cig ' BATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 19820. 0 A = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = re A ie | ] > a SG I gy wo Re OR RRA i ESE RARS a BR LE o = & Seventy Years of Progress In a Big Canadian Plant 1} { | | Hi | eA SRT SEES The Canadian Locomotive Co., Limited, started business in 1850, and has been successful- ly operated under various man- The Products of the Canadian - Locomotive Company, Limit- ed, include all kinds of Steam Locomotives for Passenger, Freight and Switching Service, agements to the present day. 1 both for Domestic, Foreign and The view of the plant shown Industrial Works. gives a good idea of its extent. Repairs for our locomotives are given every attention and The Company is Canadian prompt service. from the ground up, and the names of the directors and exe- "cutive give guarantee of sound business-like management. ae] We have long experience, ex- Ah ae : aE pS . pert workmen, efficient man- a AE ¢ Foe, ¥ Ty : agement and expert designers. Recent Locomotives built for o dann ll : | Domestic Service Locomotives built recently for Canadian National Railways Foreign Service C5 ty Ey _-- AeA © OL as fi ass Ah SR RUSSIAN STATE RAILWAY DECAPOD TYPE--25"x28" Cylinders, 52" Driving Wheels 192,000 lbs. in Working Order. Pacific Type--23}" x 28" Cylinders, 73" Driving Wheels 249,500 Ibs. in Working Order. - "£ -- 2 i Be fi = EB i E E £2 Ei 2 a = © -- EB = E = £2 i = = i £ 5 B= Bh = = = = = i -- -_-- £ --_-- BB 5 5 E 8 a 2 = = £2 = E 4 i BRITISH GOVERNMENT . « CONSOLIDATION TYPE--21" x28" Cylinders, 56" Driving - Wheels. 159,000 Ibs. in Working Order. MIKADO TYPE--27" x 30" Cylinders, 63" Briving Wheels 280,800 Ibs. in Working Order. HR Hn OL EE REC JAMAICA GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS {2-WHEEL TYPE--19"x26" Cylinders, 46" Priving Wheels 137,500 Ibs. in Working Order. | - SWITCHING TYPE--26"x30" Cylinders, 56" Driving Wheels 242,750 Ibs. in Working Order. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE custo COMPANY, LIMITED ve cu oo and General Manager Aemilius Jarvis, Chairman of the Board Wm. Harty, Secretary and Sales Manager J. H. Birkett, Treasurer. DIRECTORS Robert Hobeon, Esq. Wazren Y. Soper, Esq. John L. Whiting; K.C. M. J. Haney, CE. Head Office and Plant . KINGSTON, ONTARIO, CANADA