THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : ep os : a ------. ra 3 AAC PRAM ARATE Rp - Gon e---- ing ae ---- 7 - ~ ey, & wie | | o | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Your. Favorite Comedienne CHARLOT TE STOCK COMP ANY GUNDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: TO LET. FOR SALE. p l First insertion, lc. a word Each con- WE G00 IENS, TO 8 GREENWOOD | Seats ward Mimimieneatior, Bait) FURNISHED RESIDENCES © mooNS, FOUND LT ay Ee Tent ; cent a word. inimum char e for . urnace; B.san .; 32 Ellerbec L a "S 3 "3; PICKED UP ON 4 x i | O-NIGHT: one insertion, 26¢; th McCann, 86 Brock street. LADY'S MUF¥y { TS gu fee insertions, the street. Apply Police Sta- QUANTITY OF FURN RE, SNAP. | . cents. ion. i sven , 155 Bagot stree In the Overwhelming Musical Com- The above rates are for cash only;| FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; Poo kuy, ON JOHNSON ST. Apply evenings, 155 Bag ; ] 6" : Sn mprovenieuts; centrally loeat- bs a ip ae pom fi edy Buccess When a Man Marries when charged | re double, an Ho 243 Brock 'Street. - Thursday night, Owner may PAIR OF BOF HOCKEY SKATES it f } EE -------- === have same al Whig Oitice | and boots. Size 3; $3.50. Telephone » / d v * HELP WANTED, STORAGE FUR: FURNITURE AND MANOEL LIK COME COLLAR, S33w y * 6--Big Vaudeville Acts--6 merchandise; clean and dry. Mc- er {oaefsons la Alfred AL TOMUBILE TOP> AND CUSHIONS, || inger s . aI pe 2G ROOM GIRLS, "PPLY HOTEL Sanh, 86 Brock sureel. Phone div Street. | Celluloid fur curing Judson's a tpk 'er h ; SR ! . E PRICES, Evening ....15-25-88-50¢, |... _R2ndoipi ' -- LADS SHALL HAND SATCHEL Auto Tops, Brockville. i DINING ROOM GIRL, APPLY AT THi| FURNISHED BEDROOM AND SIT- money IRA raver UUMINION EAFRESS MONEY ORs Lon er : Royal Hotel. HAE eum, suhabie Gg by proving ownersnip at the ders are On swie in five thoussma' 5 A GENERAL SERVANT, APPLY MRS. | age tur two care. Phone 1248m. office . Robertson & { oilices throughout Canada. to : i es [ie nS Harold Hugaes, 116 Gare Bireet 5 VITURE, CLEAN A PURSE IN UGLOW'S BOOK | CHILD'S SKATING BOOTS AND > [ , 3 : . kh AD Stote. IW . y have Skatel; s 3; ood as 2d etty ' MON. & TUES. MAIDS FOR LAUNDRY WORK, ap. fv ITY rove; your own lock And sitote ow Rey b TORY agave Pric 7 or Apr i Brock St 1 ~ y Ply to Kingsion General Hospital. ey. Frost's City Storage, 299-305 oro ig 5 : i § Charlotte Greenwood : ONLY Juesh sireel. Phe ON PRINCESS STREET, PHOTO, ONE LOT, 66x132 FOOT ee ae : i GEESE PICKLIS WANTED, APPLY | Fema secon ith name Mr. John R. Joys on South Macdonald street § BREEZY--SPEEDY--MELODIOUS BIG DOUBLE PROGRAMME brincess Meat Market, 338 Princess PERSON 3th same Mr pen Bodoni for Gs Wavdonaif Stree is ah . 15--REELS BEST PICTURES--13 Fee | - Ly lng at 128 Chatham Estate, § - 00 . JL a3 /NS 5 7 y NTS ee ----------------------------------. 50c., $1.00; $1.50, $2.00, $2.30. Box Seats $3.( EUGENE O'BRIEN YOUNG GIKL 20 passe w rH BACHELOR, 35, WXS Rnb: Noicdo, FUR Neh PIECE, THURSDAY TWO S. C. ANCONA COCKERELS, OF i 0 Fork ¥-» s @ Zot Sire ar flze-wi ng b ¥ appoin Seat sale Monday. Mail orders now. Collingwood Street, ' Pry i Ono; -- pig ' Su Dekel 8 Yor Pip) Dine ¥iagine address °P. oF Box In the Selznick Ro: WHEN ORDERING GOODS BY MAIL at Whig Omice. 