Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Dec 1920, p. 44

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airmen iaisessingte sir itn "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ---------- = MOTHER HCN OF RHEUMATISH Entirely Well After Six Weeks' Treatment With "FRUIT-A-TIVES® MR, AMEDEE GARCEAU 32 Hickory St., Ottawa, Ont. "I was for many years a victim o that terrible disease, Rheumatism. Iu 1913, 1 was laid up for four months with Rheumatism in the joints oft] knees, hips and shoulders and wa: prevented from following my work that of Electrician. I tried many remedies and wa under the eare of a physician; bu! nothing did me any good. Then I began to take 'Fruit-a-tives' and in : week I was easier, and in six weeks | was 50 well I went to work sgain. I look upon this fruit medicine *Fruit-a-tives', as simply marvellous in ti. ture of Rhemmatism, and strong) advise everyone suffering with Rheu _ matismitogive 'Pruit-a-tives' a trial.' AMEDEE GARCEAU. 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢ At all dealers or sent postpaid by Pruite-tives Limited, Ottawn © SCOTT'S GARAGE | Repairs, Washing and Storage. One 1915 Mclaaghlin Tour- jug car for eo cheap forv a quick buy ® 298 RAGOT STREET Plone 1504w. . -- When you feel so "blue" that | even the sky looks yellow, you need BEECHAM'S ,« PILLS A sluggish liver and poorly acting kidneys fail to destroy food poisons, which affect the HERE AL dS. Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO. Foot West Street Phone 133. ET a woman case your suffering. Twang a te write, and let me tell you of my le method of home treatment, send you ten days' free trial, post- \ paid, aad put you in touch with eo? women In Canada who will 3 senna. tions, blade gladly tell what my method N der weakness, bas done \or them. S constipation, cae If you are troubled with weak, tired feelings, head- tarrhal conditions, pain in the sides, regu larly orirregulacly, ache, back- ache, bears ing down bloating, sense of falling or misplacement of internal or- + 5 gana, desire to cry, palpitation, dark rings -under the eyes, or & lors of interest in life, write to me today for "rec trial treatment, k Wee. M. Summers, By P71 ndser, Ont, I Sr NN a Firewood Large quantity of sound ! Railway Ties tor sale cheap. ~All tents reduted to clear. We need the room. L Cohen & Co. "des Ontario St. Phone 837. : GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son So aw location: { § Corner Ontario and West Sta 1 = Phone 07. : sr , (1) The Prince of Wales Landing at Damerara, British Guiana. (2) Armistice Day--Scene as the Coffin of the Unknown Hero -Honoring-the Was Being Borne Ouf Into Westminster Abbey, Escorted by Britain's Most Famous Soldiers aud Sailors, ABA A i A || THE SUPREME PURPOSES By the Rev. The one. hundred Pilgrims who {landed at Plymouth, Dec. 21st, 1620, to establish a Christian Common- wealth, were mostly farmers and la- borers. There were not many learn- ed, not many rich among then. Had they been too profoundly educated or- too richly blessed with material things, the chances are that they | would have been content to remain {in England, adjust.ng themselves to | existing conditions in the Church and | {in the State. i It. cannot be said 'that the Pil-| grims were ideal neighbors--in the sense that they were ready to co- operate, even in a limited way, with anybody in the community with! whom they had anything in com- { mon, and they had much in common | from the religious and civic stand- i | | { { | { point--with the people in Holland, | where they lived for fourteen years. ! Holland had become a refuge to | the oppiessed of all the | Indeed, Holland had attracted ! many "liberal-minded"' people--Jews | and Unitarians among them--that the Pilgrims were very much affaia| that their children would become contaminated because of their con- tact with them. This was one of] wa momna | the chiel reasons why they left Hol- | character, " . hey | for the Pilgrims. And it is the revala- | *181t or fashion. | America of the came to afraid and more land were heresies lof the "unregenerated" than they |us honor the hundred pioneers who Hsien gold im ner 10 the jate Pope 3 | were of the hatchets of the Indians. established their noteworthy settle-|&W Years aga. They were chiefly interested in creating a new social 'drder, but] they declined that this social must | have religion as its chief founda- tion. They made practically no dis- tinction between the Church and the! State--the Church was the State. But they wanted the Church to be a vital force in tha State, not a