Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Dec 1920, p. 36

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reas + Short 8 Sat a Huge in Brocadewith Dance drock off --Lb « Sashbow' of Tulle Jull Dance Frocks have ; Longer, Narrower Skints Little Fabric In Dance Frocks But What, There Is Resplendent - Many Dancing Dressesof Black Velvet - Few Trains But Many Trailing Sashes. ANY of the new dance frocks are odd -- interesting -- rather than lovely. The merely pretty evening dress has gone out of fashion and every woman wants to] efeate a sensation with her costume on | the dance floor. There 18 & good deal of | diffrence, you: know, between being | wonspicuous on the.floor of a ballroom | and being conspicuous against its wall. And gorgeous dance costumes are becoming so prevalent that by and by | It will be the demure little creature | who Is conspicuous. This is noticeable in the case of grey dance frocks. Soft, Simple little affairs in their dove gray | oolor, they are tremendously effective Agninst the background of stronger colors--provided there are not tgo many of them at the same dance. Peacock Dance Frocks the Rage | This year the peacock is the bird of | fashion. Bluebirds have had to retire fo a distant bough--nobody wants 'them any more. It is the splendid Peacock who Is Madam Mode's particu- lar pet and one sees his gorgeous plumage everywhere, on wraps, - on blouses, on afternoon costumes and on dance frocks. He oVen spreads hig tall feathers across my lady's boudoir Cushions and parades up and down Chintz window hangings. The peacock Colors are especially rich and brilliant, Combining deep blue, green, plack, silver, bronzy green and flecks of pink. ish apricot. These colors are blended In embroideries of silk and beads, and Are sometimes produced by dropping | OBe layer of chiffgn over another-- { green over apricot and blue over the i green, and stenciled touches of sliver, § Black and apricot on the outer layer. A peacock dance frock for Christ- ' mas holiday season shows one way of using the peacock.design and colors on an evening: costume. These rich hues are confined to pandls at either Side of a frock of silver cloth. Panels of blue-green chi are dropped at front and back from decolletage to Bem. The embroidered panels are very heavy with jet and silk embroidery, the colors: rich deep green, blue, bronze and aprivot. The design does Jot exactly reproduce peacock piu- mage but cleverly suggests it. The §ot-weighted panels pass up under a graceful sash and seem to be hung from the shoulder by the straps of Jet and Iridescent beads. This is a gor- . Keous dance frock indeed and a very, very expensive .one. $ Velvet Dance Frocks Statuesque A velvet dance frock Is a stunning Affair, and is quite the most fashion- able thing one can fox trot fn-->but One wonders if these velvet costumes Are not uncomfortable for such stren- uOWs exercise in overheated rooms? However, as little velvet as possible is used 'In the bodice, so probably the Wearers manage to keep cool. Two typleal velvet dance gowns of the 'winter season are pictured. One will : De worn at Hot Springs--that her. ADE place of the fashionable er Holiday week--and the other has made for a Christmas dance up Tuxedo. Both these gowns will be by young married women of the set---no debutante would be al- & costume sO extreme and so- Heated in type. The black velvet model is particu- larly chic. It is very short; you see, t Ia Parisian style--in fact, the cos- tame, from. the edge. of the decolletage to the edge of the 't measures not | much more than a yard. Flesh-tinted | tulle ed about the figure up t 'the armpits under the black velvet bodice. This bodice ends | at the back of the Waistline in two | sash ends: one rather short and the other. trailing on the floor. Question mark of crystal beads on the tip of the train delightful? Or ourse | the train--which is really a t ling | sash, may be looped easily over the | arm when she dances. The. skirt is made of silver tlpth overhung with silk net embroidered with jet mad crystal beads in long loops, Separate loops fall over the embroidered ones, giving a sumptuous and rather bar- baric effect, The Jet and crystal girdle Is a new feature--these girdles of Jewels or beads are quite the thing on dance frocks now. Jet beads in two loose strings suggest a necklace, but | the be are really shoulder straps! Tir oo bot Cocond 2455 2 Cordis mos Form To rp eee HE shops are fust as full as they ever were of pretty little practical gifts that have the made-by- hand, personal suggestion; but each year these gifts change in char- actér. They keep. up ,With current ideals of smartness. Tast year's pin- cushion and cretonne-covered station- | ery box become this year's petticoated doll-pinholder and Chinese brocade | covered casket for note paper, There Is a distinet style to each season offerings, 'and woe be to you if you fashion gifts adCording to last year's