliage, 3rd moved permanently, satisfagtory by calling at 128 -Chatnam | Leuncessivn, stune house, o SA WILL EXCHANGE iGH GRADE glasses Otted and farajeivd after street. | bung, NR etjeat. Caml nearly y "Iris." Fhonvgrapn oi different makes, 1 Otgers have failed. Goitre removed JR NECK PIECE, THURSDAY | Waule; periec 3 From the Play Ti \ Upright iwnus in good eunatiioi, 35 years' experience. Lr. Kimer J FL nigat, on magot street, near | | Micauel A. Mcoonald, Lansdowae By Sir Arthur Wing Finero | TO D Y K. J. Kuager, Princess Sirpet. Lake. Kye, Ear. Noss, Throat, Skin | |/ Gure. OWner may nave same | | vat. | - A A tse -- | ST EE Et &t Whig unice, ' 3 | SECONU-HAND UPKIGHT PIANO . ' [Wik HAVE Poit SALE ALL KINDS --. or cas} ie ACHE FA NTR "OU X , N hk [ - \ The Funniest, Freshest Team on the es bod Base nota? Moot new TEACHERS WANTED, ov Woah apvun | good secvid hand Hraitire Sereen. say Limited, 121 Princess street. TAC His " ' ANYORe UnUILE Auylhing and | sluves. «any peravh asvhuyg ste HOME-MADE PLUM Pearl A Nesbit, LT CM, id ee TEACHER OR SL MY. wishing 10 reata the uwaer may | sud ulus vie Jispuae oh we wi WANTED--JEN Ans BOYS 10 FAT. Newsome, sec.-treas., Plum Hollow. Gu wu by reporung the fucty tu Su, Se y PUDDINGS : , DOUGLAS MacLEAN ronize J. W. Cursuu, barver Men's Oar a0me, 380. treus. ¥ Lie biltsh Wiig. lug saver. 333 Priavess stint IBvne iiay " ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR | and boys' hair cul, ve. Soave, jee. . Lisvnent, Will rine in ing | - QUEEN ST. CHURCH | Razors noned Zc. 248 Untario St, | A QUALIFIED NORMAL - TRAINED | Seling ree of herge. PERFECT, COLUMBIA, DAYTON, FROZEN PUDDINGS | near Brock Street. teacher for 8. 8. Nos. 1 and 3, Eli- | OR Rr ria yt iy [ Frinceton aud Victory Blcyctes, als XMAS CAKES Teacher of Sing! d Plane. an zabethtown. Apply to W. A. Empey, | étc. Tuese, if lost may be "ad- Su & nulmoer of ladies' and gents Studie: 34 Division Phone 1167J. K. R. No. 3, Brockville. | vertsed fur in the "Lusi culumn ayy fea a Jhutoret alee oR ] 3 5 MINCE PATTIES and PIES "Let's Be PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, TEACHER, WITH NORMAL CBr. | = - EH --------------, 5. 8 Wolfe Island. | = -_--_-- Eivell (0 Wil bicyCie whd bevy care di cate for S. 8. No. 14, Tage repuir work. Muller's sicyels \ \ Miss Madge iidgar, erpert steno- Salary $700. Apply to John Irvine, | LOST, WUiks, Ji1-373 King street. none :: . » » Srapies, open for slenograpiic work SBec., Wolfe Island, Ont : luskw. Ye an rplon. First cia } . OX Bake ° 99] sulrinccay Phun. reusuiiatie. oot |! | WHITE, BLACK and TAN FOX HOUND, as iona e val rates cau be arraused. Faune |! A QUALIFIED PROTEGTANT TEACH. | Sina, Send Wivimaden to hone | ONE CANADIAN GEVYERAL ELEC. > : sl. White's insurance Uikice, Bago; || er for S. 5. No. 5, South §etbrooke. oa al, 228 pairie street, or phone | LHC A. GC. Motor, 46 b.p.; une Wags ' Canadiana Battieflelds Memorials Com- / - . : slreet. Salary $700. Apply to M. T. Croz- | ' { Her A Coduolor, 15 hp. both equips 802 KING :: :: Phone 141 na " mission. | Another Hit THE Jokes the Grade 94 ler, R No. 1, Westport {A PERSIAN LAMB GAUNTLET Fou | bea in sare wud sliding gag Competition. : -- TT] p-- -- { T 'ht han i Unicr ' ba rol Wel- base. Motors pracucally new. Als 1. The Commission desires to appoint - EARN $35.00 to $60.00 WEEKLY, BE ken bag a : tor ou. on_Lnion, laet, fo number of counier-snatis and PS ---------- =| eight designers in connection With the Sth Episode of our new geri] a nurse. Big demind tor gong QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. §. No. Shgton of jar streets. sunud.y haugers, $0 feet of 2" shaftl project to erect eight monuments on "THE BRANDED FOUR nurses. New hospitad in Chicago, 