112 i MAID FOR GENERAL HOU SEWORK; § > ress Mo -- eee eee ena 6" 1 M 0 d " small family. Apply in evenin send a Dominion Express ney 4 s . = mn - 3 a. 8 to gE FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- A PIANO, SECOND-HAND SQUARE; The Broken el y 36 Clergy Street West, Order © TISED WHGE. newly tuned; good for practic ! TUE! | == WEDNESD/ + MN RE a" LL WIDOW, 45, Ww ITH $50,000. WANTS Anyone undiug duyihing and >} H Bryant, 16 usse aR MONDAY. UESDAY WEDSEST ay | ANITA STEWART Malls SENER SLI ONE 10 sLexr AT! v ig se L-Box $00.0 League, De- Wishiug to reacu tae CWuer may 'one 17533 2 { I I N 0 8. | troit, Mich. do 50 LY reporiiug the lactg to " ' cre? J. Livingston, 456 Princess St. Whe british Wnig. The waver. GRAPHONOLA AND TEN Sessue Hayakawa J Ciover's Rebellion 2 ris, | CAR TAREE WOR eam || hemrih aes he ater ARAFHONOLA AN TRE | y : EE MEN TO TRAIN FOR FIREMEN, | Will marry. N-Box 433, League, Co- cuiuinn free of charge. - $i cash; $5 per month. C, W, * The Dramatic Master--in GRAND ORCHESTRA ~Hrakemen; beginners '$200; later | lumbus, Ohfe. Found articies' aves not tre Adudsay, Limited. 121 Princess St. 260-3300 (which position). Wriie! ' clude lust dogs, cattle, nors ' ® * Comedies and Other Reels ailway, British Whig. GENTLEMAN, RETIRED, WORTH 850. | | etc. * These, if fost, may be ud- CANARIES FOR XMAS. FIFTEEN i MATINEE Evening at 7.80 GOOD, RELIABLE BOY, WILLING 70 000 would marry, G-Box 325, Club vertsed for in the 'Lost' eviumn songslers to choose from; prices ¢ | LIABLE » ANG 7 ort Wayne, Ind. reasonable. Apply between 5 & 1 nl d 1a at 2.80 Ground floor 30¢. hustle; must be strong ang activ e;| T pm, on Satarday aftemoonn ns | hl, s d riuni 3 'Y. Ap. TI : 3 L 20c. any seat | Balcony ....20c. ped yor TN Whie o Eat boy Ap! PARTIES WISHING AIONORABLE 185 Union street West. " ; Drama With a A a Ng handwriting. matrimonial introductions, join In : An Intense Direction John and Peter F, Griffin ternational Social Bureau. Box SS 7 3 SARL: {os OE us wad Buptins | G | E cae ac | _i Ranahs Sy vo MTRARS BECO (IY OREN | avows conv now: ais: aoon a : 3 generey Hospital giving three year PRETTY MAIDEN WISHES TO COR. Powley's corner, a sable mufl. kind- Division streel, with large bar - | | Pd | § | | £enoral an ac ar Same. respond with kind gentleman. Ob- § ©r please geave at Dominion Hotel $1200; new brick house, $4, LAST TIMES TO-DAY PICTURES getting $45.00 to $50 00 weekly, Fo ject matrimony. Box 55, Oxford, « Odessa. Keward. Pine street. ¥ i M a . 5 . r > i w " | MONDAY, TUBSDAY, WEDNESDAY Hiormatien write: Garfield = Park se MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, BEHOLD MY WIFE pa . Hospital, Chicago, Ii. TESTIMONIALS, PHOTOS 3 A BLACK LEATHER PURSE, WITH house furniture, specialize la amik : : : 3 c TH tions, mailed free. f hame inside, between corner Barre tary boots; buy all kinds sec . DIRECTION FAMOUS The Most Thrilling Picture in Town! WALESHEN INE ARTE SeVERAL matrimony, write Inte t ahd fincas and curner Averdee Nom aris; highest prices de } ? * 4 Messe ST Ks ille, : and karl streels; contained sum o toutbard. *hon 3 orders for Mother's Magazine Messenger, Jacksonv lie nioney. Finde e return to He Street. is y " "i | Home Reading Club ; " . g . p "------ ' MARRY -- MARRIAGE DIRECTORY Whig Office. Reward. f N : tion Meetin 3 § OM MIX Pe From tee too ree are mak with photos and Yesorintions, free; | == - = - -- wel ave; Jone ALY ALL KiNns De li . i / Whe 4 1. T} xchange, . sn 00 co ur e aad! omina g 30s! instruct you in Toronto, Room pas nt reaaried 'S shang PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Any person having stove i A meeting of the Rlectors of the | i =| CATHOLICS WISHING 10 Lay. WANTING PAINTING OR pay highest prices. J. Thom 333 Princess strech. Phone 16 s TOWNSHIP OF STORRINGTON WANTED GENERAL, wanting intruductions, booklet | Paperhanging done, drop a card to | A. Mounteer, Arch street. i free. Write Catholic Correspond- -- en il and furniture to dispose of, we wilt din the Urange Temple, Battersea, on Mons | ' ence Club, Grand Rapids, Mich | EE T-- a EA x En 3 a ¢ pd Ser. WANTED TO BUY, A PUP, SUITABLE | ae SUMMER COTTAGE ON POINT PLEA« els Di tMber TTth: 1920, for the pur- for a house dog. Apply Box J-17.