i 4 SATURDAY, DECEMBER. 18, 1920. ~--8olid Ivory Toilet and Mani- cure sets. ~--Fancy Stationery. ~--Fountain Pens. ~Brushes. ~Mirrors. ~Fancy Boxed Chocolates, Make your selection early at: J) Best's The Popular Drug Store. Phone BC. Open Sundays. no ie Wo ------ -- aa ---- p----------_.. ing with a full chosen with a Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- ENCE CAN GIVE. it is this combination of mini and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. change of gifts SMITH JEWELERS Established 1840. ! The unpopular luxury tax may b abolished, according to Ottawa unof- ficial advices, Flashlights, H. W. Newman Elec- tric Co, A Saturday's Specials Js pe. off A few suggestions for your Xmas. shopping. Buy him a PAIR OF SKATES SLEIGHS .C. Off -- San -- = ee -- frm Le SLEIGH .BELLS HORSE BI.ANKETS SNOW SHOES HOCKEY STICKS ; COFFEE PERCOLATORS TEA BALL TEA POTS ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC IRONS Headquarters for Santa Claus ir. every- thing in the hardware line. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware . Phone 237 - Brock Street - - Ch : Ch SE -------- Doll Sleighs, Kiddy Kars, Toddle Bikes, ristmas Gifts We have a large stock o f useful gifts tha twill bring joy to your household at this season. All sorts of prac- tical gifts for the kiddies-- Pony Rollers, Shoo-Fly Rockers; Tea Sets and numerous other gifts. Our attractive stock of Tea Waggons, Floor Lamps, Card Tables, Easy Chairs, etc., has never been more complete. Select your gifts NOW, and we will store them and deliver them for Christmas. Victrolas and ' Victor Records December Records on hand. T.F. Harrison Co, Limited Pio 9 present conditions. We take pride in the DIA- MOND RINGS and. NECK- LETS we offer you. Our PEARL STRINGS will hear the closest scrutiny. Our Silverware, Cut Glass, Leather Goods and Lamps are i | Zakrzewskl. |} | excavators found six black urns and THE DA GIFTS THAT LAST Werealize as clearly as any- one that people to-day LOOK FOR VALUES. . We are prepared with "'wor- thy goods," which we are sell- a knowledge of Re i ALY desire to give you the best reasonably. Our WOMEN'S and MEN'S WATCHES are backed by "skillful experience." "That's worth a good deal." The Christmas spirit is full upon us, and you know Christ- mas would be robbed of much of its pleasure without the ex- that last. BROS. Limited 350 Kl NG ST. .| monk RENOUNCES HIS VOWS AND MARRIES | ------ |After Years of Meditation, He Decides Celibacy is Matter of Chcice- ied Washington, Dec. 18.--"I at peace with my conscience," was the statement made today by James { Ccrnell Biddle member of a prom- inent Philadelphia family and a for- mer Trappist monk, who renounced (his vows of perpetual retirement | from the world last night to marry | Miss Mary Lena Gaines, of Warren- | ton, Va., member of an old Virginia { family, and an old friend of Admiral | Cary T. Grayson, navy physician, at- | tached to the White House. Mr. Biddle said he had made up {his mind to renounce the vows he | took as a Trappist monk, which is known to be the most austere of all Catholic monastic orders, and that he had determined 'to follow the teachings of St. Paul, who, ne said, held that celibacy was a matter of i choice, ON PERMANENT LIST | | | Temporary Employees of Civil Ser- | vice Appointed, Ottawa, Dec. 18.--A considerable number of persons who have been femporarily employed in the Civil Service will be placed on the perma- nent list by an order-in-council pass- ed by the Dominion Government. Those. who are thus taken into the 8 without examination have been working for some time in gov- | ernment offices and are considered to be fully qualified. They have been selected for permanent appointment the deputy heads of departments. ese commendations of the deputy ministers have been approved by the Civil Service Commission and the ap- rointments have been ratified by or- der-in-council. The procedure is in accordance with a provision of the Civil Service Act. NOTICE TO EDITORS {No Interference With Irish Papers { Properly Conducted. *Cork, Dec. 18.