3, Kitley. State religious denomi- vLily 11g Office. Wilk ae rs, pulleys, irom selected battlefield sites in ¥rance and at, ---------------- With excepiiondl nospital facilities nation. Salary $700 Yu. Appiy Del-| Wood, dlher "igus. Apply W Belgium. VOD A VIL MOVIES is enrolling a limited number of bert Ferguson, R. R. No. 4, Smith's TWENTY DOLLAR, BILL ON THE] Oftice, sng 2. With thig objept a competition will re Ecsta siudent nurses. recughized regis- Falls, Ont. * Market, or in the Maraet boilaiE| ---- 3 t on ore De dL a Te ioets, SE omunY semen board ahoul, Full maintenance, Tr Finder please recurn to Wig oi | VALUABLE FARM FOR SALK, OX Sculptors, or other Artists in nada. oard and jJaundr free while y y sive v | YALL, ih > The competition i8 organized in two | studying, Saidry $10.00 to start at | YUALIFIED OR NORMAL-TRAINED And receive reward, | hundred and Gfty acres, situated fd stages. The prizes. in the 'first stage 5 ouce. Write for particulars, Ad- teacher for S. 8. No. 17, Shaipten. . : oe sx] Lun Lisp ul Loughuore, In 3nd Cot 5 consist of invitations limited to twenty ' ' dress President American Hospital Saiary $900. Duties to gjommence | A STRING OF PEARLS, BTW EEN | UL s8iU LuWw lial Loe tarm is twd " | (20) in number to compete in the second WAGS TAFFE S "« 860 Irving Park Boulevard, Toni, Jan. yrd. 1921. Apply to GW. Bell, Frontenac street and the Court | iY Vue-NBL Ges Lv Syden bi uran | stage; an honorarium of $500, Deing | cago, Ilinois. . R. R. No. 3, Odéssa. | House. Ieward if returned to tae Lie vuliuligs are uy Lullows: fram . | paid to those selected for invitation. | t Sani i | Hoyal Bank, Market branch | Aw eiling, wu gued condition; trame | The prizes in the second competition | isk rerhi n . | bain wu veer bulluloks; two neve hat would have ap- | are t e commissions to carry out the Pure Orange BITUATIONS VACANT. TEACHER FOR 8. 8. NO. 3, 050; PRO-| {ON THURSDAY MUKNING, A LADY'S | ling sptings, & goou quantity The sum tha ou i. 2 . testant; holding not less than limit- large black rse, betwee ce- w i : peared adequate to protect the [| Work. ' | el third class cert'ficate. Salary ane Fifarse, between Jus er De uriuip oy Yorlecs, bussussion eau ) a 3 ch ment is esti-| i ] at viile an ingston Mills, ewar © Wituliged (0 Suil purcusser, Mop home ten years ago is wholly | yu! af ons hindred and twenty thou- MARMALADE . MANE NUNEY AT HOME--$13 10 960 $300 Liuties i SP inmence Ay for return to Hr) King street icast. Tuli paglicetars, iy to Swhen 5 . - . Pp ce 'for your spare $21. ly "to . - 0 , 'mL -, : inadequate to-day. sand, doliara {9120.940.00) WriLig show cards for us N Maberly, R. RK. No. 1, Ontario. WILL THE PART HO 4FOUND lh Ys 148 No, , Sydunds ] he Assessors in the competition TH r'y w 4 L hai, Un will be; -- 5 Made from Seville Oranges and vassing AY Sian suet and supply sterling silver neart shaped memo- S y 000 was o RF 3A, RCA, ade from Sev you wilh work. West-Angus Show- au, 'between city bundings and | vk in Toone hn 3 id be rk Aer Bhach ' X 7 card service, 57 F. Colborne Street, | A 1ST OR 28ND CLASS PROTESTANT cen street, kinaly rains the | BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. cagried, to-day it - should Institute cf Canada Granulated Cane Sugar only. Toronto. teacher for sghool section No. 4, Whig. ? - , - made $2,000, while Five shuld Professor C. H. Reilly, O.BE, FRI a Eruesttown. Salary, $300 per an- FOR SALE be Increased to Ten and, and B.A, representing the Royal Institute TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST, AGENTS WANTED, num. A. Apply, grating experience to Wartman, secreiary-treas- EACH -- LUUBLE FRAME | 82,000 aoure. 