| LET ME HELP ¥00 10 Moms INTO | FINANCIAL, fant: 3 miles beyond Portsmouth a ic ae year 1921 Whig. Wealth, success. State age, enclos- | . | Tenders will be réceived until Dee n 1 . ye veh Ing stamped, addressed envelope. REMIT BY DOMINION EXPrRmss| MisL next, for purchase and removes Daintiness is featured : al from the premises some tim money order. If just or stoken, yo ] th Pht Sebi offers to or get-your mor back. 3 2 | 305, vy Wellington Street I. Dept. 504, Kansas City, Mo, stoves | 7 | Township of Storrington will be held in | | lsnérwood, Isherwood P. QO. Ont. | a . 4 2S WANTED T0 PURCHASE A THOR- SAM'L JAMIESON. oughbred Airedale dog. Pup pre- | =o Sle A Drama of Daredeviltry and ferred. Address P,Q. Box 54, - MARRY --FREE PHOTOS, BEAUTIFUL | n. §2 Earl Street, -- ladies; descriptions and directory; | ston, | STRANGE # STRANGE INSURANOEL Romance. pay when married. Ne 'lan Co'y,, | AR A Re ar m---------------------- eT) ¢ ) 5 f- » yr > 30 y ------------------------ WANTED, THREE OR FOUR ROOMED Dept. 204, Kansas Cit) 8kents; cstablished ia 1260; only j BREE r, COLUMBIA, DAYTO ® @ : . | - : - the most reliable cumpanies repre- rinceton and Victory Bicycle: al 4th Episode of our Great Serial unfurnished, heated nat, with gas| -- Ee apor TE Setar nei = - p Oi A SNC a nt or ' 5 als » . connections. Apply Box H-16,| MARRY SOON, MARRY WwW nF = denied te Giaince atfee, eT Bicyeies "anadies' and gents | "THE BRANDED FOUR" Whig Office. ter your condition in life, Cank- ised b cycles | motorcycles, ug ! dian Matrimonial paper. Big issue Tr reduced prices. Special paitention a - 1 * Popular Priced ------ " --_-- WANTED TO RENT A MEDIUM. Descriptions, names, addresses "RONTENAC LOAN ND NVEST- given to all bicycle and ) SELECT COMEDY sized house; centrally located; me 15¢. A. McCreery, Publisher, Cha. | FR INTE AG nat YET Lise repair work, Muller's Higye | . . i . Fashioned in graceful children In family, Apply Box Ab, tham, Ontario. President, W. F. Nicilo ood S361. Works, 371-374 King street. Phone © | TOPICAL--EDUCATIONAL Whig Office. NOLES, WARTS, Pint president, A. | $ | | | { | i -------- | ri 4 1052w curves of 14k. gold, . s a - ---- -- HAIR, W aes 8 Fi Money issued on iy iinet. OWnsiip of ritsoburg Cr ei ar MAKING Coven, | mbrke, sin Cancers sub Seti] rupee unmil) o Ald far Dodge Tounng, : * teas P 8 odlel~ : €0 Itoadster. pearl paved, tipped with ' ' street. Phone 2005J. others have failed. oltre removed, Teceived ana interest allowed: kK Uverlana Touring. WAGSTAFFE S 36 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar. Gray Dort. Upright Pianos in good condition | MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, es LP and cin De Be UZNHL on easy terms, a bit of the heavens crystallized, rl, ownshlp of Dilehurg, Saanty Pure Orange R. J. Rodger, Princess Stree try me: best and most successful TO RENT BLUE GARAGES, LIMITS B Fo oo % 7 ¢ "Home Maker;" hundreds rich, wish Ns | © o , arriefield, on Mondny, the 27th day of - . 