mere perfunctory, political in- stitution. - Religion was to them a public matter as well as a personal con- viction. The national conscience was just as sacred a thing as the indi- vidual conscience. Graft and dis- honesty of every kind were jug. as dishonorable in a public official as they Jere in a private citizen. | While they believed in. "personal | salvation" they had a prefdéund con- viction that 'social salvation", had an important place in the economy of God. In & large measure they reversed the processes of much of} the work of the Church to-day. They frankly used the State as a means to create a deeper religion condition among the people and to build up the Church itself: . They would have gone full-tilt against the statement of the extreme | religionist that individual salvation must always precede social salvation | ~--that there is no use frying to save | men's souls by healing their bodies | and changing their social conditions. Although even the most ardent | evangelist of 'to-day will contend ! that the closing of the saloon and the i enactment of the Eighteenth Amend- {ment to the Constitution of. the | United States, prohibiting the manu- { facture and sale of liquor for bever- { age purposes, have resulted in spirit- ual blessing. : There are some very earnest men 'and women in this country who are i striving to put God" into the Con- | stitution. . The Pilgrims went fur- « ther than this. They did not care i ~ nationg=| ver| : g so|one can readily forgive when one |€® Of America--and of the entire icomes, everyon tonic--Ferrozone fills the bill exact- |' OF THE PILGRIM Charles Stelzle. so much about a mere declaration which professed to recognize God aw Supreme, they actually wanted God to reign supreme. The Pilgrims wanted to do for | their Commonwealth, what John Cal- vin had done in Geneva, and what John Knox tried to do for-all Scot- land. . The Calvinistic doctrine of the sovereignity of God was applied by these men to the municipality and the State. It was this which arous- ed the rulers of the State against the Pilgrims and the Puritans, be- cause with them it was a question as to whether they or God should reign. As already intimated, the ' Pil- grims were a very humble group. | Their enemies said of them as did] the enemies of the twelve Apostles, that they were "unlearned." And they were equally unknown. They also equally guilty of certain ry human short-comings. But these | considers all the facts. Time covers the rough places in life and sometimes makes them ap- pear beautiful as they are viewed in the whole sweep of human experi- ence. But Time always displays real | This is what it has done | which males | tion. of the centuries ment on New England's shore, | | ~~ | Every Wage Earner Should Answer Question Himself or Herself WHAT DOES THE FUTURE NOLD FOR YOU IF HEALTH GIVES WAY?® In dollars and cents, what is the worth of the brawn of your arm; 7hat isthe value of the staying power that permits continuous labor--what are they worth to you? eas Suppose you did something so fool- ish as to reduce your strength, vital- ity or judgment one half, and it were impossible to get them back--how much would you pay to regaim the lost portion? When you let yoursel?! run down you reduce your chances for success in life--if sleeplessness comes you score lower still--should appetite' or digestion fail, you are stared in the face by physical bankruptcy. Don't let it go so far, take Ferro- zone, it has cured thousands and it will cure you; it builds up bodily strength, makes musMes like steel, replaces Spring tiredness by emergy and new life. Ferrozone rebuilds sick folks because it contains the strengthening elements that every run-down system requires. Especially before the hot weather e a puri ly--nothing known that juvenates and uplifts so fast. At once the appetite improves. | You rest well and arise next morning leeling fit and fine. Headaches disappear, weakness gives way to the vigor that only Fer rozoné can supply. Try it, results are guaranteed, 50c per box or six for $2.50 at all dealers. f . ¢ +derelict umbrella-frame. A AA Pe tl ANAM Mi. A study of their history and pro- gress plainly indicates the chief sour- ce of their greatness. It was their profound respect for and confidence in the Bible. No action was ever tak- en un'ess it squared with the Word of God. Their rulers were selec- ted in accordance with its teachings. 