4 rovins; K. wad C,; electirid a i > it ~ WHILE DOWNTOWN SHOPPING, A | Ten to Twenty thousand to oS rcaitects (London), ing urer, R. R. No. 8, Coilin's Bay. nie inch mom ING, prod lLgats; large jot. A maintain 1he boection at the the Societe Centrale des Architects AGENTS 00% PROF GOLD LET. with lapis PREM. IFinder piease | Sy De ~ same point that it reache (Paris). ' ters Lor siores, vitlce Windows; eas- . % on ho return to Whig Office or 151 Ear)| $2,200~FRAME MOUSE 4 ROOMS Bins P o Mr. Perry E. Nobbs, F.RIBA. RCA. LL abplied; will not Wasa oft! fre | A QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TBACH- Street Newall | ANAC. 5 alneATio Hants ak! ica ¥ £0. will act as Architectural Adviser. Sainpies, ' Acne Sign Co, ¥46 N. er for 8. S. No. 10, Dalhousie, Coun- eee eee | Buud Celiag, : Le t a plan f fr Copies of Aue conditions will be hous, Cnicuge. 1) Yoo! Sopark ire Ja ary BLACK LEATH! | onder 14 t me suggest a plan for an sent to the Royal Canadian Academy aid aaiutits to co CE UANUALY | A BLACK LEATHER PURSE, WITH | i 2h tf and the Ahohiter rad bodles for distri- 3rd, 1921." Apply to Alex. C. Eastdf name inslde, between corner Barrie | 3000s rau AE AcuEy » 8 te id . » | additional amount. bution among members. © Canadian Battlefields Memorial Commission, Mutual Life of Canada Militia Department, ed to those submitting designs in t ' { ing, Dec Lieward return to -- py © ) te first year, with vod | go ™ V férk str { ' : preliminary competition. the route Kingston Rural Mail Rout, guaranteed year, with g FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. 10% YOrk street. ; > EUGENE FISET, Major General, 0 the Postmaster General's Shance Henke. f3.600 and ex. ent Society, incorporated 1361. : vierdiy soxoy FOR 3ALE, NoNEY . Mi 28 ¢ y es, . 8 e 1 ualifica- > . Fo N Ney emmr-- rr -------- otiputy x Haister, Jiliua ang Defence Printed notices containing further in- tions. Experience ances Praant a Niskle, B.C og y IRVEY Re | S-- ; Note. --~NewspApers will not be paid | formation as to conditions of proposed Winston Co, Dept. G., Toronto. loney issued on city and farm 14ND SURVEYOR, | SHOO--FRAME; 5 ROOMS; NO IM: a for the advertisement if they insert it Contract may be seen and lank forms ee proverties, municipal and county P. F; MILLER, BAR, Sve Cb Go | provements; good locality. w fr - | of Tender may be o ineg e Pc menial the snture A « F. LLER, B.Ap., Se. JE, 0.8, -- i Fithaut authority from the Depart Offices of Kingston, Battersea, Sunbury, | FURNITURE FINISHING Wavestmens. bing. wages purchased: | D.L.S, M.E1C., Napanee, Unt. on: | TO RENT . Mount Chesney, and at the office of | pte aly ures Lor sale, deposits | tariy Land Surveyor. Kingston Gf. | ge / INS ke i EN Me, SS nt 3 di ats Fo RENT EE A A --_---- received ang interest allowed. R. Walkem & Walk k | $25.00--TO RNS MELSON; i - the Post Office Inspector. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clair. Re em, 33 Clar-| semi-detucued; § rows; im CH) | H. MERRICK, voll, 22 John street, ence street, Kingston. ee ------ | ments, { | Post Office Irispector. ERI ee ----- | Pest Office Inspector's Office, Would Appreciate a Lorgnette | ? . Kingston, Decetnber 24th, 1920 TAILOR. 150 Wehinaioa hENAN, i | Wt cm, ve sso i eet , Kinguton, for Xmas. | | NOW 13 THE TINE 70 GET YOUR emu : a . . | Foals furne d and save Jugney Al) ™ 3 ua when si n, | . inds of ta Ig anc pressing Ty rege v It is so handy hopp 8: | . | THAT EVA M E | w + am Robe rison, corner Montresi ui HOLSTERING. to read the price cards, at the § | h { cRA nL ha CALL OR DROP A CARD To W. 3 theatre to glance at the pro- | 0Cer ¥ * Bl | of Waubaushene, in the County of Sims I ARIES Gavine, uphoulstér, 215 Bagot st. | | toe, in the Province of Ontario, Married | . CRI - ---- gram. | Woman, will apply to the