------ Ae So wg THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1020. missin co isis ssi sin it SR SSA A smear a - "The Mirror ed i * l The One Incomparable] of Music" 3 Py 'Musical Instrument | \ { = a y ; s ga] | - THE CHRISTMAS GRAFONOLA CLUB --with Membership Limited to 25--and Extremely Easy Membership Fees-- Is Now Open To You---Join Early This Christmas Club annually enrolls doze ns of members, providing the easiest meth od of bringing into the home the greatest means of entertainment and enjoyment in existence. The Grafonola is a gift that lasts the whole year round. One gift to the whole family--a gift that every member of the family can enjoy equally. We are authorized to enter you in the Christmas Grafonola Club. Only a small sum is required to join, the amount is based upon the instrument you select--there are a dozen models to chose from--$37.50 and up. All members of the family can join hands in the purchase of a Grafonola, each one subscribing a little, thus making it a matter of trifling expenditure through the Club. Dozens Will Want to Join Everyone is urged to make their selection to- day, as the nearer it comes to Christmas the smaller the scope of choice among the vari- ous models. * Besides, membership is positive- ly limited to 25. Model X. $135 " This handsome instrument is made in both Mahogany and Fumed Oak finish, and you can have your choice of either. It is over 40 inches high, 18} inches wide, 20} inches deep (front to back). All the mechanical details age of best con- struction. It has three-speed motor, plays four records with one winding, tone control leaves, graduated dial, speed regulator, new bayonet-joint tone arm. Columbia reproducer, piano-hinged lid ,with self-adjusting support. All exposed parts heavily nickel-plated. DON'T FAIL TO JOIN THIS BIG CLUB -- Model "A" Gesfindls Price $37.50 Despite its very low price, this Grafonola is an instrument of absclute dependability, and with a surprisingly good tone. It has strong, noise- less motor, sound regulating tone chamber, graduated start and stop device, etc. Plays any size disc record. Cabinet is made of se- lected Oak. Size 13x13; inches. Wonderful Model "B" Grafonola, Price $57.50 This is-a-special offer, and should appeal to everyone wishing to own a really good instru- ment at small cust. It is a Grafonola of un- usual merit, having most of the features of in- struments of two and three times the price, such as new bayonét-joint tone arm, Columbia tone control leaves, Columbia reproducer, graduated dial, speed regulator, start and stop device, etc., ete: It has powerful motor and plays two selections with one winding, and is enclosed in handsome oak case. Only 25 Can Join this Club The Club will accept members up till Christ- mas Eve, providing the limited number of Gra- fonolas is not taken up before. But as soon as mem- bers are enrolled the Club closes-- Join Early! automatically Columbia Grafonola--Model E-2, $160.00 One of the most popular inst ruments. The same as model F-2, but with Columbia Industrial Record Ejector at $175.00. Both of these come in genuine Mahogany, Satin Walnut and Fumed Oak. Size 42 7-8 inches high, 19 1-8 inches wide, 21 3-8 inches deep. A beautiful instrument ~--easily worth twice as much. Now's the time! Christmas comes but once a year---make the most of the season! We'll be glad to demonstrate any Graf onola to you. No obligation to buy, but we know that a person who appreciates real value for the least investment, will welcome NI this chance to secure an up-to-date instrume nt, on such easy terms. Don't wait! You can have yours delivered at once. But come now--to-day--next week may be too late. Twenty-Five Members Only! : COLUMBIA RECORD, THE BEST AND BIGGEST STOCK IN THE CITY Out-of-town customers, we prepay all charges. ~ Give Columbia Gift Certificates this Christmas. Let us explain the advantages in giving them. The Treadgold Sporting Goods Co. will be glad to demonstrate the various models of Grafonolas and enroll you in the Christmas Club. But don't delay, for there is sure to Grafonola Model "C" and Cabinet Substantial and beautiful in tone. Comes in Golden or Fumed Oak. Size of Grafonola is 16 7-8 inches at base, 11 11-16 inches high. Cabinet comes in several styles and finishes to match Grafo- nola. Everything worth Rec EP SP So KINGSTON, ONTARIO "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" All the M usic of all the world and most of the Fun in it are in Columbia Records. PHONE 529. be a'rush to get in on this splendid offer. Remember that you don't have to wait--you can have your Grafonola delivered at ogce, or any time before Christmas you say. Columbia Model "A" with Cabinet : ® . : : A real good instrument, not to be com- Iéa 0 0 0 { S 0 pared with other cheap offerings, now on ° the market." Fumed Oak finish, guaran- 88 PRINCESS STREET teed motor, fine for camping next sum- mer. Base 13} x 143 inches; height, 8 1-16 inches. Cabinets to match from $15.00 up. Columbia Lists.