9 sg ne js so Sg 'orner Queen & Rageot Sta, : December, 1920, between 12 and 1 o'- CUSTOMERS TO PLACE THEIR OR- marriage soon; strictly ~confiden- ---- -- -- 4 rice . a noon for the purpose of nominat- MARMALADE der with me for Christmas trees, tial; most reliable; years of experi- | DOUBLE FRONT Room, SUITABLE | Ing a Reeve and, Councillors to Serve Charles Andre, phone 18495, corner ence; descriptions free. "The Suc- or od, electri Sighorsons; bright,| vALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, oNa of the said Of Charles and Bagot streets, cessful Club," Mrs. Ball, Box 556, heated, electric light, centraily lo- hundred and fifty acres, situat in Lia in the Municipal Council Ser . y . Oakland, Calif. ' een Clergy and barrie. township of Loughboro, in 2 R. J. Rodger 9 township for the year 193] Made from Seville Oranges and SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO Rone 10635, of sald township. The farm is & ET em v 4 , % " Yor cash or in part Payment of new | MARRY --FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE, = = and one-half miles from § den. WM. MURRAY, k Granulated Cane Sugar only. pianos and grafonolas. C. W. Lind. absolutely the best, largest in the the buildings are as follows: frame Clerk. : . i 182 PRINCESS STREET Dated at Barricfleld, this 18th fay of say Limited, 121 Princess street. country, established 15 years, thou. ARCHITECT, dwelling, in good condition; pi 1920. 1 A . w - debentures; moriga. es urchased low, Ladies' Hair Parlor, 258 King glasses fitted and furnished after Iventione bond hok Ad TE nse: 183 Mclapsulin. # sapphire as brilhiant ag Notice is hereby given that a moet WILL EXCHANGE IIGH GRADE Lake, Eye, kar, Nose, Throat, Skin. Che sleaiEhL huss Py ke Ing of the electors of the municipality Yhonograph of differ ent makes, for | mer ree x ---- All in good shape, ready tor the road, 'D TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. sands weaithy members, both sexes barn and other bulldings; two December, WANTED--MEN ANS BOYS 10 Par. wishing early marriage, strictly POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI. falling springs; u good uuantity ronize J. W. Cursum, barber, Men's confidential, description free. The . , wood; title, perfees . , y , . cts, Merchants' Bank Chamber ; : : hussession can and boys' hair cut, 20c. Shave, 10¢. Old Reliable Club, MRS. WRUBEL, tects, i : s, To aia ay pevien esssaaio 3 Razors honed 26¢c. 338 Ontario St, Box 26, Oakland, Calif, Sener of Brock and Wellington Lal ParUiCuIArE, wpaly © oe as rept Sa ged near Brock street. Paik Murray, APE le 3, | T0 WHO hain, Ont, ; M I MAY CONCERN i WANTED TO BUY A » TURNITU JIN i x INTRRER: | ' oa. oY AP AGR, FURNITURE FINISHING CARPENTERING, / ® (| TowNsSHIP OF HINCHINBROOKE CARE NOTICE that as my wife, Honma 4 profes : CALL OR.DROE A CARD TO W. DRIS- | Whine Tov any THE CARPEATIN BATEMANS REAL ESTATE, CICELY ROSE DAY, hag left my home, coll, John street, see James Selby, Contractor. 313 -- s hi i NOTICE is hereby given that a meet- She has no Authority, 30, Pledne my wR pe re University Avenue. Phone 1598s FOR SALE We carry everything in the ing of the electors of the Municipality e any way, ang w not be re- ANTED SET OF SEC i AIT RRS = R - $2,000 SEACH -- DOUBLE FRAME latest and best Sheet Music, of the Township of Hinohinbrooke, | sponsible foF.any. debts that sie may |W Single Ba lh a D-HAND A iG ! hous oms; B. dnd C; electri 4) County of Frontenac, will be held at! incur ln my name. 1 3 % NRE ; > lighes; large ot n ; DATED at King Cover for three waggons, Address | QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8, 8. No. and can also supply any kind the Township Hall, Piccadilly, on Mon- dat K ngston, this 16th day of P. O. Box 112, naming storage lo- 3, Kitley. State religious denomi. g December, {.D. > . Ee 28 of instrumental accompani- AF al ocember 47th, 1920, at the hour " 7 FRED cation and. price per month nation. "Salary $300.00. A el-| CALL OR DROP A CARD TO WwW. 4] $2200FR ME : : 'cloc t ERICK RB . nm. 88 pply Del ? Lh +] 82.2 AME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS : ment. Also of ia orclack noon tor the pirpose of FREDERICK RB. DAY. - - ------ bert Ferguson, R. R. No. 4 Smith's Gavine, upbolster, 216 Bagot st. and C.; electric lights and Pao serve. in the Municipal Council of the WANTED UPHOLSTERING REPAIRS; Falls, Ont. good cellar, : . y ; . . ; M En A all work received now wil] be com- " oo y -- DE LUXE STATIONERY sald Township for the year 1921, arme gimeers, {tention pleted before Christmas; prices rea. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER | F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. 3,000--BRICK SEMI-DETACHED, § 1 sonable; first clas wor | 8 3 5 ' 2 Is O holstering and general repairing OR : ] h XMAS. CARDS GEO. A. SMITH, A regular meeting of Council No. 4 ey Rass & Long, Us" for 5 S Nae iy Igind, ont Leave orders at or drop a card s; rooms; B. and v.; hot air; gas; gage. xl Clerk. N.A.of M.E., will be held on M. y, the holsterers, 377 King Sie i A to B Jan, 3 104 Clergy street age. MAGAZIVES Sg Farha, this 15th day of | 20th, at Eight o'clock in the Ma King ston. a 0 EB Street, ng falar ro API W FE aorne, ER RR EET y December, Street. All members of the Order in the TY NOVELTIES, ete. city are respectfully invited. By order TEACHER WANTED HOLDING A BEAUTY PARLORS 192 5 > # : SEN hird Class C e 8. 5. N . and the well-known Brunswick Public Libr Bulletin s IE, Secretary, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, n IS age Sertificate Jor EE No. LADIES' HAIR PARLOR, 3% KING| yig00--rnane; 3 ROOMS) No Ie Phonographs and Records, ' i Miss Madge Edgar, eypert steno- num. Apply to W. R. Wilson, Sec.- treatment woul nso tment. sha provements; good locality, age grapber, open for stenographic work Treas. Box 167, Sydenham, Ont, pooing, marcel waving, etc. Phone 10 RE | Which will play on any machine. . - of any description. First class work | | . t 200% « ™ Free Public Lecture guaranteed. Rates reusonable. Spo. | QUALIFIED OR NORMAL-TRAINED|__ fof &ppointment, 2005J. $35.00--T0 RENT, NELSON; BRICK): | i | / . . Christmas Suggestion cial rates can be arranged. Phone teacher for 8. S, No. 17, Sharpton semi-detached; 8 paren' BRICK R. R. No. 3, Odess: A. E. KNAPS BA. LDS, DDS, A. BATEMAN, >. ian x 269 ES Will be given on : Please state salary and qualifiba- FOR SALE Ok 8 7 PAING Sov. Subscription N tion, to B. C. Atwood, secretary- | DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, h TO RENT, HT Te Carnovsky's. Phone 346 your whi whey nstruct and supply 3rd. Board close to school. Mrs VIOTORY RONDS FoR bd SALE, MONNY -- Th So Sh Oli | Rl aes Insurance Office, Bagot Salary $900. Duties to commence DENTAL, y Jetni-d e ng op Do not forget to give that CHRISTIAN SCIENCE pm ---- = ~------ | TEACHER FOR 8. 