Re V b SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1020. THE DAILY BRITISH WHI GC. -- The Kingston, Portsmouth and Cataraqui Feo Rive Comoany LIMITED Established in | 87 6 to Serve the Citizens of Kingston And Still Serving Them in 1920 \KEER A SHARP : \ R1\ \LOOKOUT) ! hl WN / ® \ 'STORMY | 1 i oy £0 WEATHER 2). Bl dr RRa0000n00 Rs 0 Se > ee a 5 I = 7 RFREE RIDE AT A DREADFUL COST DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. Manufacturers of : Gasoline ergire driven pumping units. | The well known Davis gasoline marine } | 2-cycle engines in 1, 2, 3 and 4 | Gasoline engine driven hoisting units. | cylinders, and from 2 to 60 h. .p. ] Sed Sumi Life boats built to meet the requirements of the Large stock of engmnes, pumps, and other Canadian Marine and Fisheries and British machinery for sale. Board of Trade. Boats of all descriptions built from plans and 'specifications. Automobile and truck repairs and new parts made up for same. General line of repairs in wood and iron boats Oxy-acetylene welding, cutting and carbon and engine repairs. | bom 5.5 Dy Dock now being repaired and extended to 213 ft. long, 43 ft. wide and 10 ft. at LW. level DA VIS DR Y DOCK co, Kingston, Ont. +. Phone 456