__THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. " MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1020 lS PUBLICSCHO0L INSPECTOR REPORT | Holiday G el ad { J. Russell Stuart Deals With Matters of Public Interest-- ~--Solid Irory Tollet and Mani- Caretakers Have No Standards To Work To-- LR Some Needs of the Schools. Fancy Stationery. ~Fountain Pens. The general character of school rush buildings, class-rooms, halls," cap 8 -, rooms, etc, is usually fixed by the pori- =Mirrors. ginal construction and little improve- ment in such cases is possible, The ~Fancy Boxed Chocolates. PROBS: Tuesday, mild with occasional rain. 3 5 * OA, POCKET WATCHES For Men--beautiful and reliable. The following is a copy of the an- nual report of Inspector J. Russell Stuart, presented to the Board of Education, at its final meeting of the year held on Thursday night; Aj instructed by the regulations of | the Department of Education, I beg {to submit my annual general report | on the conditions of the schools. Such | matters as géneral organization, clas- | | sification and attendance have been -- 1 | dealt with in my monthly reports, or {in special reports throughout the | year. DIAMONDS ff Open Sundays. | - Es We can sell you a EME 10 Shopping Days--Then Christmas! Now For The - Christmas Rush The store with the Christmas spirit, located in the Christmas - business block is ready for any em ergency--with a thousand gift sug- gestions, and a score of additional salespeople to give that prompt pleasant service which is ever a feature of the Steacy store. substitution of translucent shades for the inside wooden shutters has af- fected a great improvement in the appearance and lighting of the class- Make yout selection early at: hi rooms in Central school. Best's The Popular Drug Store. Phone B59. School Material. Nearly all educational reforms of tae last forty or fifty years, respect- ing methods of instruction, have con- sisted in making these more objec- tive, stressing observation, experi- ment and construction. The tradi- tional methods were formal, abstract and verbal. Instead of examining and constructing real things, pupils were taught ready made definiticns and memorized the verbiage of text books or of the teacher's note books. The kindergarten has long been ac- cepted as a suitable means of educa- tion for children of from four to six years of age, and the compara- tively large and varied supply of ma- terial demanded for ts use has been provided with little objection, but the grades above the kindergarten, even the primer classes, have gone on in many schools as before, sup- plied with little equipment but print- ed books and some writing material. Until recently these were supplied by parents, the school board contribut- ing nothing but a f maps, a pointer and a box of chalk. The absurdity of these conditions is being practically recognized. We 'have an organized course of instruction in Manual Reference to some of the subjects specified for consideration in the re- gulations is omitted where conditions have not changed 'sigce my last re- port. In other cases, Onditions which {are of serious importance as affect- Hi] {ing the health, morals or progress of | the pupils, and which have not yet {been remedied, are respectfully re- | submitted. In estimating the efficiency of | school administration the first con- only the best, and Our Ji sideration is the physical and moral | weifare of the pupils, Good health Il on 46 poem THOMAS COPLEY [ff good Diamond be- Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the ecarpen. tery line. Estimutes given on all kind, of repairs and new work: also hard- wood floors of all kimds. All orders will receive prompt attention, Shop 2% Queen Street. cause we have chosen | RO prices are as attrac- Shop in the morning--Save 10 p.c. As an incentive to early morning shopping, we offer this splen- did special sa le feature of : DOUBLE-DISCOUNT STAMPS for To-morrow and Wednesday. TTT RITE Established 1840. | The condition of the sanitary conven- considerably improved during the Auto bile 0 ers and Macdonald schools very defini- 8 {araqul or Sydenham schools. Used Cars for sale. tories: (b) Adequate and correct means of | R, D. | 235 King St. - = Phone 2188, . In all these respects, progress ig | 80 arranged as to enable him to | and good character are more vital to - {a child's prospects than scholarship. Atte ti To fl tive as the stones. {lences in the different schools has 1 { past year: those in Vidtoria, Central | tely. The same favorable report can- | not be made respecting Louise, Cat- ee us for your winter overs hauling and storage. | Three conditions must be satistied SMITH BROS {to ensure sanitation in school lava- ® (a) A sufficient equipment, suit- age |e in material and installation. %. TYNE Pro Jewelers - Limited ventilatios Training and Art for every grade, (c) Thérbugh cleaning daily. and the time of a special teacher is | G. A ° * A (Incorporated) being made. What seems to be most | BUPervise the work and give "the | necessary now is greater attention | t®achers any needed help. The lack {on the part of the janitor, except in |°f the necessary equipment is the | Frontenac school where the attention | ©01y obstacle. Compasses are neces- | given by the caretaker is highly sat- | 5ary to carry on the work and one or isfactory. May I again point out that | more sets of these should, be supplied closet doors have not been provided | for each school with Third Book in Macdonald and Frontenac schools. | classes. The supply of scissors also Their installation has been approved | Is Inadequate in the larger schools, and favorable consideration given sey | Causing much waste of time. Rulers eral times, bt they have not yet been [Suited . to the child's arithmetical provided. grading should be procured for this work. In view of the large expendi- ture for teaching and supervising this work petty economies in the material required, made at the expense of the pupil's progress, constitute real waste. Many pupils do not like subjects like history, geography or literature, in which the imagination is an essen- tial factor. The chief reason for this is that the teacher has not the right material for teaching them. To arouse the child's interest and make the teaching vital and mean- ingful abundant illustration must be available. Every school should have 'its projection lantern and a suitably fitted room in which to use it. Through the liberality of 'the Home and School Club of Victoria School an excellent lantern is now in use. Several other schools will doubt- less soon be similarly provided. The moving picture machine is being in- troduced into many Canadian schools. While these lanterns are being pro- vided without cost to the board the best results will not be secured with- out its ald. "The first requisite is a suitable room sufficiently seated and equipped, with the lantern always ready for instant use. This room should be properly ventilated. To permit the satisfactory use of the re- flectoscope it should be completely | darkened. There is plenty of space | in the attics of Victoria, Macdonald, Frontenac and Central schools to provide for such rooms. The Meek school will have a suitable room, but it will require some expenditure to adapt it. 850 King Street W. H. STEVENSO HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired, Prices moderate. TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET Kimonas! "A Gift That Brings Appreciation! We are showing a most extensive assortment of Gift Kimonas, developed in a broad variety of materials, shades and designs. We invite you to see our exhibit of beautiful, warm, wool Nap Eider- down Dressing Gowns. Pricedfrom . .......... $6.75 to $25.00. / Our French Flannel Garments-- { Priced from cerennnen... 34.2510 $6.50 And our delightful novelties in Silk and Crepe Ki- monas, which embrace some exquisite styles. Priced from . . . $3.50 on up to $35.00 each, GIFT CAMISOLES °~ Of plain and colored ribbon ef- fects--most of which are hand- made and are copies of French styles as are shown in Vogue and & Water Supply. Free access to a satisfactory sup- ply of good water is an essential to good health. Drinking fountains of various types are now in use in all the schools and additions of these have been made in Central school. Observation of their use by the child- ren raises a doubt, approaching a conviction, as to the sanitary value of these fountains, particularly when adjusted by a meddling janitor. The water stream is often so feeble that many children apply the mouth to the orifice. In other cases it is obvious that droppings frdm the children's mouths fall in the opening from which the stream is issuing. It is dif- ficult to see wherein such conditions are superior to the common cup of former years. I recommend that a general instruction be given to prin- cipals and caretakers regpecting the sanitary adjustment of the drinking fountains. There is no provision in any school for the use of warm water for wash- ing purposes, and in the absence of needful facilities, the training of the pupils in habits of decent cleanliness is too much neglected. Next General Meeting Joe Priest, a farmer near Dau- phin, Man., was found dead in the snow, probably shot by a careless hunter: STL We are demon- strating our New Happy Thought Combination Ranges Gas and Coal Do away with your old Oil Stove or Gas Plate and that old Range, and make : a com fortable kitchen for your wife to work in. Our Happy Thought Combination is an Ornament Every Woman is Proud of You can use the ovens both together or one at a time, giving you double oven capacity in the rush of meals. Our No. 94 . ...$160.00, complete ... We take your old stove in part payment on exchange. Take elevator to 2nd floor, Stove Department McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware : Phone 237 -w Brock Street civic patriotism. I would suggest, that while the de- HARES ORLOER RETRAIN AR ODTARTNEDIMEEIINGS | oration of 'the rounds shovid met Monday, December 6th, 1920 BOUDOIR CAPS A large display of the prettiest models, which include many re- ribboned fancies that are most at- tractive and new. Vanity Fair style periodicals. Priced from . ... .50c. to $5.00 | Priced from . ...