8. NO, 11, BEDFORD, olfice 258 Princess Street. Phong |---- Sireot. Kinguton 662. DEN. - wed ar. ~ MUST RENT OR SELL BAKERY Jan. 3rd, 1921. Apply to G- W. Bell, -- a. : $600 offered for qualified teacher iy , JATURDAY, DEC. 18th MAKE MONEY AT HOM $15 TO treagurer, Tichborne, Ont. tists, 159 Wellington street, over . : --~by-- pald weekly for your spare time TEACHER FOR 8, 8 NO. 8, 0S . E 1 8 time 4 . 8. NO. 8, 050. SAL. Odessa, owi ; WELL GET. to the Library for Christ ! MR. BICKNELL YOUNG, C.8.B. Yaling show cards No can ary $550. Duties to commence Jan. ------ other ana whhid hea th, sine femb 8 i ou with work. W "Al OW Store doling 'good buy mas. Member or ie Board of Lectureship You wi or est-Angus Show Jno. Boles, Jr., Sec.-Treas., Claren- LEGAL. . dwelling Apply. Church, the First card Service, 57 F. Colborne Street, Tren |) Chiron of Christ, Scientist, in Bos- Toronto, don Station, Ont. T= RS ERE Odessa, Ont, | TT ----------e NNID ST. | emu tan, Mass, at:-- 3 y Wisconsin senator says United W.-M. Millichamp, postmaster of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURC A QUALIFIED TEACHER FoR § Bitect BR pSollcitors, 79 Clarence LA on * States people favor the St. Lawrence Breslin. Mad., for twelve years, | 93 JOHNSON STREET n AGENTS WANTED, 9 4, Township of HinORInbrook, nb pa A he, B. Cysntng: ¥D survey deel waterway. \ ound dying with revolver in hand. ! s 'S © - mencing after Xmas. holidays. State F. ¥. MILLER, B.Ap., Se, © Ie : pm. AGENTS 500% PROFIT GOLD LET- Bec. Troan Pl to Robt. Butterill,| AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. BARRISTE 5. MEIC hen Ce Od. Sy Many of the poorer slergy in Eng- A number of federal civil servants You are cordially Invited. i ters for stores, office windows, eas. Bee Trein) Cole Lake P. 0. Ont. ns Solicitor. Law office, ASTun FE Ihe hire, Oh 3 C \ are facing bankfuptey at Lhe employees taken on ass temporary | ily applied; will not wasn off free | 2 ------------ of King and Brock, over Royal fice: Walk hew year. te be put on permanent list, | TSIEN CNA Arr Wel desi Alhe Jian Cou #48 Nj 4 NORMAL TRAINED CATHOLIC Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1989, ence strest & Walkiem, EST. LAWRENCE ells, Chicago, Ill. Teacher for SS. No. 3. Bedford. oil A Nn mc TH MUST B ONE AGENT LAST WEEK MADE 1 Sagaay $800, Duties 2 Sommence > " : 1 Anuary, J i Mrs. T : : E DEEPENED clean profits. Another $122, selling Kiley, Rendover ig. Bedford gos FOR SALE eres QUI, Davors trom house to house | ___ TRIOVCr 1-0. Pedford, 0 \ rite u : - Or Welland Canal Expendi.| Mite guise "for 48] Eten or or 3, AOMWAL TRAINED * ture Will be Just McRae street, Nia foun Crosby. Salary $900.00 tor 8 Thro Wi, . Pply Burton Hurtch, Secre- 1 ea 0 A seven-room frame house: electric lights; gas for cook wa A ay. MEN AYD WOMEN, NOT TO CANVASS, Ary Tevasurer Jones Fails, Ont. Ang; three piece bath room; grate in dining room. Situated Teronto, Dec. 18.--The Canadian Par to travel and uppoint local fep- QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. 8, No, tati 1,092 and ~/~ou' Johnston Street, near Gaiversity Avenue. Immediate pos-~ f[ [Deep Waterways and Power Associ SusrAnTed Are: Your, with poet 3, Amherst Island. Duties to com- Well Prepared Senne sane $10.00 per ton session. Price $3,000. | ation, on the second and final day. chance to make $2,600 afd = ex- mence Jan. 3rd. State experience > ? lutions urging the Ontario govern- on Co.,, Dept. G., Toronto. No. 3, Stella, Ont. artman, i ry.treas. IE Te rel aia, snd ask a "| A PROTESTANT TEACHER SOLD. cA rence at the earliest possible mo- Dutles to commence January Srd, * penses. State age and quulifica- and salary expected to James THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, sid to (he association n arsine DluEx Axo wo.!