--A notice from the | military headquarters has been serv- ed on the editors of Cork newspapers |§ | printed and circulated in the martial 'law area will not be interfered with {as long as nothing is published cal- | eulated to cause disaffection amongst i] | His Majesty's subjects, or to inter- |§ | fere with the enforcement of martial |} | Jaw, Any offence will be dealt with | by suspension or suppression, Prehistoric Graveyard Unearthéd. Stargard. West Prussia, Dec. 18.-- A prehistoric graveyard believed to | be at least 2,000 years old has been | unearthed here by German investiga- i tors under the direction of Professor In one of the graves the | one red urn with white stripes filled | with clay and ashes. Among the re- mains were some glittering sub- | tances which the investigators be- lieve once had been adornments of I prehistoric men and women. GIFTS FOR MEN am | Sn -- Told In Twilight ||| tee te netted | (Notice--Hersafter, the Whig, ia | common with uvther papers all over Canada, will make a charge of §1 | Jor inserting an engagement, mar: | rlage or reception announcement. (ITT To get the Whig's society writer, telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street. Ld ». . Mrs. John Bell Carruthers, "An- nandale," will give a children's party on Christmas Eve, to which the | small people, and the "grown ups", | fortunate enough to be invited, are! looking forward to with "delight, for | Mrs. Carruthers' Christmas parties | are celebrated for being altogether | charming. * Invitations are out for a frrewell | dance t o be given b '. and Mrs. | Herrington, Napanee, in honor of Miss Rooney, who returns to Eng- | { land before the New Year. i *. * * Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Dyde and Miss | Christine Dyde are giving a dance | in the Red Room of Queen's Univer- gity to-night. : * . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Robertson and boys, Wellington street, will spend Christmas in Napanee, Miss Jessie Jack, Gore street, is leaving next week for Ottawa to visit | Miss Grist for the next three weeks. | Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Boyes, Napanee, | spent Wednesday in Kingston. Mrs. E. Boyle, Napanee, spent a day in Kingston this week. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chown, Montreal, will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs." Thomas Lambert, | Clergy street. Miss Louise Walsh, who has been | in Montreal, will come back to town for the holidays. Miss Sarah Burns, Miss Dorothy ! Brown, Miss Muriel Dunn and Miss | Eileen Jandrew, Queen's Residence, | will spend Christmas in Ottawa. | Miss Edith Leckie, Queen's Resi- | dence, Earl street, has gone up to | | Stratford. | - > . | Major and Mrs. James Hamilton and Alan Hamilton, Brock street, will go up to Belleville next week to spend Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. George Graham. Mrs. D. L. Willson, London, is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. David- | son, University avenue. | Miss Helen Wilson, Queen's Resi- | dence, left on Friday for Pembroke. Miss Isabel and Miss Grace Mooers will return from Bishop's | Strachan school, Toronto, next week. Miss Marion McCarter, Queen's Residence, left on Friday for her home in Quebec. * * * Mrs. WW .Gunn will go up to Napa- nee for Christmas and will be with | her brother, Sheriff Hawley. Mr. aud Mrs. Harold Davis and | their children will spend Christmas J. with the Hon. E. Davis, New- market. Mrs. 'Herbert Saunders, and the Misses Saunders, will go up to Napa- nee for Christmas, and will be the guests of Sheriff and Mrs. George Hawley. Miss Helen Garbutt, Miss Lilian | Carter and Miss Marjorie Harrison, | Queen's Residence, left for their homes in Picton on Friday. | * . . HTT Miss Annetta Pedlow, Queen's Residence, has gone to Renfrew for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kirkpatrick have moved to Woodstock, where Mr. Kirkpatrick, who is the young- est son of M. Kirkpatrick, Barrie street, has been appointed manager of the Royal Bank. Miss Gertrude Deadman, Queen's Residence, left on Friday for her home in Brussels, Ont. | Miss