$1.25 to $4.25 FOR MEN AND .BOYS ' Silk Neckties, Gift Suspenders, Silk, Lovat and Cashmere Socks, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Coat Sweaters, Underwear, Jaeger Scarfs and Lined and Unlined Gloves. | Gift Sugget ----- r School Grounds, Speaking generally, the surround- ings of our public schools are not | creditable to our city. They do not | compare favorably with those of most cities, nor with other public build- ings in the city. The influence of en- vironment in forming the child's taste needs no argument. Order, cleanliness and beauty in his school surroundings form an important ele- ment in the pupil's education. His re- action to these developes a pride in his school, a more cheerful .accept- ance of all school requirements and tire formation of higher ideals, which influence him through life. It has been observed that children moving from inferior to better school build- ings are better behaved and more re- sponsive to disciplinary influences. The tasteful decoration of both the interior and the surroundings of the school is an effective means of edu- cation in good morals, good taste and ET ih, Lighting the Class-rooms. A class-room well lighted, with- out glare, is essential to the pupil's health. Notwithstanding the efforts of intelligent teachers to afford re- lief from eye strain by varying the | exercises, the use of large writing, etc., there can be no doubt that the conditions of school work are in- jurious in many cases to children's eyesight. Even rooms with ample window space, correctly placed, are dimly lighted on cloudy days in the fall and winter. Artificial light is necessary in a school room because not only have the pupils much close work to do but where the light is bad they cannot, with immovable desks, some of them over twenty feet from a window, be more favorably placed. It is to be hoped that the policy of placing electric lightsyin rooms not yet supplied, will be continued. In placing the lights the most important purpose to be served is to furnish adequate light, when required, for the pupils at work. In some of the installations already made the lights are not correctly placed. To furnish lighting for the janitor or for even- ing meetings is desirable but is secondary importance. When planting trees free access of light should be conserved. No tree |S should be planted within at least |S forty feet of a school building, if in a position to obscure the lighting of any classroom. This should not be overlooked in the treatment of the grounds of the mew schcol. One or two trees should be removed at the south-east corner of Frontenae school. Another is very detriméntal to the lighting of two classrooms in | == Sydenham school, and should be|= removed. 2 : E E E : £2 Eg = A PRACTICAL GIFT SUGGESTION !.. .. GIVE HER A BLOUSE Blouses of Georgette, Crepe de Chene, Satin, Velvet, Habutai, Charmeuse, Taffeta, Voile or Pique. Every new style is represented in our large, well-selected stock, priced to suit every purse. See our special "Christmas Sale" of Georgette Crepe, priced at $4.95 and $9.95, and of heavy White Habutai Silk at $3.98. ' restrict their use by the children in RE free play, that a survey be made to determine the best method of improv- ing their appearance and particularly, the immediate surroundings of the school buildings. iad An Amoyiag Hacking ' GOT NO REST AT NIGHT. Hacking coughs are very wearing on the system. The constant cough- ing disturbs the rest, and keeps the lungs and bronchial tubes in such an irritated and inflamed condition, that unless you get immediate relief the cough may become settled and sen ious lung trouble ensue. There is no better remedy than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for re- lleving all kinds of coughs or colds, combining as it does the lung heal- ing virtues of the pine - tree with HEY Sn We have a large stock of useful gifts that will bring joy to your household at this season. All sorts of prac- tical gifts for the kiddies-- Doll Sleighs, Kiddy Kars, Toddle Bikes, Pony Rollers, Shoo-Fly Rockers, Tea Sets and numerous other gifts. Coat Sale continues all week--our values are the talk of the whole coun- try-side--absolutely the greatest bargain event ever offered in Kingston! Compare our values with others--there's a reason! ists Saving." » Our attractive stock of Tea Waggons, Floor Lamps, Card Tables, Easy Chairs, etc., has never been more complete. Select your gifts NOW, and we will store them and ae them for Christmas. Victrolas and Victor Records |, December Records on hand. | T.F. Harrison Co, Lined Pc | Mrs. E. J. Ross, Penhold, Alta. , writes: --*About three years ago I ! caught a very bad cold, accdmpanied | with a sore throat and hoarseness. I ® CF .5E "Dr* Wood's" is put up i low wrapper; three pine trees trade mark, price 35c. and 60c. ylight . Having been convinced, through personal observation as well as by the testimony of teachers, that the operation of "Daylight Saving" or 1 "summer time" is detrimental to the lower - Children are kept at home bottle. Manufactured only by The % Milburn Co., Toronto, Ont. . . cy's - Limited * *The store that forced prices to new low levels" °