Parliament of | F. "i RAROLD FOR YOUR U | ry Canada, at the riext session thereof, for " : a rolstering and general repairin, : x Wik, 50 ~ ; | SPECIALS THIS WEEK a Bill of Divorce from. her husland, POW ER, N AND DRLVER, ARUHI. "cdVe orderg at id drop a card i | In fact, it proves the most : convenient gift possible. Btewing Figs ..3 lbs. for 23c. | | ince of Ontario, Salesman, on the a en rem mae Canned Pumpkin ...10c. tin | ground of adultery and desertion, | GR i se Attractive prices, from $6.00 Princess Soap Chi CUNNINGHAM & SMITH. | CARPENTERIMNG 258 K - ' PA=ren 79 Clarence St, Kingston, Ont ht ik at oP to $12.00. * 18c¢. Une, Out price 5 ! . ofclicliors fox, Applicant Street: near ie Haul, for 3 tres... 8 packages for 25¢. ated at the City ol ngston, Province | WHEN YOU WANT 118 CARP pooing, magtel waving, ete. P| Lenses supplied of course. Sandee Bo. 76. te of Ontario, the 23rd day of No: | sec James Selby, Contractor: § iy for appointment, 20087. . ry Soap ......:.7c. bar vember, 1920. University Avenue. Fhone 18 = : "mee We still have that good Black Tea ...3 Ibs for $1.00 We have a full line of Christ. R. J. Rodger, gpies may he SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at for four years, six times per week, on | Allan H. 8. McRae, of the City of King- ston, in the County of Frontenac, Prov- [FOR AULD ONE AGENT LAST WEEK MADE $91 Clean prulits. Another $122, selling Mciiae street, Niagara Falls, Ont. resentatives, $1,002 and expenses Tammermoor Post Office, Ont, Sse es a rma And Princess apd corner Aberdeen | a " and Earl streets; contained sum of | ES. ENOTdLm STRANGE # STHAMGE INSURANCE agents; established Ix 1360; only pfs also De had on application to; -- s sur flavors from house to house money 'in a t to CO o . < e 5 3 oney. r der pie e return . a y ray Dep sarne Mail Contract Write quick fo "territory und FINANCIAL. Wiig Office. Reward. "| $1,400--R. CAST HOUSE; WEST B v 0 on . terms, Iluithér sex. Craig Bros. 46 nr ar lieazly new; "roms. % [2.830 CAST HOUSE; DOWA TOWN, STRAYED. 60 Brock Street Ottawa, Ontario. | Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the ith AR - om the most relladle colupanies repre- $ roums, § plece bat lectr Phone 610. 5. Application should be accompanied february, 1911, for the conveyance Hit | MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVASS, sented. Office 4 Clarence streel,| FROM THE PREMISES OF Ww. ml lights, 2 fire places, & , yard by a deposit of $5, which will be return- | Majesty's Mails, on agproposed co but to travel and appoint ipcal rep- Opposite the post ~fice. Eves, Alrdale pup Tuesday mora- | aud hen house. / : 21st fects, Merchants bank hampers, 104 Clergy 8 curner ul Brock and Wellington Streets, CUNNINGHAM & sai SIGNS | SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, "Lu ete. large or small, ® Ass, woory Arant TH, BARRIST. | mas Candies, Fruits ve 8b i | ers and Solicitors. 1% Clarence ol t: Optometrist. best prices in the hay Te , LAN G SYN E Ram Or A 8 Cunning: §riglia E eg te iCt ; 3 : ------ a ¥ s s 182 PRINCESS STREET Montreal and Charles Streét. When you think of your Smoker- | - | AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER | Kingston. ---- 2 ! * Phone 900 Friend, think of ELDER'S. We have and Soiicitor." Law"offic., corner Efi ty : Jone Just what you want--CIGARS, CIG- i Bani Mond brosk, | Paseeliny DENTAL. reise B Goods deitverea ARETTES, PIPES--all the smoker | Sandi a Thoge lov. - - Everybody: tieises the man who aivered to all parts of J io RE = T= AB. KNAPP BA. LDS. Swends. His Woney Feely, but Sven. the city, ' / - i | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING hace 238 Princess pireet. f ng 1o/get busy and yelp ROYAL WEDDING IS ARRANGED. : Wan : = him spend it. » Following th DING 8 ARR, i El ; | NE herman Sond AlNTING aU | DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, © - X ; ollowing the return of Constantine to the Greek throne. A. Mounteer, 34 Arch oirealird to Lists, 189 Wellington street, ov - -- his eldest daughter, Princess Helen (right), is to wed : Carnovsky's. Phone 346. i 260 PRINCESS STREET Prince Carol of Rumania (left). ty ings % F OR SALE 6 Opposite Public Utilities. Phome 13831, . ~~ EE > ® | 3 A seven-room frame house; electric lights; gas for cook- NEWS. OFF E WIRES HIGHEST IN HEAT UNITS ing; three piece Bath room; grate in dinisg room. Situated ' IN DENSED FORM . 5 on Johnston Street, hear University Avenue. Immediate pos- Pie. ! > : ~~ session. Price $3,000, . inte p Tidings From Places | Far and That s Our Coal THE J. K. CARRQLL AGENCY Reountad. | Try some--all sizes arriving. . : , : N Turkish Nationalists are gradually J S ® = Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brack Street | | nitinias Soviet sytem fas Ans Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. a Carleton county fail for the first F t of Jo : . nn un ~~ | time in history will not serve turkey oot oO hnson Street Announcement We wish to announce that we Kingston and district for have secured the agency for 89 MONTREAL STREEP LP : PHONE 400. \ to prisoners. Aerial search for missing balloon missing from Rockaway naval sta- tion has sn abandoned. . At Toronto there are many de- pendent on civic relief this Christe mas. Over 19,000 applied for aid. Government may proceed at once with. relief work. Applicants for aid ficates. three thousand pounds, at- Dublin. South Ontarfo County Counefl is must hold employment office certi- " "un ak TT Fass Auction Sales 1 am the best auctioneer n Kingston. | BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Make me prove it. y patched. : Nelson, B, C., will have no muniei- memorializing the Government not to scrape the snow from the previa- pal election this year, the various together, agree- the remains. It had been merely | sleeping, after a long, hard day. | A $150,000 memorial is being |. erecied in London for all animal heroes of the war, ine! dogs, cats, elephants and birds used in t the presence of ( 'h ; ( ar R. B. Russel, labor leader, recently Salesman : "Yes, that's our new emergency attaeh- - i iw e y x olet 5 released a8 parole, Jus bean appoint. ment." --Copyright, 21st Century Press. . ! 178) wr j4ae. s i neral organizer for the One Bi i v hs Having experienced mechanics, we are prepared to do first Union, . 3 : + : 1 a . - «lass Repair Work on all makes of Cars. ; Walter O. Nicol, proprietor of the! eial highway during the first three ing upon a slate and electing ae DR. AW : . Vancouver) Province, has been ap- | months of 1931. chosen mayor and alderman by ac-| . i (uebec Heaters » GASOLINE -- OILS -- ACCESSORIES pointed tenant-Governor of Brit-| A cat (which Tara residents can- | clamation. i - ----c . ish Columbia, fot agree in describing as wild or| Sydney, N.S. Humane Society re- | D iNTAL SURGEON. ; Ne. 5. 910.09. No. 6, $12.00 4 - P. J. Hooper, editor of the Free- domesticated) fought 'three hours ports a horse dropped 4s though dead { Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Best Stove for Garage or work B AW DEN & EDW ARDS man's Journal, was seatenced to a| with a pack of dogs owned by Noah | on the street, but smartly came to | sireets : Phone 363 Shab. Cooks and other Stoves ae bu year's imprisonment and a fine of | Rudolph before it was finally des- | life when a (ruck arrived to remove | wel, > : uding horses, and even mice he detection of &assca. JLTURK Phone 705 ko iy 8

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