Georgina Conklin, Queen's | Residence, Earl street, has gone! down to Brockville for the holidays. * * - Miss Kathleen Bibby, Barrie street, returned from Havergal Hall, Tor- canto, to-day. Major L. F. Goodwin, King street, left this week for Montreal.! Prof. Arthur Jackson, Queen's University, left on Friday .to spend | the holidays. Col. and Mrs. Cartman are at 68 West street for the present. After the New Year they will occupy Col. and Mrs. Bevan Dunbar"s house on Alice street. l Miss Mary Ogilvie came down | {rom Havergal Hall to-day to spend | the holidays with Col. and Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Earl Street. Miss Audrey Judge, Miss Evelyn Bennington and Miss Ruth Evanson, "'Queen's Residence." left on Friday for their homes in Prescott. Col. and Mrs. W. P, Wilgar, with Master Billy, will spend Christmas in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Low. Prof. R. L. Davis, Queen's Univer- sity, has left for his home in Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Macdonnell, Toronto, will spend the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Macdonnell, Uni- versity avenue. Miss Anita Martin, Queen's Resi- dence, Earl street, has gone down to Gananoque for the holidays. Miss 'Florence Mackinnon, Queen's Residence, will' spend Christmas in Maxwell. = (Continued on Page 40.) NR Me ILY BRITISH WHIG. ys ee ¥ | : 35 ARIAS TA PROBS: --Sunday, mostly fair and colder. a Sora: Eo SA ®nal 3 li TIT -_ -_ --_-- = _ is -- - -- -- -- a -- --_-- == a -- -- -- ea an -- a -- -- --_-- -- -- --_-- -- =e en -- --_-- _ == ---- For the outdoor worker, the man with Prices from t Boys' Skating Boots, SKATES Phone 231) - cold feet, or the curler, give Felt Boots. .. $3.50 up. see 00. or a pair of Skating Boots. Prices for the ....$6.00 and $6.50 with a hitch . . $4.50 GROUND-- JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 Brock St. mma STORE OPEN TO-NIGHT_UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK - - Open Evenings, Starting Monday Until Christmas. o-Night A NIGHT OF RARE OPPORTUNITIES! It's good to be back to some where near old normal price levels again--especially at this festive time of year--when one feels free to remember all their old friends with a Christmas gift. The beautiful holiday goods with their low prices, bring joy to gift seekers here. HANDKER- CHIEFS The largest and finest stock of Ladies', Gentle- men's and Child- ren's Handkerchiefs ever as- sembled under one roof in King- ston, are ready for your selection here to-night. Every dainty style is shown in full embroidered ef- fects for ladies. Boxed for gift- giving, from 25c. to $2.00. Individual Handkerchiefs in plain linen and fancy embroidery from 15¢. up. Complete lines for men and the kiddies. SILK HOSE--In black and colors; all the best makes; very specially 85c. to $3.98 priced from HEATHER CASHMERE --Impo rted makes of Heather and Lovat 98c. and $1.98 Cashmere Stockings, priced specially at WHITE CASHMERETTE--Pen man make--reg. 65c. a pair; first quality only. Priced at BLACK CASHMERETTE--London Knit Cashmerette Hose: regu- area. 4c. lar-75¢c. values. Priced at CRETONNE and LACE RUNNERS i Fancy Cretonne Centres with Filet lace edges; reg. $3.25 to $3.75. Priced at . .. $2.19 COTTON DOWN COMFORTERS -- 24 covered with novelty Chintz coverings--full size; reg.'$5.50 each. Priced at .$3.49 ROMAN STRIPED SCARFS--for women-- the fashionable new colored, striped, Wool Scarfs; reg. $3.50 each. Priced at $2.19 WHITE SILK WAISTS--Habutai Silk Wash Waists--reg. $5.50; all sizes. Priced at ....... WHITE APRONS--English Lawn--plain and embroidery effects; E regular $1.50 to $1.75; priced at 3 Only Pony Fur Coats Opposum Trimmed; Reg. $375 Values. To-night $149.50 3 only, extra selected, real Pony Fur Coats-- the most fashion- . able Fur Coat of the season--w ith luxurious Fur Collars and full silk lined. What a wonder ful gift, and what a wonderful price--3 only--Be Ready! STARTING MONDAY, STORE HOURS ....9 am. to 9.30 p.m. PLEASE SHOP EARLY ! Steacy's - Limited "The store that forced prices to new low levels'; RRR IDG ES