1 heir social and economic principles were found within its pages. Even many of their games and riddles were fashioned from the Bible. Their quarrels and differences of opinion were settled by it. Because there were so few books among them, they read and studied the Bible diligently, so that it be- came their chief source of education. The children learned their letters and spelled out simple words from its pages. It accounted for their breadth of view in spite' of their limited educational advantages. And, because the Bible meant so much to them, they insisted upon their right to interpret it as they pleased--as individuals--without the assistance of prejudiced "specialists." It was this insistence which was the beginning of their craving for free- dom--freedom to worship God. Because the Bible was the "Magna Charta" of the Pilgrims, the Church- religious world that believes in the Word of God in the life of the nation. Queer Christmas Trees, A Christmas-tree of solid gold, two feet: high, and plentifully supplied with branches, is not an ordinary Such is the de- scription of a "tree" given by an The man had made a fortune in the Klondyke, and spent a large slice of it on the gift men- tioned. Very different was a "tree" impro- vised by Some British sailors wreck- ed off the West Coast of Ireland a few years'ago. Landed on an island, and unable to make the mainlana owing to storms and lack of ade- quate boats to help pass the time and also please the kiddies of their Jenggraty hosts, the fen resolved to makd a Christmas-treé.' On that desolate spot--a mere rock in the sea----neither bush' nor shrub was to be found; 'but after much searching they unearthed a Even this was an alien to the island, but the sailors did not trouble to discuss its presence or manner of coming. simply rigged a few extra "spars" to its "mainmast," and with scraps of green paper and rags converted the 'brelly into a passable imitation of a fir-tree. Odd pieces of wood were then fashioned into ships, Noah's ark animals, dolls, etc., and the tree duly decorated with the toys. Rather more quaint was a tree an- nually set up by a lady in Philadel- phia. house caught fire during the night, the inmates being warned of thelr danger by the howling of a dog. As a sort of reward, for several years! afterwards the animal's . mistress made a tree in its honor, the "decora- tions" including beefsteaks and toy rats for the dog's consumption and fying | amusement. : * ' Fi ? No wonder that a man acts mean, And creates quite a scene, When his wife will go and clean His pipe with gasoline. some men are too stubborn to ack- nowledge the corn until you step on their toes . jlieving in that old scripfire phrase | Bring back { happy childhood to those infirm peo- neys, they become overworked; sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps 'of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irritated, and you may They One Christmas this lady's " Now that the Kingston Skaung | | Club ang the Queen's Professors Bad- | minton Club have been organized, let winter set in for good. There are some Kingston men who | would like to go into winter quar-| { ters, like the bears, and not wake | up till the spring flowers are bloom- | ing. i Queen's science students have cer- tainly done their duty by the market | square, which they have surveyed for | days. | o -- | The Board of Health may some- | day have Kingston so clean that we will not know what a bad smell is. Inverary folk still keep to the old fashioned sandwiches of generous | dimensions. Now we know where to | spend the summer = vaeatién,- and | why 80 many Kingston people camp in that vicinity. Kingston Masketball girls are to use the boys' playing rules, but not the boys' uniform. Napanee is seeking industries, be- "seek and ye shall find." With the price of oats away down, why should hay not take a tumble? Wolfe Islanders believe in trust- ing the people. They-even settle de- bates by a show of hands. When the Irish give up their arms and ammunition, they will still have | their more favored weapons--sticks and stones, | The Portsmouth Philosopher i wants to know if it is not time that | such a great nation as China helped ftself a little. Is it not time, too, that it contributed something to the rest of the world instead of always being the beneficiary? If the clergy throughout Canada were better distributed, a large num- ber of mission posts could be filled without calling up recruits. For in- stance, why should the little city of Kingston have fifty clergynien to ad- minister to its spiritual needs When that shell went through his home in Brooklyn, our old friend Col. Hunter must have wished himself back in his former doggery office under the Kingston city buildings | settling