pattern--your best friend will think you are palmihg off on her sdmething you received and-"put away for future giving at an earlier Christmas season. Ribbons are lavishly represented in the Christmas trifles of 1920--foolish, frivolous yet so fascinating little things that appeal to feminine hearts. If you are going to make a number of these little gifts at home provide yourself with plenty of ribbons. A yard or two over can always be utilized, and it is 80 much pleasanter to pick and choose from a box heaped with beautiful rib- bons of various widths and hues, than | it is to measure off exactly thg amount | you will need for each gift and keep! closely to your measurements for fear | draped-down | === Isn't the supporting the velvet bodice. strips of flesh-tinted tulle pass over | the shoulder and to this tulle the | beads are sewed. Part of the gor- geousness and dash of this black vels vet dance frock are the huge black feather fan and the coiffure band of rhinestones with a butterfly design at the frant. Red and Yellow Used: Together The Spaniards use red mnd yellow together siccessfully, but seldom do these strong colors appear in company on conventional ostumes in more northern localities, and yellows make part of the kaleldd- scope of color approved by fashion. The dance frock intended for a Tuxedo affair holiday week is of vellow vel y ming shade verging on the you will run short of ribbon at the critical moment, Take any one of the pictured gifts, The first time you try to reproduce the dainty article, you have to concentrate hard and go very, very slowly. You have fo put all your mind on the copy you are turning out. But after you have Made two of the articles, your fingers have learned the trick. No further concentration of mind is nec- sary and you can turn out a dogen little gifts In a short time. So it Is wiser, if 'you have a great many friends to remember, to select some pretty trifle that will appeal to all and stick to that model, Now for instance the girdle or cor- sage mosegays with long ribbon streame eérs--what woman would no delight in such a Christmas presknt? | The little ribbon nosegay will dress Pp a black evening gown, or--If it Be the right color--will 'add coquetry and grace to a light dance frock or formal afters noon frock for indoor wear, A little practice will give you dexterity in making either of these girdle nosegays. The cluster at the left of one of the illustrations has hand-made leaves mounted on wires. The leaves In the other nosegay are in silver effect and Two Ribbon 2rimmed Baskefs And A Doll-Lady Whose Petticoats Hide Trinket Box *. - Draped But this yeanzeds | ES CAMs wii mn Ha ck A Gorfeous Dance Frock of Yellow vel with Crystal Beaded Train {od y v8 Yer e 3 meh 0 A Enchanting Little, Frock. of Pale Bide Faille kK, | coquettish petticoat of lace AFI | rose buds. The skirt {s really cut in | twelve pane! the longest ones ut | front and back. Bach panel is bound -- | With narrow silver braid and silver jcrystal beaded pale yellow net down} bEaid covers the Seams that Join the the back of the skirt. The brocade is . | draped upward at the back to show Revival Of The Jenny Lind Bodice this fanel, and the upper part of the| The straight-across, oft-the-shoulder skirt is. partiy veiled with pleated yel-| evening bodice is coming in again and depending over the skirt drapery and |l0W tulle, looped at the back in the blds falr to replace the band cand forming shoulder straps. A compeli- | DIZ sash bow. The jeweled Ornaments] shotiderssitap bodice that has held ita Ing gown this, on any dance floo#, you | S'Un& on fine silver chains around the |place--by the shoulder straps!--for will admit! [waist and across the bodice of beaded Syvepa) Seasons. A youthful dagce i a tulle are topaz col d. roc pictured as this stra ght across Trains Looped Up Like Bustles For a ee e is the enchanting! decollet filled in to modest height & mes instead of a long trailing little danc€ frock of pale blue failie, { With a bertha of crystal beaded net on SEE en sre Is a high, puffy sash of looped up and puffed out coquettishly | which is.a pink silk rose and sprays ot : hat stands out at the back of the 4 | : and in youthful fashion. The 1 tle | resebuds. This frock is made of pale Xz 1 | hips coquettishly." These frocks are elyel . Beads and harming on younger women---and of bodice, you see, is simple and girlish-- | pink taffe Al the edges are piped - | with short lace sleeves and a very|and corded and the full skirt, cut out | Tulle VUaed 1) | course the skirt must be short, to har. modest decolietage. It is edged with |in scallops, is dropped over a longer, this T'rock. | monize with the big sash bow. A | pear] beads and nce even the debu-| narrower skirt of the taffeta. The | | frock 'of the type is pic ured; and here [tante must have her dangling ropes | pointed Bodice rapes backward, end- 2 I you see the new girdle, this time of beads for trimming now-----pearl ing in