* "TIE FE Chas LRCTESTANE Jas. Swift & Co - Li mil Welland canal and all public works rst year, by urer, R. R. No. 8, Collins ' ing second class certificate for 8. i % a . Announcement en. a pan MP. ead that SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, woon, | Gordon, see. Kingstoh" Ont" RR Auction Sales . raanesy P mes ra ow ' | oF the annual meeting, passed reso- go a Experience unnecessary. Strain, Secretary-ireasurer, R. R. operations, asking the dominion me a88 but to travel Ernesttown. S y. $8500 an- Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street government to speed up work on the and appoint/ local representatives, pom. Apply. stating exper ence to : Lt Foot of Johnson Street with the purpofe of relieving the dorse the deepening of the St. Law- 8. No. 5, Township of Kingston, ete. or small, guarant Paper Stoe you telephone ug ' ened, the Welland canal and To-. 8 5 . » : ; gold posters, showcards, etc. we will call promptly. We wish to announce that we have secared th agen ronto harbor expenditure would be artisticstly written and designed | gp, FOR S. §. NO. 11 (a), oLD- | | am the best auctioneer in Kingston. ® wish tu . id as thrown away, - 0. E. Shaw, at 305 Princess Street, en. The idider of at Jeast & third ; I it. Phone 2380w. 2087. d disteict f 35. su att Sake ie nrove : Kingston an tict for Fleming, Windsor, was Slats Eertificats. toy 3609 'Det BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Mn ROSEN & C0. rig NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR S. a Lr - president, and J. M. Campbell, King- January, 1921. Apply to Mrs. A. 140 RILEN STREET el ston, a member of the executive BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ary Secretary] reasurer, Mo: Phone 1721 or 1428. i €e Vv X O e rs committee. ORGANIZING THE "WACO-MEXIA Lesa, Out " . eee, SARIN Pool" the pur belis | SECOND-CLASS TEACHER AS PRIN. 2 Having experienced mechanics, we are prepared to do first Canadian 'Warships. ' to buy and sell oil leases. If one he Portsmouth Public Halif; N.S., Dec. 18 out of twenty-five "hits" enough i male preferrgd; Protestant - class Repair Work on all makes of Cars. : alifax, N.S. pen. C. money 'tan. be meade ta par hk! " 00 ps ' - C. Ballantyne, who a last Now ls time to act. Leases can be cations received up to . warships whieh arrive Sabi se BY Ora Tuesday would remain here until ind 3 of Bafn seers Corner of Johnsvn and Wellington Best Stove for Garage or work o Streets <p 363 shop. Cooks and other Stoves as Srpeases ghatged 8 Xo. 15, Sheffield. Salary $300, or hone well. id back. Smalles: $500 for a teacher, the y of ® eposi a ~ £0 to the Pacific coast, returning to| Texas. i Bldg, W yur mes R No 5) macce- | House of Commons over the Irish : bert EVE ie . GASOLINE -- OILS -- ACCESSORIES the qnith Sir Robert Borden, sald not b petsrences. 'Aopis" (o Thomas F.| © DINTAL SURGEON, Ko. 5, $10.00. Ne. 6, $12.00 tl 7 re. . 3 EN & EDW January 4th, when they leave for dts wit Burse Be BAWD S Bermuda and Ninidad, whers thep| * gre. inveafor i. : / TH STREET '. ' . PHO) 400. are to train with ships-of the Ime wait $1 ittance ted Limited Third Class Certificate. Ap<! ~The possibility of a confifet be- ¢ 89 MONTREAL : NE : perial , navy. From Trinidad they with National Bank ¢f Wac. * ply, stating experience and qualifi- tween the House of Lords and the. J TURK Phone 105