domestic disputes. In remembering the young this Christmastide, also remember the old folks in the homes for the aged. the memories of their ple who have passed the alloted span of life. --THE TOWN WATCHMAN, Things To. Worry About. If time hangs heavy on your hand get a pad and a pencil and work out this problem suggested by Will A: Marr : , Germany's French {indemnity of 125,000,000,000 marks at five per cent. interest is payable, principal and interest, in thirty equal annual installments. What is the annual payment ? Learn One New Thing Each Day. How many grains of corn can a hungry goose eat in two hours. Ex- perts guessed anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000. Then a hungry goose was produced and the grains counted. The goose ate exactly 434 grains in two hours. a RHEUMATISH-RELIEF From Its Dreadful Pains and Aches, Stiffness, Soreness-- | Is properly to be sought in a good blood medicine, because authorities say rheumatism is a blood disease; acid has entered the blood, settling in the muscles and joints. That's what makes the sharp, sudden, shot-like pains, causing you to jump and cringe in agony. Hood's - Sarsaparilla comprises remedies that every physician pre- scribes for rheumatism, combined with other blood-purifying, tonic and strength-building ingredients in a formula vastly superior in make-up and in curative power. It does give positive relief. Thousands say so. So will you. For a fine laxative take Hood's Pills. --~ DRINK MORE , WATER IF IDREYS BOTHER Eat Less Meat and Take Salts for Backache or Bladder Trouble. meat excites the kid- get Urie acid in be obligéd to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's Wrinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer from back- ache, sick headache, dizziness, stom- ach gets sour, tongue coated-and you fee! rheumatic twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water: also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table- spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. " This fam- ous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activ- ity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, 80 it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weak- ness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in- jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kiduey trouble while it is only trouble. i =THE-MAN-ON-WATCH =} It you have Catarrhal Deat- ness or are even just a little hard of hearing or have head noises, zo to . your drug- gist and get 1 ounce of Par mint (double strength) and add to it i pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils shouid open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Anyone los- ing hearing or who has Catar- ' rhal Deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. --Advt. ------ Williamson & Wellwood Tailors Try us for your next Suit or Overcons Style and fit guaranteed. Our own personal attention is given to all orders. 30 MONTREAL STREET Two Doors From King Edward Theatre Ee Perseverance often accomplishes more than power. Nm ee cn DiHEEDER Consult our ~~ Samples of Xmas Greeting Cards Ask representative to call or Phone 292 BRITISA WilG Job Dept. ED DE EE aE No Shooting Allowed. E. L. Kinn will take charge of the Elk Ins at-Bikin, N.C. January 1st, 1921. RED PACKAGE . Geo. Robertson SPECIAL Charm Black Tea BLUE PACKAGE now .....55c. per lb. «eve ovum 700, pordb, Buy it by the pound: Pound Free. Once used, always used. & Son, Limited you get a Quarter pecial Sale ThisWeek A Limoges French China Dinner Set -- Bridal Rose pattern; gold lined; 97 pieces at $62.00. Sales tax extra. Good quality; nice shapes, and the best value offered this season. A limited number in stock. SHOP EARLY. obertson's, Limited 75-76 PRINCESS STREET : Rift piano for Christmas? home for the occasion. Special delivery on Christ We are IF LINDSAY'S - =] TheHeintzman & Co. Piano --------constitutes a worthy and highly appreciated Christmas Where's the woman who would not And where is the woman who would not be doubly pleased to find, upon Hfting the fall-board on her gift plano, the name Heintzman & Co? baen left to her to choose ote among all Canadian-made pianos, ber ¢nvice wou.d have been the Heintzm: : {Make this Christmas one never to be for Otten - ing a Heintzman & Co. Grand, Upright . By bring Come to Lindsay's and select now, nas Eve if desired. every evenin, SELL 121 Princess Street love to be given any She knows that had it & Co. or Player into your g until Christm IT--IT'S ALL RIGHT i - Kingston

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