a wide sdsh at the back. With jorange; and down the train stray led cabucho et In silver | heads are festooned over the puffed|ths smart and fetching little dance | great, glowing red velvet flowers viv scar The frock J oot - A Stunning' Pea Dance Trock w Draped Panels | made still more brilliant with many little dangling tassels of crystal beads The frock is made of pale yel- | drapery of the skirt. At the sides frock goes a gorgeous feather fan In panel of | this skirt retires in length to reveal a pink and gray shadings 1 {against a background of silver leaves. | | All the ré ire the same color and | ated in the streamers. Mme picture are two sets of dressy garters, evidently for wear with one's dance frotk or gown of ceremony. Round garters are essential with many g costumes, since sO many women of slender figure | now dispense with corsets under the! ng gown. Without a corset and | are the ready-made sort you buy in! foliage bunches at the millinery trim- | ming counter. The roses in these nose- | ev gays are made in quite different fash-|i ended hose-supporters, there is ion. For one sort of rose You use three | no way to hold up the stockings un- or four-inch satin ribbon folded over. | less round garters are worn. The ple | The edges of the ribbon are held to-! tur d garters at the upper right are of gether and run with a thread. Then closely shirred flesh pink satin Tee) the folded ribbon is wrapped round! bon--over- elastic, of course--and a The Cushion Is For Floor Or Chaise Longue In The Boudoir. Below It BA Shirred Ribbon Carriage Strap For Baby. And The Long-Handled Contrivances Are For Powdering Your Back Before You Don An Evening Frock One side chaise longue pillows in just the ap- shade will be such a com- | ting into a decollette gown: I the powder pad is of course un- | propriate | decorated, but the other side may be | fort! | as gay with ribbon fixings as you! The dainty carriage strap for baby please. The powder pad is an ordinary |is made of white satin ribbon--all lamb's wool powder Puff such as you | white, with white rosettes made of can purchase at any shop where toilet | narrower ribbon for trimming. 'The #00ds are sold. The light stick which | bowknots at the ends are gay affairs makes the handle is covered with rib- with/knofs tied In the ribbon loops In bon, twisted tightly round and round. the smart French fashion. An elaborate' cushion for chaise Three trinket catchalls for the bou- longue or floor in the boudoir Is made | doir are pictured. One is a white raffia of pink satin ribbon, gathered around | basket threaded with pale pink tibbon the edge into" a4 puff and frill. The and trimmed with a big pink nibbon flower decoration is made of ribbonsdn | poppy. The (rinkets kept In this bas- dainty colors. The under part of the ket--which Is Hned with pink satin--- cushion may be coypred with black will very likely be embroidery scissors, satin If the dainty affair Is to be placed | needles and silks. The basket in the on the floor. Your friend who pos- (genter is frankly for sewing belong- | #esses a chalse longue is always de- ! ings--a gay guest-room affair this, ora {lighted to get new cushions for the sewing basket for her who rarely takes the long-handled Dack-powderer," | same. Various negligees require va- stitch. The ribbon-dressed dol! has Satin ribbon and the streamers are 'of [ But it fulfills a long-felt want as every Lrious backgrounds--so do various | flounced petticoats which hide a moire ribbon matching the medium | woman will Aftest, who has twisted moods She may have her rose pink | trinket box: and doll and box may be pink shade in the roses. The nosegay | herself into contortions, trying to pow- | days «nd her blithesome yellow days. hung on a corner of the mirror If you at the right has rich Chinese blue roses | der t#e middle of her Spine before get. and also her wistful violet days--and | fancy. Girdle Nosegays Of Ribbon, And Ribbon Garters That Are Dainty EnoughyTo : = Wear With Party Frocks You'll Admit and round, tightly at the heart of the) buckle effect is achieved with the elon- flower and more loosely as the 'outside | gated motif of flowers set in a ribbon ; issapproached. The roses in the other! frill. The flowers are mauve violets! cluster are made of mRrrower, plcot- | and Pink rosebuds. The other garters | edged grosgrain ribbon. A tuft of cot- fare of white eatin ribbon frilled with | ton covered with the ribbonimakes the white net. Three pink ribbon roses | heart of the rose, and over this the | trim each garter. It is not Recesary | ribbon is wrapped In various direc-|to use silk elastic unless you prefer, tions--as the petals of a real rose! for the elastic is quite covered up by | close over its heart. The nosegay at | the shirred ribbon, the left has satin roges in three shades| One of the oddest gifts of the season of pink; the leaves are made of green |is b/

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