YEAR 87 : NO. 817, ov Y Sr ---- ------ 3 -- -- ' : Christmas Box Candies HOT DRINKS and ICE CREAM MERRY XMAS. AND HAPP NEW YEAR to our patrons. Superior Ice Cream Parlor 204 PRINCESS STREET A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPP a. Baker's Gigar Store THE LEADING COMMERCIAL HOUSE The New Randolph KINGSTON, ONTARIO. COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON Sample Rooms: large, bright, and well ventilated. Frontenac Hotel . KINGSTON'S BEST. Hot and Cold Water in Every Room. $4.00 per day $4.59 per day room and meals with bath and meals Ore: G.T. Station, Ontario Street + a» . Phone 748 J. A. HUGHES, Proprietor, ---------- KINGSTON, ONTARIO. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1920, sermon emmemmris of Amemieemssi soe ee wa v Ch NEW MANAGEMENT OF. FORMER HOME . Prince u of Wales Lunch 191 PRINCESS STREET - - PHONE 544 G. J. SOFIS, PROP. Special Turkey Dinner Christmas The Most Up-to-Daté and Best Ventilated Restaurant in City or Vicinity. We invite your patronage, Quality, Service and Prices are right, Early breakfast--late supper, WHEN IN KINGSTON, ONT., STC? AT [he British-American Hotel This Hotel has been recently refurnished and is under en- tirely new management. The COMMERCIAL man, as well as the TOURIST, may feel assured of receiving the best accommodation which Kingston affords, by stopping at the British- American. H. G. COCHRANE, Prop. and Manager. The "Star" Fruit and Candy Store P. A. PLAYANNAKOS, Prop. CHOICE FRUITS AND NUTS OF ALL KINDS. Manufacturer of High Grade Chocolates and Bon Bons 66 PRINCESS STREET Phone 273 - KINGSTON, Ont. VICTORIA Chinese Restaurant rigtwm Merry Xmas. and Happy New Year. - FIRST SECTION ase Foot and Shoe Specialists Corns and Calouses Removed With- out pain. Consultation Free, SHOE REPAIRING DEPT. Fully equipped and experienced op- erators. Work done while you wait, SHOE SHINING PARLORS Ladies' department separate, Call and look over our new plant, '/ GEORGE FEX 207 PRINCESS STREET Try our Special Xmas. Dinner. JACKSON LEE, Manager. Phone 762. - 8S. S, CORBETT UNDERTAKER } - Box Special attention given to ambulance € most exacting. calls. os place. Ice Cream and Res./ Phone 215 246 Princess Street Phone 797 is a mark of good taste, as well as mas boxes this year are beautif You are sordally The Selection of a of Chocolates food judgment. Our ul and are sure to please invited :0 make our ols a'restin > ot Drinks of highest quality Serr GRIMMS' 102 PRINCESS STREET